It's Coming Home

caseycan द्वारा

124K 1.7K 1.2K

Jack Grealish X Love Island Fan Fiction set during Euro 2020 with lots of throwbacks 2009 Aged 14, Jack is... अधिक

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47 - The Final Chapter
Bonus chapter

Chapter 31

2.3K 33 46
caseycan द्वारा

Wednesday 14th July 2021 continued

After the initial excitement of Jack and Amy's reunion, everything seemed to go back to normal. Having dinner with the Grealish's had always been such a big part of Amy's life while they were together, and it felt good to be back in the fold. It was just like old times, Jack was talking animatedly about pre-season with Kevin and Kevan, whilst Amy was telling Karen, Hollie and Keira about the work she'd been offered in London.

'And....this is top secret mind, but on Friday I'm going to Majorca for ten days. It's the end of the series of Love Island, and I've been asked to help present the final!' Amy said excitedly.

'Wait, you're going to Majorca on Friday?' Asked Jack, picking up pieces of the conversation.

'Yeah, why?'

'Well me and the boys are going to Mykonos on Friday, and I was going to ask you to come with us. There's a couple of other girls going too, so it's not like you'd be the only one. I just thought it would be a good opportunity to spend some time proper time together before the new season' he shrugged. That was one thing about dating a footballer, everything revolved around the football calendar.

'As unbelievably good as that sounds, I signed the contract for Majorca this morning, so it's a definite. I'm sorry' she grimaced.

'That's amazing! A proper tv star in the making. You two are going to be like some celebrity power couple soon' Keira squealed excitedly.

'Hmm, not convinced on that Keira' Amy laughed. 'But anyway, apart from the final, there's other stuff on all week, like beach parties and beach games, and then after the final we're hosting a big foam party at BCM in Magalluf'

'Sounds like some week you've got planned' said Jack squeezing her leg. He hadn't stopped touching her since they'd sat down at the table, it was like he couldn't quite believe that she was there next to him. Not that she minded, she'd missed his gentle touch.

'Yeah, it should be amazing. All the people who have been part of the show this season will be there' she explained.

'Even him?' Asked Jack, his face immediately expressing his disgust.

'Even Brad, but he knows now doesn't he, and there's going to be so many other people there, I'll barely have to see him' she reassured him.

'Why don't I see if the guys would change the holiday to Majorca?' Jack suggested. 'I'm sure they wouldn't mind, and at least I could still see you'

'Jack, don't be daft, I'll be pretty much working the whole time. You go to Mykonos and chill. It's only 10 days' she laughed as he pouted.

'I've literally just got you back though, like half an hour ago, and I've missed you for so long' Jack kissed her cheek.

'Erm you two, we're still here' laughed Hollie, waving across the table.


After dinner Amy and Jack left the restaurant together. Instead of taking a taxi like the rest of the Grealish family, Amy and Jack decided to make the most of the warm evening air and walk. Amy was glad she'd worn flat shoes as they walked for miles and miles, hand in hand just catching up with each other. Amy was so touched that Jack was so genuinely interested in her uni and what it was like. She told him all about her flat mates, the classes she was taking and how she'd been playing a bit of football herself.

'Really?' Smiled Jack. When they were together, they'd often have a kick around, but he didn't realise how much she'd enjoyed it.

'Yeah and I bet now they know where I picked up some of my skills they'll be raging' she laughed.

'Yeah, when you go back they'll be accusing you of cheating'

'That's the thing, I don't know if I want to go back. There's a lot happening for me here. I could make a good living from it, and be closer to you' she sighed. The decision was weighing heavily on her mind.

'So you'd live in London, but by yourself?' He asked, she could tell he wasn't keen on the idea.

'I went to look at a place yesterday actually, it was pretty fancy'

'Seriously?' He was shocked. This was not the life that he imagined her wanting to have.

'I just don't 100% know what I want. Apart from you, now, obviously' she smiled at him.

'That took you long enough to realise, didn't it' he said and she knew that he wasn't entirely joking. 'Seriously though. you can't throw uni away Aims, I know what it means to you, I know how hard you worked' he put his arm around her and pulled her close.

'This whole experience has just made me question everything I guess. I thought I always knew who I was and what I wanted, but now it's different'

'You're potentially the smartest person I know, and I don't just mean with books and stuff, so I know you'll figure it out. Just make sure no ones pressurising you in to doing stuff you don't want to do'

'One question, talking about books, did you really not know what an encyclopaedia was?' She giggled.

'The minute I said that I imagined you shaking your head at me'

'Honestly, I had to laugh' she was still giggling at the thought of it.

'I've missed this so much. Us just being together, you making fun of me for the stupid stuff I say and do and feeling it's like us against the world' he pulled him in and stared lovingly into her eyes. 'I missed you so so much'

'Aww, I missed you too, but I've missed your cuddles most of all, and the way you used to pin me to the bed with those muscly legs of yours'

'Why don't you come and stay at mine tonight then? Not in a filthy way, unless you want it be' he smirked and she could see that crazy look in his eyes, 'I just want to hold you and make sure that when I wake up tomorrow this hasn't all been a dream' he was being so sweet.

'Well funny you should say that, because believe it or not I've got nothing on at all tomorrow, so I'm all yours!' she kissed him gently on the lips.

'Aims, I know it's early days, but everyone saw what happened in that restaurant, so why don't we tell everyone ourselves that we're back together before someone else gets the chance?'

'How do you mean?'

'Well you're the social media queen these days, let's share a picture and let the world know that we're both off the market' Jack's eyes were still twinkling at her, how could she say no?

'Go on then' she smiled. It meant a lot to him for her finally agree to have a picture of them in the public eye again.

Jack took a selfie with her and they both posted it at the same time.

He captioned his 'my forever girl' and she wrote 'My Mr G & Me '

'People will actually vomit over those captions' he laughed.


Jack and Amy walked into his air b&b. It was in darkness apart from a single lamp in the living room, but she could tell it was an unbelievable property.

'Boys are out and won't be back for ages, there's a house party or something Mase said' Jack explained, opening the fridge and handing her a cold bottle of water.

'Wait, did you just hear that?' Amy whispered as she heard a moan. It happened again.

'Oh my god, that's coming from Chilly's room, I can't believe the boy is actually getting some sexy time' Jack laughed. 'Look Aims, whoever it is, she's even left her bra on the couch' he picked up an electric blue lacy bra with his finger.

Amy's mouth dropped. 'Oh my god, that's Laura's, I gave it to her after the Love Honey shoot'

'No way, Laura and Chilly?' Jack could hardly contain his excitement at the gossip. 'I did wonder why she was here the other morning, makes sense now' he couldn't quite believe it. Laura would eat him alive.

'Why don't we put the telly on, so we don't hear them but they know we're here' Amy suggested.

'Lets just leave them to it and go to bed ourselves, if you can't beat them, join them' Jack winked at Amy, took her hand and led her happily to the bedroom.

After Amy fell asleep, naked in his arms, Jack lay awake for ages just watching her. He knew how lucky he was to have another chance with her, but this time was forever, he'd make sure of that. He kissed the top of her head and whispered 'I love you'.


Brad looked in the mirror, the bruising on his jaw was undeniable.

'I still don't know why you didn't report it to the police' said Greg. 'He assaulted you and there was plenty of witnesses'

'He'll get what's coming to him, don't you worry' Brad wasn't going to let him get away with this. His Nan had always said revenge was a dish best served cold, and until now he'd never really understood what that meant. What Jack needed to remember was that he was about to spend 10 days in Majorca with his 'girlfriend'. He'd seen their posts on Instagram, but to Brad, the whole thing just looked like a massive publicity stunt for Amy. Why else would she go back to Jack? He was clearly jealous and possessive, that's not what Amy needed. She'd soon see in Majorca who she should really be with.

Thursday 15th July 2020

Amy woke early, but Jack was still fast asleep, his legs draped over hers just like she had always liked. It was funny how quickly they were falling back into their old habits.

She studied his face. He had always been gorgeous to her, but in the two years since she'd last been this close to him, he'd gotten even more so. It was insane to think that by now they should have been married, but here they were, together again and she was hopeful for the future.

'What you looking at?' asked Jack without even opening his eyes.

'Just your ugly mug' she laughed.

'I'm so happy you're back in my arms, even if you are horrible to me ' he pulled her tightly into him again.

'Wait, that's Laura's voice. I'm going to bust them' Amy chucked one of Jack's massive hoodies and a pair of his shorts on and burst out the room.

'Busted bitches' she shouted. Chilly and Laura's faces immediately turned a beetroot red colour.

'It doesn't look like I'm the only one who's been busted, nice bed head Aims' Laura said raising her eyebrows.

'Oi you, don't be speaking to my girlfriend like that' Jack playfully shouted playfully from his bedroom.

'Girlfriend? Does this mean you've actually made one of your decisions?' Laura looked delighted. Brad was a nice guy, but Jack had totally won her round.

'Yeah, and Jack punched Brad, but that's a whole other story'

'The guys a knob, he deserved it' Jack said, walking into the living room to join them. He was only in his tight white Calvin Klein's, and boy did he look hot.

'I'll tell you about it on the way back to the hotel' said Amy

'Noooo, you cant leave me. You said you were mine all day' Jack sulked, grabbing Amy around the waist.

'I'll shower and change, then I'll come back, I'll take you for a spin in my new car'

'Don't be long then' he sighed. He knew he was being clingy, but they just had such little time before they were going away, and he wanted to spend every single second with her that he could


After she'd showered and changed, she went back to pick Jack up. He was waiting for her outside when she pulled up, and playfully leaned in the passenger window and put on a deep American accent.

'Hey beautiful lady, I was just wondering, do you have a boyfriend?' He asked, winking cheekily.

'Yes I do actually, and he's very handsome and sexy. But you had better go because he's on his way and he's gonna kick your ass if he sees you talking to me' Amy replied with a wry smile.

'Well that's funny because I've got a girlfriend who is so hot she blows my mind, has the kindest heart ever and I love her to the moon and back'

'She's a lucky girl, you should introduce me to her sometime' Amy laughed, no longer able to keep a straight face.

'So what are we doing today?' Asked Jack, jumping in. Amy had told him she wanted to show him something and he was intrigued.

'5 minutes and you'll see!' She replied.

'Jesus Aims, your driving hasn't got much better has it?' He laughed as she put the foot down. 'I reckon you should probably get a chauffeur'

'Least I've still got my license, AND I'm wearing matching shoes' she teased back.

'Touché' he agreed. She was the only person in the world who could get away with cheek like that.

Amy pulled into the private parking of the apartment block and took Jack into the lift.

'You know, we could hit the stop button in here and just go at it like rabbits' he said, half joking and half serious.

'You wish' she said sticking out her tongue

'12th floor' said the lift.

'This is us' she told him. He followed her to the door, and she pulled out a key.

'Hang on, is this yours?' He asked as she turned it in the lock.

'Not yet, this is the place I was telling you about, I've got to make a decision tomorrow if I'm going to take it' she showed him in. Jack walked around the flat, taking it all in.

'It's a nice place and I know I've said it before l, but London, is it really you?' he asked, she could see that he was unsure.

'But, here I'm closer to you, it's like 2 and a half hours to your place. I could be with you so much more if I stay here, and I've got a pile of job offers'

'Aims, I might not be at Villa forever, there's talks of Man City putting in a big bid for me, so you're not the only one with big decisions and a potential move ahead. Believe it or not, I was actually thinking this morning, at least at Man City is closer to your uni than at Villa'

'Urgh, why am I so shit at decisions' she groaned.

'I'm making the next decision then, I'm starving, lets go get some food'

In the two years they'd been apart, Jack's appearance wasn't the only thing that had changed. If she thought he was famous before, then the current level of celebrity that Jack had was ridiculous. As soon as they had entered the restaurant of Jack's choice, they had bypassed the queue of people who were waiting for a table, and were seated straight away. Only minutes later complimentary drinks arrived at the table.

'Are you not driving?' asked Jack as Amy drained the glass of prosecco.

'I'll leave the car here and come back for it in the morning' she shrugged. 'I've got a meeting, then I'm taking the car to the airport and leaving it there, so it'll all work out okay' she explained.

'I really wish you weren't going to Majorca. Are you sure you can't just sack it off and come to Mykonos?'

'How about if I ask you to come to Celtic Park when you've got a Villa game on, what are you doing to do? Hmm?'

'Depends if Calmac's there, I need to keep an eye on him with you' he joked.

'Jack!' She scolded playfully.

'No, I get it. I do, and I trust you Aims, but I don't trust Brad'

'You've got nothing to worry about with Brad, neither of us do'

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