Paradox [Boboiboy Fanfiction]

By blazingsuns

16.7K 826 647

Paradox /ˈperəˌdäks/ Noun : a seemingly absurd or self-contradictory statement or proposition that when inves... More

All About Lia
Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Chapter 03
Chapter 04
Chapter 05
Chapter 06
Chapter 07
Chapter 08
Chapter 09
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
A/N 1
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Special Chapter 01
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Special Chapter 02
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Author's Note and Announcement
Special Chapter 03
Special Chapter 04

Chapter 27

242 10 6
By blazingsuns

Chapter 27

Having a mission on a new planet was indeed a hard thing to pull off. One, because of the new environment and uncertainty that one may encounter. Two, because of the incompleteness of members and equipment. Three, because of a flying octopus that will be chasing you.

"We need a defense move now!" Boboiboy, Lia, Fang, and Yaya are the ones currently fulfilling the mission now. With no flying vehicle or spaceship, they are just using their powers to fly across Planet Latuan, a water-based planet.

"Can someone explain to me again why didn't they allow us use our vehicles nor a ship?!" Yaya exclaimed as she was holding AquaBot tight. Fang, who was fused with his shadow eagle, sighed. "I don't know either but I don't plan on finding out about that. I'll get pissed even more."

One of the octopuses lifts up its tentacle and was about slam down on the four heroes. Lia was able to notice that and warned the others, "Watch out!" They quickly flew out of their spot before the tentacle went down the water.

"We need to contact the others! We need back up!" Lia shouted. Boboiboy Cyclone sighed, "No time! As much as we don't want to harm this creature, we have to do something to defeat it!"

The octopus is moving in speed that it was able to grab Yaya since she has the power sphere in her hands. Its other tentacle grabbed AquaBot before the tentacle having Yaya wrapped itself around her whole body.

"Yaya!" Lia cried then went for her. Yaya tried to squirm out of the grasp but it was useless; she couldn't even use her powers with how strong the grip is on her, "I-I can't use my powers!"

Lia lets out a growl as she heads toward the squid with her powers prepared. "Sorry for this Yaya! Ultrasound Power!" She generated sound waves that were amplified enough to deafen the octopus.

Distressed by how loud it was, it reacted by swinging its tentacles that ended up throwing Yaya and the power sphere away. With a flip, the gravity heroine was able to recover her balance. Fang went to her and gestured her to attack the octopus.

They flew toward the octopus with Fang suddenly fusing with a shadow gorilla. "Gravity Punch!" "Shadow Gorilla Punch!" Successfully punching out the octopus, Fang reverted back to the shadow eagle to give him flight.

With a squeal, the octopus was about to go back for them but Boboiboy Cyclone's sudden made of tornado seized it. It made the eight-limbed animal vulnerable as it twirled within the tornado.

Lia is on the upper side of the tornado; doing an acrobatic pose upside down as she channels energy in her hands. With a growl, "Take this!" She releases purple shock waves from her hands.

Boboiboy Thunderstorm was above the tornado, he did some spins before lunging onto the octopus that adds up the damage on the animal. With the thunderstorm slash and shock waves, it creates an explosive force.

Back at the TAPOPS station, the others were anxiously waiting for the four heroes to return; they haven't gotten any updates from them since they left. "We should've gone with them, who knows what can happen to them?" Leizel heaved a sigh.

"Well, as much as we wanted to, commander says that we should stay behind. I wonder what has gotten into him." Ying replied with crossed arms. "I do hope they're okay... Latuan is just pure water so there might be sea animals." Gopal said.

All of a sudden, Ochobot rushed into the main deck. Despite questions being thrown at him, he channeled his energy to a portal that allowed the other four to enter. Boboiboy was the last one to enter- he was holding AquaBot.

Leizel dashes to Fang to give him a hug, "It's a good thing that you guys are okay. We were all worried for you." Fang snickered, "Wow, this is the first time you got worried for me. I'm surprised, shrimp."

"Whatever, durian." She scoffed much to Fang laughing. While Yaya and Gopal were talking to each other, Ying sighed and went for Lia. "Lia..." She opened her arms, gesturing for a hug.

Both Boboiboy and Lia laughed at her gesture, then Lia went to hug Ying. "These couples are making me feel alone! At least you're here... Unless..." She slightly pulled away and wiggled her eyebrows.

"Unless what?" Lia asked in confusion. Ying smirked, eyeing her and Boboiboy, "In case some things have upgraded..." Lia smiled sheepishly, understanding what Ying meant.

The doors to the main deck opened, welcoming the commander. The seven heroes did the salute which KokoCi returned it. "Ahh, I see that you guys have retrieved AquaBot. Great job!"

Boboiboy handed it to KokoCi with a smile, "Thank you, commander. Although it was quite hard to accomplish this mission without the vehicles and ship since we were on a water-based planet."

"Well, you have to learn to maximize your resources. Not everything is there for you," KokoCi sternly replied. "And the reason why I didn't make all of you go is that I want to see how far you guys can go in a mission without the seven of you together."

They all nodded, agreeing with what he said. "Next time, it will be Gopal, Ying, and Leizel who'll go out for the mission. Then I'll be jumbling you guys again, do I make myself clear?"

"Yes commander." KokoCi nodded, "Good. Now, take your lunch break. You deserve it."

As soon as he said that, the gang sprang out of the main deck leaving a bewildered commander and power sphere. Sonobot entered the main deck, "Hey, have they already- eh? Why are you guys like that?"

At the cafeteria, the gang is happily munching on their food with some laughs and giggles in between. "You guys should've seen the octopus... It was really big enough that my whole body got snaked!" Yaya exclaimed.

"We could've used your help, Gopal. I'm sure you'd convert it to food like what you did with the giant squid back then." Fang said, remembering the time they were off to rescue Ochobot from the Tengkotak Gang.

"Oh yeah, that was one of your best moves!" Ying affirmed, then she took a sip from her drink. They started to talk about the old times, even when the times Leizel was there. Lia just watched them giggle; she was feeling a bit left out since she wasn't present at that time.

She felt a hand on her shoulder which startled her, she turned to see Boboiboy who was looking at her. "Are you okay?" She nodded with a small smile, "Yeah, yeah... I'm just... tired."

Boboiboy smiled as he handed her a tray of food, "Here. I saved you some meatballs, you like them, right?" Lia was surprised, then she nodded. "Yes! That's what I'm looking forward to today, I knew they would be serving that. Thank you so much!"

Like a kid, Lia munches to her meal much to Boboiboy's delight. He stood up from the table and walked over to the water dispenser to fill up a glass. He then served it to Lia. "Oh... Thank you."

The others were looking at them, smirks on their faces. Gopal mouthed to them, "Watch this." Then he spoke up, "Dey Boboiboy! Can you refill this with water?" He presented his mug to him.

"Eh? But why?" Boboiboy asked. Gopal giggled, "Well, you said that you're a leader. The greatest leadership happens when he serves the members. So..." He wiggled his eyebrows.

"Are you using that against me because of your laziness?" Boboiboy's reply was firm that took aback the others. "Aiyoyo! Don't get mad! I was kidding!" Gopal sulked, crossing his arms.

"I was kidding too," Boboiboy smirked, surprising the others. "But eh Gopal, I'm not your servant! Get your own water." He proceeds in finishing his food, much to Gopal's defeat. The others continued in eating, as Gopal spoke again. "Dey Lia, what is it with this best friend of mine? He acts all goody two shoes when it comes to you."

"It's because I like her." Boboiboy's reply surprised everyone else. "A what?!" They all exclaimed as they looked at Boboiboy, who was nonchalant. "You heard what I said." He stood up to pack away his tray.

They all looked at Lia who was blushing; Lia noticed their look. "What's with the look?" Leizel cleared her throat, "You know this? Since when?" Yaya raised her eyebrow, "Yeah! Since when?"

Ying sighed at the two girls, "Eeesh. Calm down, you guys! Let her speak!"

"Uhm..." Lia trailed off as she was still eating her food. She stole a glance at Boboiboy who nodded at her. "It's been... over months, I guess..." Her reply caused the other girls, and Gopal to gasp.

"OVER MONTHS?!" They exclaimed in unison. "Dey! It's already June! Be specific!" Gopal shouted, much to Lia sighing. "Calm down, guys. It happened on the last week of March so I was right with the "over months" thing."

Yaya gasped, "So it happened on the same day Leizel and Fang announced their relationship?! I thought Boboiboy chickened out in telling you. You guys are insane!" Leizel then realized something, "Wait... That was around March! It's already May! It's been two months!"

"It's still "over months"." Lia defended herself, causing the others to groan. "No wonder why you're acting way different to her 2 weeks ago, on her birthday." Yaya said. Boboiboy sighed, "Eeesh. Calm down guys."

"Yeah, he's right Your blood pressure will go high. And besides, they're not together yet... Boboiboy's courting her." Fang said. "You knew?!" Ying exclaimed as the others were staring at him.

The next thing that happened, Fang was being chased everywhere by the others, "Aish! Why are you guys chasing me?! I didn't do a crime!" Yaya grunted, "Why do you always know everything?!"

"Lia's our friend! Yet you were the one who knew first than us?!" Ying shouted. "Eh?! She's my friend too! And it was their decision! AAAH! Stop chasing me!" Fang wailed as he continued running away from the others.

Boboiboy and Lia were both left at the cafeteria. She just finished eating, "Okay I'm done. I ate a lot, goodness." Boboiboy chuckled as he sat beside her, "That's great. You need energy anyways."

"Are you okay with this? Like with them knowing?" Lia all of a sudden asked. Boboiboy smiled, "Yeah. They deserve to know. Besides, I stick to my word; I'm courting you." He wrapped his arm around her waist to pull her closer to him.

Lia giggled, as she was blushing. She placed her on his shoulder, "I wonder what's happening with Fang. You think the others are still chasing him?"

"I don't know. Just let them be."


Back at planet Taman, Reverse was outside of his house. He was seated on the ground, and his eyes were closed. He was channeling his energy into something. All of a sudden, black energy surrounded him; his power watch started malfunctioning. It showed the symbols per element.

From one element to another, it suddenly showed all of the symbols in one frame. Reverse lets out a yell as he released the energy; it was so strong that it created a destructive force. It even affected his house as it was shaking.

Inside the house, the monitor was on and it was displaying three planets: Earth, Kasuta, and Brotora.


Lia was in her room; she just finished a call with Nathalia and she is feeling down more than ever. She knew how lonely her mom feels with the absence of her loved ones- Lia being in space, Andres being at work, and the two older brothers being in the Philippines.

"This job really does compromise something, huh?" She laid her head down the table. "It is like that sometimes, hay..." She was about to close her eyes but she heard a knock on her door.

"Come in!" The door was opened revealing Boboiboy, he walks into her room with a grin, "Hi pretty." Lia rolls her eyes with a faint smirk, "You know, you really like visiting this room, huh?"

Boboiboy chuckled, "It's not the room I'm visiting, it's you. And the others are looking for you, they're by the dance machine. You want to join?" Lia nodded then she stood up, "I'm in. Let's go."

Then the two left the room. Lia told Boboiboy about how she was feeling that her mom is left alone in Rintis, which is why she's feeling a bit down. "That's the downside of having these kinds of duties; you're going to leave your family most of the time. Believe me, I've been there. I'm sure aunty understands what we're up to."

"I know. I just can't help but feel sad. She's not just missing me, she's missing my dad as well." Boboiboy nodded, "Do you know where he is?" Lia shook her head, "We don't know. He just... left without telling us where he would be going..."

The Filipina sighed, "Aish, enough about my dad. Going back to my mom, I wish I can do something about it." Boboiboy wrapped his arm around her shoulder, "We'll figure it out, okay? You're a great daughter." Lia smiled softly, "Thanks B."

"You're welcome, Li. Li De Vera." He teased much to her sighing, "You really like saying my surname? Ay wait, have I told you about this... De Vera is actually my mom's surname."

"What? No, you haven't told me that... Wait, how come? Your parents are married." Lia nodded, "Yeah but she wanted to keep her maiden name and eventually applied that to us."

"Well, good thing it wasn't an issue to Andres. You know how men are when it comes to like that- they have their pride and ego and most of them want their wives to get their surname." Lia nodded, "Yes... Well, he shouldn't complain anyway. He doesn't have a surname."

"A what?"

The two arrived at the room where there was a dancing machine. Gopal was still on it, dancing the TAPOPS master dance. He was singing as he executed the steps perfectly. He ends up gaining a perfect score.

They all gave him a round of applause, with some whoops and cheers. Gopal stepped down from the machine then pointed to Lia, "You haven't done this yet, right? You have to do this!"

"Is it a requirement?" Yaya nodded, "Well, sort off... Don't worry, I'm sure you can do this." Boboiboy lets out a howl, "Woo! Let's go, Li! You got this!" Sighing in defeat, Lia went on the platform.

Fang set the machine to repeat the TAPOPS master dance. As it starts, Lia immediately follows the steps being demonstrated while singing the song. "TAPOPS mengembara satu galaksi..."

Everyone else stares at her intently as she dances; they were astonished at how swift her moves are. Boboiboy gapes at her as Ying is recording her dance with a grin, "Dang, I didn't know she was that good."

"I'd honestly be surprised if she gets a lower score than Gopal. She dances way better than him." Leizel nonchalantly said much to Gopal's annoyance, "Eesh, whatever. At least we both can dance that, unlike you."

Yaya observes her moves, "This dance is actually a bit hard to execute with all the movements but she makes it look easy..." The others are commenting on her performance while Boboiboy is just speechless.

Once Lia was finished, they all cheered for her while a round of applause happened. Lia stepped down from the machine and did a bow, "I know, I did great. Aww, you're all too kind." She winked.

Yaya giggled as she pointed to Boboiboy, "Looks like someone's speechless." Boboiboy immediately snapped back to reality, he was busy staring at her that he didn't even notice the others.

"Aiyoyo! He's growing up! I'm going to cry!" Gopal exclaimed, wiping a fake tear. Fang copied Gopal, "Me too. From being 145 cm to being 176 cm and getting a girl! Huhuhuhu!" He even got down on his knees to fully exaggerate.

Their action annoyed Boboiboy, "These two... Really haven't taken their medicines, huh?" The girls just laughed at them.

All of a sudden, the screen of the dancing machine displayed Tarung. "Lance corporals and cadet!" It surprised everyone. Gopal sighed, "I'm the cadet one! Huhuhu!" No one replied to his remark, as Tarung started speaking. "Head to the meeting room! Now!"

They all dashed to the main deck, meeting KokoCi and Tarung, who were both in front of the monitor. "Take a look at this." The monitor displays 3 screens in which 3 different scenarios are happening. One screen displayed monsters attacking a city with fire and earth. Another screen has aliens running for their lives as there were more monsters striking them with water, drowning them, then electrocuting them with lightning.

The last screen has a tornado attacking the residents of the planets, who were running for their lives. Unfortunately, solar beams are being blasted that literally obliterated them. There were huge thorny vines that grew from the ground that purposely ate the ones it captured.

Everyone else was bewildered; where did the monsters come from?

"What in the world..." Fang trailed off as Boboiboy furrowed his eyebrow, examining every screen. "Where did they come from? And why are they attacking?" Yaya asked, all worried for the ones who are experiencing the attack.

"Wait for a second... Look!" Ying pointed to the three screens where the unearthly forces are shown. She immediately went to the keyboard and typed something that captured the faces of the forces; it got their information.

The rest observed it as Gopal pointed out something. "Eh? The ones in the city have fire and earth, while on this planet has water and lightning, then the last one has wind, solar, and thorn."

"Boboiboy, they have your elements. This means one thing." Leizel said. "Reverse," Lia concluded. The others agreed with her, as Boboiboy groaned in frustration. He was so frustrated that he used both hands to grip on his cap, as he lowered his head.

Lia noticed the man's frustration so she goes to him and comforts him by giving him soft pats on his back.

Leizel, Yaya, and Fang went to the monitor to give a further look. Ying was the one working to retrieve the information, which she successfully did. "The first screen takes place at Rintis Island itself, then the second screen is on planet Kasuta, then the third one is at Brotora."

"Rintis? As in our town?!" Lia was terrified, her mother is there. For sure the rest were terrified as their family members were there. "Atok..." Boboiboy realized, then deeply sighed.

"We have to put a stop to this. We have to get to him." Yaya said, clenching her fist. KokoCi cleared his throat, "Yes that's true. But all of you can't go to the same place, there are other two places in danger."

A voice was heard screaming from the monitor, Yaya gasped. "Goodness! Look at this!" Boboiboy immediately rushed to the monitor to see what's happening. He saw Reverse getting a hold on two familiar faces: Papa Zola and Pipi Zola.

The two were restrained by thorny vines, which are connected to Reverse's hands. This will prevent them from escaping. "How dare you kidnap justice and his daughter? Justice will make sure you will pay for this, Boboiboy!" Papa Zola yelled, much to Reverse's annoyance.

He used his lightning power to electrocute the two of them, making the others gasp. Then Reverse entered the portal and disappeared.

"He really doesn't have any mercy huh?! There's a kid!" Lia exclaimed. "We have to take action now! Not just for our town but also for the other places being attacked." Fang said.

"If that's the case, we have to split into groups. We can't go together, there are many people in those planets who are being attacked." Leizel proposed. The others agreed with her. "But what about teacher Papa? Where will Reverse take him?" Ying asked.

"I know," Boboiboy announced, making the rest look at him right now. He used his power band to project a holographic picture of a planet, then it pinpoints Reverse's location. "Planet Volcania. He's here and I'll go here. I can go alone while the rest of you guys go the places."

"Wait, what? We're not going to leave you alone." Lia opposed. "Who knows what Reverse has in mind ever since we last saw him. It's been 5 months, for sure he has something new." She made Boboiboy sigh, "Lia..."

"She's right. Don't think you're the only one here. We have your back." Fang told Boboiboy. The rest agreed with his statement. "No worries, we will request help," KokoCi assured all of them.

"I can go alone in one place," Leizel announced, much to everyone else's surprise. "Wait, you don't have to-" Fang was cut off by his girlfriend, "It's okay. Energy manipulation is quite strong to knock out those forces, I'll be able to handle myself."

"Wow, so much for bragging," Ying mumbled, hoping no one would hear her. Fang was hesitant in approving her suggestion, but he knew how well Leizel was trained. "Okay, I trust you. You'll go to Kasuta."

Leizel nodded, as Fang continued. "Ying and Yaya, you guys will go to Rintis. You'll also take the TAPOPS spaceship in case you need to take your parents to safety. Do it also to Tok Aba, aunty Nat, and Mr. Kumar."

He turned to Gopal, "We'll go to Brotora." Then he pointed to both Boboiboy and Lia, "And you guys... Take on Reverse." The rest approved Fang's assignment. "Noted," Ying responded.

Boboiboy just sighed. "Well then, what are we waiting for? It's time to hustle."

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