WHAT IF I'M HIM [Under Revisi...

By TakeThePride

4.6K 336 477

[This is being re-written as a new story on my page. I'm keeping this up if y'all wanna read it but it's not... More

Authors Quick Note
Chapter One; Katuki Bakugo
Chapter Two; Katsuki Bakugo
Chapter Three; Shoto Todoroki
Chapter Four; Katsuki Bakugo
Chapter Six; Mashirao Ojiro
Chapter Seven; Shoto Todoroki
Chapter Eight; Katsuki Bakugo
Chapter Nine; Katsuki Bakugo
Chapter Ten; Eijiro Kirishima
Chapter Eleven; Mashirao Ojiro
Chapter Twelve; Mezo Shoji
Chapter Thirteen; Katsuki Bakugo
Chapter Fourteen; Katsuki Bakugo
The Bakugo's house
Chapter Fifteen; Katsuki Bakugo
Please Look At My Bio
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen; Katsuki Bakugo
Chapter Eighteen; Masaru Bakugo
Chapter Nineteen; Eijiro Kirishima
Chapter Twenty; Masaru Bakugo
Chapter Twenty-One; Eijiro Kirishima
Chapter Twenty-Two; Katsuki Bakugo
Chapter Twenty-Three; Katsuki Bakugo
Chapter Twenty-Four; S.M.D.M.E
Chapter Twenty-Six; Katsuki Bakugo
Chapter Twenty-Seven; Eijiro Kirishima

Chapter Twenty-Five; Denki Kaminari

67 3 34
By TakeThePride

Title: Incapable 

Artist: Nico Collins 

Channel: Slowdown Music

Twigger Warning: Swearing, crying, yelling, insecurities 

I tried to find one that is 1 hour long but there wasn't a video for that so if you guys download Musi and put that song on and click the arrows that are in a box shape that means replay, it will play 


"Um, miss-" The maid hesitated.

Yaoyorozu exhaled, "You can leave it here." The maids and butlers put down the small plates, and three large ones having crackers, garlic breadsticks, fruits, cheese, and sushi. They set down cups and cans of soda, juice, and a water pitcher. "Thank you." She stood and whispered to the maid that brought Shoji and Kaminari inside, "Can you get a soft blanket for my friend?" The maid nodded and bowed, exciting the living room.

Yaoyorozu took this chance to sit down next to the weeping boy, pouring some water from the pitcher into his cup and handing it to him. Kaminari sniffed, accepting the water and taking a sip. "Better? Do you need anything else?" She asked.

Kaminari shook his head, "No, I'm okay. Thanks."

"It's no problem. Would you like something to eat?" She asked, spreading her arm out to the trays of small, light snacks on the table in front of them. Kaminari shook his head once again, putting a frown on Yaoyorozu, "Are you sure?"

"Yeah," he confirmed, leaning on Shoji. "What time is it?"


"It's 23:43 (11:43 p.m.)" Todoroki answered.

"Do, um, do I go home?" He tried to not have his voice shake but he couldn't help the quiver in his voice.

Yaoyorozu knotted her eyebrows together, "No, of course not. Unless you want to go home, the reason you're here is because you aren't safe at home." She squeezed his shoulder. Kaminari sniffed and nodded a thank you.

"In that case," Shoji voiced, "should we all head to bed? It is getting late and we already know that neither Bakugo nor Kirishima will be coming down. Kaminari could also use some rest after going through what he did."

"Oh," Yaoyorozu's voice deflated," I had a meal prepared." She went back to her normal self, "That's all right, we can eat tomorrow. I can show you two to your rooms. Todoroki?"


"Your father is alright with you staying?" Todoroki nodded. "Perfect. Oh, Shoji, how about your parents?"

Shoji helped Kaminari to his feet, "My father won't really notice so it's fine."

Kaminari had a sympathetic look when glancing at Shoji as with Yaoyorozu.

"That is settled," Todoroki said, breaking the silence with his cold heart. "Where will we be staying?"

"Come," Yaoyorozu led them out of the living room which took at least seven minutes, it was huge. She brought them to stairs that were bigger than a driveway in width. Taking another couple minutes to climb the stairs, Todoroki and Yaoyorozu were in discussion on something that Kaminari couldn't hear and Shoji didn't pay attention to.

Yaoyorozu stopped in her tracks, "Oh I forgot." She turned to the boys, "Will it be alright if one of the rooms doesn't have a bathroom? Usually, our guest rooms have a bathroom but this one couldn't be built in one because of the structure of the house."

"That's alright."

They went on with their way down the massive hallways with doors two feet taller than Shoji who was standing at 187 cm (6'1). They are all made out of dark wood and smooth. Yaoyorozu stopped at a door, peeking in the room then opening it up for the group, "Todoroki you can sleep here. I understand your need to be in a familiar environment and this is one of the guest rooms that have the traditional look that you favor." She smiled, proud of herself.

Todoroki muttered thanks and headed in, closing the door.

"He usually isn't this moody," she gazed at the two boys. "Kaminari you can have the next room," she continued to walk, "it has games, comics, a television -even though all of the rooms have those- and a guitar." They made their way over to another big, dark wood door. Peeking inside again, "Yes, this is the right room." She opened it all the way.

The room was huge, it was painted a pastel, grey pink, and had shelves lined on a whole wall, filled with books. A square hole in the middle where the T.V. was placed, facing directly across the bed. The bed was king-sized and had a grey and white color pattern with the blankets and sheets and duvets. In the corner of the room, near the windows and was closed and hidden behind curtains, stood on a stand a Spectrum Acoustic Guitar.

"It's nice. Really pretty." Kaminari complemented it.

Yaoyorozu smiled, "If you need anything my room is down there," she pointed down the hallway they passed, "it's on the left and has my name on it. My mother's idea." She moved out of the doorway, "Shoji, your room is just down there."

Shoji could hear Kaminari take a deep inhale, "Yaoyorozu."


"Is it alright if I share this room with Kaminari? Just to make sure nothing happens and that he is safe?"

"Oh," she looked to Kaminari who seemed to await her answer, "if it's alright with Kaminari, then I don't see a problem."

"Thank you," Shoji bowed his head. Kaminari let out a deep breath quietly.

"Mm, maybe I should sleep with Todoroki then?" She thought out loud.

Kaminari and Shoji stared at her from halfway into the doorway.

"What?" She lifted her eyebrows. "Kirishima and Bakugo are together, both protecting each other. Well- tonight it's Kirishima looking after Bakugo, and you two are staying together. Maybe Todoroki and I should also stay in the same room in case anything happens instead of being split up."

Shoji sighed, "I would say to do what you choose but be very careful if you do decide to stay with Todoroki. He may be cold and shut off but he is still a man, you shouldn't trust men or even go near them alone."

"Right..." realization just hitting her. "Unfortunately this is the world we live in and it's very hard to escape. I'll be in my room then, I will go check on Bakugo and Kirishima before bed."


Shoji closed the door behind him as he entered the room. Kaminari walked over to the bed, sitting awkwardly. "Is everything alright?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah. It's just there's one-bed a-and I know that you came here because of that fucking-" he moved his hand around trying to find the word to describe what happened to him. Shoji had made it beside Kaminari on the bed, elbows on his knees and hands clasped together.

"Glitch!" Kaminari groaned and put his face in his hands. Shoji, thinking Kaminari was crying, rubbed his hand up and down his back. "Gah!" Kaminari shouted, standing and gripping his hair. "Why can't I stop fucking crying!"

Shoji stayed silent as Kaminari ranted. Just watched and made sure he couldn't hurt himself.

"None of this is real! Why do I have to fucking deal with it? What did I do?" He turned to Shoji. "I'm fucking fifteen! Fifteen! I'm not even a fucking hero let alone an adult!"

Pausing, panting a bit. He wiped his tears, "I just want to go to sleep. I want this all to" a small sob came from his mouth. "Stop, I don't want to cry anymore. Can I sleep? Shoji, can't I just sleep?"

Shoji nodded, "Of course. There must be clothes in the dressers that would fit you, let me get them for you." He stood and walked to a dresser, there was mostly unisex clothing. Shorts, sweatpants, oversized T-Shirts. In another drawer there were boxers, briefs, small tank tops -clearly being for girls-, large, black tank tops, and girls underwear.

Shoji had gotten a change of clothes for both him and Kaminari. "Here," handing the tired boy clothing. "Do you want to change here and I go in the bathroom, or the other way around?"

"I'll go to the bathroom." Grabbing the loose clothes, he made his way towards a door, opening it to reveal a bathroom. Kaminari had just guessed.

Shoji had trouble fitting his arms through the tank top, sighing he gave up and folded neatly on top of the dresser. He had changed into new underwear and loose sweatpants. He folded his dirty clothes, hiding his underwear in the middle. He looked around, finding a laundry hamper in the corner. He placed his dirty clothes in there, his head flinching when he heard a scream.

He dropped his clothes and raced to the bathroom door, knocking with speed, "Kaminari? What happened?"

The door opened with speed and Shoji barely dodged a speeding Kaminari. He ran to the opposite side of the room, hand on his heart.


"Mirror," Kaminari gasped. "There-there was something. I-fuck."

Shoji walked into the bathroom, white marble everywhere. He went to the sink and looked at himself in the mirror, staring blankly into his eyes. Moments passed. Shoji didn't know what he was trying to find in the mirror, maybe someone was watching him or seeing something move behind him. After a while Shoji sighed, reluctantly turning off the lights and shutting the door, shuddering when he did.

"I couldn't see anything."

"I swear! There was something! I-I'm not lying!" Kaminari tried to defend.

Shoji waved his hands, walking closer to the boy, "No, I'm not saying you're lying. I believe you, it's just I couldn't see anything. I'm sorry."

Kaminari stepped forward, placing his forehead against Shoji's bare chest. "I don't know what to do anymore." Shoji put one hand on his head, patting it. "No one can see what I see. Or hear what I hear. Is it even real?"

"I don't-"

Knocks against the door.

"Excuse me?" A woman's voice called out. "I was passing and I heard a scream. Is everything alright? Do you need help?"

Shoji moved Kaminari with him, passing the bed Shoji sat him down then went to open the door. "Sorry, I think everything is alright."

It was a different woman who brought the two inside, this one younger. Her hair was in a ponytail instead of a bun and she wore heels an inch taller than the rest of the maids. She still had the maid uniform on.

"You think? Did something happen?"

Shoji shook his head, "Nothing that you're able to help with. Thank you, though." The woman nodded and took a step down the hall. "Oh, actually-" he turned his head to Kaminari, "I will just be a moment."

Kaminari nodded and Shoji stepped out, closing the door behind him, "Do you have any drinks and some snacks we could eat?"

"Oh yes, Ms. Momo had a meal prepared. I can bring both of your portions along with drinks. Anything else? Maybe a new shirt?" She asked, pointing to Shoji's shirtless body. "Did the shirts not fit?"

"No. It's alright though, I can sleep like this. But there is something, I'm not sure if you're able to get it though."

"What is it?"

Shoji hesitated, "A Uhm, a dog whistle."

"Dog....whistle?" The maid questioned. Shoji nodded. "Uh, I can ask. It's late so I don't know how soon-"

"Oh no, I don't do it now. Maybe in the morning when we all are awake?"

"Sure. I'll get the table ready for you two-"

"Actually-" he interrupted, "would you be allowed to eat in the room?"

"Will you make a mess?" Shoji shook his head. The maid nodded, "Alright. I'll be back." Shoji thanked her and went back to the room.

Kaminari was still sitting on the bed, his eyes unfocused staring at the floor. "Hey," Shoji said, sitting down beside the boy. He put a hand on Kaminari's back.

"Why can I see it?" He lifted his head, staring into Shoji's eyes. "Why did I have to see it, hear it? Why is this happening?" Shoji didn't have an answer. He squeezed Kaminari's shoulder.

"I don't know. You won't be alone, Bakugo can also see it."

"No!" He pushed away from Shoji, "It hurts Bakugo! I can only watch! It told me what It was going to do to him and I did nothing! I-I hate this! I can't do anything! Why have me watch? I have no fucking connection to the fucking thing!"

Shoji pursed his lips under the mask, "I-"

Kaminari sighed, "I'm sorry. This isn't your fault." Shoji nodded his head. "What did you ask the maid?"

"For some food. Do you feel like eating?"

Kaminari nodded, "Maybe a little," he looked around the room. "Can we watch something while we eat? I don't like there being a bunch of this-" he moved his arms, showing off the whole room trying to find the word, "-silence. There we go."

"Yeah, okay. Do you know where the remote is?"

"Uh-" Kaminari spun his head. "No. Let me look." He stood up off the bed walking towards the bookshelves that surrounded the television. He peeked in shelves before Shoji called out his findings of the remote.

"What did you have in mind?" Shoji sat at the head of the bed, resting his back on the headboard. Kaminari shrugged and trudged his way to the bed before knocking.

They turned their heads to the door, "Your food is here, sir."

Kaminari turned his path to the door, opened it, and was met with a man this time. He was tall, slender while still having muscles in his arms. He had a cart of food by him. His eyes were a golden brown, him seeming to be quite young, Kaminari remembered seeing him the times he came over to study.


"Denki!" Genkei beamed. He opened his arms and gave the yellow-haired boy a hug, "How are you doing man? Haven't talked in a while," he laughed, pulling away.

"O-oh yeah..." Kaminari's voice trailed off. "Sorry about that. School, you know?"

"Yeah, yeah! Don't worry about it!" Genkei's eyes sparkled. It was clear to both Shoji and Kaminari he was very happy, while also oblivious of the situation. Kaminari bit his lip, catching Genkei's eye. "Hey," he lowered his excitement, "Are you okay? Did something happen?"

Kaminari began to water, "Yeah! I'm fine!" He faked a smile causing a more worried expression to land on Genkei's face.

Shoji quickly stood and made his way over to the door. He took Kaminari's hand, directing him inside the room. Kaminari wiped his face and sat on the bed.

Genkei watched the whole interaction.

"Thank you," Shoji said to Genkei.

"Huh?" Genkei snapped back into reality, "Oh right, your food." He pushed the cart inside, trailing his eyes to Kaminari.

"I'm fine," Kaminari softly reassured. "Just...just a long day. That's all."

Genkei nodded, "If you need anything, whatever, just text me? Alright?" Kaminari nodded. "Sleep well man," Genkei glanced at Shoji then nodded and left the room.

Shoji grabbed two plates from the cart in the room, "You know him?" Handing Kaminari a plate of steak with salad and two slices of lemon, fork, and knife resting there as well.

Kaminari took the plate in his lap, "Yeah, he's a friend. Kind of a family friend you could say." He moved over to the left side of the bed, leaving room for Shoji to sit shoulder-to-shoulder next to him.

Before Shoji sat down, he left his plate on the nightstand and got up back to the cart, pushing it by the bed, turning off the lights on the way. He sat down and reached to the cart- that he placed right by him -grabbing a drink. "Soda or water?" Kaminari took the soda.

"Thanks." He carefully opened it with the plate of food still on his lap.

Shoji nodded and took his plate and remote, "So what would you like to watch?"

Kaminari shrugged, "Anything but action or horror. Comedy maybe, or a sitcom. My grandmother, she speaks four languages? I think? She told me that there used to be this big sitcom from America way back before she was even born. Can we watch that?"

Shoji smiled, even though Kaminari couldn't see it because of the mask. Shoji handed the remote to Kaminari, he typed in the name on Hulu -still popular after all these years. "There, that one." He clicked on the title and played the first episode. It was playing in English but it had Japanese subtitles.

He set the remote down and started to cut the steak. He plopped the fork with steak in his mouth, eating while watching. Throughout the first episode, Kaminari had a small smile on his face, growing larger whenever a joke was said.

"This is actually funny," he whispered to Shoji. Shoji agreed, chuckling a bit at Kaminari. Kaminari glanced at Shoji then at his plate. "You didn't eat anything."

Shoji shrugged, "I'm not hungry."

Kaminari straightened himself, almost knocking over the drink he had by his side. "You can take off your mask, you know?"

Shoji shook his head, "I'm alright."

"Okay, but, you aren't eating. Also, you're shirtless and you wearing a mask with no shirt

is kinda weird. You're not going to sleep with that on, are you?" Shoji avoided his gaze. Kaminari waved his hand in front of Shoji's face. "Hello? Are you actually? Come on, you can take it off."

Shoji sighed, "I can't." Kaminari pouted, he handed Shoji his plate and drink to put on the cart, Shoji doing the same to his food. Shoji looked at the uneaten steak that Kaminari placed on the cart with predator's eyes. He was hungry.

"Why not?" Kaminari put his index finger to Shoji's nose, "Please?"

"I-" Shoji put his head down, "I wear this mask because I scare others with my face." He

looked back up, "I rather have you know me for my stupid arms than my monstrous, deformed face."

"Hey! Don't talk shit 'about yourself like that." He gently tapped his knuckles on Shoji's

shoulders, "Your arms are fucking amazing! They're strong, can talk, see things from behind you, mold into whatever you want-"

"Just body parts."

"-and they hold! The most important thing for a hero isn't hitting the fucking bad guy but helping the people. Your arms are able to protect, hold, and cradle the young children. Carry the injured. You sense shit faster than anyone. I love every fucking bit of your quirk, so don't you fucking dare say shit."

Shoji was rendered speechless, his eyes having a glass effect.

"As for your face, it's your face. You should love it, why do you call it monstrous?" Kaminari paused, "Wait, is that why you came to the U.A.? So people won't be scared of you anymore?"

Shoji laughed, using his thumb and index fingers to wipe away his tears and rub his eyes. "That is exactly why." He hooked his index finger to his mask, pulling down and revealing his face. His lips stretch far to the center of his cheeks. On the left side, his lips had a scar in a line that fell down. The scar looked to be an inch long. "This is exactly why."

Kaminari sat there, he had moved to sit on his heels and had stayed there frozen. Shoji bit his front lip. "I'll ask Yaoyorozu for a different room. I'm sorry for that outburst and for scaring yo-"

"Boop." Kaminari placed his index finger on the tip of Shoji's nose. "You look fine." Kaminari yawed and laid down under the covers. He patted Shoji, "Come on." Shoji was stunned, he took his mask off and dropped it on the ground, and went under the covers, facing Kaminari.

Kaminari smiled at him, "Thank you for holding me with your amazing arms today when I was crying."

"I- '' Everything fell onto Shoji. The emotions, the relief, the feeling of acceptance and reassurance flooded Shoji. It overwhelmed him. Tears fell down sideways, small quiet sobs escaping from his lips. "Thank you, thank you." He repeated.

Kaminari moved up and closer to Shoji, hugging his shoulders. Shoji hugged Kaminari's torso, having his face buried in his chest. His cries were quiet but Kaminari heard his uneven breaths. Kaminari stroked Shoji's hair, "You look amazing," Kaminari whispered.

Kaminari had muted the T.V. When the two were talking, its light though, still shining through and giving them a sense of comfort while in each others arms. "Shoji," he smiled once more, "You're one of my greatest friends, never say you aren't good enough." Kaminari felt Shoji nod against his chest. Kaminari breathed in a happy breath, making the air feel fresh as they both drifted to sleep.




Nothing but Shoji's and Kaminari's soft breaths were heard. They stayed together, still hugging one another. The T.V. illuminated their facial features, few movements came from the two sleeping boys.

In the corner of the room stepped a shadow. It came walking towards the bed where the two boys lay. Its eyes were as bright as the moon. It watched as It walked around the bed, facing Shoji's back. It ignored Shoji, watching the yellow-haired boy. How his head was on top of Shoji's, his face peaceful while wearing a small trace of a smile. A hand was placed on the grey-haired boy's head.

It cockly smiled, "Interesting." It straightened itself, walking back to the corner it came from, creating a chair from the shadows, it sat. One leg crossed over the other, hands on his lap and intertwined. It grinned, It's smile was bright, It's teeth were pearly white.

Minutes had passed. It stayed seated, watching the sleeping two. It's head whipped to the door, It's face went grim, fading into the shadow. The once bright moon eyes fizzled out to a blood-red before disappearing. 


Are you okay? 

Thoughts/Predictions about this or the next chapter 


Second, Mineta is Bi.......*uncuffs jeans*


Anyway, I have been feeling really uneasy over the littlest thing. A lot of things are overlapping and overwhelming me so I am so sorry that these are coming so late. 

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