Everything I Never Told You (...

By nyxonoverthere

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I. The Dare
II. The Brooding Gypsy Born Guy
III. Texting Games
IV. The Famous Musician
V. Shit to Clean Up
VI. Wished I Were Dead
VII. In My Memories
VIII. Still You
IX. What are the fucking odds?
X. You Never Tried
XI. Like I Did
XII. Caffeine Chat
XIII. Fight Or Flight
XIV. The Punches We Regret But Not Really
XV. Why am I so attached?
XVI. I Owe It To You
XVII. Harder Not To Smile
XVIII. Pretend To Be One
XIX. Except For You
XX. Much Love
XXI. While I Can
XXII. You Don't Need To Talk
XXIII. Big Deal
XXIV. When You Call Me
XXV. Around Me
XXVI. Lilacs & Roses
XXVII. Really Really
XXVIII. Half Bad
XXIX. Isn't Here Anymore
XXX. Opera Tickets
XXXI. Being a Phoenix
XXXII. Enough
XXXIII. Control Freak
XXXIV. Bluebell & Blues
XXXV. Little Moments
XXXVI. People Together
XXXVII. Insults
XXXVIII. Every Bit
XXXIX. The Usual Cafe
XL. Your Arrangements
XLI. A Leaf is No Big Deal
XLIII. Knew Dismissal
XLIV. Then Do It Right Now
XLV. Another Leaf
XVLI. Draco & Nick
XLVII. School Dance
XLVIII. People Staring
XLIX. Moving On
L. Two Kids
LI. Jail
LII. Mixed Messages
LIII. Toy Monkey
LIV. When Things Are Broken
LV. Conflicted Feelings & Clothes
LVI. Nightmares are Dreams Too
LVII. It's Only You
LVIII. Loverboy
LIX. Do It Again
LX. Who Pays
LXI. Noah Brad is a Jerk
LXII. About Us
LXIII. Cat's Eyes
LXIV. Cut Your Hair
LXV. Guitar Lessons
LXVI. Distracting
LXVII. Stupid Fan
LXVIII. The Other Guy
LXIX. Middle School Kids Should Not Be Photographed
LXX. Wingardium Nervosa
LXXI. What It Takes To Be A Man
LXXII. What You Like To Call Your Own
LXXIII. I Hope He Changes
LXXIV. Burden
LXXV. Discussion
LXXVI. Everything I Could Have Asked For
LXXVII. At All Times
LXXVIII. Trials That Failed
LXXIX. You Better Not
LXXX. Simping Over Notes Because That's Cute Lol
LXXXI. Limericks Are Silly
LXXXII. Plot Twist
LXXXIII. Flashback
LXXXIV. Done With Her
LXXXV. Young Love
LXXXVI. One Is Enough
LXXXVII. Life Updatesโ„ข
Epilogue- Part 1
Epilogue-Part 2
important- taking requests and more

XLII. Worth Keeping Close

97 6 17
By nyxonoverthere

"What leaf?" a voice said and Conan turned around to see his fourteen year old half brother, with a bemused expression on his face. "It's the middle of spring."

"I just threw it away," Conan said, giving Louis a death stare. "How about you go play with dad?"

Louis just shrugged and tucked his hands in his pockets. Conan faced Heath who was looking away again, his cheeks burning red. At this moment he kind of did look like a phoenix. 

"Kids," Conan scoff-laughed nervously, "They say crazy things."

"Uh huh," he said, his voice extremely neutral. Something about his tone made him feel like he didn't believe him. 

He had never been forward or flirted with anyone he liked. Heath was the first. Why? Because he felt like he was the one worth keeping close. He was worth being rejected by even if it caused him pain. So much pain. 

But Heath couldn't lie either. He could never fake an expression or try to hide his feelings. Conan had learnt to read the plains of his face. He had seen his amber eyes turn dark, taken over with desire. 

"I will get going," he said, collecting his things and putting them in his Slytherin totebag. "Bye."


He didn't even look at me.


Ashhhh: i did it. i talked to gus. I DID IT CONAN YOU HEAR ME BITCH I DID IT

Conan: You did? Good for u. 

Conan: You did it. Or Gus.?


Ashhhh: i was ranting about keiran and gus was like if u didnt date a loser, you wouldnt be sad. i was like everyone is a loser. he was like not everyone. so i was like name one. he said me. i was like date? and he was like cool.

Conan: wOw. u r so badass

Ashhhh: i am the baddest of asholes

Conan: i already picked names for ur babies. conan is a good option. also gus junior doesnt sound half bad. 

Ashhhh: i am sorry but no. i will call my kids katherine. 

Conan: all of them

Ashhhh: yes a gaggle of brats called katherine. 

Conan: katherine sounds scary.

Ashhhh: speaking of scary. u have to uphold ur end of the deal too girlfriend

Conan: dont tell me. i know that he likes me. i can see it in his eyes, okay? but he scares me

Ashhhh: all the more better

"Who was he?" Louis asked, plopping down next to him on the bench and staring at his brother's phone. 

"A friend," Conan almost choked out. "Heath."

"You kiss your friends very often?" he asked, raising a sly eyebrow and teasing him. "Or it just pop star culture?"

"I wasn't kissing him," he muttered, knowing the kid wouldn't be convinced. 

"Ah, yes," he said in a sarcastic tone, nodding his head virgously, "You were getting the 'leaf'. Do they call kisses, leaves these days?"

"I was trying to but he wouldn't let me," he said sounding unfortunate. "I thought we were having a moment but he pulled back."

Louis placed a hand on his shoulder, patting him and acting like the older brother. "Still nineteen and you haven't had your first kiss yet?"

Conan laughed, playfully punching the younger. "I did, by the way. It was some barista I liked."

"Sure," he said rolling his eyes. Sarcasm was the tongue of his fourteen year old brother. "You better kiss him soon. I need a big brother who would actually hang out with me and drive me to dates."

"Come on, I will take you rock climbing and drive you to dates," he laughed, grabbing his hand which settled into his readily.


"Yes, really."

Conan's dad decided to head back to his room and trusted him with Louis. For the record, Conan did take him to rock climbing and for a teenager, he actually seemed to enjoy it very much. Maybe a little too much because he refused to leave until three hours. Exhausted by the afternoon, he wanted to go home. His mom had called him for lunch and his dad asked him to leave Louis back at his place. Before leaving him, he took him to a local grocery store to get him some food. 

They stepped in, happy to be in the vicinity of fans. There weren't a lot of people inside since it was lunch time. Louis picked up some candy, a box of chocolates for someone he said he liked, some soda and a lot of weird and random things. 

Conan wandered off to the aisle behind the checkout counter. 

"My brother said he wanted to kiss you." He heard the sound of Louis giggling shyly. "He was sad when you pulled back."

"I thought it was just a leaf," a familiar voice said. 

"The only leaves were your lips," Louis said loftily. Conan knew he would start rambling now. "Oh, you should have heard him gloat about you to dad. It was too mushy and loving to hear. Like my ears were literally dripping with honey, the amount of times he said sweet things about you. Also, do you like him back? Because he totally likes you. I mean I love the idea of another brother because sisters are a handful. I was thinking my sister would make a radiant flower girl, if you chose not to pick me for the job. She is older than me but I think she will like it. Do you think we could both be flower kids? No pressure."

Conan dropped the carton of milk he was holding, along with all of his remaining dignity. 

"Um, is everything okay?" Heath's voice spoke once more. 

At that moment Conan wanted to murder Louis and then kill himself. 

Can I die right here?

"Oh," Louis exclaimed, a mass of fair hair popping from the end of aisle. "He was so excited to see you that he dropped the carton. See? I told you."

"Oh," Heath said, emerging from the other end, "I will put it back."

"Hi, Conan," Louis waved his soda bottle, grinning. "I will pay today, don't worry."

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