WandaVision X Reader

By Multiplefandomsgirl

2.7K 84 4

(Y/n) (L/n), Wanda Maximoff and Vision, three super-powered beings living idealized suburban lives, begin to... More

Filmed Before a Live Studio Audience
Don't Touch That Dial
We Interrupt This Program
On A Very Special Episode...
All-New Halloween Spooktacular!
Breaking The Fourth Wall
Previously On
The series finale

Now in Color

229 9 0
By Multiplefandomsgirl

Doctor Nielsen uses a stethoscope to listen to Wanda's belly. After a few moments of listening, he takes the stethoscope away. "Hmm. Hmm. Yep! Definitely pregnant." He gets up and puts his stethoscope in his bag. "Well, that much we figured." You said. "It's just kinda taken us by surprise. It's just kinda suddenly. Quite suddenly, wasn't it? I mean, practically overnight. I mean... How did this happen?" Vision asked. "You see, when a man and a woman love each other very much..." Nielsen said. "Okay, we don't need the whole story." You said. "Well, we're just tickled pink, or blue." Wanda said. "You're at about four months now. Is that right?" The doctor asked. Wanda nods. Vision shakes his head. They look at each other and Vision switches to nodding. "I thought as much. We let the little ladies keep tabs on their growing babies with fruit. Makes it simple for them." He said. Wanda and Vision give each other looks. "At four months, the fetus is about as big as a pear. At five months, a papaya. Six, grapefruit. Seven, pineapple. Eight, honeydew." Nielsen said. Your eyes widened. 'What? What was happening?!' Wanda chuckles nervously. "Hypothetically speaking, what size fruit would it be at, say, hmm, 12 hours?" Vision asked. "12 hours?" You asked.

"Well, I think this line of questioning is fruitless." Wanda chuckles. "Well, hypothetically speaking, should we be concerned?" Vision asked. "I think so." You mumbled. "Hypothetically speaking, every new father-to-be gets nervous." Nielsen said. "Well, I have nerves of steel, so there goes your theory, Mr. Doctor.." Vision said. "Vision, why don't you see the doctor out?" Wanda asked. "Good idea. Yes." Vision walks with the doctor to the front door. "Thank you so much for dropping by, Dr. Nielsen." Wanda smiles and walks to the kitchen while rubbing her belly. Vision and Dr. Nielsen walk out of the house. "Well, I'm just glad you caught me in time. I'm taking the wife on vacation this afternoon." Nielsen said. "Oh! Have a nice holiday! Hey, Herb!" Vision waves at Herb next door, who is trimming some hedges. "Hey, buddy!" Herb said. "Listen, you can keep the news of Wanda's..." He makes a noise and mimes around his belly. "You know, just between us because, uh, I don't know, everything's happening so quickly. We'd like to keep the news just in the family for right now." Vision said.

"Of course. Mum's the word." Nielsen said. Vision chuckles. "I'm off. Bermuda, baby!" He pumps his fist. Vision does too in response. Vision looks over and sees Herb, who is running his hedge trimmer through the wall separating their properties.
"Yes." He said. "Hey, Herb! Think you might've taken the hedge-trimming a little too far there, old chum." Vision said. "So, I have. Thanks, buddy." Herb continues to saw through the wall. "Yeah. Don't mention it." Vision walks back inside. "Huh. Strangest thing just happened outside with Herb-- Whoa, Nelly!" Wanda turns, revealing herself to be much more visibly pregnant than before. "Have you gotten bigger?" Vision asked. "Yes she has." You said. Wanda turns, knocking some fruit off of a table. Vision uses super speed to grab a papaya before it hits the ground. "I can't tell from this angle." Wanda said. "I can't wait..." He giggles while holding the papaya up. "To be a proud papa-ya." You laugh at his joke.

Some time later, Wanda telekinetically assembles a crib in a nursery room. She begins to paint the walls. Vision sits in a chair and reads from a parenting book. "Nesting, the overwhelming urge during pregnancy to clean, organize, and prepare the home for the new baby." He said. "See? You're an expert already." Wanda opens a box of decorations and flies them up above the crib. "We've got nothing to worry about." You said. "Nothing to worry about outside of morning sickness, mood swings, aching back and... Feet. Darling, you should probably sit down." He gets up. "Don't be silly. All I feel is excitement, happiness, and... Oh!" She looks down at her belly. "Kicking? Already?" He feels her belly. "Wow!" Vision said. "Oh, it's such a strange sensation. It's kind of fluttery." She laughs. Nearby, some butterfly shaped decorations turn into actual butterflies. "Oh, did I do that? I didn't mean to." Wanda said. A butterfly lands on your nose. "Oh. Uh, Wanda." You said. She gently removes the butterfly.

"Hello, little fella." Vision said. You open a window to let the butterflies out. Wanda chuckles. "Well, if that was the first kick, that puts you at about six months! Boy, oh, boy, I thought I had super speed. I can't keep up. Please don't misinterpret. I can't wait to meet you, little Billy." He kisses Wanda's belly. "Billy?" You asked. "Yeah." Vision said. "Well, I was thinking Tommy. Just a nice, classic, all-American name." Wanda said. "Hmm, Tommy. Hmm, yeah. Yeah. Then there's Billy, isn't there? Named after William Shakespeare. "All the world's a stage. All the men and women, merely players." Vision said. "Well, I guess there's only one solution to this debate. Hope for a girl." You said. Wanda paints a stork on the wall. "Well, we ought to decide soon. I estimate the baby's due... It's not a constant progression, assumingly logarithmic, but were I to graph the fetal development thus far..." Vision said. "He's gonna be here before you figure it out." Wanda said. "Nearest I can conclude is that Billy..." Vision said. "Tommy." Wanda said. You rolled your eyes.

"Hmm. ...is due Friday afternoon." Vision said. "What?!" You asked. "In three days?" She gasps. "Maybe I should sit down." Some time later, Vision looks at a doll in the living room while Wanda stands in the kitchen in the background. Vision points at the doll. "I think we have an understanding. Start the clock." Wanda starts a timer. Vision uses his super speed to change a diaper on the doll. After a moment, he holds his hands up. "Time." He said. "Your personal best." You said. "Yes! We are nothing if not prepared." Vision said. Wanda grabs her belly. "Oh!" "Wanda?" You asked. "Ooh! Do any of your books talk about this? It's not painful, but it's strange." Wanda said. "A tightening sensation?" Vision asked. "Yep, that's it." Wanda said. "Yes. Where was it, where was it...?" He looks through his books and finds it. "Braxton Hicks contractions, also known as false labor, usually starts in the third trimester. Named after John Braxton Hicks in 1875." Vision said. "Vision." You said.

"Sorry. Yes. Yes. Ooh! Excellent!" He gets up and walks over to her. "Gives us a chance to work on our breathing exercises. It should go like this." He demonstrates. They both breathe for a few moments. "Yeah, it's not working. I can still feel it." She said. "I'm sorry." She groans. Lights begin to flicker and water in the sink begins to splash around. You gasped. "What the...?" You asked. "What the Dickens?" Vision asked. "What's happening now?" Wanda asked. "Let's abandon the kitchen!" You said." You three run out as household appliances malfunction around you. You stop in the living room as the lights begin to glow extremely bright and go back to back. Suddenly, everything stops going haywire. "It stopped." You said. "Yes. I'll go check on the neighbors." Vision said. Meanwhile Jones is reading a newspaper. His wife walks in. "Phil? Do these earrings make me look fat?" She asked. The lights suddenly go out. "Oh, thank God." Phil said.

Vision enters through the front door. "It appears that the whole block is out." He said. "You're kidding. The whole block?" You asked. He nodded. "Oh, and that was just a fake contraction. Who knows what will happen when the real things starts?" She sits on the couch. "Do you think they know it's my fault?" Wanda asked. "Our neighbors?" You asked. "Well, yes, with all the close calls we've been having, it seems the people of Westview are always on the verge of discovering our secret." Wanda said. "Yes, I know what you mean." You said. "But it's more than that, isn't it?" You asked. You sit next to her on the couch. "Mr. and Mrs. Hart, dinner. Outside with Herb... I think something's wrong here, Wanda." You said. The shot skips and suddenly cuts back to before you sat down. You blinked. "Yes, I know what you mean. The truth is, we are in uncharted waters and you know what?" You sat down. "I'm anxious, too." You said.

"We just don't know what to expect." Wanda said. "Nope." You said. "Will the baby be human or Synthezoid? A bit of both?" Wanda asked. "If he's anything like his ma, Billy will be perfect." Vision said. "You mean Tommy." Wanda said. You roll your eyes again. "This again? Really? Can't the two of you just decide on a name?" You asked. Wanda chuckles, then she suddenly gasps. "Oh, no, darling, are you all right?" Vision asked. "This is a real one!" Wanda said. "What?!" You and Vision asked. Vision floats in the air as your powers start to go off a little from stress as well. "I thought you said Friday afternoon!" Wanda said to Vision. "Well, I didn't consider that the timings between developmental benchmarks could be quite random!" Vision said. Wanda begins doing the breathing exercises. You and Vision join in and he floats back to the ground. Wanda gets up and grabs his hands. "Better?" She asked. "Yes, darling, thank you, it's passing." Vision said. Wanda looks at you. "(Y/n)?" She asked. "I'm fine." You reassured. Thunder rumbles and rain begins pouring inside the room. "Vis." Wanda said. "Yes, dear?" He asked. "I think my water just broke." Wanda said. "Ya think?" You asked.

Time Skip

You, Wanda and Vision hide from the indoor rain under a table. "Well, I was just reading about the advantages of water birth." Vision said. The rain suddenly stops. "Thank god." You said. "Let me help you up, dear. There you go." He helps Wanda up while she groans. "What a mess." Wanda said. "Don't worry, I got it." You said. You use your powers to to bring a gust of wind into the room. Vision struggles not to get blown backwards. Everything dries off. "Oh, that's better. Thanks." She begins to groan again. "Darling, do you think it's time to.." Wanda asked. "Call the doctor?" Vision asked. "Yes." You said. Vision runs off. He grabs the landline in the kitchen, then puts it back up. "Damn, the phones are down, too. I better run. Except, he might have already left for vacation." Vision said. "Seriously? At a time like this?" You asked. "Well, in fairness, (Y/n), the baby is approximately nine months early. I better leg it. You two will be all right here?" He asked. You nodded quickly. Vision kisses Wanda and runs out of the house with super speed.

"Okay." Wanda said. "We're gonna be okay, Wanda." You said. Wanda gasps and grabs her belly. As she breathes, you hear a strange noise in the nursery. You slowly make your way over, but the doorbell rings and startles you before you go in. "Oh, shoot. Uh... Oh!" Wanda opens a closet and puts on a heavy coat. You open the door and find Geraldine. "Wanda! (Y/n)! What's up?" Geraldine looks at Wanda's coat curiously. "It's 75 degrees out. You making a fashion statement?" Geraldine walks in. "Hi, Geraldine. You know, now is not really a good time." You said. "No, no, no, it's foxy. You'll have to let me borrow it sometime. But first, I gotta borrow a bucket. Not to wear, to use." Wanda angrily closes the front door. "Somehow, all the pipes in my ceiling burst at once and I gotta bail myself out." Geraldine said. "All right, sure. Just stay right there. I think I might have a bucket in the kitchen." You run to the kitchen. "Well, okay, then." Geraldine said.

"I think it's just here under the sink!" You said. Geraldine comes in and you quickly hold a fruit bowl. "Bingo!" She pulls a bucket out of a closet and turns to you and Wanda who had just come in. "Would you look at that?" She asked. "What?" Wanda asked quickly. "Fruit! (Y/n)! Thank you." She walks over and grabs an apple. "Yummy." She said. Geraldine walks away. You and Wanda follow. "Well, good luck with the leak." You said. "Oh, th-- Oh! Say, Wanda, I've got a question for you." Geraldine walks over to the couch. "You know how I've been working that temp job, right?" You, Geraldine and Wanda sit down. "Well, my boss, Mr. Haddox, he was going crazy yesterday..." you look in shock as a stork walks up behind Geraldine. "Oh, look at me going on and on like you got all the time in the world. Let me go on and get out..." "wait!" You said. Geraldine turns back to you before spotting the stork. "No. Tell us about the temp job." Wanda said. You nodded in agreement. "Oh, that's my girl. So, yesterday my boss, Mr. Haddox, was going crazy working on the slogan for a new breakfast cereal. You know, the one with the little marshmallow Moonmen?" Geraldine asked.

"Oh." Wanda said. You watch as the stork walks around the house in the background. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, those. So, it's 10 minutes before the big presentation, and Mr. Haddox has got nothing." As Geraldine talks, you try to make the stork disappear. A puff of red smoke appears, but the stork remains. "Nothing, that is, except the worst case of hiccups I ever did see." The stork begins to walk closer. "Oh, Wanda. He couldn't get out one word, let alone a whole pitch!" You try to make the stork disappear again, but it just flaps the red smoke away. "So I'm tryin' every trick in the book to help this poor man. I'm hidin' behind filing cabinets and jumpin' out when he least expects it, like, boom!" Wanda jumps and throws an orange at the stork, which runs away. "Wanda!" You said. The stork makes a noise. Geraldine gets up and looks around. "What was that? Did you hear that?" Geraldine asked. "No." You said quickly.

"It was like a chattering sound, like..." Geraldine said. "Oh! Like a..." Wanda imitates the noise of the stork. "Yeah." Geraldine said. "That's my new ice maker built right into the fridge." Wanda lied. "Oh." Geraldine said. "You're fancy." Geraldine said. You chuckle nervously. Geraldine sits back down. "So now, at this point, I am helping Mr. Haddox do a handstand under the water cooler..." Geraldine said. Wanda starts to breath rhythmically. "because, you know, why not try a little upside down, drink those hiccups away. And wouldn't you know it, in that moment, in walks the client." You watch the stork walk around the other side of the couch. "Oh no." You said. "Oh, yes. Oh, yes. But you know me, Wanda, I keep my cool, no matter what's goin' down. I look at the client, and I look at Mr. Haddox's feet floating in the air next to me..." The stork, unseen by Geraldine, begins nipping at her pants.

"and I look back at the client, and I say, "Gravity Os: launch into your day, the right way." Geraldine laughs, sending the stork off into the nursery. "Thank you." Wanda said. "Yes, and that's exactly what Mr. Haddox said right before he told me to clean out my desk." Geraldine said. You gasp. "Oh, no, Geraldine! He didn't fire you." You said. "Oh, sugar. He hired me!" Geraldine said. "Oh!" You said. Geraldine gets up. "Oh, (Y/n)! I landed a promotion." Geraldine said. Wanda beings to breath heavily. "And now that I've gone all corporate, I need some office supplies. Which brings me to my question. Do y'all still keep those in your spare room?" She begins walking to the nursery. "Because I was hoping you wouldn't mind sharing with your good friend." Geraldine said. "Wait, wait!" Wanda said. Geraldine walks into the nursery. The stork stands up against the painting of a stork on the wall, and Geraldine doesn't notice. You put down the fruit basket and pick up a flower vase.

"that what I think it is?" Geraldine asked. "Oh, a stork, yes! I can explain." Wanda said. "No, the crib!" Wanda gasps and you drop the flower vase. She begins panting. "It's coming. Oh. The baby's coming." Wanda said. "What?!" You asked. "You're pregnant?" Geraldine asked. "Yes, she's pregnant!" You snapped. You and Geraldine help Wanda into the living room. Wanda groans. "Okay, Wanda. Now, let's get you comfortable. Okay?" Geraldine grabs some pillows from the couch. Wanda groans. "I think I'm gonna lay down right here." She said. "Okay." You said. Wanda lays down behind the couch. A nearby vacuum goes haywire. "Vision ran to get the doctor. He'll be back soon." Wanda said. "No, no, there's not enough time for that. Relax. Relax." You set up some pillows for Wanda to rest her head. You grab the bucket and runs to the kitchen. "You know your breathing, right?" Geraldine asked. Wanda breathes. "Wanda, I can't hear you?" All around the house things go haywire. Geraldine gasps when a light fixture falls onto a table. "I may be late to the party, but I imagine there is a logical explanation for this." She said.

"Oh, it's all perfectly natural!" You said as Wanda screams. "Hey, hey! You're doing great. You're doing great. Look at me. Look at me." Geraldine imitates the breathing pattern. "Come on." Wanda does a set of the breathing. "I can't do this." Wanda said. "Yes, you can." You said. Wanda shakes her head. "I can't. I can't." She whimpered. "You can do this. Yes, you can. You can do this. It's time to start pushing." Geraldine checks under Wanda's clothes. "Oh." Wanda said. "You ready?" Wanda keeps shaking her head. "You're ready. You're ready. Push. Push, Wanda. Push!" Wanda yells. "Push! That a girl!" Things reach a climax before finally setting down as Wanda begins to breathe normally again. You get up holding a baby and it begins to cry. "It's a boy!" You hand the baby to Wanda. "Hi. Hi." Wanda said. She smiles. "Oh, he's perfect." She said. Vision runs in with Dr. Nielsen. "Oh, no. I missed it." He said. "Hey, Doc, why don't you help me out in the kitchen there?" Geraldine asked. "We went so fast, it was like we were flying." Dr. Nielsen stumbles. Geraldine helps him into the kitchen.

"Well done, Wanda." You said. "Well, don't you wanna meet your son as yourself?" You asked Vision. He looks around and drops his human facade. He kneels down and picks up the baby. "Ooh. You're strong." Wanda said. "Hello there, little Tommy." Vision said. "Tommy?" Wanda asked. "Isn't that the name you wanted?" You asked. Vision leans in to kiss her, but she screams. He screams back in surprise. "What? Good heavens! There's another baby coming." Vision said. "Another one?!" You asked. Wanda begins to heave. "Billy!" She said. "Wanda, push! Push!" You said. She continues to yell. Cut to some time later. Dr. Nielsen holds one baby and Vision holds the other. Wanda stands between them and you and Geraldine sit on the couch. "Twenty fingers and twenty toes. You've got two healthy baby boys on your hands." He hands her a baby. "Thank you, Doctor." Wanda said. "Yeah. All in a day's work." He turns to Geraldine. "And thank you for your assistance, young lady. I think you might have what it takes to be a nurse." Geraldine and Wanda give each other looks. "Allow me to walk you out, Doctor." Vision places a baby in a crib.

"Oh, all right. As long as we actually walk this time." "Come." They leave. Geraldine gets up. "We do you a debt of gratitude." You said softly. She chuckles. "You're such a strong lady." Geraldine said. "Oh." Wanda waves her hand dismissively. "Can you believe it? Twins!" You said. You pat one of the babies. "Hi." You chuckle softly. "I'm a twin." Wanda said. "I had a brother. His name was Pietro." She said. You and Geraldine look at Wanda somberly. Wanda begins singing a lullaby in Sokovian. "He was killed by Ultron, wasn't he?" Geraldine asked. Your eyes widened when you heard that name. Ultron... where have you heard that before? "What did you say?" Wanda asked, but you were no longer listening. You were trying to focus on what Geraldine had said. "I said, Wanda, you're such a strong lady. Should I say it one more time for good measure?" She walks away and sits on the couch. "No. What did you say about Pietro?" Wanda asked. "Pietro? Uh... Hey, I'll take a shift rocking the babies." Geraldine said. "No, I think you should leave." Wanda said. "Oh, Wanda, don't be like that." Geraldine said. "What is that?" Wanda asked. "What?" Geraldine asked. "That." Wanda said. Geraldine lifts up the object on her necklace.

"That symbol." Wanda said. "I, uh... I..." Geraldine stammered. "Who are you?" Wanda asked. "I don't..." Geraldine said. "Who are you?" She asked again. "Wanda..." Wanda backs Geraldine up against a wall. You had kept trying to remember where you had heard Ultron, until you saw Wanda attack Geraldine. You looked back in their direction. "I... I... Wanda." Geraldine said. Vision enters the house and turns back to his robot form. "Wanda?" He asked. "Where's Geraldine?" He asked. "Oh, she left, honey. She had to rush home." Wanda looks at the twins and smiles. "And where's (Y/n)?" He asked. "She's upstairs." She said. A strange shimmer appears in the air. Geraldine is thrown backwards out of it. She lands in the grass. Cars drive up beside her. A helicopter shines a light on her from above. Armed men approach. The camera pulls back and shows a large camp set up near a shimmering wall around Westview.

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