Chapter 37

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''AHHH!!'' I could feel my weight lift off of the boat, I closed my eyes and held tight onto Hugo as I felt the impact of us falling down into the water. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't think. I just needed to make sure Hugo was safe, And Lucas was too. I couldn't help but open my eyes as we all quickly fell, I could hear Lucas screaming in the distance. 

I looked down at the clear water, rocks were in sight. 

Oh no. 

''Ah- Shit!!''

My body crashed against the water, my ankle hitting a rock. 

I screamed out of pain and raised Hugo up from the water, blood floating around us in the water from my ankle. 

''AHH! OH MY GOD! HELP! HELP! LUCAS!'' I screamed as loud as I could, I felt as if my ankle fell off. I dragged Hugo to the grass wincing, looking for Lucas as I winced and gently pushed Hugo to the grass, coughing. I then screamed of sharp pain of my ankle as I treaded through the water, Looking for Lucas. 


I yelled, breathing heavily as my eyes darted across the water, the pain of my ankle throbbing. 

I heard a faint scream, not far from me. It sounded like.....Lucas!

I sighed and stroked myself through the water, finding Lucas, head above the water barely as he screamed for help, his cries interrupted by water that he gulped in his mouth. I coughed and grabbed onto Lucas tightly, swimming him over to the grass fast, he coughed and pushed himself onto the muddy long grass, coughing water out of his mouth. I coughed next and forced myself out of the water wincing, afraid to touch my wound. 

I looked at Hugo and crawled over to him, crying and hugging onto him tightly. 

I bawled into his hair, ignoring my ankle that bled onto the grass. 

Hugo pulled away from me, He sniffled and wiped the water from his face. 

Uneasy, I felt Lucas tap my shoulder. 

I jerked around to face him, a soft look across his face. 

''What happened at the field with Hugo was amazing, Amicia. He can control rats...That's amazing. I- I am sorry I made you run after me. I was so fascinated by the tower of rats...I have never ever seen rats like that before. And the boat....That's messed up, Now. Unfortunately, I can't get us back to the farm....And even if we did- I am sure the place would be wrecked, My lights there never last a full night....So yeah. I am sure we are near a town, I am sure we can find some sort of carriage on wheels...Then we will set off to France, to our new home.'' Told Lucas to me, I bit my lip.

''It's okay....I'm sorry too.'' I replied, looking at my ankle. 

Lucas shook his head, sucking his teeth. 

''Come on, Let's go get ourselves cleaned up, we will leave in two days The sooner we get to France the better.'' He replied to me, Helping me up. I gestured over to Hugo quickly with my hand, leading him over to me to hold my hand. When Hugo did, We all set off to where Lucas was going to take us.  

Innocence ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora