The power that lays within

By -Raven_Shadow-

12.3K 340 94

This is a greenflame story In this story Lloyd has a bad fall in a battle and everyone in Ninjago is scared... More

The fall
Gold or Green. Live or die 
The first appearance
The after math
We meet again
The dragon
Bad moring
Gone again
Conflict between the ninja
Im back
Felling lost
Sleeping Lloyd
Im jut here
Then what am I?
Things got heated

The stroy of the Cave

362 13 9
By -Raven_Shadow-

Sorry it's been so long here's the next chapter.

Lloyd's POV

It's been a few weeks since my reflection. Nothings changed. Cole still hates me. Always trying to cause a fight. Or blame something on me, trying to get the others to hate me.'s working.

Jay started to distance himself from me. Probably not wanting to be involved. I don't blame him. Sometimes things can get.....heated.

Zane. Well he's still Zane. Just a bit more....quite. I think it's because he doesn't like that where fighting each other, when something coming.

Nya. She's been ok...I guess. She keeps telling Kai that he should stay away from me. Not wanting her brother to be involved in what's going on between me and Cole. She's just trying to look out for her brother.

Kai. He doesn't like when Cole is picking on me. But it doesn't really affect does I just...don't want him to get involved. I keep trying to distance myself from him. The keyword: trying. It doesn't seem to work.

Uncle Wu he's trying to keep the peace. Well let me rephrase that. Trying to make peace between everyone. Its not going how he wanted it to.

My dad. Garmadon. Is also trying to make peace between us. Also not going how he wanted it to. He's not happy with my mum as she doesn't like me.

Morro. He's being the over protective big brother. He doesn't like Cole near me. If he's with in a good 7 feet of me. He'll stand in front of me protectively. It's nice to know that he cares gets annoying after awhile. I mean I can take care of myself.

Amazu. My dragon. Is also quite protective of me. I have been caught in his grip many a time. He wraps his tail around me along with his wings effectively blocking me from sight.

It's know a new week. Monday morning. The birds are tweeting. The sun is shining and the sky is clear. It sounds like it going to be a nice day doesn't it.

Wrong. I was making my way down the stairs when I guests it. Shouting. Sighing and rubbing my temples and the side of my head. I followed the shouting. They where arguing again. Do you want to know. Well if you do I'll tell you. It's about me. Me being here. Me existing.

"Why is he even here? We've been fine on are own! Has he been here to helped. NO! He hasn't. We don't need him!" That was Cole yelling.

"Cole, stop this nonsense!" Wu shouted.

"No I won't! We all know it. He's just there. He's not helping. He left for 4 years, making us think he was dead for some of that time. We saved many people without him. If we did it then on are own we can do it now!" Cole shouted. Everyone was quite. It was true they where able to do so much without me. And from the sound of it they all agree.

Instead of going to the kitchen like I was planing. I when down the stairs walked past it. To the front door. I can't really go anywhere. For multiple reasons. One being they need me. Even if they don't think they do. Two the world thinks I'm dead, and I can't hid that as I don't have my cloak.

I just walked out the door and with the thought that I can't really go anywhere. I just wanted to be away from them all. I walked and walked. Not stopping as thought flew through my head. 'Should I just leave? Do they really need me? What have I done that says I can help?' 

After about 10 minutes of walking I found a cave. The cave wasn't to big. It had a small entrance that looked old. I went in. The inside was bigger than what I thought. Walking in the cave more I looked at the walls. They had some sort of writing on them. It was in a Ancient language. One that I don't know.

I ran my hand over the writing. Wondering what it said. What it meant. I made a small fire in my hands so I could see more. Taking a few steps back. I could see that the writing was very
in-depth. All the walls where covered in it. From top to bottom. There where very few drawings, meaning I can't decipher much.

From the drawings. It seams to be a prophecy. About a boy who went human or monster. That was full of light be had seen so much darkness that hadn't darkened his hart. How he put his life on the line for other. There was a dragon. The dragon was green and gold making me think of Amazu. Amazu name means 'no one knows everything'.

That mightn't seem important know but it is. By the dragon I can make out the words no one knows everything. It took a while to translate. I had to use a mix of different ancient languages. It could just be a coincidences. I shrugged it off.

As I kept looking around at the drawings they seem to take of a fight the boy went through. There was one that caught my eyes. The boy with other that had there backs to him. Leaving it to him and his dragon to fight.

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