By Luna_aka_Blade

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He knew he might burn. But he had to do it. He had to be just a little closer. He knew he would fall. It was... More



300 38 5
By Luna_aka_Blade

The wax branded on his skin,

He couldn't move. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move a single muscle. Invisible ropes were holding him down on the ground. Digging into his skin till it hurt. Even breathing was hard. With every inhale of air, he felt as his ribs were slowly cracking with the stretch of his chest. He wanted to open his mouth, even move his lips a little, but all of it seemed impossible. His body was paralyzed head to toe. He knew his eyes were closed, he wanted to open them. To see where he was, but he couldn't. His eyes felt as if they were stitched together. 

Everything hurt. Every part of his hurt with a throbbing ache. Spreading through out his body in with a steady beat. His racing heartbeat echoed in his ears, along with a shrill ringing sound. He knew he was laying down and yet his head seem to spin. 

And all the while, a single word, a name kept on repeating in his mind like a broken record. 

The name was probably the only thing that was keeping him ground. The only thing that was keeping him from loosing his mind from the pain. The only that kept him sane. 

'Wake up soon'


'I want to', He wanted to say. 'I want to see you again', He wanted to reply. But his jaw didn't move, his tongue felt heavy. 

'What is happening?' He wanted ask. 'Everything hurts. Everything hurts so much. What is happening? Why does it hurt so much?'

'What is happening?' He heard the same voice ask. It sounded panicked, and worried. The urgency in the voice was so terribly evident, and even he could feel it despite his paralyzed condition. His heart raced faster. So fast, it hurt with every beat.

He felt something around him move, and immediately fear dug in its claw. It's claws digging him deep, down to his bones. He wanted to cry out loud. He wanted to plead, 'No! Don't go'.

He could feel the presence move away from him. Get farther away, and out of his reach. 'No, no, no, don't go please.' He wanted to cry, and yet no sound came out. And soon enough, everything was too much. His heart beat echoed louder in his ears, as the ringing sound faded out. Like, his head was slowly going underwater. 

And all bits of consciousness that he had, slowly slipped out his finger tips. 


Yoongi sucked in a sharp breath as his eyes opened up, and he found himself staring at the pale ochre shade of his ceiling. Faint, amber rays of the sun seeped in through the windows; illuminating the room in a gentle orange shade of the sunset. The moonborn let out the breath he had been holding in, and closed his eyes for a moment. His head throbbed lightly, cold sweat dribbling down his forehead. 

His mind was uncharacteristically blank, and silent. His body felt fatigued despite just waking up from sleep. Yoongi let out a weary groan as he pushed himself off the bed. Frowning at how sweaty and sticky his body had gotten. The humid monsoon weather was something he found incredibly irritating. 

Getting up on his feet, he trudged towards the bathroom, preparing himself a bath. Wanting to get rid of not just the suffocating feeling because of the heat, but also the cloak of fear that hung off his shoulders. 

It wasn't until, Yoongi found himself submerged almost entirely in the water till his mind started working once again. The emptiness, the pain, and all of the tension slowly floating away from his body. He let out a content sigh, and let his body slip further down in the tub; till only face of his face, nose above, stayed out of the water. 

But as the all the uncomfortably feeling left his body, slowly other thoughts settled. And Yoongi once again, for the umpteenth time came to the realization that today would be the last time he is going to meet Jimin... perhaps in forever. 

He wasn't sure how the day was going to end. He just knew, from tomorrow night, he won't be able to meet Jimin again. And the very thought of it left behind a sinking feeling. Like an anchor inside of him that was pulling him, deep, deep down. He didn't like how weak, the thought of never being able to meet Jimin again, made him feel. They've only known each other for a little close to two months. 

'Why and when did he become so important?' Yoongi found himself asking for the millionth time, 'Why does spending time with him so familiar?'

The more he thought about it, the heavier the weight become and the deeper he sunk in. 

Yoongi inhaled a deep breath before closing his eyes and sinking down further; completely submerging himself underwater. It felt comforting in a way. Different from the way it felt in his dream, even though the situation were mostly same. In his dreams, he felt so heavy as if someone had pulled out all of his insides and stuffed him with stones. But right now, his body felt so incredibly like he was afloat. All his thoughts numbed out, leaving behind just the study beats of his heart echoing in his ears. 

Yoongi has always imagined if this how it feels to be able fly. 

He's always wanted to fly. 


Yoongi carefully wrapped the painted canvas in a cloth, before strapping the loose ends together. His eyes glanced to the reddish sky outside of the window. The evening sky was really vibrant today, almost as if it was angry. 

"It is going to be dark soon." Yoongi mumbled to himself. His eyes shifting away from the window, as a heavy feeling settled in his heart. It's been such since morning. The feeling that something heavy was tugging down his heart just won't go away no matter how hard he tried. And as time passed by, the stronger the tug become, and the lower his heart sunk. 


Hearing Jungkook's voice, Yoongi turned around to find the younger leaning against his doorway. Sipping on a glass of milk. "Is everything alright hyung?"

Yoongi forced a smile on his lips. Everything should be alright. He always knew this day was bound to come. Jimin didn't live here. And so, one day he would have to leave, and Yoongi had known that. Yet, sometime along that thought slipped out of his mind, while he was with Jimin. And now it came back, hitting him with full force. He didn't have the chance to prepare himself for it. 

"Yes, it is." 

Jungkook didn't look convinced. A frown settling on his forehead as he pushed himself off the doorway, and walked in. "What is that?" Jungkooked, pointing to the wrapped canvas. Yoongi glanced towards it as he went find new clothes for himself. 

"A painting, I made."

"Is it not complete yet?"

"It is."

"Then why is it wrapped?"

"I...I'm going to give t to someone."

Yoongi snapped his head towards the younger, when he heard him choke. His eyes narrowed at the baffled expression on Jungkook's red face. The younger bent over coughing, and stayed like that before he finally managed to mutter, "You're...gifting...one of your painting? You're giving it someone?"

Rolling his eyes, Yoongi looked back at the arrangement of clothes, deciding on which one to pick, "I believe that's what I said."

"You never give your paintings to anyone!" Jungkook accused, downing the rest of the milk in one go. 

"That's not true." Yoongi mumbled. It's not that he didn't give his paintings to anyone. No one's ever asked for one. 

'Jimin hasn't asked for it either... and yet...'

Yoongi shook his head and let out a sigh, 'It's just a parting gift.'

"Can I see it?" Jungkook asked, breaking the moonborn's chain of thought. Yoongi was hesitant about it first. He mostly ever paints the sky, the landscapes. But this one was different. 


Jungkook gave him another small smile, and walked over to table where wrapped canvas was place. A gasp soon followed after he opened up the wrapper. "Wow hyung... this-this is beautiful. Who-Who is this?"

Glancing back, he saw Jungkook sitting down on the floor, with canvas lying on his lap. He had spent hours at it. Probably the longest he's ever taken to paint something. It wasn't much but a painting of the Jimin at the flower field. Only it wasn't at night, but instead he imagined it to a be a warm afternoon while he was painting. 

From the moment he saw how Jimin truly looked, he knew even if for once, he wanted to know how the other would look under the yellow rays of the sun. Would he shine brighter than he did at night? Would his eyes sparkle brighter? Would he, if it was even possible, look more beautiful than he did at night?

All these questions had been in his mind as he had painted the painting. It was the only thing he could do to stop himself from breaking down. Only thing that had stopped him from crying. And more so, he wanted Jimin's image to be etched in his mind. He didn't question why his behavior had taken such a sharp turn. 

All he knew, was that, he felt an impulsive urge and acted on it. 


"Who's that? The person you go to meet every night?"

"Yes, him."

"Jimin... I must say, he's really good looking."


"When can we meet him?"

Yoongi sucked in a sharp breath as the question was asked. He rushed to push down all the thoughts in his mind. He didn't want to break down now. He didn't want waste any time. Glancing at the window once again, he realized the sky was getting darker. 

"...he's leaving."

"Hm what? I couldn't hear you."

"He's leaving tomorrow."


Closing the closet, Yoongi turned and pulled another smile on his lips, "Don't worry, I'll tell you about him later on."

Grinning, Jungkook nodded and quickly wrapped the canvas again, "Okay. You're going to leave now right?"


"Oh well, I won't hold you back any longer. Say goodbye to Jimin for me as well."

"I will."


I'm sorry this chapter is short. I don't want to write this story anymore. But, there's only three chapters left, so I might as well push myself instead of deleting this story. 

....this story is so stupid I can't even with it. 

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