The Red Thread of Fate (Compl...

By Fivesosisnotonfire

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Fivesosisnotonfire. 2021. Wattys 2021. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 5

65 0 0
By Fivesosisnotonfire

I walked out of the Bazaar and towards the green pillar of light, and dived off the nearest ledge and whistled for Ace. As we took to the skies I led him to the cloud barrier and dived off Ace and flew through the barrier below seeing the greenery I was about to land on. I took out my Sailcloth as I landed and Fi flew out of my sword. "Master Link, we've arrived. This is the fabled surface that has long been part of Skyloft legend. By my calculations, you are currently positioned in a location known as the Sealed Grounds." I looked around, this place was big it was circular and went down quite a few levels. I started to walk around and found a few enemies in my path, I got down to what seemed to be the front of a temple of sorts I think. It suddenly got dark and lit up again which was strange, I looked down all the to the bottom in the centre the was a black circle and a black aura was coming from down there too.

The black aura began to swarm in my face and everywhere around me was red, I looked around confused and scared slightly but ready for any danger. For Zelda. I looked down and the black circle was getting bigger and it transformed into the black beast I saw in my dreams, it roared and I felt my head start to hurt and the beast got bigger, larger than life even. I saw about engulf me, this is how I die oh, goddess help me. I closed my eyes and was ready to die. I felt nothing and it quiet, I slowly opened my eyes to see if I was dead or not and.....nothing was there I was fine. I breathed a sigh of relief looking down at the black circle small again all the way down there. The wind breezed in my face and I looked behind me there was a door with a orange symbol on it that looked like a lock. "Master, I have information to report." Fi said popping out. "While these doors appear to have been opened recently, they are sealed shut by a powerful unidentified force." I nodded "Yeah, Fi I see that."

I told her as she slipped back into the sword. Considering the door at the top was sealed shut according to Fi, my only option to was to go down to the menacing black circle that I was probably going to die from. I made my way down and saw there was a spike in the middle of the circle that the black aura was coming from. "Young one....Child of destiny descended from the sky." The spike spoke? "Raise the sword of the goddess skyward... Take aim at the evil aura and unleash its power...." I listened to the spike and raise my sword, watching it glow with power before striking down on the spike. It lit up and the black aura disappeared as did the light, holes in ground around blew out air I could use my Sailcloth to get back up to the top of where I was.

Fi popped out and spoke to me, nodding. "Master Link, I'm sensing a change in the area that was triggered by your Skyward Strike. I have also detected a aura that correlates closely to your Sailcloth. I surmise this aura belongs to Zelda. I can lead you in the direction of this aura through a process known as dowsing. You can use the goddess sword and use Zelda as your dowsing target, then point in the direction wish to search." She slipped back into the sword as I tried out what she said, a purple aura surround me and the sword, it got brighter as I pointed the sword in different showing where Zelda was closest. I put my sword away and use the holes in ground to fly back up to the top, I went back to the door that was sealed and it began to glow and the symbol disappeared. The door was now open, available for me to go in. I carefully enter the building and looked around, this place has been here for a long time I could see. There was light at the opposite end of the room so I decided to move in that direction.

I could see there was person sitting in the light, it appeared to be an old woman she spoke to me. "Ah...The traveler descended from the clouds above. I welcome you, child of fate." Ok, how did everything and everyone here know I was from the clouds above, I mean sure it's my destiny or whatnot but I'm still confused. "Tell me, what is your name?" Ok, so they didn't know everything. "Link, my name is Link." I said in quiet tone as the old woman nodded. "....Link? Ah, Link. Good Very good. I sense you already have gained control over the sacred power that fill your sword when pointed skyward. The Skyward Strike is yours to command. It is proof that you are fit to bear the blade you carry, the Goddess Sword. I have sat here for many years waiting for you to arrive. All so that I could fulfill my purpose as your guide." Well, at least I had someone to tell me what the hell was going on here.

The light shone on the old woman again as she spoke. "You stand under the roof of the Sealed Temple, a place built by the goddess an eternity ago. Your arrival here was predestined many, many years ago. The spirit maiden you seek arrived here shortly before you, descending to this land in a shower of light." Oh, so Zelda really was to come here? At least I know she's not miles away. There's no doubting it. The gears of fate have begun to turn." So this was it? This was how me and Zelda's life was going to go now? "Yet all is not as it should be. The spirit maiden was not meant to reach this land in the manner she did. I feel an evil power working in the shadows. It moves to warp the destiny of which you two are a part. Link.... You are concerned for the spirit maiden and seek her whereabouts, yes?" The old woman asked me, I nodded vigorously.

"Of course, she's my sister. I want her safe and home." She nodded, "....That is understandable, but for now you must focus on moving forward. That girl has her own purpose she must pursue, as do you. She set out for Faron Woods to discover that destiny for herself, and you must follow. Show me your map." I pulled it out of my pocket and show it to her, she pointed to a path not far from here and told me that will lead me to the woods. "You will be travelling in unfamiliar lands. Many monsters have settled here, and a map may not prove guidance enough for your journey. Go now. You must head into Faron Woods and chase after the spirit maiden... the one you call Zelda. You are ready. Leave through the door before you, and head into the woods, I wish you safe travels. Know that all the questions you have now will be answered in time. For now, Link, go bravely!" I nodded and left out the side doors, heading on the path to lead me into the woods.

I got out of the temple to see a group of monsters surrounding a poor creature, bullying him. I walked up to the group and pulled my sword and shield and slashed at them until they were no more. The poor guy they were surrounding turned to me amazed. "Whew! Thanks for jumping in there to rescue me, bud! Just who were those red pest? I did not expect to run into a pack of them in this peaceful forest. Same goes for you. This is second time I've bumped into one of your kind today. I tell you, all sorts of weird things are going on lately. I owe big for taking care of those guys, so let me tell you something fascinating." Woah, he saw Zelda, I have to ask him about her. "Hey, the other person of my kind you saw? Do you know where they went?" He shook his head. "Nah, sorry bud. But come here." He walked over to what appear to be a rusted up bird statue. I saw one in the Sealed ground but there was nothing I could do about it.

"Hey bud! I'm Gorko the Goron. I am researching the ancient history of these woods here. According to the ancient texts, there is some kind place up above called the Isle of the Goddess. Far up in the sky! Apparently, these old statue serve as landmarks to those travelling up to the sky or down from the Isle of the Goddess place. If you find one, be sure to examine it to keep tabs on the number of landmarks. They are rumored to be quite useful. Supposedly this statue is special, as it is said to have the ability to activate all the other statues. The whole thing sounds a little crazy, I know, but I for one believe it to be true! Otherwise, why would all these statue be here all over the place? It is a real head-scratcher, bud. Makes you want to know more, does it not?" I did want to know more but this guy rambles on so I told him no and I walked up to the bird statue, it started to glow looking as good as new. I stepped back and Gorko stood in shock.

"WHOA! What in the world just happened? Did you use some kind of magic?" Was this guy for real, no! "No, I didn't do anything." I told him, he got excited and stared at me. "The statue reacted the moment you got near it, bud. How crazy is that?" I nodded, deciding to walk away from this guy and continue to look for Zelda. As I got to the gate to enter the woods, Fi popped out. "Master, now that you have accessed the stone statue, you can return to the sky at will. " I nodded as Fi disappeared again and I entered the gate to the woods.

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