Everything I Never Told You (...

By nyxonoverthere

11.5K 669 908

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I. The Dare
II. The Brooding Gypsy Born Guy
III. Texting Games
IV. The Famous Musician
V. Shit to Clean Up
VI. Wished I Were Dead
VII. In My Memories
VIII. Still You
IX. What are the fucking odds?
X. You Never Tried
XI. Like I Did
XII. Caffeine Chat
XIII. Fight Or Flight
XIV. The Punches We Regret But Not Really
XV. Why am I so attached?
XVI. I Owe It To You
XVII. Harder Not To Smile
XVIII. Pretend To Be One
XIX. Except For You
XX. Much Love
XXI. While I Can
XXII. You Don't Need To Talk
XXIII. Big Deal
XXIV. When You Call Me
XXV. Around Me
XXVI. Lilacs & Roses
XXVII. Really Really
XXVIII. Half Bad
XXIX. Isn't Here Anymore
XXX. Opera Tickets
XXXI. Being a Phoenix
XXXII. Enough
XXXIII. Control Freak
XXXIV. Bluebell & Blues
XXXV. Little Moments
XXXVI. People Together
XXXVII. Insults
XXXVIII. Every Bit
XXXIX. The Usual Cafe
XL. Your Arrangements
XLI. A Leaf is No Big Deal
XLII. Worth Keeping Close
XLIII. Knew Dismissal
XLIV. Then Do It Right Now
XLV. Another Leaf
XVLI. Draco & Nick
XLVII. School Dance
XLVIII. People Staring
XLIX. Moving On
L. Two Kids
LI. Jail
LII. Mixed Messages
LIII. Toy Monkey
LIV. When Things Are Broken
LV. Conflicted Feelings & Clothes
LVI. Nightmares are Dreams Too
LVII. It's Only You
LVIII. Loverboy
LIX. Do It Again
LX. Who Pays
LXI. Noah Brad is a Jerk
LXII. About Us
LXIII. Cat's Eyes
LXIV. Cut Your Hair
LXV. Guitar Lessons
LXVI. Distracting
LXVII. Stupid Fan
LXVIII. The Other Guy
LXX. Wingardium Nervosa
LXXI. What It Takes To Be A Man
LXXII. What You Like To Call Your Own
LXXIII. I Hope He Changes
LXXIV. Burden
LXXV. Discussion
LXXVI. Everything I Could Have Asked For
LXXVII. At All Times
LXXVIII. Trials That Failed
LXXIX. You Better Not
LXXX. Simping Over Notes Because That's Cute Lol
LXXXI. Limericks Are Silly
LXXXII. Plot Twist
LXXXIII. Flashback
LXXXIV. Done With Her
LXXXV. Young Love
LXXXVI. One Is Enough
LXXXVII. Life Updatesโ„ข
Epilogue- Part 1
Epilogue-Part 2
important- taking requests and more

LXIX. Middle School Kids Should Not Be Photographed

84 5 22
By nyxonoverthere

"You should stand up for yourself more, bud," Heath's mom said, extremely concerned. He had told her he had moved in with Conan because Micah's grandma didn't approve. 

Heath stared at the view just outside Conan's place, seemingly endless and overwhelming. He felt his stomach turn as he glanced down at the road where he could fall if the glass broke. He doubted anyone would survive it for it seemed endless even though it could bring about the end very quickly. He never liked heights as a child either. All he could imagine was himself falling down and dying. He never rode ferris wheels, ski lifts or anything that shared the same prospect. 

"I will try," he smiled sadly, knowing half heartedly that he was lying. He was conceding. It was the impact of having lived with his father who didn't like authority being questioned. 

"Did you have breakfast?" she asked. God, she would never stop with the motherly nagging. "I hope you did."

"I did," he lied again. His appetite had drastically decreased recently. He would find himself thinking food wasn't that necessary or wanting to throw up when he tried to eat. "And I will have lunch, I promise. I love you."

"I love you, too bud," she said softly. "Take care, okay?"

"I will," Heath said, flinching as his eyes fell on the ground beneath the glass. He felt dizzy all of a sudden. "Bye."

"You should draw the curtains, if you don't like seeing the outside," Conan said, emerging behind him and placing his chin on his shoulder. 

"I fucking hate heights," Heath said, shaking off the sensation. There was nothing heights could do to him as long he stayed away from them. Stayed on the ground. 

"Don't look," Conan said, grabbing his shoulders and leading him to the couch. Heath could feel his heartbeat return to it's normal pace on touching the couch. Somehow touching something he could sit on, or sitting on the floor always made it better. Maybe it was the stillness of it. "Maybe you're dizzy because you're hungry?"

"I am not hungry," Heath shook his head reluctantly. 

"You have skipped three meals, how are you not hungry?"

"I ate dinner," he said, unwillingly. "I am fine." 

Conan opened his mouth to speak and the other assumed it was to point out something abnormal about his eating habits. Yes, they were getting kind of unordered and eccentric. He would eat only if it were absolutely necessary or if Conan forced him to. 

"You're getting skinnier," Conan commented and Heath felt relieved, thankful he hadn't said something to guilt him into eating. "Not skinny-skinny, the weak skinny."

"I feel like fricking throwing up every time I eat," Heath admitted. "I will have lunch, I promise."

"I am sorry, if I sounded like a mother," Conan said. He really had sounded like one, to the other. Concerned and fussy for no reason. 

"It's okay," Heath merely said.

"I am playing two shows in New York next week," Conan said, his angular searching Heath's face for a reaction. 

"That's good, isn't it?" he asked. He was clueless when it came to these things. "I will water your plants."

"I-No-I mean yes but that's not the point," Conan said, giving him a bizarre look. "I will be away for a week."

"A week?!" Heath cried out. "Ahhh, I am already missing you."

"Is there anyway you could come?" Conan asked, his eyes shining with optimism. The way he said it Heath wanted to skip all the concept meetings he was supposed to be in. It was some Australian artist under some division of the record. 

"I really wish I could," Heath said. "And since I am moving out next week-"

"Wait-You're moving out?" Conan said, putting a finger over his lips. He looked he had been electrocuted with a live wire. "Why?"

"I can't stay here," Heath said, feeling like he was making a point. "It's your place."

"I am also your boyfriend for crying out loud. You can stay here," Conan said in exasperation. "You are not moving out, I don't care how much you protest."

It was always the same, him finding it difficult to trust people or being too indecisive around them. A lot of people did him make him feel like him not being at his best was his fault but not Conan. He didn't know why he was being so reserved around him. 

"Okay, I won't," Heath complied. "I mean you need someone to water your plants after all."

"And a stupid amber eyed boy to miss every second," Conan added. 


Conan: ahhhhhhhh

Conan: i just landed

Conan: i miss u. who allowed this?!

Heath: i miss u too. i love u. i miss u. i miss u sooooo much. i made monkey spit coffee in ur memory

Heath: also i may or may not have gotten access to some middle school pics of u


Heath: i can't tell. i am sworn to secrecy

Heath: u were soooo cute in middle school


Heath: but u were

Heath: did i just see u in a play dressed as a tree?

Conan: plzz dont do this to me

Heath: omg u r dancing in this one

Conan: i-

Conan: one of my friends is getting murdered today 

Heath: omg this is so fricking cute

Heath: ur frends r so nice

Conan: delete them now

Heath: i saved them on icloud n mailed them to myself 

Conan: nooooo

Heath: ;) 

Heath: i miss you 

Conan: facetime? so u can see something actually cute

Conan: n hot

Heath: i doubt anything can be cuter than this but okay

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