Chapter 38

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I winced as I continued to wrap my ankle in a bad bandage. Lucas had have it to me, but looks like the 12 year old kid isn't as smart as I thought finding the perfect health kit for ingurgies. He ended up giving me a dumb long paper towel, I pretended to be...Fine with it. Hey, I come from the fanciest part of France.. .I can have some opinions, right? Anyway, We found ourselves a little cottage in the woods, an old carriage right outside the door, Lucas had cleaned it up for our trip. He found some bandages and fixed my ankle, The cut was bad though. Open, showed a lot of flesh. My cut was so bad I had to have Hugo go so somewhere else, He will never recover from seeing how bad my cut is on my ankle...So Lucas went outside to continue fixing the carriage, or you can call it a wagon, While Hugo sat at the table with me as I secretly finished wrapping my ankle. 

When I was done, I sighed and turned to Hugo who looked away from me. 

''Hey...Are you mad at me?'' I asked uneasy, Reaching for Hugo's hand. 

He looked at me sadly. 

''No, Amicia. I'm not mad at you.'' Came Hugo's soft reply, letting out a small smile. I chuckled. ''What are you thinking- About?'' I asked, coughing. Hugo shook his head.  

''I don't know.. You, I guess?''

He replied, I frowned. 

''Why? I'm fine. What about the rats? How do you feel''- 

I was interrupted by the front door opening, My head snapped to the door as Hugo's did as well. I quickly pulled out my sling, Hugo's hand ready to aim with his rats...He knew the rats were somewhere near here, I didn't know how though. As Lucas's figure appeared through the door, I let out a sigh of annoyance and relief, putting my sling away. 

Lucas let out a chuckle. ''Sorry, I know it's unlike me to open doors without knocking...? I believe?'' He teased, Me, eyeing what he had in his hands. Containers...Of what? What ever it was inside the containers, messy sauce stuff was covering the inside of the containers on the sides, causing me to not see what was inside the plastic container.  Without a respond, Lucas shut the creaky front door and walked to Hugo and I, sliding the containers over to both of us, sitting down in another chair as he had is own container. 

I frowned. 

''What's this?'' Hugo asked curiously, Lucas shrugged jokingly. I let out a small smile, whatever was inside the containers smelt amazing. I couldn't help myself but open up my container, finding a cheesy messy sauced noddle plate of lasagna, I let out a smile.

Hugo giggled as I opened his container next, revealing another yummy lasagna. Smiling happily and picking up the huge lasagna, Hugo took a big bite of it as cheese, grease and sauce got all over his hands and mouth, I chuckled as he took another bite.

''Knock yourself out, Hugo. You deserve it.'' 

I reassured him, making a mess as he ate. 

Lucas smiled as I picked up my lasagna, sauce and cheese getting all over my gloves and my hands, and I stuffed it in my mouth. Wow. I haven't eaten like this in a long time. I savored the warmth of the cheese inside my mouth, The sauce adding a perfect touch to the noodles...The warm hot bread...The last time I ate like this was 2 years ago...Man. I am pretty grateful for Lucas. 

As I took another big bite of the lasagna, I stared at Lucas who ate his lasagna as well, in a smart kind of way I guess, Less messy. I gave him a smile full of lasagna, He chuckled. I looked at Hugo who finished it all already, wiping the sauce and cheese off his mouth with the back of his sleeve. 

I continued to eat my amazing lasagna, savoring the last bite I plopped in my mouth. I let out a happy sigh as I slumped down into my chair, smiling at Hugo who did the same. I looked at Lucas who ate slowly. ''How did you do this?'' I asked mischievously, licking my lip from the fiery flavored  sauce. Lucas gulped down his bite of lasagna and then answered me.

''I was cleaning out the carriage, and I found three fresh containers of lasagnas! I thought it was perfect timing for us to all eat, So I brought the containers inside, And there you go.'' Claimed Lucas, eyeing the empty containers of lasagna Hugo and I ate. 

I nodded. 

''Thank you, Lucas. You have done so much for us. Thank you.'' 

I praised, Lucas smiled. 

''Eh, It's no biggie.'' He replied, watching Hugo stand up from his chair and walk to the moldy living room, sitting down on the small couch quietly and seeming to drift off to sleep, I smiled. ''Since He's asleep, I am going to clean up a little bit, You know- the containers and all that.'' I told Lucas, sitting up from my chair and picking up the containers that Hugo and I ate from, putting the small containers in the sink and washing them with little water,  Lucas pulling out a small book. 

I looked at the small little book he held, while wetting the containers with water. 

He seemed to be praying...Hugo and I haven't done that in a long time.

After quickly jerking away from looking at the book and back to fully washing the containers when Lucas put the book away, He spoke. ''I'll help.''

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