By Cee_Lov

104K 3.5K 339

"Love don't love nobody." After experiencing heartbreak in an abusive relationship at only eighteen, Stephani... More

Copyright Notice
Characters (Immediate)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Author's Note
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Eleven (Part II)
Part II
Chapter 11 Follow-Up
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
The Truth About All For You
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Are You There?
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
For You I Will
Coming Soon
Private Chapters
Keep Up

Chapter Fourteen

1.4K 68 25
By Cee_Lov


"And let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight. We ask, believe, and thank you now. In your precious name father we pray, Amen."

"Amen." All the congregation said in unison.

I felt a little funny being at church today. It's the first time I've been since I started showing, and I felt like everyone was looking at me. I never talk about it to anyone, but I do feel like I let so many people down. Who would've thought that the preacher's daughter would be a teenage mother?

"Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold all things are become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17." He spoke.

"So many often times we find ourselves talking and digging up memories. From our childhood, high school, or even just last week. And... While we can look at some of those memories and laugh- reminisce, some memories we'd like to wish would have never existed. You see there some events that occur in life that can lead you to a place of darkness. Anybody wanna be honest this morning? Sometimes you wonder what is the purpose of this? Why did I end up here?" listened intently at my father. His messages always seemed to soothe me, just when I needed it the most.

"Test and trials are not designated to break you. But I like to call it a self check. See I could stand here all day and read the word and declare that my God is a healer, a way maker, a deliverer; but if when the time comes for me to let him prove himself to me, I only throw a temper tantrum what have I really done?"

"I really stopped by to tell you this morning that your problem is going to turn into your blessing. Yes, that memory- the past hurt, the past mistake, the past sin is turning around in your favor.... And even now, I. The midst of whatever the situation may be, it's turning around for your good."

"Yes sir pastor."



The congregation stood to their feet as he continued.

"I need about 20 people that believe God for the the turn around to hi five your neighbor and say this too, shall pass.

This hurt shall pass.

This shame shall pass.

This sickness shall pass.

This financial bind shall pass.

I declare this day.

I am forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before. I thank God for it, but I will no longer be bound by it. For I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God, which is in Christ Jesus." By this time he had tuned up, and the whole building was on their feet including me. I didn't even realize that I was crying until Rich wiped the side of my face with tissue and handed it to me. He was standing with Skye asleep in his arms.

"Because I am reminded that aaaallllll things." He did a riff along with the organ that made me want to break out dancing. I got my musical bones from him.

"Work together for the good of them who love the Lord, who are called according to his purpose.

Scripture says I am persuaded. Not only that, but I am fully persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,

Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." He walked down from the pulpit to the alter.

"A perfecting live. A correcting love. A love that does not judge, or beat down others when they fall. God had a love for us ran so deep that he sacrificed his only begotten son for our sake. He gave his life up on the cross for you and I. He gave us amazing Grace, and even if we fall, he is just enough to forgive us." He looked at me the entire time he spoke.

"My baby girl is here this morning." The congregation clapped and cheered while I stood there a little surprised.

"What ever it is today that you're facing, this too shall pass. If anyone desires prayer I want you to come. I'm gonna say a word of prayer over you while my daughter sings." He motioned for me to come to the mic.

I was kind of apprehensive about it, but I went, and began singing.

Lord I will lift

Mine eyes to the hills

Knowing my help is coming from you

Your peace you give me

In time of the storm

You are the source of my strength

You are the strength of my life

I lift my hands in total praise to you.

I suddenly felt a peace come over me as I sang. A peace that I'd been longing for this past few months. A peace that only God could give me. I was in my own worship singing when I noticed Rich step out into the aisle. He went up to my father and whispered into his ear. He smiled and motioned for the musicians to lower the music; I followed suit.

"Thank God this morning for brother Reynolds, who wants to his life to Christ." The church went up in praise and I couldn't help but to cry. I put the mic down and went to the alter to join him. I took his hand and he looked down at me with tears in his eyes.

"Now the Angels in heaven are rejoicing. If the Angels are glad I know somebody ought to be glad. Come on and lift up the name of the Lord for these young people." My dad lifted his hands and began crying and speaking in tongues.

"Everybody point your hands toward them. Father God in the name of Jesus, we thank you now for the work that you have begun in these two people today. We thank you now father for your guidance, and we ask that you cover them. Send your fresh anointing. Let your Holy Spirit rest on their hearts even now. I speak victory in Jesus' name, peace in Jesus name, prosperity in Jesus' name. Your glory be revealed in Jesus' name Amen."

Next thing I know Rich was jumping and crying, then he started dancing. I got so overjoyed seeing him that I joined him in a light dance too. I lifted my hands in worship, thanking God for the turn around of our relationship, and our lives period.

"Baby girl, you tore the house up this morning." Daddy smiled at me from his recliner chair. We had just finished Sunday dinner, and we're now watching the game. Well, everybody else was watching the game. I was trying to catch up on my sleep, which was obviously impossible in a room full of sports lovers.

"Thank you daddy." I smiled with my eyes still closed.

When I felt the couch dip I looked up. Rich laid down beside me with a bowl full of brownies and ice cream.

"Where mine?" I poked my lips out.

"I'on know." He shrugged his shoulders and kept eating I smacked my lips and moved away from him while he laughed.

"Here sweets." He handed me the bowl and went to fix himself another one.

"Thank you." I cooed as he came and took his seat again with a brand new bowl.

He just smiled and kissed my cheek, turning his attention back to the game. The process of mending our relationship has been slow, but sure. We started going to counseling a few weeks ago, and it's really been a great opportunity for us to communicate without the fussing, yelling and walking out. We not only discuss our relationship, but personal things in our lives past and present, to determine how it affects the ways we interact with one another. I feel like we're closer now than before.

"So what's the name gonna be for baby girl? " my mom asked during the commercial break.

"Honestly I hadn't thought about it." I looked over at Rich who was half asleep.

"Rose." Daddy smiled.

"No sir." Rich mumbled making everybody laughed.


"Why you want her baby to have a name from the 50's" my mama looked at him sideways.


I looked at Rich as he sat up.

"My mom's name was Rima." He said to my dad.

That was another thing that has changed since counseling. He's beginning to open up more about her.

"That's beautiful son." My mom smiled at him.

"Rima Tioni Reynolds." I smiled to myself.

We sat and talked for hours before Rich and Skye went home so she could go to bed. I took that time to bathe, eat again, and go back to sleep. That was cut short again by Rich calling me on FaceTime.

"What you doin sweets?" My eyes were closed but I knew he was smiling; I could hear it in his voice.


"Get up I wanna talk." He sang into the phone.

"Ugh, you are so gay." I mumbles as I sat up and turned on the tv for some source of light. Thank God I did because the rerun of The Real Housewives of Atlanta was on. I loved hearing Phaedra try to keep her composure.

"Giiiiiirl." I mimicked her as she tried to keep from dragging Kenya all across the restaurant.

"Stephanie..." I looked at my phone and Rich was just looking at me crazy.

"What?" I laughed

"Talk to me.. Not the tv." He smacked his lips.

"Awwwww look, daddy wants some attention." I mocked him.

"Are you done?" He said in Kevin Hart's voice.

"Okay okay, I'm sorry babe... What you wanna talk about?" I said after my laughing finally died down.

"Texas." He said seriously.


I turned my attention back to the tv.

"I checked out a few school for Skye while I was there last. Public schools are okay, but I really like Akiba. I sent you a link to their website." He said.

"So you're gonna have her leave in the middle of the school year?" I questioned.

"Stephie.. School just started two weeks ago." He chuckled.

"My point exactly. She's already made friends." I used my hands for emphasis.

"She's three years old, she'll make plenty of new friends." He said confidently.

I checked my email on my laptop for the link, and I have to admit that I liked what I saw, except for one thing.

"Babe, I'm not trying to be harsh but uh... Where the black kids at?" I asked with incorrect grammar and all.

"They're there." He answered in between filling out paperwork. He must have a case tomorrow.

"But they're not featured in any of these pictures. Strike one." I shook my head.

"Well when Skye attends, she will be."

"It says here that there's an admissions process. The school year has already started so now it's based on a waiting list." I looked at him for a response.

"She's already been accepted Steph. I pulled a few strings with a client of mine and they reviewed and accepted her all in the same day." He smiled.

"Well if you already made the decision, why'd you send me this?" I said with a little irritation.

I mean Skye is his daughter, he can do what he wants. I just figured maybe because this transition involved all of us, then I would get a heads up or something.

"I haven't made the decision yet, that's why I'm showing you.... What do you think?"

"Well from the looks of the website and their curriculum plans, it sounds great. I think it's an excellent choice." I smiled faintly.


I looked off from the phone because I was about to cry. This move to Texas had been a hard decision. I didn't want to start fresh with a new School or nursing program, and I also didn't want to be away from my family especially while pregnant. But then again I wanted Rich to be as close as possible. Finally, after weeks of mixed emotions I decided I would move to Dallas one month after my babies are born.

"It's gonna be fine Steph." He said softly.

He almost never calls me Quanni anymore.

"I know... I'm just. Anxious." I finally looked at him.

"I'll be with you every step of the way. We're in this together sweets. You, me, Skye, Deuce, and Rima." He smiled.

After so many months of pointless corr battling, Rich gained complete custody of Skye.

"The Reynolds." He grinned.

"Plus one." I giggle to myself but he clearly didn't find anything funny because he just sat back in his chair and looked at me.

"See you lucky I gave my life to the Lord." He was so serious but I thought it was the cutest thing.

"I know babe, I apologize. You forgive me?" I said in a soft voice.

"I'll think about it. Get some sleep, you got big day tomorrow."

"Huh?" I look confused.

"It's your birthday DUH."

I've been so caught up with everything and everybody that I forgot; I never forget my birthday.

"I'm not doing anything anyway." I shrugged.

"Yes you are. Be ready at 8 tomorrow morning."

"8? Wait what are we-"

Before I could dismiss responding to him, he hung up. He's lucky I was tired other wise I'd call back and fuss about it all night. I got comfortable in bed as the sounds of the television soothes me back to sleep.

It was 5:00 in the morning and my phone was ringing.

"Hello?" I answered pissed. I didn't even bother looking at the caller ID.

"Happy Birthday Peanut!"

"Happy Birthday TT!"

"Happy Birthday sis."

"Aaaaah ga baba."

It was my brother and his family. He finally decided to be an adult and go back home. He and Anise are not getting a divorce, but he will be filing for legal separation.

"Awwwwww y'all are so sweet; waking me up at the crack of dawn to say Happy Birthday. Thank you guys, I love yall." I said smiling into the phone.

"Yea yea. We just wanted to be first to tell you. You can go back to sleep now. Everybody say see you later Peanut." My brother said.

"See you later Peanut!" I heard my nieces in the background. It was funny because there was no way they were going to be seeing me today. I hung up the phone and went right back to sleep.

It wasn't even five minutes later that I heard my door open. I sighed to myself and rolled over to see my mom and dad smiling. Don't get me wrong I appreciate the love, but a sister just wanted to get some sleep.

"Happy Birthday Stephanie!" They shouted.

Mom came over to the bed with a tray of food and I instantly perked up. Sad, I know. Daddy carried what looked like five gift bags. Yes Gawd.

"Awwww thank you. I love y'all." I said almost in tears.

"You cryin' cause you love us? Or because of the food?" My daddy teased the way I was eyeing the tray.

Mom made my favorite: Blueberry Pancakes with whipped cream, Hash Browns with onions and ketchup, Sausage Links, Cheese Grits, and two of her homemade honey butter biscuits and a glass of orange juice.

"It's the breakfast. But you know I love y'al too!" I laughed.

"Right, here are your gifts first." He smirked.

I took one of the bags out of his hand and discovered a nude colored Panettone Christian Louboutin Tote bag.

"Yes!" I shouted hold the bag on my shoulder.

The next bag I opened contained a pair of Minty Blue Louboutin pumps.

"Mom you didn't." I grinned, holding them up.

"You know I did!" She smirked.

"I don't understand why you buy those. All you can do is stand there and take a picture with that high heel on." My daddy shook his head. I ignored him and continued opening my gifts.

The next gift bag was full of accessories from Michael Kors. Next was 5 bundles of Brazilian Exotic curly hair.

"I'm in heaven." I sighed with my hand on my forehead.

"Well I'm sure you will be after this."

He handed me the last which was smaller so I couldn't imagine what it was. I opened it the bag that revealed a small white box. I nearly pissed myself when I saw what was in the box; A key that resembled Rich's key to his Camaro.

"Daddy?" I stood up from the bed and stepped into my slides.

"Go check it out." I looked back and forth from him to my mom and rushed out of the room downstairs. I didn't care anymore that it was this early in the morning.

Sure enough, when I opened the door there it was. My All white 2015 Camaro- The rims too. The license plate read '4STEPH'.

"Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God!" I yelled as I ran over to my car. I got in and started it. The seats were black leather and my name was printed on the the drivers side in pink. All of the lighting had been customized to pink.

"Perfect." I said as I pulled out of the driveway. I hit a few blocks and came back home to eat my food. Yes, I left my dream car to go eat. I ate and thanked my parents again before they left for work and I tried to catch at least an hour more of sleep before Rich came over.


I felt something cool on my nose and think it licked me. I opened my eyes and a black and brown Teacup Yorkie was staring me in the face.

"Hey cutie, where'd you come from?" I sat up and put her in my lap.

"Happy Birthday Quanni!" Skye came running in the room with balloons and a card.

"Awwwww thanks mama. I thought you had school today." I said.

"I do, but I wanted to tell you happy birthday first. Daddy helped me make this." She grinned as she handed my the extra large card.

I real aloud " I love you so much. You are the best. Happy Birthday from Skye. Awwww give me a hug." I opened my arms and she ran into them.

A few seconds later Rich came into the room with a bouquet of roses, and a bag from Tiffany's

"Happy Birthday sweets." He kissed and hugged me before giving me the roses and bag.

"Mmm thank you." I smirked.

When he released me I opened the bad and box that revealed a Tiffany Enchant fleur pendant platinum with diamonds.

"Richard Terrell Reynolds."

"What?" He shrugged his shoulders.

"This is a ten thousand dollar necklace." I shook my head in disbelief.


"That's too much."

"Stephanie. It's not enough.

"Thank you babe. The puppy. The Roses. Skye. Just... Everything. Thank you Rich." I hugged him.

"All for you."

He smiled.

"Now... Go get dressed. It's gonna be a long day." He smirked as he grabbed Skye and the puppy, then left the room.

An hour later I was dressed in an all white skater dress with gold sandals and accessories. I wasn't sure where we were going but I figured I shouldn't be too dressy or casual. I rubbed almond oil and conditioner on my hair and wore it curly. He has dropped Skye off at school while I was in the shower.

We rode for about 15 minutes before we reached our destination. It was a garden with a table sitting in the middle. He led me to the table and I took my seat. There was a hand written letter and a single rose sitting in front of me.

"Before you read." He handed me a glass and we toasted.


When we first met, you were just

Quanni. Quanni was the girl who was

careful, quiet, and maybe even a little

scared. You were cautious of your heart

and you had every right to be.

But one day, the wall began to break.

Your eyes changed.

Your laugh began to linger, and your smile was bigger.

When I met you, I realized what love- real love was.

Not just feelings, but what it meant to fight for love.

You've shown me how much you really do love and genuinely care for me by standing with me in spite of my mistakes.

You love, care for, and protect my daughter like she's your own.

You're patient with me, and for that I thank you.

Thank you for giving me another chance.

I didn't deserve it, but you did.

Sweets, as long as I live I promise to make it up to you.

I promise to show you that I'm still the man that you fell in love with. I love you, my girlfriend, best friend, confidant, the mother of my children, and one day my wife.

Happy Birthday.

I was crying a river when I finished reading the letter.

"I love you too Rich." I went over to him and sat in his lap. I was kissing him when I heard a familiar voice singing.

My head's under water

But I'm breathing fine

You're crazy and I'm out of my mind

"Rich!" I yelled jumping out of his lap. I could not believe that John Legend was standing right here in front of me, singing.

'Cause all of me

Loves all of you

Love your curves and all your edges

All your perfect imperfections

Give your all to me

I'll give my all to you

You're my end and my beginning

Even when I lose I'm winning

'Cause I give you all of me

And you give me all of you,

"All for you." He smirked.

We finished our brunch and the next stop was painting with a twist. After painting with a twist he took me to the mall. I tried convincing him that he had spent more than enough money on me, but he assured me that he was well off and could spend as much on me as he wanted to. Four hours later I wondered if he'd regret saying that. Because when I shop, I play no games. I tried to pick out things for Skye and the twins but he told me this day was strictly about me. Afterwards he took me to a Hair and Nail salon owned by Rhea's sister Leah. She installed my new hair and settled on a creme colored full set. I thought I was finished but she sent me upstairs to her personal area to change clothes. Waiting for me at her desk was a white sleeveless midi-con dress with a shimmer gold accent around the neck area, a Parker Pavé Goldtone Acetate Michael Kors watch, gold hoops, and a pair of sparkling gold peep toe pumps with a note that read: 'Only Because It's Your Birthday.'

"I shook my head as I went to her bathroom to take a lukewarm shower. Thank God my curls were still pinned. After taking care of my hygiene and brushing my teeth I came back out to the office where Leah was waiting to do my makeup. I asked for a natural look with nudes only.

"Quanni you are absolutely beautiful." Leah said admiring my complete look .

I turned to face the mirror. She was right, I looked amazing.

"Happy Birthday mama." She said wiping the the single tear from my eye. I couldn't believe Rich had done all this for me.

"Now, my task is complete. Your car is waiting for you... Enjoy your night beautiful." She smiled leading me to the door.

I stepped outside and Rich's BestFriend Jay was standing at the Lincoln Town car waiting for me.

"So you're apart of this too?" I smirked

"Of course I am. Now hop in, we're on a tight schedule." He said trying to look and sound like he does this on a regular basis.

I giggled to myself and got myself situated in the car. I wasn't really paying attention to my surroundings until I noticed we were at a landing strip with a private plane waiting.

"Uhh Jay, you mind my asking where you're taking me?" I said nervously.

"Relax baby girl, it's a surprise." He grinned. He got out of his side of the car and opened the door for me. I stepped out and he escorted me to the stairs if the plane where Rich was standing there with a bouquet of Lilies instead of Roses.

"Rich, what's all this? Where are you taking me? " I asked as he kissed my neck.

"You trust me?" He looked into my eyes.

"W- yea b-"

"Then let's go." He smiled and pulled me into the plane with him. We lounged and watched movies for at least two hours before I started to get curious again.

"Babe, where are we going?"

"To dinner. No more questions Steph... Please ?" He kissed my cheek and started singing to me.

A few minutes later we landed and entered another car for the rest of the trip to our destination. I noticed a sign that said 'Welcome To Dallas' and I looked over at Rich. He didn't say anything, he just smiled. Since it was already 6 o'clock and after, I assumed that Skye was with my parents or Rhea. I hadn't even thought to call my parents and let them know I was leaving. After about 15 minutes we pulled up into a circular driveway of a an extremely beautiful home. The yard was lit and the landscaping was extremely beautiful.


"No questions." He smirked as he helped me out of the car and up the steps. Before he opened the door he kissed me again.

"Happy Birthday Stephie." Then he opened the door to the house.

"Happy Birthday Quanni!" I froze in complete shock at the sight of my family, Rich's family, and all of our friends standing there.

"What!?" I cried.

"How did y'all? When did y'all? What?" I was so confused, shocked, happy.

"It's your house warming birthday party." Rich grabbed and hugged me from behind.

"House warming?" I gasped and looked around the beautiful creme colored home.

Immediately the tears fell, and I couldn't stop them. This had been one of the most amazing days in my life. We gathered in the dining area for dinner and I was able to talk to and see everybody My mom, my dad, Stephon, Anise, my nieces and nephew, Pops and Tawny, Arayia, Natalie, Kaitlin, Jay, Rhea and her husband, My aunts and uncles, and my cousins. Wow. I thought that my mom's side of the family would be mad because they didn't know about my pregnancy, but they were just excited as I was. My dad's side though, I'm still trying to figure out how to tell them.

We were well into dinner and every one had been saying little birthday speeches to me. It was absolutely beautiful.

Finally, it was Rich's turn to speak.

"First I'd like to say thank you to everyone who agreed to take time out of your lives to be apart of this night. You'll never know how grateful I am for that. I'm just glad to be able to see a smile on the face of this beautiful lady right here." He look down at me.

"Almost 1 year  ago, I heard this gorgeous girl singing in church, and when she finished she smiled at me. I knew then that I wanted that smile in my life. Well here we are, and she's the love of my life, soon to be the mother of my children, and... The reason you all are here tonight, is because you play a very special part in our lives. So it was important that you be here tonight while I ask a very important question."

I looked up in confusion yet again.

"Skye come here baby."

She got out of her chair and stood beside him as he got down on one knee. Oh my God.

"Stephanie Quannique Cartwright, will you marry us?"

Don't Forget to
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