By pryce2006

16.8K 408 76

You know those cliche teenromance books where jock boy falls in love with the nerdy girl and they live happil... More

1 - Introductions
2 - The QB
3 - Alexander Garner
4 - My Bully
5 - Groupies
6 - Me and Haiely Lena!?
7 - Due Date
8 - Nurse Daisy
9 - Well you did run into me...
10 - Dinner at the Lena Mansion
11 - The Inheritance
12 - London
13 - Outburst
14 - Emotions
15 - Aplology
16 - A New Friend
17 - We did it
18 - Its Complicated
19 - Knock, Don't knock?
20 - Second Chance
22 - Movie Night
23 - The Game
24 - Injuries
25 - Shyness, Lies, Anger and Jealousy
26 - Happy Birthday Bud
27 - Fashion Nova Haul
28 - Sexy Nerd
29 - Game Room
30 - Room B14
31 - Im tired Hails
32 - The Offer
33 - Cheap Date
34 - A Second Skin
35 - Take care of my baby
36 - Closeted
37 - Criminal
38 - I did what I had to do
39 - Spacing out
40 - Horrible pick up lines
41 - Hey Alexander
42 - Family Reunion
43 - Epilogue

21 - New found Discovery

340 9 1
By pryce2006

(Hailey's POV)
"The sky changes from minute to minute. From orange yellow to flamboyant pink, the clouds painted with changing colours as the sun goes down" I watch closely as Alex describe the sunset in the most beautiful words I've ever heard.

He has so many sides to him, its so intriguing. I sit beside him on the sand facing the ocean and I cant help letting my eyes drift toward his face. He looks absolutely stunning in the colours of the sunset and I stare at him in awe, he's so beautiful.....Yes I said the poor little nerd is beautiful, and he really and truly is.

"Stop doing that!" I hear Alex groan from beside me.

"stop what?" I ask, did he notice me staring? He seemed so caught up in his notes I doubt he did.

"staring at me, one of your little friends might see you" annddd were back on that topic again....why did I think he would forget about it? Obviously not, I really hurt him.

"Are you even taking notes? This is pair work remember?"

"Actually yes I did, I've got some from the sunflower field maybe they'll be of some use" Alex became quiet for a moment, I guess he wasn't expecting me to have written notes. To be honest I had no intentions of getting any notes at all! But I figured if I'm trying to get Alex to forgive me I could at least help with the essay. Its not a big step but at least its a step right?

He doesn't say anything else so I make myself more comfortable on the soft sand. After a few moment Alex places the book down and lays on the sand too. He seemed to be thinking about something.

"Oi Lena its time to get back to the hotel"

My head snaps up to the source of the voice and sees its Josh one of Asher's closest friends. I jump up quickly not wanting to seem to close to Alex.

"what you doing hanging out with the stupid nerd?" he asks eyebrows raised suspiciously.

Shit shit Shit!!! Say something......

"oh him? Got paired up with him for the assignment, I can not wait for it to be over!" I say putting my boots back on that I and taken off to be more comfortable, hopefully he takes the lie as for some reason I want these assignments with Alex to last as long as possible .......and I think I know why.

From the corner of my eye a see Alex storm pass us, obviously angry. Fuck! I did it again...I'm sorry!! I just said the first thing that came to mind geezzz!

"whats his deal?" Josh asks when I had done putting my boots back on.

"who knows what goes on inside the rag doll's head" Josh chuckles at this, and I mentally cringe at my words...I'm such a bitch.


Body ody ody ody ody ody ody ody body ody ody ody ody ody ody!

Groggily I sit up in bed as the sound of my alarm meets my ears. My phone alarm not the actual alarm clock stupid...I mean I do have the most updated machines but I doubt they've made an alarm clock that can play body by Megan thee stallion at 7:00 in the morning.

So yeah anyways I decided I don't wanna be late today so I set my alarm so I have at least an hour before we have to go down to the lobby. I take a quick shower, brush my teeth and make my way back to the room. Once I was finished getting dressed I used the rest of the time to do my makeup. I use ALOT of makeup! I'm not ugly or anything its just, why use a little when you can use a lot?

About 15 minutes later me second alarm ring, meaning its now 8:00 I take my phone off charger and grab my notebook and pen and head down to the lobby.

WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!??? A farm?? A fucking farm! Are these people serious!

"you have got to be shitting me" Lila's mouth hang open when she see where we are. "I am not getting mud on these shoes!" she screeched. Normally I'd be upset that she was right in my ear but I totally get her since I'm thinking the same exact thing too! These shoes are designer!

I hear a manly laugh come from behind us "come on ladies, the farm isn't gonna write itself" Mr Smith states, a big grin on his face.

Lila and I let out groans of protests but step off the bus anyway, let's just get this over with!

Knock knock knock

Oh shoot...Alex is coming over to finish the essay, it completely slipped my mind!! I sit up from the sofa and turn the TV off, FRIENDS can wait until later.

I go over to the door and hastily open it, Alex seemed dazed for a moment then I realize, he's looking me over. Looking down I see what he's staring at, my PJ's! I feel blush heat my cheeks, one because no one from school has ever seen me in anything that didn't take at least half hour to put together and because of my new found discovery....... that we will not talk about as yet!

Once I was sure my blush was unnoticeable I say in the most casual voice I could muster.

"you coming in or???"

"uh yea yea" he passes me and enters the room. I close the door after him and I couldn't help but chuckle at his flustered state, he's adorable.

"Could I see your notes from the sunflower field?" he asks dryly the state he was in a second ago nowhere to be found, however I don't question it.

"yea sure" I say handing them over. I take a seat beside him on the sofa and watch as he begins to write our essay.

The way his hands grasps the pencil that scribbles across the paper, how he occasionally pauses his writing to push the glasses I have him further up his face, and I find it extremely cute how he slightly sticks his tongue out the corner of his mouth when he's thinking extremely hard.

Ugh I can't take this anymore!

I scoot closer to him, take the books from his hands and place them on the floor.

"w- what are you do- doing Hailey?" he stutters out.

"Nothing" I reply, which obviously was a big fat lie. I slowly take his hands in mine rubbing my thumb across the back of his hand ever so lightly.

"Look Alex, I'm sorry I'm so very sorry for how I've been acting since we reached here. And I don't blame you for being mad, one minute I'm your friend and the next I'm saying horrible stuff just to keep my status" I release a shaky breath...."I want to get to know you, I want us to be friends it'll just take some time for me to adjust and I'd like it if you would give me that time..." I finish my apology hoping he realizes how sincere I am.

"Hailey I don't-"

"pleaseee" I plead, I've never done anything like this before, but I really need Alex to forgive me.

"let me finish..." he trailed, then I realized I had cut him off. I nod, telling him to continue.

"I don't agree with what you did and I was really hurt.....however I'm trying to see both sides of the story and I guess you deserve a second chance, everybody does"

"really?...thank you Alex!! I promise I'll make it up to you" and before I realized what I was doing I pull Alex into a bone crushing hug, he hugs back and after a few seconds we pull apart.

"soo we should finish this essay now huh" I chuckle a little trying to lighten the awkward atmosphere.

"yeah we should" he replied and we got to work.

A few very longggg hours later we were finally done. We had typed it into my computer too just in case anything happened to the hard copy.

I was so comfortable I didn't notice Alex get up and head over to the door. "see yah later Hailey" I hear him say. I move from my place on the sofa and go over to him. "uh..yea see yah Alex" I really didn't want him to leave as yet though but I gave him a tight lipped smile anyways and I got a most charming one in return. I close the door after him and lean on it sliding down unto the floor.

"I've so got a huge crush on the nerd."

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