If I could tell you anything.

By JustJo

271 12 5

HI, im Johanna, preferably called JOJO, or Jo by Colten, not only my best friend but also my boyfriend. I liv... More

If I could tell you anything.
How it all went down.
o shit.
this is real.
The white room
The end of The beginning.
You again?
The begining again
Thinking fast.
Lost and hopless

Um.. Hi?

14 0 0
By JustJo

Jo's POV

"HE DID WHAT!? THEY DID WHAT?!?!" Linda shouts on her bed almost knocking off the salt and vinegar chips we were eating.

After linda picked me up we headed back to my house to get some comfier clothes for me then headed to her house. We where now sitting on her bed eating chips and watching mean girls. We loved this movie.

"Yah! I know right, like do they think i will just fall into their arms like that?" I say grabbing a chip and stuffing it in my mouth.

"Dear god. I swear i will cut off their penises next time i see them." She says with a death plan almost showing in her eyes like a movie.

"Haha don't worry, i can take care of them." I say winking.

"What are you gonna do?" She says grabbing 4 chips and jamming them in her mouth.

"Haha you hungry pig." I say between giggles. "Well first, they already want me so, I'm going to give them a chase. Their gonna have to work for me. I don't come easy." I say looking at linda.

She just stares back and says nothing. Then she leaps forward and hugs me so tight with all her strength. I slowly started loosing air.

"Lin- lin- linda..... Need.... A-a-air t-t-tt-to live." I slowly muster out.

"Oh sorry. " she says immediately letting go. " I'm just so proud." She says wiping a fake tear from her eye.

"Alright..." I say sticking out my tongue.

"Pika pika, PIKACHU!" My phone starts ringing. I quickly jump off the bed to where the cracked blackberry was sitting.

"Hello?" I say picking up the phone and putting it to my ear.

"Hey darling." I immediately recognized that voice.

"What the fuck do you want?" I spit.

"Exactly what i asked for in the club." His stupidly low voice says.

"Well keep dreaming because you ain't going to get it." I say

"Is it Colten?" Linda mouths. I nod a yes. She waves her hands in the air in a circular motion. Signalling to put it on speaker. I do as instructed.

"Why not babe?" He says. Linda knits her eyebrows together and lets out a growl. She has hated Colten since he cheated on me.

"First of all, don't ever call me babe. And second of all, you are a lying, cheating prick. And i will never go out with you again. Let alone have sex. You where the biggest mistake i ever made." Its hard to believe i just said all that to someone who was my best guy friend for so long. I look up to linda giving me a thumbs up. This chick is sooo weird.

"Ouch. That hurts, but they always say to accept the hurt from loved ones."

"They never say that Colten." I say.

"Worth a shot. Hey i have song for you." He says lifting his voice.

"What is it?" I say obviously knowing his answer.

"Want you back by Cher lloyd." I can almost feel his smirk that i cant see.

"Where'd you get that one? Facebook."

"No..." He says trailing off.

"Fuck you." I say then I hang up. He is so original! Note the sarcasm.

"Wow.. He's a dick." Linda says standing up.

"I know." I say standing up as well. "Where are you going?"i say as i watch linda leave the room.

"Im going to kill that fucker." She says putting on her shoes.

"WHAT THE FUCK!? YOU CANT JUST KILL SOMEONE!" I say bolting up the staires.

"I KNOW! Im not a maniac, we are going to get slushies. So calm yo shit." She says.

"Fucking hate you." I say.

"Love you too. Now lets go."

When we arrived at MACS we walked straight to the machine and mixed crushed orange, monster green, electric blue, and coca cola flavoured slushies. We grabbed lids and our slushies, walked to the counter and payed.

As we started walking back to her house we noticed a black escalade behind us slowly following us.

"Uh linna?" I say looking at her.

"I know. Keep walking and don't look back." She says looking straight forward but darting her eyes to look at me.

"Do you know who it is?" I say i little worried.

"No. But keep walking i see my house."

"Okay." Then i hear the car drive ahead of us. It stops a few feet ahead. We see a car door open and some one hop out. Linda looks at me her eyes wide with fear. The unknown figure starts walking in our direction.

"Run." Linda says. We turn around quickly and start sprinting back to the MACS. We hear heavy footsteps pounding after us. We start running faster then i hear a screech. I whip around to see linda's limp body fall to the ground.

"LINDA" i scream. The guy turns around from looking at linda and sprints towards me. The last thing i remember is a pain shooting through my head and black.


Linda's POV

"JOHANNA!" I wake up screaming. "BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP" is all i hear.

Was i in.. In.. A hospital? What happened?

"Linda are you alright?!" A girl with bottle orange hair and light skin with brown eyes and in a white dress barges into my room. I think shes a nurse.

"Ya I'm fine wheres Johanna and why isn't she here!" I scream at her. I wanted to know where my best friend was.

"Who?" The nurse asks looking frightened and confused.

"JOHANNA FUCKING DORBECK! WHERE IS THAT BRUNETTE BITCH!" I scream. I was pissed. I wanted to know where she was and what happened to her. After i blacked out.

"Um, I'm sorry to inform you but, we don't have a Johanna Dorbeck checked in here." She says backing out of the room.

"Okay." I say trying to keep calm when all i wanted to do was rip her to shreds. "I see, well then i guess I'm out then." I say standing up.

"I cant let you leave." Says the nurse.

"Well to fucking bad because i am." I say. I noticed i was still in my grey sweat pants and blue baggy hoodie from last night.

"Ma'am you cant leave for an-"

"I DONT FUCKING CARE WHEN I CAN OR CAN NOT LEAVE! I NEED TO FIND JOHANNA," i say storming out of the room. As I'm in the elevator i take a look in the mirror wall. I have a big fist shaped bruise on my forehead and a cut on my lip. Great. Battle scars. The elevator comes to a stop and the doors open. I walk out of the hospital and into the warm new york air.

I walk to the street and call a taxi.

"Where to miss?" The male voice says.

"56 baker." I say. Thats Jojo's address.

"Okay." He says pulling out of the side of the road and heading away from the hospital. I look out the window and pray that JoJo is home and safe.


Jojo's POV

I woke up to a dark room. I was sitting on a chair and i could feel tightly wrapped and tied rope around my ankles, and wrists. Where was I? I start screaming and squirming around when i hear a door close and a dark chuckle.

"You shouldn't have left me babe." I hear an unfamiliar low husky voice come from beside me.

"We were meant to be." He says coming closer.

"You where my love. And you always will be." I feel his presence close to me.

"And now your here. For me, forever and always." I feel a finger trail along my collarbone.

Then a light switches on and a tall, thin figure with brown eyes and dark brown thin flip hair is revealed standing in front of me.

"Why am I here!" I snarl.

"Oh babe, No need to be so... Up front about it." He says walking around my chair like in some kind of meal.

"Theres every need. IM FUCKING TIED TO A FUCKING CHAIR FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!" I scream in his face. Suddenly the chair flips around and I'm facing his rat like face.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that." He says. Trying to look dangerous, but his eyes show other wise.

"Ill do as i please." I say.

"Now tell me why im here and what you want with me." I say.

"Your here to be mine. Forever. " he says.

"Who the hell are you?!" I yell into his face.

"You don't remember me do you?" He says his face lifting.

"No and i don't want to." This guy was a fucking psychopath.

"Derek." O. Fuck. No.


"Tsk tsk, not nice, i guess i will have to teach you some manners." He says stepping closer. Then he turns the lights off and i feel a hand on my cheek.

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