Truth Doesn't Change The Way...

By dylanreuben18

88.7K 2K 1.1K

Amelia Stone has a hard time fitting in, until she meets Mr James Buchanan Barnes and everything starts to pi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 15

2.1K 56 8
By dylanreuben18

Back inside, Steve had stopped Bucky from going after Amelia. As much as he hated it, he knew Steve was right, she needed some space to calm down from what she had witnessed. Bruce and Peter had taken Tony off to a separate room to calm him down, thinking it was best to keep the two separated for a while.

Bucky was practically on the verge of tears, knowing that he had exposed Amelia to the side of him he hoped she would never have to see. He couldn't help but wonder what she thought of him now.

Bucky sat on the floor, leaning against the sofa, Steve and Natasha either side of him. "It'll be okay Buck." Steve rubbed his back, as Bucky put his head in his hands.

"Tony was right, you know..."

Steve and Nat looked at each other, confused as to what he what Bucky was talking about.

"I hurt her... not physically... but I still hurt her..." His voice was filled with regret. "When she was in my head, she could feel everything that I went through. I could tell she was in pain." Bucky's voice cracked as a single tear ran down his cheek. "That's why Tony got to me, what he said...because it was true."

Steve groaned as hoisted himself up off the couch. He limped towards the door as the others stared at him.

"Where are you going" Natasha asked him, Bucky feeling too distraught to notice.

"Well someone's got to check on her" He leant his hand on the door handle, looking back to Bucky, who had perked his head up. He got off the floor and walked towards Steve.

"I'll come with you."

"I think it's best if you stay here, just until we know she's okay." Steve put a hand on Bucky's shoulder, giving him a reassuring nod. Bucky watched from the door as Steve went outside, not letting his sight wander from Amelia.

Amelia was still sat on the ground in the pouring rain, her clothes completely drenched. She didn't care that she was drenched, the feeling of the rain on her skin helped her focus her feelings, calming her down.

"Amelia?" She heard Steve calling from behind her. She turned her head to look at him, her mascara running down her face.

"Steve?" She could barely see him, her vision was blurred from crying. "You shouldn't be out here."

"Neither should you" He limped over to her and helped her stand. As she did, he instantly pulled to to his chest, knowing that all she needed was a comforting hug.

"It wasn't him, you know..." He said over the loud sound of the rain hitting the concrete. "Sometimes these things happen with him, he can't control it. Especially after Tony provoked him."

Amelia started to sob as she looked up at Steve, his face still bruised. "It just scared  me, that's all. I thought he was actually gonna go for me." She looked down at her feet, feeling herself getting worked up again.

"Hey," Steve brought her chin up so she was looking at him, "he would never do anything to hurt you... he loves you." Amelia's eyes widened at his words. She had no idea how much she meant to Bucky, but hearing Steve say those words made her heart melt. A smile grew across her face.

"Really...? He... he really said that?" Her words were in disbelieve.

"He didn't have to. I've seen the way he looks at you. You mean everything to him." Steve said as Amelia let out a little chuckle. "Now come on, let's get you out of this rain and warmed up, you're shivering." Amelia hadn't even noticed she was cold until he had mentioned it.

He put his arm around her shoulder, protecting her from the rain, even though she was already soaked. They hobbled back to the main door. Bucky moved back to the living room, so that they wouldn't notice he was watching. He sat back on the couch next to Natasha, who handed him his beer.

As Steve and Amelia walked through the door Natasha rushed over to them, seeing how drenched their clothes were. "Come on hun, let's get you dried up, or you'll catch a cold." Nat took her from Steve and headed to the bathroom. Amelia glanced over at Bucky as she walked past him, giving him a soft side smile.

Natasha grabbed a towel and some spare clothes that she would keep at the compound. She sat Amelia down on the edge of the bath, drying her hair behind her. "Bucky's actually a big softy y'know. He just gets a bit protective over things, and well... him and Tony don't exactly have the best track record." Natasha explained. She knew that Nat and Bucky were close, but she wondered exactly how close they had been. Natasha was ver attractive, which made Amelia slightly weary of her, but she knew she was with Steve so she wouldn't try anything.

"I've been meaning to ask about that. They gave each other a look when we first got here... what's that all about?" Amelia was curious to see if it had anything to do with Bucky's past, back when he was being controlled, or something she might not have seen in his head.

Natasha sighed as continued to dry Amelia's hair. "What happened wasn't Bucky's fault, he couldn't have helped it if he tried."

Amelia turned round to face Nat, sitting opposite her. "What did he do...?"

"When Tony was younger, his parents were killed in what they thought was a car crash. But a few years ago, when Steve managed to find Bucky again, Tony was shown cctv footage of what really happened."

"He killed them didn't he...?" Amelia's voice saddened, as her tear ducts began to swell again.

"It practically tore the group apart. Tony and Steve lost contact, most of us who were on Steve's side had to go on the run, where as Bucky was sent to Wakanda to try and expel that part of him."

"And what about now?"

"Tony's fine with the rest of us, but Bucky's tried apologising and tried to make things right with him, Tony just can't accept it." Nat grabbed the corner of the towel and wiped Amelia's ruined make up off her face. "They both try to be civil around each other, but Tony takes things too far sometimes... like tonight."

Natasha gave her a hug as they stood up. "Thank you for this" Amelia said softly, her head over Natasha's shoulder.

She held both of Amelia's hands, feeling that she had warmed up now. "What are friends for, right?" Nat gave her a small chuckle as they headed out the bathroom.

Amelia walked into the living room wearing a pair of Nats training leggings and a grey striped hoodie. Amelia pulled her sleeves over her hands, feeling nervous about seeing Bucky again after the incident with Tony.

Bucky looked over at her from the couch with big sorrowful eyes. She teetered over to him, walking slowly down the three steps, before wandering over to where Bucky was. He opened his giant arms, welcoming her to join him. Amelia sniffled, plopping herself under his arms, his warm embrace making her feel at home once again. The two cuddled for a while on the couch as Nat helped Steve up to his room. Bucky stroked her hair as she sat lying under his arms, in his lap. They hadn't said a word to each other, but they didn't need to, she knew he was sorry.

Most of the group had gone home, before the storm outside grew worse. Bucky knew it wouldn't be safe to ride back on his motorbike, especially with some of the roads being flooded. Wanda, who lived at the compound with some of the others, showed Bucky and Amelia to one of the spare rooms, where they could spend the night.

As the two entered the room, Amelia stripped down to the oversized t-shirt she was wearing under the hoodie. Bucky sat on the edge of the bed in just his boxer shorts. He gazed at how small Amelia looked in Nats top, her petit figure being drowned. She sat down on top of Bucky's lap, her legs around his hips. He wrapped his arms around her waist, tucking his head into her neck. "I'm sorry about before, you shouldn't have seen that."

Amelia placed her tiny hand on his chin, lifting his head up, "It's okay... Nat told me everything." His heartbroken orbs stared up at her, "Bucky... I don't care about what happened, it doesn't change how I feel about you." She softly gave him a kiss on his head. She cupped his face, leaning her forehead on his, their noses touching gently. "I love you Bucky..."

Bucky didn't reply, he sat there gawking at her words, not believing that she had actually say those words. Amelia began to panic, thinking that it was a stupid time say due to Bucky's silent response.
"Oh god, I'm sorry...I didn't mean... fuck-"

Bucky grabbed her face, passionately smashing his lips into hers, before pulling away. "I love you too" he had the biggest grin on his face, finally hearing her say it, knowing that she felt the same way he did. "Also you look adorable in that T-shirt." Amelia's cheeks Blushed at his compliment. "I'm kinda jealous that it's Nats shirt and not mine though" he laughed, before pulling her closer to him as he fell back, getting comfortable in the bed. Amelia curled over on the bed, facing away from Bucky. He reached his arm around her, keeping his body against hers. She pulled his hand up kissed it gently, before cuddling it up to her chest.
Bucky nestled up behind her more, whispering into her ear "goodnight Doll".

Amelia smiled, her eyes closed, "goodnight Buck".

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