Filmed Before a Live Studio Audience

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Wanda is telepathically cleaning dishes. She floats some plates onto a shelf and wipes a cup down with a dish rag. Vision enters, reading a newspaper. Wanda doesn't notice and hits him in the head with a plate, which shatters onto the floor. "My wife and her flying saucers." Vision said. "My husband and his indestructible head." Wanda said. You snickered. "You two really are an odd pair." You said. Wanda chuckles. Vision walks over and kisses her. She magically repairs the plate and walks over to the fridge while talking. "What do you say to silver dollar pancakes, crispy hash browns, bacon, eggs, freshly squeezed orange juice, and black coffee?" Wanda asked. "I say, "Oh, I don't eat food." Vision said. Wanda opens the fridge. "Well, that explains the empty refrigerator." She said. "But I do, so you better get some food soon, Wanda." You said. She smiles and closes the fridge. Something off-screen catches Vision's eye. "Wanda? (Y/n)?" He asked. "What is it, Vision?" You asked. "Is there something special about today?" He asked. "Well, I know the apron is a bit much, dear, but I am doing my best to blend in." Wanda said. "No, no, there on the calendar. Someone's drawn a little heart right above today's date." You and Wanda turn to the calendar. The camera zooms in on the heart. "Oh, yes, the heart." She said. "Maybe it means it's Valentine's Day?" You asked. "Valentine's Day?" Wanda asked. "(Y/n), I think we'd know if it was Valentine's Day." Vision said. "Well, don't tell me you have forgotten, Vis." Wanda said. You looked confused. 'Forgotten? Forgotten what?' You asked. "Forgotten"? Oh, Wanda, I'm incapable of forgetfulness. I remember everything. That's not an exaggeration. In fact, I'm incapable of exaggeration." Vision said. "Well, then tell me what's so important about today's date." Wands said. "Guys, come on. It's clearly Valentine's Day. What else could a tiny heart on a calendar mean?" You asked. He says nothing for a moment. "What was the question again? Oh, well, perhaps, you've forgotten yourself." Vision said. "What was that you said about being incapable of forgetting?" You asked. " Me? Heavens, no. I've been so looking forward to it." Wanda said. "As have I. Today, we are celebrating..." He looks expectantly at her. You face palmed. "Oh my god." You whispered. "You bet we are. It's the first time we..." Wanda said. "Mmm-hmm." Vision said. " ...have ever celebrated this occasion before." Wanda said. "It's a special day!" Vision said. "Well then, perhaps it's your anniversary?" You asked. Both of them looked surprised. "Ye... Yes! Yes! It's our anniversary!" Wanda said. "Oh, right!" Vision said. "All right. Well, that's me off to work, then." Vision said. He grabs his briefcase. "Oh, don't forget!" You said. He grabs his hat off of a hook. "I haven't." You gestures to your own face. He looks in a mirror. "Oh!" He chuckles and shakes his head, taking on a human appearance. He blows her a kiss, which she catches. "Have a good day, dear! You too, (Y/n)!" He said. He leaves. She returns to the calendar and stares at it for a moment. There's a knock at the front door. You go to open the door. Agnes enters, holding a house plant. "Oh! Hello, dear. I'm Agnes, your neighbor to the right. My right, not yours. Forgive me for not stopping by sooner to welcome you to the block. My mother-in-law was in town, so I wasn't." Agnes hands you the house plant and invites herself in. "So, what're your names? Where are you from? And most importantly, how's your bridge game, hon?" Wanda closes the door. "I'm Wanda." Wanda said. "And I'm (Y/n)." You said. Wanda extends her hand. "Wanda and (Y/n). Charmed." They shake hands. "Golly, you settled in fast! Did you use a moving company?" Agnes asked. "We sure did." You said. You put the house plant down. "Those boxes don't move themselves." Wanda said. Agnes chuckles. "So what're two single ladies like yourselves doing rattling around this big house?" Agnes asked. "Oh, no, I'm not single." Wanda said. "Oh, I don't see a ring." Agnes said. "Well, she is married." You said. "To a man. A human one and tall. As a matter of fact, he'll be home later tonight for a special occasion." Wanda said. "Oh, is it somebody's birthday?" Agnes asked. "Not a birthday." You said. "Well, today isn't a holiday, is it?" Agnes asked. "No, it's not a holiday." Wanda said. "It's their anniversary." You said. You and Wanda sit next to Agnes on the couch. "Oh, how marvelous! How many years?" She asked. "Well, it feels like we've always been together." Wanda said. "Lucky gal. The only way Ralph would remember our anniversary is if there was a beer named June 2nd." You all laughed. "So, what do you have planned?" Agnes asked. "How do you mean?" Wanda asked. "For your special night. A young thing like you doesn't have to do much, but it's still fun to set the scene. Say, I was just reading a crackerjack magazine article called "How To Treat Your Husband To Keep Your Husband," and let me tell you, what Ralph could really use is, "How To Goose Your Wife So You Don't Lose Your Wife." Hang on. I'll go grab it and we can start planning. Oh, this is gonna be a gas!" Agnes leaves. "Isn't she a chipper one?" You asked. Wanda chuckled.

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