The Red Thread of Fate (Compl...

By Fivesosisnotonfire

1.8K 11 2

Fivesosisnotonfire. 2021. Wattys 2021. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 4

91 0 0
By Fivesosisnotonfire

The figure stood in front of me and spoke. "The one chosen by my creator. I have been waiting for you. You will play a role in a great destiny. According to your social customs, I should provide you with my personal designation. Fi is the names I was given. I was created for a single purpose, long before the recorded memory of your people. I must aid you in fulfilling the great destiny is your burden to carry. Come, Link. You must have take up this sword. As the chosen by my creator, it is your destiny. I gasped, looking at Fi as she continued. "The strange dreams troubling your sleep. My sudden appearance. Uncertainty surrounding the fate of the one you hold dear. Under the circumstances, it is only logical that you would exhibit some apprehension. To minimize your uncertainty, allow me to share some information. My projections indicate that this information has a high probability of altering your current emotional state. The one you seek, honorable Zelda, is still alive." I gasped, relived that Zelda was at least alive I still don't know where she was but I'll find out.

"And this spirit maiden.....the one you call another chosen one fated to be a part of the same great mission. Therefore, should you wish to meet with the one you call your sister, I highly recommend you take up this sword before you set out to search for her. Does that information invigorate you? Are you ready to accept this sword?" I ran up towards the sword when Fi floated in front of me. I looked up at her, "Can you..." I pointed to the sword behind her. "It seems that further persuasive measures will not be required." I nodded as she floated aside. "In the name of my creator, draw the sword and raise it skyward." I walked up to the sword's pedestal and slowly pulled it out and raised above my head where light shone onto the sword and it glowed, bathing in the light above me.

Fi looked at me as I raised the sword. "Recognition complete, Master...Link...My master." Master? Alright, then. The sword lit up the room still and I lowered it. "Link!" I heard behind me, I gasped as I recognized the voice. I might get in trouble now, I saw Robert enter from the dark corridor and stared at me in bewilderment. "I've had my suspicions, but until now I wasn't sure. Yet here we are in the Chamber of the Sword, the very place where it was foretold the youth of legend would one day appear but I never thought it was be my own son." I turned to him, sheepishly smiling, sword still in my hand. "It is said that this place was left by the goddess herself. The very knowledge of this room's existence is a secret passed down to a select few each generation, along with a handful of words... When the light of the goddess's sword shine bright, the great apocalypse will wake from its long slumber. Do not fear, for it is then a youth, guided by my hand, shall reveal himself in a place most sacred."

Robert stepped closer to me smiling. "It started days ago. The sword that I've kept secret all these years...It began to give off a faint, otherworldly light. At first I was sure I was seeing things, here alone with the sword. There was simply no other explanation. I never dreamed the prophecy of legend would come to pass in my lifetime and to my children. The words I have sworn to keep secret are coming true before my very eyes. The youth will be guided by one born of the blade-one who is also youthful in likeness yet wise with knowledge immeasurable." Fi nodded as Robert finished. "Oral tradition, one of the least reliable methods of information retention and transmission. It appears that critical sections of the passage have been lost over the generations." Robert and I looked at each other as Fi spoke and floated in front of us. "The youth who draws forth the guiding sword shall be known as the goddess's chosen hero, and it is he who possesses an unbreakable spirit."

"He shall burdened with the task of abolishing the shadow of apocalypse from the land. Such is his destiny. With the spirit of the blade by his side, he shall soar over the clouds and plummet below... And united with the spirit maiden, shall bring forth a piercing light that resurrects the land." I gasped at Fi's words, Robert had his hands on my shoulders just as shocked as I was. I remember what Zelda said about Robert having texts about the surface in the academy. "Master, you must embark on a great journey beneath the clouds to the vast realm of the surface. It is only through this journey that you can fulfill the mission set before you by creator, the goddess. It is also the only method available for you to reunite with the spirit maiden, honorable Zelda." Robert shook his head. "No, I will not lose both of my children, surely there is another way. The world below is a forsaken place, my son cannot go there, he would need to pierce the cloud barrier below to even reach it, I do not want to put him in danger."

Fi looked at Robert. "It is the only way. Both Master Link and his sister the honorable spirit maiden are part of a pair for a reason. They must fulfill this destiny sent by the goddess together. This is the main reason they were raised together, to prepare them for such destiny." Robert squeezed my shoulders as I looked up at him. "I'll be ok and I'll bring Zelda home." He smiled, "I know you will son, I know you will. What must he do now?" Robert asked Fi as she produced a stone shaped tablet with a green gem out of nowhere and passed it to me. "This tablet will illuminate a path through the clouds to the land below. Take it, and place it in the altar behind me. Master, the first thing you must do is hit the crest sitting in this room with a Skyward Strike. These blasts are formed of pure energy that changes within your blade when you lift it skyward. Once you have charged your blade, face the crest and swing your sword to send out a powerful Skyward Strike." I nodded and walked up to the crest.

I raised the sword skyward, watching it fill and glow with light and swung at the crest. The crest lit up and spun eventually stopping and shone brightly. A altar for the tablet to go in raised up from the ground and I placed the tablet in it, pushing it in. "Master Link, It is done. Until now, a cloud barrier created by the goddess has separated the world you know from the one below. The tablet you placed in the altar has opened a small rift in the barrier you can use it to travel through the clouds to the realm below. I have recognized you as my master, and so it is my duty to follow you wherever you may go. I reside within your sword and will accompany you in your travels." Fi disappeared into my sword as Robert came up to me with a somber expression. "Link, listen a moment. The nature of the great apocalypse mentioned in the old texts is a complete mystery to me. But whatever it turns out to be, it seems that both you and Zelda have big roles to play in the destiny of this land. Should you heed the call of destiny, I don't know what danger you have to face, Link, Especially down there..."

He sighed. "If you've decided to brave the unknown, I cannot stop you but I can worry about you please be careful, my son. Please find your sister and the both of you come home safely. What we've seen today defies explanation, but it is only the start of your journey. Please, see it through and prove the legends true." I nodded. "Ok Robert, I will and I'll make sure Zelda and I make it home safe." He chuckled, smiling and rubbing my shoulder. "You do your people proud, Link! And you make me very proud to have you as my son. Dawn is drawing near. It has been a long night for the both of us, hasn't it? You have a great journey before you, Link, and those clothes don't look up to the task. The uniform you were yo receive for winning the race should be ready by now. A sturdy uniform like that will prove much more suitable for a long journey. You'd better change before you go." I nodded and Robert and I walked back to the Knight Academy to give my uniform.


I slipped on my boots, tightened my belt and my gloves before standing up in front of Robert who was smiling with pride. "That green uniform is what our knight will be wearing this year. To be honest I've had my doubts about the colour. But oddly enough, seeing you wear this uniform, I can't imagine a more fitting colour for you. It's as though you were born to wear it." Robert came over to me and we hugged tightly as he said his parting words to me. "Please take care on you journey, I love you my son. Bring your sister and yourself home safely. Be sure to stop by some of the shops in the bazaar to equip yourself properly for the travels ahead. I will return to my quarters and see if I can glean more useful information from the ancient texts. You are always welcome to come home when you need to, both you and your sister will be in my prayers. May the goddess watch over and guide you both."

He walked out of my room before the emotional stuff could start and I exited my room short after too, as I stepped out Fledge came up to me. "Link! That green uniform looks so... adventurous! You sure look like a knight now. The headmaster said you're heading to look for Zelda. You're really something else I could never imagine myself doing what you're about to do. I put a lot of work into making this! You should take it with you." He handed me what he called an adventure pouch, I gladly accepted it and put it on my belt. "Thanks Fledge, I'm sure it will come in handy." He smiled. "That's ok Link, I just know you'll find Zelda for us." I smiled, saying goodbye for Fledge and ran into to Cawlin unfortunately. "Hey, I just saw the news. Out of all of us, how come only you got promoted to senior class? Talk about stupid calls! On top of all that, Groose won't come out of his AND Zelda is missing. It's all your fault! Way to go there buddy. Some senior-class guy you are!" I rolled my eyes and walked out of the academy.

I was stopped again by Instructor Owlan who told me he was told by Robert that I was going to look for Zelda beneath the clouds on the surface. He gave me a wooden shield to help me on my journey and got out of the Knight academy grounds finally, I made my way to the bazaar as suggested again and again to me. As I walked past a man with a crystal ball he stopped me, "What's this....? What is it that my eyes behold?! Oh, young man, what calamitous visions appear before me... You may choose not to believe me, but my eyes foresee a hazardous, thorny road ahead for you....but I can foresee what will befall you, for I am a fortune-teller! Trust my piercing eyes....Listen to my pure and innocent voice. I will do you no harm. Gaze deeply into my eyes and come closer! Gaze into my eyes... Stare deeply into my eyes....These eyes see many things. Oh yes, these lovely, round eyes can even see....into the future! Allow me tell your fortune, boy! Do you doubt these eyes? I look upon your shirt, boy and i see a single thread loose on your sleeve stitching."

"Nothing can hide from eyes! Normally, I seek 10 rupees to tell a fortune, but this I will charge but 1 rupee." I let the creepy fortune teller guy tell me my fortune. He told me I was going into a deeply wooded area filled with trees and it wouldn't hurt to take a few items with me. I nodded walking away. I bought a potion from the potion vendors and decided to head off, ready for my journey to the surface.

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