Chapter 10

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We were walking for a while. The girl kept looking back at me, she slightly smiled. I tried to smile back, But for some reason I couldn't... Hugo held tight onto my hand, I was surprised there were no more rats outside, it was just going into the evening. The man held a lighter, I didn't want to ask their names yet. I didn't want Hugo to get too settled in...They are trustable. After a silent 5 minutes, the man led Hugo, the girl, and me into the house he seemed to be settled in, it looks like they move to different places all the time. I walked inside cautiously with Hugo, I was going to take out my sling to check the place, but the man stopped me. ''That thing that you have won't kill so well. I suggest going to a workbench.'' He noted, I frowned. ''This thing that I have is called a sling. And...I don't know what a workbench is.'' I replied, He rolled his eyes. ''Find out yourself, kid.'' He said to me, I rolled my eyes as I watched him explore the place, there was no upstairs. 

''It's clear, find something to eat.'' He forced me, I stared at Hugo. I sat down on the floor with him, I watched as the girl pulled out a can of fruit, she then pulled out some sort of kit and wrapped it around her arm, I saw she had a cut. Or a bite mark? I shook my head as she applied some sort of rag on her head, she winced. Hugo looked at me. ''Amicia...I'm hungry!'' He whined, I sighed. ''Hugo, we don't have any food. Just...'' The fruit can slid in front of me, I froze. 

It was from the girl. 

She looked at Hugo, I frowned. ''You look really hungry, It's fine. You can take my fruit.'' I paused. She nodded reassuringly, I felt comfort near her. I felt bad for hitting her in the head, I opened the can for Hugo as he chugged it down, I chuckled, then looked at the girl. ''Hey, I-I'm sorry for hitting you with that rock before. I didn't mean to hurt you.'' I apologized to her, She shook her head. ''It's okay, I get it. You can't really trust anyone anymore, we just met. Sorry for trying to kill you with my switchblade. As I said, we just met.'' She replied to me, I nodded. ''It's okay,'' I replied, she took the rag off her head. 

''I'm Ellie, By the way.'' She reached out her hand to me, I hesitated. 

''Amicia. Nice to meet you, Ellie.'' I replied, shaking her hand. 

She smiled. ''Is that your brother?'' She asked, I nodded. ''Yes, This is Hugo. He's a hungry one.'' I joked, she laughed. ''And you wanna know who that grumpy little texas dude is over there?'' She laughed, pointing to the man who stared at the window in the kitchen, aware. I smiled. ''Who?'' I replied, looking at the man staring out the window. 

''Joel. We're not family. There was a zombie apocalypse just a few years before this, I uh...I don't want to explain the rest. We um...we were supposed to stay at his brother's place forever, but...Joel needed to get away, so I came with him.'' She said to me, I nodded. ''How old are you?'' I asked, She looked up at me. ''14. You?'' I paused. ''15. That's so weird, did the apocalypse  hit France?'' I asked, I have no memory. She shrugged. ''I dunno, you were probably hidden somewhere, You lived royalty in France, I guess. Hey, at least we are close to each other's ages! Pretty sweet.'' She replied, I nodded happily. 

''So...Your name is Ellie, and he is Joel.'' I recalled, smiling as she nodded. ''Yup! And you are Amicia and that is your brother, Hugo, right?'' She said to me, I nodded again. ''That's it!'' I replied, scratching my head.  She smiled. Hugo looked up at Ellie then me, he frowned. ''I'm 5! I think I know your name!'' I bit my lip as Hugo shoved a piece of watermelon in his mouth. I let out a small laugh.  ''No, Hugo. Her name is Ellie, and that over there is Joel. Got it?'' I replied to him, Hugo nodded. ''Got it!'' We all laughed as Joel came over, he sat down with us. 

''Amicia and Hugo, right?'' Hugo and I nodded. ''Alright, listen to me. You too, Ellie. Now, this is gonna be rough for all of us. We are entering towns, there are going to be people who are going to want to kill us, nothin new to Ellie and me. Amicia and Hugo, we are heading back to somewhere where you two are not, so you tell us where you wanna be.'' He looked to Hugo. ''Now...Amicia. You have to let me handle Hugo, alright?'' I frowned. ''No...No way. He stays with me.'' I hissed, uneasy. Joel shook his head. ''Amicia...There will be times when I need you and Ellie to do something or kill someone, Hugo stays with me. Give me no lip, I don't wanna hear it. I am the adult here, everyone. So you listen to me! And only me. Another thing, we get up early every single morning, continue from there and find a place to stay. We will continue until you and Hugo find a place to stay, Ellie, then we make out way back to Tommy's. Always have a weapon. Be quiet near enemies, Hugo. No yelling or whining or screamin. Ya'll got that?'' 

I looked at Hugo. 

''Yes. We got it.'' 

''Good. Ellie?'' Ellie nodded, then so did Joel. 

''Okay, now you all get some sleep. We wake up early in the morning, I'll go put some lights outside.'' We all nodded, Ellie stood up and handed Hugo and I a blanket, I laid down down on the floor with Hugo and covered him with a blanket. Hugo looked at me. ''Amicia, are we going to die?'' He asked, I bit my lip. I didn't want to tell him the truth.

''No, Hugo. We are not going to die.'' I replied, He nodded and closed his eyes. 

Innocence ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora