WHAT IF I'M HIM [Under Revisi...

By TakeThePride

4.6K 336 477

[This is being re-written as a new story on my page. I'm keeping this up if y'all wanna read it but it's not... More

Authors Quick Note
Chapter One; Katuki Bakugo
Chapter Two; Katsuki Bakugo
Chapter Three; Shoto Todoroki
Chapter Four; Katsuki Bakugo
Chapter Six; Mashirao Ojiro
Chapter Seven; Shoto Todoroki
Chapter Eight; Katsuki Bakugo
Chapter Nine; Katsuki Bakugo
Chapter Ten; Eijiro Kirishima
Chapter Eleven; Mashirao Ojiro
Chapter Twelve; Mezo Shoji
Chapter Thirteen; Katsuki Bakugo
Chapter Fourteen; Katsuki Bakugo
The Bakugo's house
Chapter Fifteen; Katsuki Bakugo
Please Look At My Bio
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen; Katsuki Bakugo
Chapter Eighteen; Masaru Bakugo
Chapter Nineteen; Eijiro Kirishima
Chapter Twenty; Masaru Bakugo
Chapter Twenty-One; Eijiro Kirishima
Chapter Twenty-Two; Katsuki Bakugo
Chapter Twenty-Three; Katsuki Bakugo
Chapter Twenty-Five; Denki Kaminari
Chapter Twenty-Six; Katsuki Bakugo
Chapter Twenty-Seven; Eijiro Kirishima

Chapter Twenty-Four; S.M.D.M.E

74 6 37
By TakeThePride

Title: Rabbit Hole

Artist: AViVA

Channel: 없어서 만든 플레이리스트

Trigger warning! Swearing, mentions of blood, threats, passing out.

If I made any spelling/grammar mistakes, please correct me. I always seem to have them no matter how many times I go over it.


"**** ***** *******"

All that was heard was Kaminari's hics and Bakugo's whispers. Kirishima wanted to speak up, to ask Bakugo if he was okay but the look Todoroki had on his face and him glancing at the driver was enough to keep him quiet.

Another set of hics were heard. "Twenty minutes. Twenty minutes." Bakugo repeated instead.

I want to be next to him, Kirishima stated in his mind. I should have sat there instead of Todoroki. Kirishima rubbed his hand against Kaminari's back. His hair fell in front of his eyes and blew it past him, he sighed regretting not putting his hair up this morning.

Kirishima felt strange like he was floating. It was almost as if he was dreaming, everything that happened today happened so fast. Just a few hours ago Bakugo was laying on a hospital bed, unresponsive. Now, he was chanting a classmate's address in order to -what Kirishima hoped was to help him concentrate and not crush them.

They were on the highway again, Todoroki and Yaoyorozu both have big houses that are private and so of course they wouldn't be in any normal suburb or city location. Kirishima was one of the few students in Class 1-A that hadn't seen Yaoyorozu's house, Kirishima was getting tutored by Bakugo so there was no reason for him to get tutored by her.

    Out of everyone in the car, only Kirishima and Bakugo haven't been to her house. Kaminari did tell him once after getting tutored how big her house was. Kirishima had seen two big houses in his life, Bakugo's and Todoroki. He was very nervous and a stressed mess.

He just wanted to stay at Bakugo's house for a few days until his parents came back, not to get attacked. He just wanted to visit Bakugo, not have the hospital lose power and him losing consciousness. He just wanted to stay at the dorms with Bakugo. Side by side. Maybe even confessing, Kirishima thought, but Bakugo had to run, Kaminari had to call.

    "All because I am still here."

    Kirishima looked startled. Todoroki moved closer to the door, his eyes locked on the blond. Shoji had to cover Kaminari's mouth to keep him from screaming. Shoji had taken off his seat belt to properly wrap his arms around Kaminari so he didn't thrash around and get them all hurt. Kaminari's muffled screams were still heard as he huddled closer into Shoji's side.

    "Bakugo," Todoroki started. A tired laugh came from the blond, easily anyone would've pitied him.

    "My head hurts."

    That's all that was said. The rest of the car ride, Kaminari leaned on Shoji, hugging one of his arms. Todoroki held onto the handle of the ceiling of the car and Kirishima had placed his hand around the seat and onto Bakugo's shoulder. Bakugo didn't repeat anything. Didn't say anything, it was quiet.

    After another turn, they had finally made it to Yaoyorozu's street. The tall fence stretched throughout the whole street on both sides of the street. Trees branches hung over the fences, their petals and leases blowing and some falling.

    "Pass the gate, there will be another after it for their driveway," Todoroki stated. Bakugo did as he was told, passing the gate that led to the front door. They were met with a bigger gate, slowly it started to open and Bakugo turned. The drive was long, it felt as if it was another road.

    After a minute they finally ended up in front of a garage, big enough to be a two-story house. Bakugo stopped the car. Everyone stayed seated, feeling off.

"We're moving backward by the way," Shoji calmly stated, stroking Kaminari's hair.

Todoroki shifted the gear quickly into Park and paused to make sure they weren't moving anymore. He scrambled out of the car, everyone following, some faster than others.


Todoroki paused in front of the car, "Yaoyorozu, thank you for letting us come."

"It's no problem," she gave a small smile, a man in a black suit stood behind her, he was surprisingly tall making Yaoyorozu look shorter than her actual height. "Is everything alright? Your text didn't provide much information and you didn't answer when I replied..." her voice trailed off.

Kirishima, Kaminari, and Shoji stepped up to them, Kamirari still clinging onto Shoji's arm. Kirishima notices Bakugo still in the car, his head down. He lowered his upper body and tapped on the glass. Bakugo slightly moved his head towards the window, reaching for the door handle. Kirishima straightened himself and joined the rest of the group, resting a comforting hand on Kaminari's shoulder.

"-have tea and explain what happened-" Yaoyrozu's eyes drifted to a certain someone, his eyes widening. The man in the suit behind her put a hand on her shoulder, pulling her back slightly. "Bakugo!"

They all turned to see a barely standing blond, arms slacked by his sides, shoulders slouching, eyes bloodshot and blood dripping down his cheeks and down his neck. His hair a brighter red by his ears and a nosebleed that spread to the side of his face from being wiped off. The back of his hand had splotches of blood.

"Baku-" Kirishima hitched. Bakugo's eyes unfocused, rolling back. His head tilted up as his body fell forward. "Hey!" Kirishima jumped into action, catching the blond and falling on his ass.

"Oh my god!" Yaoyorozu covered her mouth.

Shoji stayed silent as well as Todoroki.

Kaminari detached himself from Shoji's arm, falling to the ground with his knees up to his chest and hands pulling his hair. "No, no, no, no," he repeated.

Kaminari screamed and cowered in the corner of his room, "Please! Don't hurt me, please!" He begged.

His books and journals were thrown at the wall, chuckling, it went, "So much different." The figure was black, pitch black. Red eyes and white, bright teeth, and what seemed to be spikey hair. It looked like scribbles, moving and swaying back and forth when it moved.

Like a glitch.

    It picked a notebook, opening it, and looking inside. Out of nowhere, the bed moved, the mattress moving in one direction, the bed frame in the other so half was off the bed. The dresser Kaminari was hiding next to was lifted a few inches before crashing down and falling over. Kaminari screamed and moved farther back into the corner.

    The lights were already out but the glass bulb shattered. "Come on. Look at me~" it cooed. "I won't hurt you so bad~" Kaminari refused to look up, keeping his eyes closed and it infuriated the thing even more. "Look at me!" Its voice boomed, shaking the house and everything in it. Kaminari vibrated from it, crying even more.

    "Please! G-go away!" He put his arms over his head, "I'll do anything!"

    "Ah..." A smile grew, "Anything?"

    "Please!" Kaminari pleaded.

    It howled, "Call him! Call him! Beg him! Cry for him to come!" At that moment something small fell on Kaminari, dropping to the floor next to him was his phone, cracks on his screen.

"Go on~" Kaminari shakily and reluctantly dropped his hands and hurriedly picked up his phone, unlocking it and going to his contacts. He was scared, he was so confused. He didn't understand why his body was moving.

    "C-call who?" His body shook uncontrollably.

"Blondie~" It smirked.

Kaminari scrolled through his camera roll, blond. Who is blond? His sobs were getting tired of being heard, but It still loved hearing them so much. It hummed as Kaminari tried to find Bakugo's number. H-he's blond, Kaminari thought, he's strong. He can help me, save me.

He went back and forth, it just dawned on him. He doesn't have Bakugo's number. Kaminari's body went rigid, "I-"

"Hmm?" Still, smiling, "You don't have it? But you have someone who does~" It giggled. "Well?"

Kaminari refused to look up but after a whole minute of silence he looked up.

                Its face, a few inches from his own.

Its upper body was stretched, Its feet were still at the same place it was, across the room from Kaminari. "Little Red~" It's smile, it stretched so far.

Kaminari held his breath. He didn't want to scream. He couldn't even scream. No noise had passed them.

"Hee," It glitched, one second in front of Kaminari's face the next back across the room, watching him.

Kaminari slowly turned his head down, dragging his finger towards Kirishima's contact. No. More tears came through. He called. No. It was ringing, Kaminari closed his eyes in guilt. No.

"Hello?" Please.

    "Kiri!" Kaminari panted. "Help! I- I need your help!" Stop.

    "Woah! What's going on? Are you hurt? Where are you?" Someone. Help me.

     "I don't know! Something's wrong, please!" I want it to stop.

    "Shit, man! Where are you?" Don't tell him.

    "H-home. I don't know what's happening, it's all spinning just- Please Kiri!" Stop.

    "Fuck, shit. I'm coming, okay? Can you stay on call?" End me.

    "Kiri, please I-" Someone, kill me, please.

The line went dead, Don't leave me.

"Haha!" It cackled, "You won't get rid of me. You can't!" It laughed more, calming down and sighing. "I'm everywhere. Blondie~" It giggled hysterically, "I'll make him bleed. Tear him inside out..." It's voice ending. "Hmm, I'll be back soon, bye~"

It disappeared.

Kaminari balled.

    "It's everywhere!" He screamed, Shoji had wrapped his arms around him and pushed him against his chest, rocking him and stroking his chest. He did his best to cover Bakugo from Kaminari's point of view.

    "Bakugo!" Kirishima cradled him, "When the fuck was he bleeding!"

Todoroki ran to his side, "Shit. Yaoyorozu!"

She flinched, "Yes?" Todoroki went to open his mouth but she understood. "Yes! We can take him to a room and get a maid to help with his wounds!"

"I can carry the boy," the bodyguard offered. Kirishima shook his head and maneuvered his way to where he was in the position to bridal carry Bakugo. "Fine, Ms. Momo will you be alright alone while I get someone to help with the injuries?"

"Yes, yes, I will be fine. I'll be in room eight." The man escorted the kids to the front door 

once Kirishima was able to carry Bakugo. Shoji stayed back with Kaminari, shaking his head at Todoroki who then went off with the rest of the four.

    "Shh, it's okay. It isn't here." Shoji couldn't be sure whether it was here or not but part of him wants to believe it isn't there. He can't feel anything like he did at the dorm weeks ago before the break.

    "Why, why me? Why did it have to be me who saw it?" Kaminari hugged Shoji, "Why did it come to my home? Why did it-" cutting himself off with sobs. Shoji rubbed his back, not knowing what to say.

    Minutes passed of them sitting in silence, not knowing how many minutes.




    Shoji felt a tap on his shoulder, looking up he saw a woman with black hair tied in a bun at the back, a long black dress that went to the shin. "Excuse me," she said quietly, "Ms. Momo requested you come inside before it gets dark."

    Shoji looked back at Kaminari, "Would you like me to carry you?" Kaminari shook his head. "Alright." Shoji stood up, helping Kaminari up as well.

    "Poor thing," the maid frowned at Kaminari's puffy eyes. "Come, I will make you anything you'd like. You two have been out here for forty minutes, did you both get cold?"

    "I'm alright ma'am," Shoji glanced at Kaminari to answer as well but was silent.

    "Come," The maid spoke softly and turned walking towards the mansion. Shoji followed her, glancing back at Kaminari. Kaminari sped a bit, grabbing Shoji's hand and holding it, his other arm wrapping it around Shoji.

    Kaminari bit his lip, looking anxiously in front and around him as they came closer to the house.

Shoji didn't say anything about the hand-holding, he would feel ashamed to admit that he enjoyed it, no one comes near him because his physical appearance scares people off. Having Kaminari come to him for physical comfort instead of Kirishima, his best friend, or Yaoyorozu, another one of Kaminari's best friends, put Shoji's mind to rest with Kaminari ever being frightened of him.

    It was shameful for Shoji to feel this sense of calm when Kaminari was shaking in fear. They had reached the door and the maid opened it, Kaminari moving closer to Shoji as they stepped in.

    It was grand, cool and fresh air hit them. Lights hung from chandeliers and space everywhere they looked. The maid led them through, past the huge staircase, and into the living room where Todoroki and Yaoyorzu sat next to one another. 

    "Ms. Momo," the maid bowed.

    Yaoyorozu stood, "Thank you, Ms. Suzuki." Yaoyorozu pointed at the couch opposite of her, "Please." The boys complied and sat down. "Ms. Suzuki, could you get us something to eat and drink, please? For appetizers and then if you could please ask the chefs for a simple dinner tonight that would be appreciated."

    "Of course, Ma'am," she bowed.

Yaoyorozu nodded, "Um, is mother coming tonight?" She asked right as the maid turned.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm not sure."

"It's alright." The maid bowed once more and went on her way, Yaoyorozu sat back down. "Kaminari, are you alright?"

"Huh?" Startled for a minute, "I-" Kaminari put his head down. "I don't know. W-where's Bakugo and Kirishima?"

"Bakugo was taken to one of Yaoyorou's guest rooms and had maid care for his injuries. Kirishima is, as always, with Bakugo," Todoroki answered.

"Is Bakugo alright? Did he wake up?" Shoji asked. Todoroki shook his head and leaned back on the couch, slightly spreading his legs and resting his head on the couch.

"I'm not sure the full story, can someone explain a few things?" Yaoyorozu asked.

Shoji nodded and pointed to Todoroki, "He probably knows the most, other than Bakugo of course."

Todoroki groaned, "I know just as much as you do." He sat forward and rubbed his forehead, "Do you have any aspirin or ibuprofen?"

"Does your head hurt a lot?" Yaoyorozu moved Todoroki's hand away and put her own on his forehead, "You're not sick, maybe the stress." She looked at the other two boys, "Would you like anything as well?"

Shoji put up his hand, "I'm alright, thank you." Kaminari shook his head.

Yaoyorozu nodded, "I'll be back." Todoroki nodded.

While they waited for Yoayorozu to come back Todoroki asked Shoji, "How do I know more about this?"

"Bakugo called you, didn't he?" They made eye contact, "And you can't tell me nothing happened in the dorm before we entered, I saw Bakugo's eyes."

Todoroki hummed, "Oh," he straightened himself. "His ears, they keep bleeding. He said in the car he kept hearing ringing."

"I am not certain how it was caused if that's what you were asking. I understand I have a great sense of hearing because of my quirk but," he paused, "Whatever Bakugo was hearing was either from inside his own mind and head or, something like a dog whistle."

    "Dog whistle?" Both Kaminari and Yaoyorozu speak at the same time.

    "Do you need a dog whistle?" She asked. "I can ask someone to get it and-"

    Todoroki cut her off with his hand up, "No, we don't need a dog whistle. May I?" Referring to the pills and drinks in her hand. She sat down and handed them carefully into his hands.

    "Now, Todoroki." Todoroki summed, taking a sip of water after chucking two pills into his mouth. "Can you please explain what's going on?"

    Todoroki put down the cup wiping his lips with his sleeve, "I'll begin from the start of break." All eyes were on Todoroki. "I had called Bakugo and arranged for him to meet with me one day, having information on our so-called 'mystery villain'. I called the next morning reminding him, he agreed but he never showed up."

    "What kind of information?" Yaoyorozu asked.

    "I will explain when Bakugo wakes up, well, if he does. Anyway-"

    Yaoyorozu grabbed his arm, "I'm sorry, what do you mean 'if he wakes up?"

    Todoroki sighed, "I will explain, give it time." Yaoyorozu let go of his arm and nodded for him to continue. "Well, that same morning my father went out for work. When he came later that night he came to me, informing me that he was at Bakugo's house and how there was an intruder." Todoroki circled his finger around the rim of the glass. "They haven't seen the camera footage that was placed at the Bakugo residence but they know that Bakugo was thrown from wall to wall, being dragged and smoke was filled in the room. They speculated that it was from his adrenaline being extremely high when the fear kicked in and his quirk setting off but if that was the case the items in the storage room would have been destroyed, and they weren't.

    "He had to be hospitalized for two days and most of the nurses and doctors that went to check his brain said that he might become brain dead soon or already is but it wasn't able to be recorded as of the fact he wasn't waking up. Bakugo said he saw someone in the storage space before he was tossed and the smoke wasn't coming from him, when he woke up in the hospital he didn't remember it much."

    "When did he wake up?" Yaoyorozu asked. Todoroki and Shoji glanced at each other, Todoroki leaned back, grabbing his glass of water and taking a sip.

    "Today." He answered.

    "Today?" Yaoyorozu exclaimed.

    "Just this morning."

"Why is he here and not at the hospital? Is that why he is bleeding?" She questioned.

    Todoroki shrugged, "His father used his wealth to discharge him early for something that happened. Bakugo already said he didn't remember much of what happened in the hospital. Anyways," Todoroki continued. "He decided to stay in the dorms with Kirishima when they went downstairs, from the elevator he saw a black figure. He said, similar to the one in the storage room but -in his words- it had a 'glitching' effect."

"Gl-glitching?" Kaminari stuttered. They were all startled -besides Shoji- by Kaminari's presence. They somehow forgot that he was sitting across from them and not upstairs or even having something happen to him.

Todoroki put the cup to his lips, "His words," taking another swig of water. Kaminari nodded and put his head down. "I'll finish this quickly so Kaminari can explain why exactly Kirishima was called and why we had to rush over to his house since even we don't know exactly what happened.

"The second the elevator doors opened to the first floor the both of them ran until they

called me to meet them at a Starbucks. I got them picked up and sent to my house and at that time I called Shoji. We had to separate Kirishima and Bakugo on regards to Bakugo not wanting Kirishima to know, which is why he is upstairs-" and not because he just wanted to stay with Bakugo, Todoroki thought sarcastically.

    "Wait," Kaminari cut in, "if Bakugo didn't want Kirishima to know then, why am I here?"

    Shoji tapped his finger (on his free arm) on Kaminari's arm that was wrapped around his own, "Because you seem to be the only one that saw the reason Bakugo was frozen crying in your room," he answered for him.

    Kaminari stayed shut, "What Bakugo saw, it was a black figure?"

    Todoroki raised an eyebrow, "Which time? At his house or at the dorms?"


    "Well," taking in a breath, "he said that there was a head poking out the door watching them going into the elevator. From what I remember he said it was like 'scribbles' that were turned into the shape of a person's head but the 'scribbles' moved back and forth. He also said while they moved, the figure was still in the same shape with red eyes and a bright smile, correct?" He looked at Shoji to confirm his accuracy, Shoji nodding a yes.

    "Red eyes?" Kaminari shuddered.

    "Yes. Now, I think it's time for your story Kaminari." Todoroki stated.

    Kaminari pursed his lips, darting his eyes at everyone's face, then looked at the table. He unwrapped his hands from Shoji and moved them in front of him, "I was just sitting in my room,  wasn't doing anything besides staying on my phone and whatever-" his hands moving up and down and side to side. "My door to my room opened and that fucking creeped the shit out of me because no windows were fucking opened and the door was fucking locked and so I thought 'Hey, maybe my parents unlocked it themselves because I wear headphones and I can't tell when they are knocking and one time they got worried as shit cause they were knocking but I fell asleep and so they unlocked it themselves thinking I died or something."

    "Get to the point here Kaminari," Todoroki was getting in a mood, not used to staying up this late in an unfamiliar area, it being almost 23:30 (11:30 p.m.)

    "Sorry," he apologized. "I got up, took my headphones off, and the second I closed back the door I heard a loud scream that scared the shit out of me and that's when things started flying. My papers, pencils, books, clothes, clock, everything was being thrown. When I turned around it looked like a storm and standing right beside me was that-that-that thing! It laughed at me and-and I screamed and went to the corner of my room and it started talking to me. Saying how 'good I looked' and how he 'missed this place."

    Kaminari looked up at them, tears in his eyes, "I got so scared. I couldn't see anything but a black thing with red eyes and white teeth smiling at me. The walls got black and the dresser fell over and the bed was moved and-" Kaminari sobbed, placing a hand over his mouth.

    Shoji put his hand on his back, "Take your time."

    Kaminari shook his head, "He made-" he hiced. "He made me c-call Kirishima an-and tell him to come."

    "Why?" Todoroki asked.

"Doesn't matter 'why'," Yaoyorozu said. "How does he know who Kirishima is?"

"I don't know, but-but he didn't want Kirishima," he put one leg on the couch, hugging his

knee. "He wanted Bakugo but I didn't have his number and it somehow knew that the two were together and said that he would be back soon. He was! He came back when you guys came and he put his hands around Bakugo and looked at me saying we had a visitor!" Kaminari sobbed into his knee.

    Yaoyorozu and Todoroki shared a look, him shaking his head and her putting a curled up hand up to her chin in concern.

    "Th-the scariest thing," Kaminari continued. "Be-before you guys came. Right after I hung up with Kirishima he said that he would 'make him bleed'." He completely shutting off of talking, pulling both of his knees up and sobbing into them, leaning against Shoji who patted and stroked his hair.

    "Fucking hell," Yaoyorozu muttered.


What's something that you are proud of yourself for?

Any theories/predictions?

Sorry that this was extremely late, I understand that this isn't as long as I would like it to be but it wouldn't have made sense if it continued because it all would be happening all at once. Mind you, BAKUGO WOKE UP THIS MORNING! THIS IS ALL TAKING PLACE ON THE SAME DAY! Poor children. 💀

Thank you to every single one of you! We got to 2k reads and I love reading all of your comments and seeing that people voted, I am so happy. I am forever grateful.

Nah, cause you scare me. You were voting so slowly I was dying like "they like or nah" almost cried ngl 💀

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