My Superhero (Ziall Horlik) AU

By BriannaLynnC98

243K 10.8K 6.5K

Niall Horan isn't like other boys his age. Some people say he's just immature, but they only say that because... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 11

8.7K 382 165
By BriannaLynnC98

Zayn's POV

I spent the rest day in Niall's room with my head hurting pretty badly. Niall would play with his toys or color some things for me to feel better. I told him earlier this morning to get ready for school, but he told me he wanted to stay with me because I still had hurt spots. He's really sweet for staying and I was actually glad about it. I liked having access to cuddle him whenever I wanted or whenever he would get bored with with he was doing he would come talk to me.

I looked at the clock and saw it was almost time for football practice. I was really thinking about not going because that means I have to see Louis' stupid face, also my team has to see my stupid face.

I got out of Niall's bed and looked down at him sitting on the floor with his Superman toy. I'm thinking that's his favorite toy because that's all he ever plays with. It's cute to watch him him play. He's completely silent, but his face shows everything that's going through his mind as he makes the little plastic toy fly and flip through the air. Sometimes, I wish I had the simplicity of his mind. I know if I did I definitely wouldn't be in the predicament I am in now.

"W-where is Zayn going?" Niall asked me as I started to make my way to the bathroom. I turned around and looked at his worried blue eyes and gave him a smile.

"I have to get to practice soon. Are you going to come watch ?" Niall nodded immediately and followed me into the bathroom. I wasn't sure what he was doing, but I let him come with me. He sat on the closed toilet seat while I took off the band aids on my face that he place the previous night. My lip was swollen and brused. My cheek had a fist print bruse on it, along with a cut that I had no clue how it got there. I really looked bad, but I wasn't going to tell anyone what actually happened even if they asked.

"Um..." Niall said quietly, making me look away from my ugly face in the mirror. He was just standing there, then quickly made his way to me. He placed a clumsy kiss on my brused cheek at the exact spot where I had a bruse. When he pulled back from me, his hands went to his stomach and he smiled.

"It's fluffy." He giggled and blushed a bright red. I smiled at him and placed my hands over his.

"Do you want me to show you what makes you feel more fluffy?" I asked him while taking a step closer to him. He thought about my words, then nodded. I started to lean in to his sweet lips, keeping eye contact with him incase I saw anything in his eyes that he wanted me to stop or if he got confused. Just as I got two centimeters from getting to taste his lips, I heard my name being called.

"Zayn?" I closed my eyes and took a step back from a very confused looking Niall. I felt horrible for making him look that confused. I should have explained what I wanted to do, but mostly I shouldn't have even wanted to do it. That's taking something that doesn't belong to me. I'm not worthy of being his first kiss.

"Zayn?" Liam called my name again and ended up being right in front of the bathroom door. He was already out of his school uniform and in some workout clothes for practice. I quickly moved out of the bathroom, not wanting to look Niall in the eyes or talk to Liam. I don't want to deal with that right now.

I went straight to my room and threw on some football shorts and a tank top. I left my room in a hurry to get to my football locker, but just when I got to the locker room my coach got a glimpse of my face and stepped in front of me.

"Malik, what the hell happened to your face?" He ordered me, not even in a tone of asking or worry. I looked down at the floor so he couldn't see my face anymore, but he gently grabbed my chin and made me face him.

"Zayn, what happened to your face?" He asked me again, but this time I could tell he was concerned.

"Nothing. A-a fight. I have to get my gear on." I mumbled out and tried to side step him, but I forgot that he played football for the England National League and had the reflexes of a tiger. He stood in front of me, blocking any way I could move and looked at me.

"Zayn, I know you haven't always had the easiest life. You've had allot of loss and bad things happen to you, but I know you well enough that you don't go starting fights or anything of the sort to get yourself beat up. You're a caring boy, and you can't help but love the sweet things given to you. I don't believe for one second that this is caused by a fight. I don't believe this is caused by anything that isn't important. Tell me what happened." I looked up to the ceiling of the locker room to keep the stinging of my tears in. I knew I couldn't tell him that I made a deal my first year here with Louis to have sex anytime we felt like it, and now I want to stop but he got mad and punched me. I couldn't tell him that. He's actually proud to have me as a player on his team. He treats me like a second dad would, and he knows about my whole background just like Liam does. I feel like if I tell him this, I'll let him down because I'm stupid.

"I just got mixed up with something bad. I'm fine." I told him while looking him in the eyes and wiping some of my tears that accidentally fell. I saw in his dark brown eyes that he wasn't buying it, but he knew he had no other choice. He moved out of my way, and let me go put my stuff on.

On locker there was a sticky note that was clearly Louis' hand writing. I took it off and crumbled it. He's stupid to think I'm actually going to ever speak to him after what he did. So, I just pulled my stuff on and ran out to the field where my whole team was practicing. I looked to the bleachers and saw Niall was sitting there with his toy in his hand, but he had a sad distant look to his face. I knew in my heart I put it there.

"Zayn, you have to make things right with him. He's so confused right now and asked me if he did something bad." Liam whispered in my ear from behind me as I was stretching on the grass. I turned to him, but he winced when he fully saw my face.

"I almost kissed him. I don't know how to get myself out of this. I didn't even know what type of feelings I have for him." Liam shook his head with a small chuckle leaving his mouth.

"I think you know what feelings you have for him, you just need to forget what eveyone thinks and follow your heart. Take a chance with him." I looked back at the bleachers, and caught Niall's eye. His face stayed confused, so I gave him a smile and waved discreetly at him. He smiled and waved back at me.

"Do you think he'll understand what it's like to feel things like this?" I asked Liam, hoping he could tell me the one thing I needed to hear before I finally admitted to myself that there was definitely something more that I felt towards Niall than just wanting a friendship.

"Niall is a human being. He has feelings and a heart. He may be young minded and not understand all that goes on around him, but he can feel things. He looks at you like you're Superman. I'm sure he wouldn't mind having you kiss on him and hold him all the time." I smiled at Liam's words, even if it hurt my busted lip. I gave my best friend a good hug, then practice started.

Throughout practice, everyone took their precious time to look at my messed up face and whisper comments to each other. Harry didn't say anything, which made me think he knows the truth. That made me feel a mix of unrest and relief.

About half way through practice, Louis gave me a look a regret and I may or may not have passed him the ball and hit him in the balls. Sometimes my aim is just so off, silly me. Then Louis wouldn't pass me the ball as we ran drills, even when I was wide open and naturally you would pass it to me. I did the same to him in return. When I walked past him I made sure to trip him, elbow him, shoulder check him and do anything that would make him feel a small amount of pain or stumble as he walked.

I kept looking back to see Niall just smiling at me or playing, but that was all I needed to do was to prove my point to Louis that I'm not some rag doll he can push around for sex. He's a fucking bottom for Christ sake, he shouldn't even be trying to tell me what to do because it's my dick and I can put it where I want it and that's no where near him. I'm done with him, he just needs help to see that.

After practice, we were all finishing our warm up lap when Louis came up behind me and slapped my arse in a way that could be seen as friendly, but to me it was away of claiming me. I'm not his, and never will be.

"I see what game your trying to play. It's not going to work, love. We both know you can't resist my ass." Louis said quietly as we stopped running and went to our stuff. He stopped me and forced me to stay behind the rest of the team. I looked at Niall and saw him still very content as he sat in the bleachers looking at me.

"I know about you two, but I also know how embarrassed you are about that piece of shit of there. I can tell everyone lie after lie about you both to everyone in this school who thinks you are some type of hero. Keep that in mind while you fuck me tonight in my room." I stood there looking at Louis with wide eyes because he just fucking threatened to out me and Niall to everyone if he doesn't get his way. We're not even a couple yet, but I don't want to tell anyone about me and Niall. It's not because I'm embarrassed of Niall, it's because I don't even know if things will truly work out between us or if we're too different. That was the least of my worries though, Louis just called that perfect boy a piece of shit which is the complete opposite of what Niall is.

"Louis, I believe you're the piece of shit here. Niall is a good person and he's a good friend, unlike you. No one knows him well, except for me. You don't talk about him that way unless you want my fist in your ass permanently. Oh, sorry, you would probably like it slut." I told I'm with a fake smile on my face and pat his shoulder. He let out a small squeak like he was trying to find the words to say, but couldn't. So, I just left him there while I got water and my bag so I could go to the lockers.

But, as I packed things up, I heard a scared squeak then a cry of pain. I looked up to see Niall holding his stomach on the ground as Louis walked away from him. He turned around and gave me a look that I knew what he ment by it.

He was showing me that he would hurt the sweet innocence boy if I didn't do what he said. I couldn't let that happen so I decided it's better me feeling pain than my Niall. He's mine, and I'm not letting anything bad happen to him ever again. Enough is enough.

A/N: again, I'm so sorry this took for to get updated. It she weekend so expect me to get down and dirty with updates! Comment / Vote!
                                     - Bri;)

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