our last winter || james pott...

By notcoucou

228K 7.2K 1.6K

With his hands crossed in front of him, the Professor watched the girl carefully, as if expecting her to brea... More



5.4K 199 83
By notcoucou

February 2nd, 1977

"So, after Casey read the letter, I passed out and woke up twenty minutes ago in this bed with the news that I was pregnant. And that's why I'm here telling you the story of how I ruined my life." Donna turned to Professor Dumbledore, who was watching her with wide eyes.

"What a long and detailed story." Dumbledore said, smiling slightly.

"Sorry." The italian gave him a sheepish smile. "I guess I got a bit carried away." The man chuckled.

"So, long story short, you don't know if Mr. Lupin, Mr. Potter or Mr. Black is the father of your child?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Yep." The girl pressed her lips. "Guess I could have just told you that instead of all the details." She cursed herself mentally and the man lowly laughed once more.

"Would you like me to call for them?" The Professor asked, and Donna was quick to shake her head.

"God, I can't see them yet." She hid her face in her hands. "Where are Casey and Alice?"

"Well, I sent them to class seeing as they missed the first ones staying here with you." Donna sighed, feeling guilty for their best friends to miss class because of her.

"Would you mind calling Peter, sir?" She asked.

"Well, of course!" He stood up, smiling. "You need a friend right now." He grabbed his wand, casting a non verbal spell, and, in seconds, a beautiful light emerged and a patronus of a Phoenix formed. "I need you to tell Mr. Pettigrew to meet me at the Hospital Wing, please."

The animal flew right through the door, searching for the mousy boy.

Minutes later, a panting Peter Pettigrew opened the doors, stopping and leaning his hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath.

"What... What happened?" He asked, taking a deep breath. "I was finally talking to Casey, so, I'm sorry, Professor, but someone better be dying." He crossed his arms like a grumpy toddler.

"I'm afraid it's quite the opposite, Mr. Pettigrew." Dumbledore moved so Peter could see Donna, and immediately his eyes widened and he ran to the girl's side.

"Donna, what happened? Are you okay? Are you hurt?" He started asking question after question, not letting the italian answer. "Oh my Merlin, I was joking about someone dying." He grabbed the girl's hand.

Donna laughed a bit and turned to the Headmaster. "Professor, do you think you could excuse us a minute?"

"You're scaring me." Peter whispered, in a high pitched tone.

"Why, of course." He said, the same glint on his eyes as always, and turned to leave the Hospital Wing.

"Okay, what happened? Who do I have to hex?" His eyebrows furrowed in worry as he sat on the end of the bed. Donna chuckled.

"Me." She said and looked at a confused looking Peter. She took a deep breath and turned her gaze at her hands. "I'm pregnant." She mumbled.

"Sorry, what was that?" He smiled, laughing nervously. "I could swear I heard you saying you're pregnant." Donna's eyes turned to him, and his smile disappeared. "You didn't."

"I did." The girl nodded, closing her eyes and resting her head on her hands.

"What? How?" Peter asked, not fully believing her. Donna looked up.

"Well, I never thought that I would need to have the talk with you, but..."

"Funny." He scrunched his nose, doing a face at the girl, who smirked. "I meant how could this have happened. You're always bragging about how the birth control potion changed your life and bla bla bla." He rolled his eyes.

"It did change my life, okay?" She retorted, narrowing her eyes. "Now more than ever. The batch I received was made with expired products."

"Holy shit." Peter mumbled, running his hand through his hair. "Are you sure?"

Donna hummed. "Madam Pomfrey did a muggle ultrasound that confirmed. Now, I'm waiting for the results of the shit ton of tests I had, hoping that they will give me an answer."

"Who is the father?" He asked, and Donna looked at anything but her best friend. "Please, don't tell me it's James." He exasperatedly said and the girl turned to him with wide eyes.

"What? How-?" He interrupted her.

"Just guessed it." He shrugged. "Is James the father?" He questioned again, and the italian sighed.

"Or Sirius." She muttered.

"I'm not very surprised."

"Or Remus." She completed.

"WHAT?" He yelled, jumping on his feet and almost falling on his butt. "Remus? My Remus?"

"Do you know any other Remus?" She raised her eyebrows and the boy huffed.

"Rude." He pouted, but soon his expression turned to a confused one. "I'm sorry. Did you say 'or'?" Donna hid her face once more, nodding. "Holy shit, Donna."

"I know."

"Holy shit."

"That's what I said."

"So let me get this straight. You shagged all my best friends?" She sighed.

"Indeed I did." Peter just blinked.

"As in slept with my best mates?"

"Yep." She nodded.

"As in did the deed with my roommates?" He asked once more and the girl raised her arms in frustration.

"God damn it, Peter, YES! Want me to draw it?"

"Oh God, please, no." He cringed, making a face of disgust. Donna just rolled her eyes. "So you shagged them and now you don't know who the father is?"


"Haha, what a whor-" Peter coughed as the girl glared daggers at him. "Wonderful experience. I meant wonderful." The girl kept scowling at him and he scratched his neck awkwardly. "Beautiful day, isn't it?"

"Peter, get out of my sight and go look for the rest of your boy band before I hex the hell out of you." Donna said angrily.

"On it." The boy said and quickly left the side of her bed, walking to the exit. He gave her a sheepish smile and closed the door.

❆ ❆ ❆

After Peter got out, Professor Dumbledore returned to keep the girl company. It was only ten minutes later that the obnoxious boys entered through the doors.

"Wormtail, what the hell do you need us here for? I was in the middle of practice!" James asked, arms crossed. Donna stiffened on the bed as she heard his voice, wanting more than nothing to drown herself on the Black Lake.

"Shut up and walk, Prongs." Peter answered, rolling his eyes. The group stopped at the end of the girl's bed, the boys' eyes widening as they saw the italian.

"Donna, what happened?" Sirius asked.

"Are you okay?" James added.

"Do you need anything?" Remus completed, all of them looking extremely worried.

"I'm fine, it's okay." She gave Sirius and Remus a small smile, trying to ignore the bespectacled boy. What? She was petty.

The boys let out a sigh of relief, their shoulders relaxing.

"By the way, you forgot your satchel yesterday." He raised her bag, showing it to her. "I brought to classes, but you weren't there. Sorry I didn't give you earlier." He extended his arm so the girl could reach for the bag.

"Beautiful keychain." Remus and Donna froze as they heard the comment of the Headmaster. They slowly turned their heads to look at the man.

"It's hers!" Remus said, pointing to the girl.

"He gave it to me!" She said at the same time, pointing to the boy.

Dumbledore chuckled. The brightness on his eyes seemed to grow as he eyed the keychain of him wearing Santa Claus' clothes.

"I hope you will excuse me. I believe you have a lot to discuss." He winked discreetly at Donna. "I expect you, Messrs, to react with the kindness of your spirits and not with the fear of your consciences." He nodded at the Marauders, leaving the Hospital Wing once more.

"What the hell did he mean with that?" Sirius muttered to Remus, who ignored him.

"Is everything okay, Don?" Remus asked, sweetly, and James felt the urge to roll his eyes at the nickname.

"Not really." Donna took a deep breath. Her nervousness just got worst in the presence of the boys. "I'm pregnant." She blurted with her eyes closed, thinking it would be better to do it fast, just how you remove a bandaid.

"WHAT?" The three boys yelled, eyes wide. Then, they all looked at each other, furrowing their eyebrows. "WHAT?" They exclaimed at each other, one pointing to the other.

Remus was the first to understand what was happening, quickly diverting his gaze to Donna, who looked apologetically at him. He gave her a small smile in understanding. Unknown to him, that smile made the girl's nerves dissipate.

"Why are you saying what? I'm the one who should be saying what!" James and Sirius questioned each other, at the same time, when they eyes widened. "WHAT?" They turned to Donna. "DONNA?" Both wizards looked at the girl, as two siblings look at their mother.

Remus rolled his eyes, not knowing how exactly he became friends with a bunch of brainless gits.

Peter was just watching everything roll with an amused expression, a hand on the girl's shoulder in support.

"God, don't look at me like that." The italian said, voice breaking as she covered her eyes with her hands, trying to contain the urge to cry.

"Hey, Don." Remus said, approaching the girl and taking her arms in his hands, lowering them. "It's okay, you're single. You owe us nothing. Well, except explaining a bit more about you being pregnant." He smiled reassuringly, and the girl took his hand on hers.

"Speaking of single, aren't you with Lily?" Sirius turned to James, with his arms crossed and a hard expression on his face.

"It's complicated." James groaned, and the raven haired boy snorted.

"Uncomplicate it, then." James opened his mouth to retort, but was interrupted by Madam Pomfrey approaching them. Donna sat on the bed, hopefully.

"Miss Lombardi?" She called and the boys stopped talking. "The results came out. I'm afraid I can't tell precisely how many weeks the baby is, because although he seems to be evolved, he is still too small. I estimate him to be between four to six weeks." The healer said, and Donna's shoulders dropped.

She gave the woman a smile before she turned and walked back to her office, realising the teenagers had a lot to talk.

"Holy fuck." James cursed.

"So, who's the father?" Sirius asked, looking at the italian.

"I don't know." She cried, squeezing Remus' hand.

"Of course you don't." James snorted, turning to her abruptly. "I thought you said you were on birth control potion?" He narrowed his eyes at her accusingly.

"I am." She retorted bitterly. "But I received a letter from the company saying that the last batch I received was expired." She furrowed her brows, her eyes watering.

"Yeah, and you are the lucky one to receive that batch. How convenient." James started pacing, hands on his hair.

"What the fuck are you implying, Potter?" Donna spat, anger in her eyes. Even his friends looked at him not believing what he was saying.

"I'm not implying anything. It's just funny how it would happen to you." He laughed bitterly. "Merlin, couldn't you have been a bit more responsible?"

"Couldn't you have been a bit faster on the pull out game?" She retorted, looking at him with disgust.

"Don't blame this on me!" He yelled, frustrated. "Fuck!" He kicked the foot of a bed.

"Whoa, Prongs, calm down." Peter said, eyebrows furrowed. He didn't want to meddle in their business, but he refused to see his best friend being treated like that, especially by his other best friend.

"Yeah, it's not her fault either, Prongs." Sirius added, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"How the fuck do you expect us to do it?" James turned to the girl. "We are seventeen, for Merlin's sake!"

"Eighteen, but okay." Sirius muttered.

"And I have Quidditch practices, I'm Captain, for Merlin's sake." He ruffled his hair anxiously. "And Head Boy duties. And Lily, oh my God. I can't do it."

"No one is asking you to, Potter. I am perfectly capable of raising this baby on my own! I don't need no man to do it. So if you want to leave, then fucking leave!" She screamed, an angry tear coming down her face.

"No, Donna. Are you crazy?" Remus softly said, squeezing her hand. "We are not going anywhere."

"Yeah. You didn't do this baby with your finger." Sirius joked, trying to ease the tension.

Donna's eyes didn't leave James', who clenched his jaw as he looked between his best mates, sighing.

"They're right." He said, a bit more calm. He approached the bed. "I'm sorry. I'm just a bit stressed out lately and I discounted on you." He raised his hand and put it on the girl's knee, above the bed sheet. "I'm really sorry. And I'm not- we are not leaving you alone on this."

The girl nodded, but still couldn't look at the messy haired boy. The five of them stayed silent for a few minutes, when Peter broke it.

"Okay, James I can understand a bit and Sirius I totally get it." He started.

"Hm, I beg your pardon?" Sirius scoffed, offended, but they all ignored him.

"But Remus? Our little angel Remus? How did that happen?" He completed, and the girl chuckled.

"Well, it was on the last day before Christmas party. We were talking and drinking, and then we kissed and went to his room, and one thing led to the other." Remus smirked.

"One thing led to the other?" Peter raised his eyebrows. "Nice way to say you took his virginity, you bitch." Donna laughed loudly at that, but she couldn't help but notice the serious expression that appeared on the long haired boy's face. She hoped he wasn't angry with her, for feeding whatever was happening between them when she had slept with his best friends.

They fell on another comfortable silence, every single one of them wondering how their lives were about to drastically change.

"Can I just say how awesome this baby will be?" Sirius broke the silence, receiving confused glances from the others. "I mean, come on. It took three cocks for him to be born! How wicked is that?" He smirked, raising his arms at his friends.

Donna just turned to the other side of the bed without saying anything, James and Peter looking at him with blank expression and Remus shaking his head, disappointed.

"What?" Sirius asked as he eyed his best friends, before groaning. "Nobody thinks what I think."

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