Big Hero 7(fanfic sequel to B...


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Skylar Miazaki always had a normal life: just an average teenage girl attending SFIT & living with her family... Еще

Chapter 1: Introducing Me
Chapter 2: Another day at SFIT
Chapter 3: Meeting Hiro.
Chapter 4: Aunt Cass, The Cafe, The Tragedy, and Baymax.
Chapter 5: Skylar meets the crew.
Chapter 6: The Invention
Chapter 7: Music of the Night
Chapter 8: A Dangerous Encounter
Chapter 9: It's All My Fault
Chapter 10: Hiro and Skylar
Chapter 11: A Major Discovery
Chapter 12: The Dreams/Nightmares
Chapter 13: The Rise of the Shadow Man
Chapter 14: The Music Showcase
Chapter 15: Best Night Ever!
Chapter 16: The Second Charm and The Plan
Chapter 17: Search for the Enemy
Chapter 18: The Car Chase that nearly got us Killed and The 1st Special Power
Chapter 19: Retreat to the Mansion
Chapter 20: Reflections of the Past
Chapter 21: Welcome to the Team!
Chapter 22: Band Practice
Chapter 23: First Day at The School of Music and Some New Friends
Chapter 24: At the End of the Day
Chapter 25: Expect the Unexpected
Chapter 26: Tadashi's ALIVE?!
Chapter 28: Dinner with my Best Friend's family and some Upgrades
Chapter 29: Training Session
Chapter 30: The MIC
Chapter 31: First Battle & Return of a long-forgotten Rival
Chapter 32: The Mysterious Figure and Being Decieved
Chapter 33: Getting Even and some Hamada Drama (plus important a/n)
BH6 one year anniversary!!!
Important A/N!!! Must read!!!
Its been a while....

Chapter 27: Back to the Robotics Lab

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(A/N: hello readers! So, I have good news! Instead of posting ONE chapter like I always do for my fanfic, I have decided to post...wait for it!... TWO CHAPTERS!!! Squeeeeeeeeee!!!!

Now you may be wondering:

'But PopstarPerker137, why are you posting TWO chapter instead of the usual ONE?'

I'm glad you asked! Well, the reason why is because, I originally planned to write one chapter like I always do, but as I was reading through the drafts as I was writing, I noticed that if I kept going, THIS would be the LONGEST chapter I have ever written in this whole fanfic! So, using my creative writing skills, I've decided to split the story and take the second half and put it as chapter 28! Genius!

And more good news: I have reached 2K reads! Btw, what do you guys think about a fanfic art contest? Comment if you would want me to host a fanfic art contest, and I'll think about it! So, dear readers, today, you'll be getting a DOUBLE FEATURE of Big Hero 7! Enjoy!

Shadow Man's POV

"Well, it's glad to see that you've finally decided to join me!" I sarcastically fumed as Callaghan, my ally, swarmed in on his tiny microbots. He descended them and made his way to me,moving his mask up to show his face.

"Sorry. Its just that the cops have been looking for me ever since the breakout occurred. I had to hide in the damn shadows to cover myself." he explained. "So, what do we do now?"

"I'm glad you asked." I chuckled and I flicked a switch to turn on a security system in front of me and brought up a picture of Hiro and Skylar with him, and with them are their friends. "This is our mission!" And pointed to Skylar.

"The girl?" Callaghan asked.


"What's so special about her?" He asked.

"What you don't know, Robert, is that this girl, has a power that is so tremendously powerful and has strength in itself, that is perfect enough for me to steal from right under her her nose!" I explained.

"And?" He motioned for me to keep going.

"The girl is Skylar Miazaki. And the one who is my ultimate source of power!"

"But with the Heroes in the way, it'll be impossible to capture her and take her powers! They'll be protecting her through these battles!" Callaghan countered. This stopped me.

"...True that, Callaghan. True that." and stated off into space, thinking.

"We need to assemble a team. A group of fearful people who are good enough to be our helpers...and once we have enough help, we'll attack the heroes and see how well they'll handle the pressure!" I smiled.

"The sooner we can find a team, the better." Robert pointed out.

"Already ahead of you, Callaghan. I know just who to recruit!" I pointed out.

"So when do we attack?" Callaghan smiled viciously.

"Very soon. Skylar Miazaki will be destroyed. Along with her pathetic friends! And once she's suffered enough, I'll suck out her powers and take over the entire San Fransokyo population!" I glared at my dear Skylar's terrified face from inside the bus, as she and her friends are being chased down by me. it made me happy to the core to see her looking purely scared of me.

"Enjoy your last few moments of freedom, Skylar. Because, once your in my grasp, once I get ahold of you and get my hands on your powers, you'll be NO MORE!!!" And cackled madly, Callaghan joining me by my side.
Skylar POV

The next morning, I awoke and bounded out of bed. Why, you ask? Well, since I don't have music school today, that means I can hang out with my buddies today in the Nerd Lab!!!

I had on my favorite T-shirt, a gray short sleeve with red accents on the front and dark yellow letters spelling out the words "Bazinga!" On the front (A/N: This is actually true: the tee was one of my gifts from my parents for my birthday! I love it so much! And thumbs up if know where this quote comes from!) and shorts and my pink Converse shoes.

I made my ways downstairs, where my mom was slurping her usual black coffee.

"Hey, ma!" I said and hugged her.

"Hey! How'd you sleep, Angel?" She asked me. I wolfed down my waffle in a matter of minutes.

"Pretty well!" I said through a mouthful of waffles.

Well, at least hurry up before you get to school late!" She smirks at me.

"Yea, sis! Get to school already!" Kagomi bounces down the stairs, and to my surprise, wearing the exact same outfit like me: denim shorts, Yellow Converse shoes, and a "Bazinga" tee, but hers is purple with bold green writing.

"Unbelievable!" I said and face-planed my face.

"What is?" She asked.

"YOU! You're unbelievable! Wearing the exact same outfit as me!!!" I shook my head, slightly outraged.

"What? What's wrong with dressing up like my little sister?" She asked, batting her eyelashes innocently.

"You are too unpredictable!" I laughed. I threw my plate in the sink and grabbed my backpack and ran out the door.

"Have a good day, honey!" I heard my mom call out to me.

"Oh I will mom!" I thought in my head. "I will have a good day! Now that Tadashi's back!" And smiled as I made my way to the cafe.
Hiro POV

I woke up to Tadashi ruffling my hair.

"Morning, bonehead!" He smiled at me.

"Stop it! You'll mess it up!" I swatted his hand away tiredly, and yawned.

"It's messy just the way it is already!" He smiled at me.

"So dude, you ready to face the music today?" He asked. I didn't know what he meant, until I remembered that we had to tell the truth to the gang that Tadashi's alive.

"Ready as I'll ever be." I shrugged.

"Don't worry. you've got me as back up. As well as Skylar!!!" And started to tease me by raising an eyebrow slyly at me.

"Dude! Not you too!" I rolled my eyes and face-planed myself.

"Just admit it: you like her!" She nudged me. And gets up to lock the door.

"No way! And you can't make me!" I stuck out my tongue at him.

"Oh really?" He asked slyly and suddenly, he pinned down my arms and legs and was hovering over me, without a shirt (A/N: Starts FANGIRLING!!!) and starts tickling me. I laugh like crazy and sputter out,

"St-sto-stop it! You're gonna kill me!" I laugh.

"Admit that you like Skylar and I'll stop!" He teased. And suddenly were on the ground, and my shirt was off as well.

"N-no-no way, dude! You can't make me!" I knew he wouldn't stop until I confessed, and I was about to since I couldn't take it anymore, until I heard a voice scream out,

"What are you two doing?!" I look up to see Skylar, looking shocked and surprised to see us both, shirtless, and my older on top of me. We both look at each other, then back to Sky, then to each other, and then to Sky.

"It's was his fault!" We say in unison.
Skylar POV

I made it through the cafe doors to be greeted by Cass.

"Hi, Skylar!" Cass waved to me and the customer in front of her winces at her sudden change of tone in her voice. I smile back and run up the stairs to Hiro and Tadashi's bedroom. The door was closed. That's unusual. I knocked, but heard noises from behind the door. I try the door handle, and to my surprise, it was locked.

"What the-? That little sneaky rat bag!" I gritted my teeth and side kick the door open in one swift movement. it would take so much to tick me off, bit if Hiro thinks he can haut fool me like this, he's got another thing comin'!

I rush in to find both brothers wrestling on the ground, and both of them were...shirtless. Yep, you guessed it: shirtless. I tried to cover my blushing face at the sight of Hiro without a shirt on as i whipped out my phone and snapped a pic of them before I yelled,

"What are you two doing?!" I startled them as they looked up at me, their mouths in perfect "O" forms, and their eyes wide as saucers, as they stared at me, and me at them. I tried my hardest not to look at them so hard and them in all their shirtless glory.

"It was his fault!" They said in unison, and I have them a perplexed look.

"By the way, you don't even know what we're doing!" Hiro added.

"If I didn't know what you two were doing, the I wouldn't be here now, would I?" I asked, and my confused look was replaced by a mischievous one.

I started laughing, and the boys joined in with me, but stopped as soon as they saw my phone dangling between my forefinger and thumb, he picture of them in the screen, and they gaped at me.

"Not the brightest crayons in the box, are we boys?" I smirk triumphantly. but it soon disappeared as the boys gave me evil smiles, shock I knew meant trouble.

"Uh, I-I-I gotta-!" And turned on my heel and broke out into a run into the living room. I ran as fast as I could as I heard the boys struggling to get on their clothes and stumbling over each other while trying to stop me from escaping out the door. I passed by the living room, and down the second fight of stairs, into the cafe.

"SKYLAR!!!" Hiro's yelling could be heard from miles around. It made my blood run cold and made me run faster. looked behind me and saw now both the Hamada boys were hot on my trail, chasing me down: Hiro circling left, Tadashi swinging right. And I, I ran center. I felt the metal railing of the staircase for only a second until I was yanked back hard and felt myself wrapped up in Hiro's arms.

"Please don't hurt me!!!" I squealed and closed my eyes shut.

"Sky, we're only joking with ya!" Tadashi reassures me. I opened my eyes to see him laughing at me. And Hiro as well. They fist-bumped each other, and I rolled my eyes in response.

"I'm never gonna understand you two sometimes..." I mumble.
The trip to the school was silent. But when we appeared in front of the robotics lab, Tadashi stood in awe.

"Wow. It's still the same! Like it always was..." He stared at the ground. I placed a hand on his shoulder. he looked at me, his orbs filled with...something I couldn't describe: regret or sadness. maybe a mix of both.

"Everything'll be all right, 'Dashi. Trust me." I reassured him as we ascended up the steps. We reached the door to the robotics lab. I looked at Hiro, and he looked at me.

"Tadashi, stay here. We'll talk to the others." Hiro commanded. He took a deep breathe and we marched forward.
When we got inside, the others were huddled around at Fred's area. They looked up to see us.

"Hiro! Skylar!" They said.

"Hi guys." I said. And smiled half-heartedly.

"What's going on?" Wasabi asked, sensing a bit of sadness coming from us. I looked at Hiro and he looked back to me. It was like he was asking of we should tell them already. I nodded.

"Um, guys?" Hiro began.

"Yes, Hiro?" Honey asked.

"We have news for you guys."

"Well, what is it? C'mon, spill it!" Fred pushed.

"Will you knock it off, dude?" Gogo whacked the back of his head, and made Fred wince in pain. Me and Hiro looked around the area, until I broke the silence.

"Uh..maybe it's better of we show you..." I turned to look at Hiro, who have me a look of satisfaction. I turned to the doors, and called out.

"C'mon in!" And the door slowly opened to reveal Tadashi, smiling at the whole gang. I smiled, now that everyone knows that's Tadashi Hamada is alive.

I turned to see all four of our friends' mouths open, and Fred dropping his sign, staring at Tadashi. Suddenly, Wasabi fainted where he was, and Gogo popped the bubble she blew with her gum, eyes big on Tadashi, and Honey stood there, clutching her phone.

"So..." Tadashi began. "what did I miss?"

"TADASHI!!!!" Honey screamed and ran to him, despite wearing the platform wedges, and engulfed him in one of her deadly death-grip hugs. But then, Gogo went full-on tackle football player and flung herself at Tadashi, pinning him to the ground, her hands gripping his shirt collar as she kept yelling at him,

"What the heck, man?!"

I was too busy helping Fred and Hiro revive Wasabi, who was losing conscience fast.

"Okay, I stand corrected: THIS is the worst that could happen!!" I admit.
After reviving Wasabi by using a some cold water, and thank god we didn't go with Fred's plan on using his dirty underwear, cause heaven knows that Wasabi would pass out AGAIN if he saw what we used to revive him. And after calming a pissed-beyond-her-normal-state-of-mind Gogo, everything was calm once again in the lab.

"Dude!" Gogo smacked 'Dashi on the arm, both roughly and playfully, an edge was in her tone of voice, which meant she was still pretty mad. "What The heck?! You scared us to death when we last saw you! We thought you were possibly dead when the building blew up!"

"Listen, Gogo, I promise I'll explain everything! Just st-stop like you're gonna murder me any minute now..." He called her while trying to back away.

Hiro decided to join the group, and I let him be as I made my way to my lab. I smiled as I turned back to see the others chatting and laughing like old times. And Gogo seemed to simmer down a bit.

As soon as I closed the door, I suddenly realized that I still needed to write the rest of my music for BOTB! I whipped out my music folder, and brought out my lyric sheet. I opened my phone and played the guitar demo of the song on recording. I went through the test of the lyrics and I suddenly had an idea. I grabbed my lucky pen, a black pen with woven pink and yellow lanyard with a bright purple bead by the loop, and jotted down the next verse of lyrics:

We're crusin' in the fast lane,
We're rushin' by we're like a blur
Around the city,
And causing trouble all day long
I'll see my parents
It's hard to be away from home!
But it's all worth it!
I love to share it with my friends!
Now look at yourself
Y'know I'm talking to you!

You're the one!
Who can do the incredible thing you do
You're the best!
And baby you deserve the gifts you have!
Can't you see: you are strong!
You fight against the demons everyday
You're a star!
Remember where you come from and who you are!
Come join us!

I finished scribbling the second verse and repeated chorus, and look over my work so far.

"Pretty good! Pretty soon, it'll be worth performing!" I thought.

Suddenly, a large pounding interrupted me.

"Skylar, open this door! We still have business to finish!" Hiro yelled.

"No way, smarty! Try and pick the lock if you can! Oh wait! You can't because I'm the only one who knows! And you? You just know how to assemble a robot with metal parts!" I sassed.

That's when all hell broke loose: To my surprise, the door burst open and standing in the doorway were the Dork Bros. themselves. I didn't even wanna know how they managed to open my door, because all I felt was a mix of odd confusion and mortal terror. But mostly terror.

"Give us the phone and nobody gets hurts!" Tadashi threatens. I clutch my phone to my chest and back up tithe wall.

"I'd rather take my chances!" I gulped nervously. "Plus, I thought you two Nimrods were over it!"

"We faked it!" Hiro smirked in my direction. Suddenly, in a flash, they ran towards me. But I jumped up high enough to dodge their attack. They landed on a jumble together, and I ran to the door. I skidded into the lab, and scream,

"They're trying to kill me!!!!" And all four of my friends look up to see me running for my life, and to the door for freedom. But before I could reach the door, Hiro suddenly tackled me football-style. Like I said: he may be a shrimp, but he's pretty strong.

"Hold her down!" Tadashi yelled as I tried to wriggle out of Hiro's hold. But he was quicker than me, and he suddenly pinned me to the ground by sitting on me with his fat butt. I writhed and squirmed underneath him, hoping that my wild wiggling will get him to be shaken off, bit it was no use.

"Get off me, Dork-Wad!" I yell, but all that the Sassmaster did was put his whole weight on me, smirk down at me and cross his arms.

"Delete the picture and well leave you be!" Hiro offers.

"Well, too bad!" I smirk and whip out my phone. Hiro look at the screen and I see his eyes widen: I had already sent the photo to Honey and see if she and others'll get a crack outta that!

"You did not just-"

"Yep I did! Sent it while you two were chasing me down!" I smiled as I looked to see the others looking at Honey's phone, and laughing and snickering like crazy. Tadashi sent me a mad look and I smiled innocently up at him.
I was laughing as I rushed back to my lab and secured the door behind me.

"Why do you have to be so mean and cruel to us?!" Hiro complained Ashe pounded on the door with all of his strength.

"Pain and Humiliation are just two more services I offer besides Sarcasm and Niceness" I laugh behind the door. Suddenly, my phone rings and I look at who's calling: Izzy!

"Izzy!" I squeal.

"Hey, Sky!" She answers back!

"What's up?" I asked.

"Well, since we don't have classes for today, me and the girls wanted to visit your nerd lab since we've never been in it before!" She answered.

"Oh cool!" I said. "Sure! C'mon in! You guys are always welcome!" I said.

"Cool! We're coming in 15 minutes!" She said and with a click, the line goes dead.
"Your friend are coming over?" Gogo asked me.

"You bet!" I cheered.

"People, we need to get this place in tip-top shape for Skylar's friends!" Wasabi panicks and starts to organize his area: dusting here, sweeping there, organizing everything, a cleaning tornado is what I'd call him.

"Dude, I'm excited to meet your friends!" Fred exclaims.

"Trust me, guys: you'll like em for sure!" I said.

"So, Sky, do you really think your friends will like the place? Or what do you say, Tadashi?" Hiro asked. I looked at Tadashi and he looked at me. It was pretty exciting that he gets to meet my other friends besides his old ones again. I caught up on the groups conversation: they all miss Tadashi very much and couldn't be happier to see that he's alive and breathing as well! Plus, it's pretty cool that he and Hiro forgave me for sending the picture to the others.

"Aren't you gonna answer the question?" I ask

"Aren't you gonna answer it?" He counters.

"Maybe I will, and maybe I won't!" I teased. "Plus, don't forget my 'threat'!" He obviously thought that I'd forget about my threat to him, but I didn't!

"Okay, okay!" He says to me. "Just leave my hats outta this! They didn't do anything to you!" He whined as I laughed. I pulled out a bag of m&m's from my back pocket, and thrust myself up onto the cool metal surface of the lab table behind me.

"Can I get some?" Hiro asks as he sits next to me on the lab table. pipit 6 into his hand.

"Whaaaaaaaaaaat?" He pouts. so I give him extras.

"Dashi!" I call out. he turns to seems clothing the bag, and I say,

"Catch!" And shoot him a green m&m to him. he smirks and sees the candy sail through the air, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnddddddddddd... he catches it and pops it into his mouth.

"Cheater!" I say and he laughs at me while chewing happily. M&M's are the best candy on the go ever! Seriously!

"Gimme more!" Hiro begs.
"Why?" He whines
"Cause, A: I said so. and B: my friends could be walking through the door any minute!" I said. and speaking of: I suddenly her their voices outside the lab doors.

"Ooh! They're here! Places, everyone!" I shouted. I ran to the door, and smoothed down my hair, as everyone got into their usual positions.

I took a deep breath and slowly opened the door. Outside, my friends stood, along with their boyfriends, smiles and wide-eyes revealing.

"Hey, guys!" I said.

"Hey, Sky!" Lori smiled.

"Well, what'cha waiting for? Show us the nerd lab!" Chloe pushed.

"Okay! Okay! Calm down! We have so much time and so much to show you!" I said. I faced the closed doors to the lab, and faced my audience.

"Ladies and Gentlemen , I present to you: The San Fransokyo Instituite of Technology's Ito Ishioka Robotics Lab!" And I threw open the doors, and just likei had expected : everything was in full-on robotics mode: people working on inventions, and my friends doing their usual thing: Gogo was leaning against the edge of her lab table and blowing bubbles with her gum like nobody's watching, Wasabi was cleaning his area, Honey was practicing a new chemical feaction, and Fred was practicing his Sign-twirling, along with the moves I had shown him with my twirling baton. and just like I had expected: my friends were instantly hypnotized.






"Totally wicked!"

"It sure is a beauty!" I say. "trust me: you'll love everything!" And lead them on the tour.
~{time skip since I didn't wanna do so much details and make the story longer.}~

After the tour, it was all a huge success: all my friends are now friends with the nerds! And they were all interested in what scientific research they were into. I smiled with satisfaction as I looked at my friends getting so wrapped up into the science world that I barely noticed Hiro walking up to me. He cast me a sideways smirk before saying,

"So it looks like our group just got bigger!"

"You betcha, Sassmaster!" I smile back.

"Again with that nickname?" He asks em and gives me a confused/sarcastica smiling glance.

"Yep!" I bounced with joy. Suddenly, my mind started to wonder about how Tadashi took the news about his college friends becoming superheroes. And the whole "Yokai vs. Hero 6" drama.

"Um, Hiro?" I asked.


"H-how'd your brother take the news about...?" I asked. he seems to understand before he looked down t the ground, sadness in his eyes.

"Well, let's just say that...he, um...was all together happy, but yet a bit furious at some points in the story..." he told me. Then ended with a nervous smile.

" least now he knows that Callaghan's alive after surviving for so long..." I said. An uneasy silence followed before we decided to stop talking about it.

"So whatcha gonna do?" He asks.

"After this?" I ask, and he nods. "I guess I'll just go home and do nothing." I sighed. It sounded like I was tired, but actually, I was relieved: finally away from all the science and I can finally rest. That is, until Hiro crashes my plans.

"Well, actually, you wanna come over for dinner? Aunt Cass is making her famous wings!" He tempts. I started to skake my head until my mind starts to speak up:

"Go for it! It's been a while since you hung out with him!"

I shrugged in my mind: Eh! Why not?

"Cool! I'm game!" I smile as I feel my cheeks blazing red and my stomach filling with fluttering butterflies. "Dude, stop it! Stop acting so flustered around him!"

"Okay!" He smiles back to me. I make my way back to the lab to pack up my stuff and suddenly, boredom falls over me at once. No sooner had I heard a deep voice clear their throat. I gasp and look up to see Tadashi, leaning on the door frame of my lab.

"Tadashi!" I exclaim in surprise. He marks and saunters over to where I was. "I-I didn't see you come in!"

"Yea, well, like they always say: I'm like a ninja!" And does a karate pose while looking at me, raising an eyebrow at me and giving me a serious look. Which made me double over on laughter.

"When did people start calling you a ninja?!" I squeal and try to calm myself as best as possible.

"They just do!" He owed as I went ball to putting my stuff away. Then, I had an uneasy feeling that he was watching me. I whip back around and see him studying me.

"Dude? Aren't you leaving?" I ask as I keep shoving my paperwork into my bag.

"Not yet! I just need to ask you something!" He answers.

"Okay! Shoot!" I stop and face him.

"Do you like my little bro?" And raises and eyebrow at me and crosses his arms at me.

"What?!" I freak.

"Just asking, by the way!" And states at me, like he's trying to hypnotize me into revealing the truth. Jes obviously lying, and trying to see if I can crack under the pressure of how he's looking at me. And it worked.

"Dude, seriously. Stop that. Yoire giving me a creepy poker face. And it's gonna give me nightmares if you don't stop!" I freak out, because the way he's staring at me, it's like looking at a dead fish. Straight in the eye. And that's not good.

"The it's settled! Skylar Miazaki has a crush on my little broooooooooooooooooooooo...!" And stretches the "o" as far as possible before I start towards him and smack him behind his head. Hard.

"I DO NOT!" I yell, blood rushing to my cheeks.

"You do so! Skylar and Hiro, sittin' in a tree..!" He teases.

"Don't you dare finish!" I point at him.
He stopped.

"Thank god!" I sigh. But that relief was short-lived until he continued with his childish antics.


"My god! Do you wanna live to see your 19th birthday, Hamada?!" I yell at him, clearly annoyed, until I hear him snickering and catch him disappearing into the hall.

"No you don't!" I say and chase after him."

"First comes love!" He starts and laughs as he dodges work tables with great speed.

"Somebody put me out of my misery!" I mutter and ignore the laughing coming from the rest of the gang. Thank god my music buddies weren't here to see this! I keep chasing him, dodging tables and projects.

"The comes marriage!" He continues, trying to push his luck with my anger.

"If you end it, I swear I'm gonna-"

"The comes a baby in a carriage!" He spits out fast and slams the door to the men's restroom and clicks the lock shut. I pound on the door as I hear him laughing.

"If I had a bobby pin on me, I'd unlock this door, and come in there to teach you a lesson, by strangling you!!!" I scream. "But I don't..."

"Lucky me, then!" I keep pounding on the door until I give up all together and go back to my lab, grab the rest of my stuff and walk out. Even though Tadashi pissed me off, at least Hiro's on my good side, and HE doesn't make jokes on people having crushes on someone's sibling.

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