Chapter 40

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I trudged slowly through a field with Hugo, wobbling from my still painful injury from hitting my ankle on the rock yesterday, I think it's broken. I won't bring it up to Lucas, I can't stop coughing. My face has gotten pale, my head rings every time I try to figure out something or focus, I don't want to tell anybody I feel like this. Especially Lucas, He won't stop being his smart caring obsessive kid he his. 

We leave for France tomorrow on our Wagon, So while Lucas continued to fix up our Wagon that still kept it's look of it's rusty, slow look, But I hope Lucas will fix it, I don't want our trip there to take a long time. While Lucas did that, He sent Hugo and I to find food and fresh water for our trip, I hope Hugo and I will find food and water soon, The sun here sets quickly. 

As I trudged on with Hugo through the field, trying not to fall from my injury, I felt Hugo tug on my hand. I jerked around to face him, He pointed towards a bush. ''Amicia...I think something is in there.'' He whispered, I let out a nod as I pulled out my sling and loaded it with a rock, pushing Hugo behind me gently as I whimpered forward. 

The green colored bush moved, It made me afraid. 

Shuddering, I slowly pushed the thorns and leaves aside, Startled by a little girl. 

I gasped, Loading and aiming my sling at her head. 

The girl gasped as well, She seemed to be looking for food. 

She was skinny, very. She was dirty, Her clothing ragged and her hat layered with dirt, Her poor pale face covered in bruises. Her feet were pare, dirt stuck in her fingernails and toenails, She was in a terrible condition. 

I let out a frown, I wish I didn't.  

The little girl gasped and raised her limp bruised hands over her head. 

She thought I was going to kill her. 

I looked at Hugo, His eyes full of fear for the little girl. 

Don't do it, Amicia. Don't do it. 

I thought to myself, I know Hugo was thinking it too. 

I sighed and raised my sling down, The girl's eyes wide as she stared at me. 

''T-T-Thank- You.'' She whimpered, I tried to hold back tears as I bent down to her size. 

'' I'm Amicia, This is my brother Hugo. Can you please tell me your name?''

I asked, The little girl whimpered as she put her hands down. 


She spoke, Her accent hard to understand on top of her stutter. I let out a nod. ''Can you help us find food and water Please, Annie?'' I replied, She nodded softly and stood up numb, pricking berries off a bush. ''H-H-Here...Take this. D- D- Down by- By this field there is a l-l-lake. Fresh water- Is there. In-Bushes- Food. Berries. Animals..'' Came her soft reply, I nodded and let out a small smile as I took something out of my wool hidden under my armor, Money that I gave to her slowly. 

She smiled softy as I handed her 10 dollars, enough money to buy yourself breakfast around here. She held the money in her hands and nodded happily, speaking my language quietly. 

''Merci! Merci!''

She happily praised, Holding the money tightly in her hands, I nodded at her Thank you. 

''Non, Merci. Tu es une tres' bonne fille, Annie.'' 

I replied to her in French, She smiled. 

''Merci. Tu es tres' gentille, Amicia.''

Came her reply, I smiled. 

''Merci, Soyez prudent.'' 

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