Engaged to the prince | J.Jk

By Gia_PJ

19.1K 547 118

"Are you blushing?" "No these are rashes.. I'm allergic to your existence." You, a 17 year old girl who tho... More

Chapter 1 : First meeting
Chapter 2 : Be careful
Chapter 3 : You what?
Chapter 4 : Clubbing
Chapter 5 : By hook or by crook.
Chapter 6 : Coconut head
Chapter 7 : Single as a pringle
Chapter 8 : Vanilla?
Chapter 9 : '2nd place'
Chapter 11 : How is your girlfriend?
Chapter 12 : I want a nephew first
chapter 13 : There's only one bed
Chapter 14 : What kept you awake last night?
chapter 15 : Jealousy is a disease
Chapter 16 : Trouble in Paradise
Chapter 17 : What is it Tae?
Chapter 18 : Baking a cake
Chapter 19 : Princess of korea?
Author nim
Chapter 20 : Teen-Napped
Chapter 21 : Fainted
Chapter 22 : Possible ex lover slash fanboy
Chapter 23 : That sly Bastard
Chapter 24 : Let me protect what's mine
Chapter 25 : The player's changing room
Chapter 26 : Awkward atmosphere
Chapter 27 : Falling asleep together
Chapter 28 : Mission 'court my fiance'
Chapter 29 : The imperial Dinner
Chapter 30 : Paper rings
Chapter 31 : Till death do us apart
Epilogue : 10 years later
After the Train to Busan
Bonus Chapter 1
Bonus Chapter 2
Shadow : An idol's cover

Chapter 10 : Chill, it ain't that deep

574 19 10
By Gia_PJ

Hi pumpkins, i wanted to clear one thing, You jungkook, Taehyung, jimin, Michi, Ashley are in the 2nd year of high school. While Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Namjoon are in the 3rd year. Sorry if you were confused.

9th May, year 2021

I am nearly the first one to reach at my class. Well... That's what i thought. The class was incredibly silent today. The gossip girl group was chit chatting but not as much as usual. Violet was as usual doing her makeup and flexing about her  channel purse to her side chicks, Minty and hannah.

Violet noticed that i was looking  her way, she gave me a glance and rolled her eyes.


But at least She's not annoying  me. That's a character Development.

The bell hadn’t rang yet so the teacher wasn’t here.

I pulled my drawing pad out of my bag to work on my skills. I love drawing. But the problem was i suck at it. I grabbed my pencil and put my head on the table, randomly started to draw a fish.

Ashley and Michi weren’t here yet. So it was kinda quite.

But Just when i thought i finally have some peace, Jungkook makes his entry dashingly. I flinched when the Classes volume suddenly went up. They started  to mutter things and screaming. Like I get You're talking but why the heck are you screaming for?

Makes me wanna rip out there tonsils out of there throats.

I turned around ; Taehyung waved at me while Jimin winked. I softly giggled. My eyes connected with Jungkook's and I immediately looked away.

Jungkook walked towards me before sitting down. 

That's suspicious!

Last time when he all on a sudden walked towards me and gave me a sudden sweet smile I thought he's trying to be friends but instead he actually asked Jackson to put Cockroaches in my bag. He was just trying to distract me with his bright face.

I mentally scoffed and looked away.

He cleared his throat causing me to look at him.

"What?" I asked looking towards him but immediately gasped. "Holy shit, You Colored your hair?"

Jungkook's once dark brown coconut head was now pitched black and parted as if someone cracked it.

Damn. I mean he's a jerk but he's hot. Can’t deny that.

"No, shit sherlock." Jungkook commented sarcasticly. I had the solid urge to roll my eyes but didn’t do it.

"Jungkook, You're looking  handsome!" Violet commented and locked her arms with Jungkook's.

"I know." Jungkook cockily replied and i pretended to gag.

"Don't act Y/n, i know you secretly have a crush on him." Violet said, jealousy evident in her eyes. Jungkook's eyes widened at the sudden comment.

I scoffed, "He wishes."

"Violet, go sit on your seat please." Jumgkook ushered her. Violet pouted yet nodded before walking away.

He again cleared his throat. "So am I your type now?" He asked out of the blue.

I looked at him questionably.


I remember when we were in 5th grade Jungkook once had asked me if he's my  type or not. I said no. He asked why and i said that his coconut head wasn’t something i hate but definitely wasn’t something I like.

I scanned him for a while and then shaked my head, "Nope. You're still not my type."

Jungkook scowled at me. "I'm everyones type."

"I Don't fall in that 'everyone' then." I replied. "btw did you change your hair style just so you could be my type?" i teased 

"Whatever rides your boat." He snorted.

"Woah, that's some creative shit, You're drawing." Jungkook sneered at me pointing at the fish I drew. "Did you draw a squid?" he snorted again picking up the drawing.


i stared at him blankly.

"Or maybe not." He said and placed it back.

I massaged my temple. "It's a fish."

"Doesn’t looks like it." He raised an eyebrow.

"My vision is beyond your under understanding Jeon." I crossed my arms and he chuckled.

"Just admit, you suck at drawing." Jungkook shrugged.


"Admit it!!"

"Go away, Jeon."

"I Won't." He sank into the seat making himself more comfortable.

Then don’t moron.

I looked at my drawing for a while and then tore the page away. I smushed it and threw it in the back without looking.

"What the fuck." Someone from behind hissed. And Jungkook pointed at me.

I glared at him. "I hate you."

"Hate is a passionate feeling." He sneered.

"Wanna see my passion? I'm going to passionately stab you with my pencil." I eyed the sharpened 2B pencil in my hand.

"I dare you munchkin." Jungkook smirked.

I marched towards him to attack with my pencil but instead he swiftly grabbed my arm stopping me in my track, he flicked the pencil casually and it slipped from my hand. The pencil landed on the floor with a quite 'ping'.

A few faces turned in my direction to see what has happened as if I dropped a nuclear bomb.

"Chill, it ain't that deep." I said and they looked away.

I turned towards Jungkook to see his shoulder shaking indicating that he's laughing.

"Ha ha ha, very funny." I sarcastically said and picked up the pencil from the ground.

The bell rang and Mrs. Chad entered  the class. Mrs. Chad is the youngest teacher of the school. She bores us with her story of intelligence, how smart she was yada yada. She's super pretty but has a bad temper. She's only 25 but acts way older than that.

Oh fish.

Ashley and Michi are still not here. They are late or not attending?

I stopped at my thoughts when I saw Ashley and Michi entered the class.

"Why are you two late today?" Mrs. Chad asked fixing her eyes at them.

"My cat died!" Michi exclaimed and Jungkook snorted. "I was grieving over my cat so I was late." Michi said fidgeting with her fingers.

"Oh, Condolence to the cat. But what about you Ashley?" Mrs. Chad asked.

"I was consoling her." Ashley pointed at Michi and Mrs. Chad nodded an ok.

"You two may take your seats for now. But you two get 30 minutes of detention." Mrs. Chad said.

"This woman!!! I just said my cat died." Michi mumbled under her breath and a few students beside us snorted but gladly Mrs. Chad was paying attention to the Board so she didn’t noticed.

Jimin nudged Ashley, "When did she even have a cat?"

"That was an excuse dimwit." Ashley hissed at him while jimin huffed out an 'oh'

"So why were you late?" Jimin asked raising an eyebrow.

"Michi had gone to a party with her cousins last night so she had a hangover this morning and I overslept." Ashley huffed out.

Everyone settled down and the class was continued. Ashley looked here and there for a while and focused her eyes on Jungkook's head.

yeah, that's the hot topic today.

"Woah. You Colored your hair?" Ashley asked eyeing Jungkook's black hair and Jungkook nodded.

"Open page 68." Mrs. Chad announced and  started to write things on board. "Jackson, get up and read it."

"Can I read page 69 please?" Jackson asked.

Is he for real?

The whole class laughed and Mrs. Chad was flabbergasted. "No, Read page 68!"

"Pretty pleaseee.. I wanna read page 69" jackson made hearts with his fingers while I bit my lips to contain my laughter.

"Read page 68." Mrs. Chad sternly said.

"NO, I Like 69." Jackson smirked.

"That's what she said." Jimin said with his crossed arms and the whole class bursted in laughter.

"Detention for Jackson and Jimin!" Mrs. Chad yelled and Jimin groaned. "Sit down, someone else read it." She eyed the whole class for a while. No one was ready to read it.

Someone grabbed Taehyung's arm and raised it, "Yes, Taehyung, you can read it." Mrs. Chad sais with a sweet smile.

Taehyung looked dumbfounded but then got up. He looked around to find a book because he didn’t bring his.

He snatched the person’s book beside him and eyed it weirdly. "What is this shit?"

"you're holding it upside down Tae!" I giggled and he mumbled a 'thanks'.

"Romeo and Juliet?" Taehyung asked and Mrs. Chad nodded. He placed down the book more like threw it away. "This is a shitty story. I don't want to read it." Taehyung crossed his arms.

"Language Mr. Kim!" Mrs. Chad exclaimed.

"The story seriously sucks." Jungkook gave a disgusted look.

"No, it shallows." Taehyung laughed and gave Jungkook a high five.

I could see Mrs. Chad releasing smoke from her nose and ear. nah.. Just kidding.  I mean she would've if that was possible.

"That's  what she said." jimin again said shrugging.

oh my god. Will they stop?

The class erupted with huge snorts and laughter.

"30 minutes more for jimin and 1 hour for Jungkook and Taehyung at detention!" Mrs. Chad said. Jumgkook and Taehyung stopped laughing at that.

"Miss, I can read it." Hannah raised her hand grinning and Mrs. Chad nodded. Hannah grabbed the book and started reading. She made hand gestures and her voice turned chindish at some point. After finishing the whole story she sat down.

She kept her palm on her cheek, albow on the table, "I wish, I had a romeo." She dreamily said eyeing Taehyung.

"You're aware that Juliet commits suicide, aren’t you?" Michi said laughing in between.

"Whatever" Hannah pouted and looked away.

"So, We have finished reading Romeo and juliet. And it should have given you a glimps of what love is. Can someone tell me what is love in your own words?" Mrs. Chad asked eying everyone.

"I wanna know how could it be as sweet as candy, I wanna know how It's like flying in the sky. I wanna know know know know what is love. What love feels like."

Mrs. Chad's eyes widened and the whole class started to laugh when suddenly someone turned on 'What is love' by twice.

"Who did it?" Mrs. Chad yelled and everyone went silent.

"If no one admits then everyone is getting detention!" she announced and everyone went 'boo'.

That's not fair!

"I'm asking for the last time!" She exclaimed.

Soobin, the quite kid who usually stays in his hoodie raised his hand quietly. He did it? His eyes terrified as he was eying something more like someone. I followed his eyes and saw Jungkook glaring at him.

Geez, Jungkook did it. He turned the song on in middle of the class and is  forcing someone else to take the fault.

I shaked my head disappointingly. 

Time to do some social work.

Yes, It is. Saving someone from Jungkook's bullying should be considered as social work.

Mrs. Chad raised an eyebrow. "It doesn’t  seems like it."

"Miss!!! Jungkook was the one who did it." I pointed at jungkook and all of them stopped laughing and turned their faces towards him.

"Y/n!!!" Jungkook glared at me.

"What, you rat!"

"Oh no you didn’t just called me a rat!!"

"Oh yes, I did."

"You'll be punished for that!" jungkook hissed.

"You pervert!!"

"Yoo! What is that supposed to mean?"

"That's what she said." Jimin commented again smirking.

For duck's sake, stop saying that jimin!

"You three shut up!" Mrs. Chad yelled.

"Or else what? You gonna throw rocks through their window?" Jackson smugly replied.

I could see everyone's shoulder shaking. They were laughing.

I myself wiped a tear and again snorted recalling what Jackson said.

"More 40 mintues of detention for each and everyone of you." Our teacher  shouted angrily.

"Geez woman, no need to shout." Taehyung said rolling his eyes sassily.

"More 20 minutes for you too Taehyung. " Mrs. Chad said gritting her teeth.

"Seriously Mrs. Chad has gone crazy like a wild kitten today, giving detention to everyone." Jimin whisper yelled.

"Who even names their kid, Chad." Ashley commented after a while.

Same Ashley same.

"Detention for you too Ashley. " Mrs. Chad stated rubbing her temple.

Seriously!  She needs to stop giving us detention. She's digging problems for herself by giving us detention. The boys Won't stop irritating her until she cancels it.

I sighed.

"Jimin, I will give you 300 dollars if you make Mrs. Chad blush." Jungkook said out of the blue and smirked

"Is that a deal?" Jimin smirked back and Jumgkook nodded, leaning onto his seat.

Are they both out of their minds?

Jimin is super daring. I wouldn’t be surprised if he suddenly stands up and kisses Mrs. Chad.

Jimin licked his lips and looked at Mrs. Chad who was reading a book.

Oh no, he isn’t gonna kiss her. Will he?

"Mrs. Chad." Jimin called her and she looked up.

"What is it?"

"You lips look lonely, would they like to meet mine?" Jimin said smugly causing Mrs. Chad to widen her eyes.

The whole class went, "ohhhh" and Mrs. Chad warned them, "Silence!"

"No, Jimin I have a boyfriend."

Jimin pouted, "Oh" But then Smiled seductively, "But he Doesn't needs to know what we do, right."

"Way to go, park!" Alex cheered from behind.

"20 mintues more for you jimin at detention." Mrs. Chad breathed out.

omg! She is so flustered!

Jimin sulked but again smirked. "Mrs. Chad"

"What now?"

"Nice lips you got there." Jimin winked and this time Mrs. Chad blushed. And when i say blush, It's not normal blushing. She literally looks like someone painted her red. OK! Not extremely red but yeah she looks like She's absolutely flustered.

Truly the jimim affect!

And that's how the whole class went by them arguing and annoying Mrs. Chad and she ended up cancelling everyones detention.

My friend shared me this and i thought of sharing with you guys😏

Jungkook the spoiler king! He didn’t even spare the wifi Password. We stan. 🤭

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