WandaVision X Reader

By Multiplefandomsgirl

2.7K 84 4

(Y/n) (L/n), Wanda Maximoff and Vision, three super-powered beings living idealized suburban lives, begin to... More

Filmed Before a Live Studio Audience
Don't Touch That Dial
Now in Color
We Interrupt This Program
On A Very Special Episode...
All-New Halloween Spooktacular!
Breaking The Fourth Wall
Previously On

The series finale

358 8 2
By Multiplefandomsgirl

Agnes pulled the two children closer. "Get off me! Let go of my brother!" Tommy shouted. "My powers work out here, did you forget?" Wanda asked. "No dear, I'm counting on it. The kids tried to escape and she pulled them closer. "No!" You quickly shot a green ball of magic at Agnes. "Go to your room." You said. The two kids stood up. "No, (Y/n)." "We can help." They pleaded. Agnes stood back up. "Listen to your aunt boys." Agnes said. "Now!" You shouted. They quickly ran back to the house. You and Wanda attacked Agnes again. She then held a small ball of red magic and a small ball of green magic. "I take power from the underserving. It's kinda my thing." She explained. Wanda looked at her right hand and was suddenly shot down. "Wanda!" You quickly race over to her. "You're clearly in over your little heads. So why don't both of you surround your magic to someone who knows what to do with it." Agnes suggested. She flew up as you and Wanda glare at her. "And I'll let you keep this pathetic little corner of the world all to yourselves." Agnes offered. "What do you say?" Agnes asked. You then tried to throw a car at her with your magic but missed and it crashed into the house.

Wanda walks over to the car and looks underneath. You gasp as you see a white version of Vision walk over, causing Wanda to turn around and see what you're seeing. "Vision." Wanda walks toward him, and you quickly stand in front of her and put your hand out. "Wanda, stop." You warned. She turns and looks at you. "(Y/n)? What's wrong?" She asked. "That's not Vision." You said. Wanda looks at you in confusion until Vision smirks. "Smart girl." He then gets prepared to attack you. "No!" Wanda shouted. Suddenly the real Vision flies over and attacks the other Vision. Vision crashes the other one into a truck. Then he flies over. "Where are the boys?" He asked. "They're in the house, safe." You said as you and Wanda run over. "Vision. I should have told you and (Y/n) everything. The moment I realized what I've done." Wanda said. "It's all right, Wanda. We know why you made this world, but this..." "I can fix it." Wanda said. "Can you?" Vision asked. "I believe she can." You said. Agnes watched from above the house. "Oh. This is awkward. Your ex and your boyfriend together at the same party. Who're you gonna choose, Wanda?" Agnes asked.

The other Vision began walking back over. "Wanda, this is your home." You said. "Then let's fight for it." Vision said. Vision flew at the other Vision again and they began fighting. Then Agnes disappeared and you and Wanda looked around for her. You and Wanda then activated your magic as you both flew toward her. You and Wanda ran around town looking for Agnes. "Don't shoot. I'm just the messenger." You then turned around as you felt her presence and tried to blast Agnes with a blast of green magic. She quickly dodged your attack. "Did you know there's an entire chapter devoted to you in the Darkhold, Wanda? That's the book of the damned." Agnes then spread her arms out. She then summons a book. "The Scarlet Witch is not born she is forged. She has no coven, no need for incantations." Agnes explained. "I'm not a witch! I don't cast spells! No one taught my magic!" Wanda snapped. "Your powers exceeds that of the Sorcerer Supreme. It's your destiny to destroy the world." Agnes said. "She's not what you say she is!" You snapped. "Oh, really?" Agnes then began chanting.

Dottie then spots you and Wanda and walks over. "(Y/n). Wanda." She said. "Dottie." Wanda said. "My name is Sarah. I have a daughter, she's eight. Maybe she could be friends with your boys. If you like that storyline. Or, Uh, the school bully even. Really anything, if you could just let her out of her room. If I could just hold her, please." She begged. Wanda looked at Agnes. "What are you doing to her? You're making her say this." Wanda said. "She's your meat puppet, I just cut her strings." Agnes said. Agnes then began to do that to everyone else. You gasped as everyone came toward Wanda and tried to stand in front of her protectively. "I don't recognize my face in the mirror, my voice when I speak. I used to try to resist you, but now, I can't remember why. Do you?" One of them asked. "My husband's on a business trip. Tell him I love him and not to come back here ever." Said another. "I'm exhausted." "No, you're fine." Wanda said. "You're fine. You're all... you're all going to be fine." Wanda tried to reassure.

"When you let us sleep, we have your nightmares." "No, that's not true. I've... I've kept you safe in here." Wanda protested. "You... you... feel... you feel at peace " Wanda said. "Wanda!" You shouted. She turns and looks at you. "Wanda, look. These people, are actual people, with actual lives. It's not right to keep them all trapped here." You said. "If you don't let us go, just let us all die. Please." You turn to look at Wanda. "I will let you go. I will. I will." She said. "What's stopping you?" You and Wanda turn to see Agnes. "Use your power and do it now. "Heroes don't torture people." Agnes said. She then uses her magic to remove the hex. "Go! All of you, now. Go!" You shouted. Agnes began laughing. "Now you'll see." Wanda turns and sees you and Vision begin to disappear. "What?" She sobbed. "Mom!" "Help! Mom!" Wanda turns the other direction and sees the kids disappearing too. "Now do you see? You tied your family to this twisted world and now one can't exist without the other. "Mom!" The kids screamed. "Boys!" You shouted. "Save Westview or save your family. "Help!" The kids shouted. Wanda then closes the hex back up. You, Vision and the kids quickly run up to Wanda. You help her up. "Mom! Mom are you okay?" The kids asked. You all hugged each other.

Agnes then sends another attack toward you and your friends. "No!" You quickly blocked the attack with a green shield of magic. You yelp in pain as Agnes steals your magic. "(Y/n)? Are you okay?" Billy asked. "How sweet." Agnes mocked as she flies over. The other Vision flies on the other side. "Uh, dad?" Tommy asked. You and Wanda generate magic with your hands as agents drive over with trucks and come out and surround you with guns. "Listen boys, your mother and I never really prepared you for this." Hayward said. "But you were born for it." Wanda said. Vision then flew up and began to fight the other Vision again. Agnes uses her magic to lift the agents up. "Same story, different century. They'll always be torches and pitchforks for ladies like us, Wanda." Agnes said. Agnes then dropped them and you caught them with your magic. "Boys, handle the military. Mommy and auntie will be right back." Wanda said. You and Wanda flew toward Agnes. You shot an attack at Agnes. Then you and Wanda disappeared. Wanda appeared next to Agnes and used her magic to go into her mind.

Agnes looked around in fear. "No, no." She said. "You see, the difference between you and me, is that you did this on purpose." Wanda said. The bodies then began to get up. "No. No! No! No! No! No! Oh please. I beg you. I beg you. No! No! No! No." Agnes then turns to you and Wanda and smirk as they began to whisper your names. "You are the witch. You are the scarlet witch." One of them points at her. "Told you so." Agnes said. "Harbinger of chaos." "So it is foretold. So it is written. So it is foretold." They then grab you and Wanda. "You can't win, Wanda. Power isn't your problem it's knowledge. You gasp as a crown appears on Wanda's head. "Give me your powers and I will correct the flaws of your original spell." Agnes offered. "And you and your family, and the people of Westview, can all live together in peace. And no one will ever have to feel this pain again. Not even you." Agnes said. You then escape them and angrily charge at her. "Take it!" You said as you attacked her with a green ball of magic. Vision then flies into the sky. You keep firing green balls of magic at her. Wanda blocks Vision from the fight. "Wanda what are you doing?!" He asked.

"Come on, (Y/n)!" Agnes said. You sent another ball of magic at her. You continue to fire balls of magic at her in the sky. Vision flies back down and protects the kids as they watch you fight Agnes in the sky. Wanda then joins the battle. Soon green magic was surrounding Agnes. "There's more. I want it all!" She shouted. You and Wanda fire more magic at her. You gasp as you see Wanda's state and fly toward her. "About our deal. Once cast, a spell can never be changed. This world you made, will always be broken. Just like... you." Agnes then tries to attack her but nothing works. She tries again, and once again, nothing happens. She sees you and Wanda have created symbols with your magic. "Runes." Agnes said. "In a given space, only the witch who cast them can use their magic. Thanks for the lesson. But I don't need you to tell me who I am." Wanda said as the red crown appeared on her head again. "No. No! No! No!" Agnes shouted. You watch in surprise as Wanda gets all of her magic back and is surrounded by a red ball of magic. Her outfit then transforms into the costume she wore on Halloween. "Oh god. You don't know what you've done." Agnes said. Wanda holds a ball of magic and the three of you land on the ground.

Agnes scoffs. "Good girl. So what now? You just gonna lock me up somewhere?" Agnes asked. "No, not somewhere. Here." Wanda said. "Here?" Agnes asked. Wanda nods. "I'll give you the role you chose. The noisy neighbor." She said as she walks up to her. "No, please." Agnes pleaded. "I'm sorry." Wanda said. "No you're not you're cruel." Agnes said. Wanda walks closer. "You... you have... you have no idea what you've unleashed. You're gonna need me." She said. "If I do, I know where to find you." Wanda said. "Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait..." Wanda then used her magic to turn her back into the character she was before. Ages smiles at her. "Hiya, hon." She greeted. "Say, that's some kind of getup you're wearing." Agnes said. "Did I leave the oven on or is that just you, hot stuff?" Agnes chuckles. "You live here now. No one will ever bother you again." Wanda said. "Okey, dokey artichokee." Agnes said. Wanda smiles. "I'll be seeing you, Agnes." She said. "Not if I see you first, hun." Agnes said. "Mom! (Y/n)!" The kids run and hug you both. You and Wanda hug back. "So it would appear that our dream home has been reduced to a fixer upper." Vision said.

"I know you'll set everything right. Just not for us." You said. Wanda smiles. "No, not for us." "It's time." "Should we head home?" Vision asked. You at a Monica and smile at her. She smiles at you and Wanda. The five of you walk to a house and the hex disappears until it only surrounds the house. "Okay, hop in." You said. The two kids get into bed. "Snug as a bug." You said. "Big day today." Vision said. "Your aunt, mother and I..." Wanda looks at Vision. "Are very proud of you both." Vision said. Wanda smiles. "Very proud." She agreed. "You know, a family... is forever." You said. "We could never truly leave each other even if we tried." You said. "You know that, right?" You asked Tommy. He nods. Wanda and Vision kiss the kids goodnight and the three of you walk to the door. "Good night, kids." You said. "Good night, (Y/n)." They said. Wanda looked at the hex out the window then to the kids. "Boys... thanks for choosing me to be your mom." She said. The kids both smiled and you close the door. Wanda then starts to remove the rest of the hex.

Wanda begins to turn the lights off until you turn one back on. Wanda turns around and looks at you. "Oh. I Uh... I read somewhere that it's bad luck to say goodbye in the dark." You said. "No you didn't." Wanda smiles. "Perhaps not. I just wanted to see you clearly." You said. "And?" Wanda asked. "And here you are." You said. You grab her hand as the three of you look to see the hex coming. "Wanda, I know we can't stay like this. But before we go I have to know. Who am I?" You asked. "You're (Y/n). An Avenger. You are my sadness and my hope. But mostly, you're my best friend." You hug each other tightly. "We have said goodbye before. So there's no doubt in my mind that..." you began. "We'll say hello again." Wanda smiles. The hex then goes past the house and you and Vision began to disappear. "So long, Wanda." You said. Then you disappear completely. Wanda was left back outside. Wanda pulled up her hood and began walking down the street. Wanda looked at everyone she had trapped to see them glaring at her. She then walks over to Monica. "They'll never know what you sacrificed for them." Monica said.

"It wouldn't change how they see me." Wanda said. "And you.... You don't... you don't hate me?" She asked. "Given the chance and given your power... I'd bring my mom back. I know I would." Monica said. "I'm sorry. For all the pain I caused." Wanda apologized. "I know." Monica said. "I don't understand this power, but I will." Wanda said. Wanda begins to walk away. "Goodbye, Monica." She then changes her outfit and flies away. "Bye, Wanda." Monica said. "Good luck." Wanda flies over the town. She stops and takes one last look at Westview before she flies away.

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