Truth Doesn't Change The Way...

By dylanreuben18

89.1K 2K 1.1K

Amelia Stone has a hard time fitting in, until she meets Mr James Buchanan Barnes and everything starts to pi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 16

2.2K 56 37
By dylanreuben18

Amelia rolled over to see Bucky sleeping, completely drained from the night before. She admired his stubbly beard as he made little snores in between mumbled nonsense. Amelia crept out of bed and made her way the the en-suite, where her clothes had dried on the radiator. She got dressed and quietly made her way out the room, heading outside for her morning dose of nicotine. As she did so she noticed Sam in the kitchen pouring himself a cup of coffee. "You live here too?" She questioned him, rubbing her eyes.

"Oh god no, I've got a place down town, Tony's just called me down about some upgrades to redwing" Sam informed her.

"Redwing?" She looked at him confused. Amelia still didn't really know much about the group or what their roles were, only what Bucky had briefly told her.

"You could say he's my wingman" Sam joked to himself. Amelia smiled back even though she didn't understand. "He's a little device I have, helps me with things on the missions." He pulled out little robot from a case and placed it on the counter. "Where's Buck anyways?" He questioned, peering round the corner to look for him.

"Oh, he's still asleep bless him. He looked too peaceful, I didn't want to wake him." Sam had a confused look on his face as she told him. "What?"

Sam took a sip of his coffee, "he's actually asleep?" He said in disbelief.

"Umm, yeah? Does he not usually sleep or something?" Sam followed her outside. She took her lighter out her pocket and lit her cigarette.

"Not really no" he chuckled lightly. "I'm surprised you haven't noticed... with his nightmares and everything" he stated as she inhaled from the cigarette.

"I don't think he's had any. I mean I'm not exactly a light sleeper, but I think I'd notice if he had a nightmare" Amelia grew curious about Bucky's nightmares, and why he's stopped having them. Sam had gone back into the building as he was summoned by the intercom known as 'F.R.I.D.A.Y'. Amelia smoked down to the filter, absorbing the last bit of nicotine to try and help with her slight hangover.

She made her way back through the maze that was the compound hallways, eventually reaching the room where her and Bucky had spent the night. Amelia peered her head through the door, opening it slowly in case Bucky was still asleep, which he was. A soft grin grew across her face seeing Bucky tightly wrapped up in the bedsheets, snoring with his hair partly covering his face. She snuck over to the opposite side of the bed and slid under the sheets, wrapping her arms around his thick chest, spooning him from behind.

"Okay, why am I the little spoon?" His voice was tired and raspy as he interlocked their fingers with his metal hand, pulling them up and placing them under his chin.

"Good morning to you too." Amelia used her free hand to move his hair off his face, and planted a gentle kiss behind his ear. Bucky groaned as felt himself grow with even the slightest affection from her. He turned over to face her, placing his large hand under her hair, practically covering the entire back of her head. He leaned in to kiss her before realising that she had already been up and gotten dressed.

"You're already dressed." He said pouting, his voice became stroppy as his eyebrowed furrowed, "Not fair."

Amelia giggled as she flopped her head back on the pillow, lifting her hands to cover her face as she laughed. Bucky lifted his tired body and fell down on top of her, giving a large sigh. Amelia grunted as he landed on her, his built torso practically taking all the air out of her lungs. "Oh my god, Bucky you big lump, get off!" She strained as she tried shoving him off. He supported himself above her, his hands either side of her pillow. She gave him a soft smile as tucked his dangling hair behind his ears. As she did so Bucky noticed her mood change.

"what's wrong, Doll?" He sat up next to her, pulling her in close. She lay her head on his shoulder.

"I have to go back home today" Her words sunk into his chest. He knew she would have to go eventually, but her being there barely three days wasn't long enough for him.

"Can't you stay another day?" He pined, twirling her hair through his fingers.

"Bucky, I said before, I have responsibilities back home. I can't just stay here. Believe I'd love to, but I can't." Amelia swing her legs over the edge of the bed and stood up, leaving Bucky staring at her confused.

"What are you doing?" He sat there with his arms spread across the bed. She waltzed over to the door, encouraging him to get up.

"Come on, get up. If it's my last day here, you could at least give me a tour." She chucked opening the door. "Get dressed, I'll be waiting downstairs" she smirked closing the door behind her. Bucky loved how independent and bossy she could be at times. He knew she wouldn't be dominated easy, but he liked the challenge of it.


Amelia was waiting in the living room by herself when she heard a couple of voices coming from the hallway. Sam and Tony emerged from around the corner, Sam carrying redwing. Amelia looked up and made unwanted eye contact with Tony, who muted his conversation with Sam before heading over to her. Amelia noticed him walking over but she kept her head down, hoping he wouldn't talk to her, not wanting to bring up what had occurred the previous night. Amelia saw his feet practically touching hers, his body hovering over her. She peered up at him, her jaw clenched, expecting him to get verbal with her.

"Look, I'm sorry about last night." He professed, taking a step back. "I was out of line."

"Yeah, you were." She stared at him stubbornly. Amelia wasn't going to accept an apology easily off Tony, considering he was the reason everything started in the first place.

"There's complicated history between me and Barnes, and sometimes my head just takes over. I didn't mean for things to escalate so much. I'm sorry if you got scared." Tony's voice became sincere, as if he really was sorry for what happened.

Amelia crossed her arms, feeling defensive about herself, "I wasn't scared... I just don't like conflict." This was partly true, she didn't like conflict, but she also didn't want people knowing that in that moment, she was terrified of Bucky and she hated it.

"Come on Tony, I haven't got all day." Sam shouted from the other side of the room, giving Amelia a quick smile as he did so. Tony rolled his eye's in response to Sam before walking back to him.

"Were testing out redwings new upgrades if you wanna join?" Sam proposed, holding out redwing.

"I might in a bit, I'm just waiting on Bucky. He's gonna give me a tour of the place." Tony scoffed at her mention of Bucky, making Sam nudge him as if to stop him. Sam reassured her that they would be out there a while testing it out, before heading to the courtyard.

Moments later, Bucky walked into the room, wearing the same clothes as the night before, as well as a black baseball cap that held his hair back. He held his arm out to her, "Your tour awaits M'Lady." He Smirked, making Amelia blush.

"What the hell are you doing?" She burst out laughing at his gesture.

"Oh come on." He recreated the gesture, "No?"

"Definitely not" She shook her head, still laughing, as Bucky took her through the halls.

They first went to the upper levels which consisted of bedrooms, a cinema, and some conference rooms. Bucky then took her around the sublevels which housed the training area, where they watched Natasha and Wanda train together, Amelia being amazed by Wanda's abilities. He then showed her around the other sublevel areas such as the lab, weapons lockers, and various other areas, before heading back to the surface. They explored the back gardens of the compound, which was filled with luscious greens and wildlife. Amelia was in awe of all the beauty that the place could have, the mix between technology and nature all in the same place.

"I wish I had my camera with me." Amelia sighed, "I could get some great shots from in the trees." She stared up at the tops of the trees, which seemed to go on forever.

Bucky pulled out his phone and took a photo, "Why don't you just do this." He showed her the photo, his face beaming with joy. "You know phones have cameras too." He seemed extremely proud of himself for knowing how to take a photo on his phone.

Amelia giggled and bit her thumb as she found it absolutely adorable at how much of an old man he was when it came to technology. "I know that Bucky..." She pulled out her phone and showed him. "But it's just better taking it with an actual camera." She explained. It was things like this that would remind her that he really was a man from a different time, and that he still hadn't fully adjusted to living in the 21st century. The couple walked around the side of the compound, walking past the lake, Amelia taking a couple of shots on her phone as they went past.

Throughout their walk, Bucky had constantly been taking his cap off and adjusting his hair underneath. Bucky had done this once again and Amelia had had enough of it. "Sit down" She commanded, pointing to the bench.

"What?" Bucky smiled confused.

"Just sit down." She told him once again. Bucky did as she said and sat on the stone bench, Amelia stood behind him and took his cap off, placing it down beside him. She took the hairband from her tied back hair, letting the hazelnut locks fall just over her shoulders. She placed it around her wrist as she took both sides of Bucky's hair, pulling them towards the back.

"What are you doing?" He queried, trying to move his head to face her.

"Stay still." She demanded with authority in her voice. Buck bit his tongue. He wasn't used to letting people tell him what to do, but there was something about Amelia that made him feel compelled to do as he was told.

She wrapped the hairband around a couple of times, leaving his hair in a low bun at the base of his hairline. "There, now your hair wont keep bothering you." Amelia placed her hands on his shoulders. He looked back up at her, grabbing her hands and pulling them forward, forcing her to bend over him and giving him a hug. He tilted his head up and embraced her lips with his.

"Get a room you two!" Sam shouted through the speaker on redwing, as it hovered over the two of them.

"Sam, if you don't get that thing out of my face I'm gonna break it!" Bucky grunted.

"Hey, I don't think Amelia appreciates being called a thing." Sam laughed at his own joke. Bucky shot up and tried to catch redwing, acting as if it was an annoying fly. Amelia found it amusing how much Sam kept teasing him with the little robot.

"SAAMMMM!! I swear to god!" Bucky Shouted as Sam continued to dive bomb redwing into him, cackling to himself. Amelia ran over to Sam and watched Bucky being frustrated through his monitor, joining in on the fun.

"Okay, your little buddy's pretty cool Sam, I'll give you that."

"See Buck! Even Amelia thinks he's funny." Sam shouted over to him. Bucky grumbled nonsense back, still swatting the little robot.

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