The Dangers-chapter 1

By nayliafolo16

768 62 4

This story is for my Henry Danger fans. This story isn't a usual fanfiction like the others, I kind of remade... More

1.Everything Begins-pt.1
1.Everything Begins-pt.3
2.Best Friends-pt.1
2.Best Friends-pt.2
2.Best Friends-pt.3
2.Best Friends-pt.4
3.Danger Secrets-pt.1
3.Danger Secrets-pt.2
3.Danger Secrets-pt.3
3.Danger Secrets-pt.4
3.Danger Secrets-pt.5
3.Danger Secrets-pt.6
3.Danger Secrets-pt.7
3.Danger Secrets-pt.8
4.The Kiss-pt.1
4.The Kiss-pt.2
4.The Kiss-pt.3
4.The Kiss-pt.4
4.The Kiss-pt.5
5.The Ballet Performance-pt.1
5.The Ballet Performance-pt.2
5.The Ballet Performance-pt.3
5.The Ballet Performance-pt.4
5.The Ballet Performance-pt.5
5.The Ballet Performance-pt.6
5.The Ballet Performance-pt.7
6. Happy 16th, Ally!-pt. 1
6. Happy 16th, Ally!-pt. 2
6. Happy 16th, Ally!-pt. 3
7. Swellview's Night Gang-pt.1
7. Swellview's Night Gang-pt.2
7. Swellview's Night Gang-pt.3
7. Swellview's Night Gang-pt.4
8.School or Crime Fighting-pt. 1
8.School or Crime Fighting-pt. 2
8.School or Crime Fighting-pt. 3
9.The New Kid-pt. 1
9.The New Kid-pt. 2
9.The New Kid-pt. 3
10.The Winter Dance-pt. 1
10.The Winter Dance-pt. 2
10.The Winter Dance-pt. 3
10.The Winter Dance-pt. 4
11.The Love Triangle-pt. 1
11.The Love Triangle-pt. 2
11.The Love Triangle-pt. 3
11.The Love Triangle-pt. 4
11.The Love Triangle-pt. 5
12.The Truth-pt. 1
12.The Truth-pt. 2
12.The Truth-pt. 3
12.The Truth-pt. 4
12.The Truth-pt. 5

1.Everything Begins-pt.2

38 2 0
By nayliafolo16

Ally's alarm clock started beeping, she turned it off and got up. She went to the bathroom to brush her teeth and to get ready. She slowly walked downstairs where she saw her mom preparing pancakes for breakfast and sat down.

"I see someone's still sleeping."-Molly said bringing her the pancakes and a glass of orange juice.-"You stayed till late last night?"-she sat down and started her breakfast.-"Yes I did."-Ally answered-"And why are you so happy?"-"Oh because today I'll get to know if I get the shift."-"Oh really? I totally forgot. Can you give me a drive today?"-"Yes, I can but we'll leave then at 7:45 because you'll be at school too early."-"If it's okay with you."-Ally responded and continued eating.

After she finished the breakfast, she put the plate and the glass into the dishwasher and went upstairs.-"I'll be up in my room."-she said-"Oh, and Ally?"-"Yes?"-Ally turned back.-" Why were you up till late?"-she asked.-"I couldn't sleep."-she answered quickly and ran upstairs.

"Ally, let's go! It's 7:45!"-her mom yelled.-"Coming, coming!"-she said running down the stairs. She was wearing ripped skinny jeans, a pink T-shirt, a denim jacket and her favourite white shoes with purple flowers on the side.-"Somebody is trying to impress someone?"-Molly said and winked at her.-"Please mom, who can I try to impress? I don't even know anyone there."-she said smiling.-"I know, I'm just joking."-she said and stoked her hair.

Molly left her in front of the school and Ally walked in. She walked up to her locker, took her English books, checked her phone, it was 7:50 and walked to the English classroom.

"You don't seem like you had any sleep last night."-Jasper said.-"No, I didn't."-Henry responded-"I was trying to figure out how to get the girl to come with me to the Man cave."-he said in a sleepy voice.-"Why is that bothering so much?"-Jasper asked.-"Well think about it Jasper, I have to bring a girl who I don't even know to the Man cave. What am I going to say? Hey you have to come with me because I know that you're Dr Dark's lost daughter who has superpowers because I need you because I'm Kid Danger."-Henry said quietly so no one can hear him-"Do you see any sense here, Jasper!?"-he asked.-"No, not really."-"Then about what are we talking?"-he said a took out his phone.

Jasper spotted Ally coming in looking at her phone and touched Henry's hand.-"Hey, look who's not late this time."-he whispered.-"Dude, leave her alone, yesterday was her first day she probably got lost."-he lifted his head up and looked at her.-"And now explain that you don't like her."-Jasper said quietly.-" Shut up."-Henry answered mad a little.

They were watching Ally walking into the classroom and looking at her phone. She sat down and didn't see that her headphones fall out of her pocket.-"She dropped her headphones."-Henry said and picked them up-"I'll be right back."-he said to Jasper and walked up to her.-"Hey, you dropped this."-he said handing them to her. She lifted up her head and saw Henry with her headphones.-"Oh thanks, I didn't even see that they fall out of my pocket."-Ally said and laughed a bit.-"Anytime."-Henry said and went back to his place because the class was about to start.-"Hey, I forgot to tell you that after the third lesson I'm going to the dentist but I'll see you at the Man cave."-Jasper whispered to Henry and he nodded.

The English teacher was okay. She liked to talk a lot and she never gives homework. They were working in group of two and Ally was with Oliver. He was very happy with that, but Ally wasn't happy at all.-"Hey, Ally?"-Oliver asked.-"Yes, Oliver?"-Ally said annoyed.-"Do you want to hang out after school?"-"No, thank you. I've got stuff to do after school."-"Come on Ally, please."-"No Oliver. Get it into your head, no is no. Like I already said I've got stuff to do. Now let's focus on the assignment we've got here because I don't want to get a bad grade because of you."-she said annoyed.

"Poor her, she's got to work with Oliver. That's the worst."-Jasper whispered to Henry-"I think that you're the one having a crush on her because you always want to talk about her."-Henry whispered back.-"No, I'm not. I'm just saying."-"Good then!"-Henry said pissed.-"Good."-Jasper said and continued working.

After English they had Biology and Math. Ally's two worst subjects. She hated them. Their Biology teacher was kind of good. She was smiling the whole class, she was teaching in a very interesting way and Ally liked it, but she still hated Biology. On Math they got a lot to work, and they also got a lot of homework. The teacher was horrible, always just yelling and yelling.

After Math Ally had to go to her locker to get her books for the next lesson, Physics. As she got in the main hallway, she saw Mitch Bilsky and two of his friends next to Henry laughing at him. She was shocked but at the same time wasn't surprised that Mitch is doing that to someone. Nobody was there so she decided to maybe help him.

"Hey! Leave him alone!"-she yelled.-"Oh I'm so sorry."-Mitch answered sarcastically-"Who are you to him? His girlfriend?"-Mitch said and laughed with his friends. Ally felt a little bit embarrassed and when she looked at Henry, she saw that he needed help and that these guys wouldn't leave him alone very easily.-"Why are you doing that? What has he done to you?"-she said and came closer.-"Oh, he is the biggest loser here."-Mitch answered.-"He at least has a good personality unlike you and a better hairstyle. I mean look at yourself, you look like you just came out of a trash cane."-she said and Mitch got mad because of that and looked at her like he's going to beat her up like never anyone before.

"And what are you going to do if I don't leave this loser alone and apologize?"-"Do you want to know?"-Ally said.-"I'm interested in that what can a little girl do to me. Don't test me nerd because if I beat you up, you won't be able to walk."-"Apologize right now. I'm warning you."-"No."-Mitch said and Ally got mad.

She dropped her backpack next to Henry's legs and lifted him up pushing him against the lockers.-"Are you going to apologize or you're going to test me more?"-Ally said as Mitch's friends were watching surprised and scared like Henry.-"Yes, yes, I will! I'm so sorry. I will never ever do that. Please don't hurt me."-Mitch answered shaking and scared.-"Good."-Ally said and let him down-"Now leave or I have to do this again?"-she said as Mitch and his friends ran away.

She picked up her backpack and walked to her locker and opened it.-"Woah! Thank you so much!"-Henry said still in shock-" Don't get me wrong but, I never thought that the new, quiet and shy girl will help me against Mitch. I didn't know you were that strong. How, just how!?"-"Let that be my little secret."-Ally turned to him and smiled.-"Why did you help me?"-"I don't know, maybe because Mitch is making me mad and also, I owe you. You helped me two times."-Ally answered.-"What, for helping you pick up your books which you dropped because of me and for giving you back your headphones which fell out of your pocket? That's nothing. You helped me to not get beaten up."-"Well, for me, my headphones are important because I can't live without them."-Ally said and they both laughed.

"You're Henry, right? I'm Ally."-she said closing her locker and held out her hand.-"Yes, I'm Henry, nice to meet you, Ally."-he said and shook her hand.-"Nice to meet you, too"-Ally said smiling.-"So, our next lesson is Physics, do you want to maybe sit with me because Jasper is not here and so you won't sit alone and get paired with Oliver again?"-"Yes please. He's so annoying. And by the way we're going to be late for class if we don't go now, also, I don't know where the classroom is."-she said and Henry laughed.-"Come I'll show you and I can maybe show you the whole school if you want to or Oliver already showed you?"-Henry said and laughed again.-"Oh please shut up."-Ally said and laughed-"And I'd like you to show me the school."-she said and smiled.

They walked in the classroom, and they were talking and laughing about something. When Ally lifted her head up, she saw Oliver and Sidney looking at them and commenting on something, but she didn't really care. They sat down and took out their books-"Are you good at Physics?"-Ally asked.-"No, not really."-Henry responded.-"Then we have a problem because I don't get it at all."-Ally said and they both laughed.

Then Henry accidentally looked at Ally's arm and because her sleeve was a little bit rolled up, he saw something. When he looked at it a little better, he saw a number, 006. Ally saw that her sleeve was rolled up and she quickly rolled it back down. Henry was now surer than ever that she is the girl and immediately texted Ray:

"Dude, she really is the girl! I just saw the number on her left arm! What do we do now!?"

He sent the text and impatiently looked around so nobody will see what he's texting. He felt his phone buzzing in his hand, it was a text from Ray:

"So now you're not just sure, now you know. Just bring her to the Man cave after school."

He read the text and put his phone back to his pocket and then turned back to Ally.-"Is everything okay?"-she asked.-"Yeah, of course. And I forgot to tell you the teacher is a little bit evil so I wouldn't recommend arguing with her also, you never know what she will put in the exams which means it's hard to get the best grades."-"Oh that's not okay from her but thanks for the warning."-Ally responded and then the teacher came in, the lesson started.

After Physics Henry and Ally were walking together to the next classroom as Oliver and Sidney walked up to them.-"Oh, so you want to hang out with Henry and with us not!"-Oliver said mad.-"What he has and we don't?"-Sidney asked mad too. Ally rolled her eyes and Henry was just standing there trying not to laugh and figuring out how to react.-"Well, let me tell you then the reason why I'd rather hang out with him than with you."-Ally said.-"First, he's not annoying like you two. Second, he is funny and he's not trying to tamper me to hang out with him like you. And third, he's not trying to flirt with me every time he sees me like you. Just to let you know, that's pretty annoying. I hope I have answered all of your questions and that now everything is clear to you. Have a good day and see you in class."-she said sarcastically and left with Henry.

"Okay you're starting to scare me. Did you see their faces?"-Henry said.-"Yes, I did. And don't get scared I'm like this to people who I don't like, someone had to tell them."-Yeah you're right. Hey, have you been thinking about to get a part-time job?"-"Yes! Yesterday, I've been searching on the internet for so long, but I haven't found anything because I don't really have any skills."-"Yeah, I had the same problem. You can come with me after school. Maybe my boss will find a place for you, too. I mean only if you want to. My sister and Jasper are working there, too, so you can meet them, too, and make more new friends. And my boss is also a very funny guy."-Henry said and laughed a bit.-"Yeah, of course. I really want to find a job because it's so boring being at home all day."-"Great, then you're coming with me?"-"Okay but I'll just text my mom, so she won't get worried. She gets worried so easily."-Ally said and took her phone out to text her mom. As they entered the classroom, Ally got a message from her mom.-"What she says?"-Henry asked-"She said yes."-Ally answered.-"Good."-Henry said, and they sat down.

When the lessons ended Henry and Ally were walking to Junk n' stuff.-"So where do you actually work?"-Ally asked.-"Oh it's a shop called Junk n' stuff, I don't know if you heard about it before."-"No, I haven't. I don't really know Swellview."-"When did you move here? Was it not so long ago or?"-"I moved here when I was 11, after my dad died. I know it sounds crazy like how I don't know Swellview very much even if I have lived here for so many years but yeah that's the truth. My mom never let me to leave the house or something also, I was home-schooled my whole life."-"Why?"-"I don't like talking about that or my childhood when I lived in Astrakane. I just want to forget it."-"Wait, you're from Astrakane? The almost forgotten city?"-"Yes and I wouldn't say almost forgotten I would say already forgotten."-Ally said with a sad voice.

"Why do you want to forget your childhood?"-Henry asked to break the silence-"I actually never had a childhood. But can we not talk about that anymore, please?"-"Yeah of course. Anyway, we arrived so let's go inside."-Henry said as they entered the shop.

It was the strangest shop Ally had ever seen. In one of the corners there was a huge dinosaur head which was spitting actual fire and there was a lot of cool and strange stuff.-"Okay, can you wait here so I can get my boss?"-Henry said-"Yeah, okay."-Ally said and Henry went to the back of the shop.

He called Ray on the phone.-"Yes kid?"-Ray answered.-"Hey I'm here with the girl, should I bring her down or are you going to come up here?"-Henry said very quietly so Ally won't hear him.-"No, no. Bring her down here. We can't risk that much."-"Okay see you in a minute."-Henry said and hung up.

He went back to Ally.-"I told him that you're here."-"Okay and where is he?"-Ally asked confused.-"He, he told me to bring you to the back so let's go."-Henry said and pointed to the back room.-"I hope he's not some creepy guy."-Ally said.-"No, no, don't worry he's very good and funny. He just owns this strange shop but it's fun to work here. We have to take the elevator down."-Henry said and entered the elevator. Ally entered after him.-"What floor is it?"-Ally asked.-"There is only one."-Henry answered and pressed the button for going down.

The elevator suddenly started going down really fast. Ally didn't fall on the floor like Jasper always does but of surprise she unconsciously grabbed Henry's hand and squeezed it. When the elevator stopped before it opened, she saw that she was holding his hand and left it quickly. Henry looked at her and smiled, she just looked back at him and blushed.-"Hey Ray! We are here!"-Henry yelled when he walked out the elevator.

Ally was right behind him looking around and shocked.-"Woah I'd never say that this is under that shop. Don't get me wrong but this is like another reality."-"See. Told you not to worry."-Henry smiled.-"Where are Jasper and your sister?"-Ally asked-"Piper is probably going to come later and Jasper, I have no idea."-Henry said and then Ray came.

"Oh you're here!"-Ray said and looked at Ally-"Oh my God is that really her?"-Ray said and got closer to her-"Yeah Ray, that's her."-Henry answered.-"What? Henry what's happening?"-Ally said with a scared voice and taking a step back.-"Hey, hey don't worry. We'll explain now."-Henry said.-"What's your name?"-Ray asked.-"Ally Roberts."-Ally answered still scared and started shaking.-"Look Ally, you're now in the Man cave."-"You mean Captain Man's secret place?"-"Yes."-"I don't believe you!"-"We know who you are and don't be scared we don't want to hurt you"-"No, yes! You want me! Is that why you brought me here, Henry!? You want the award which is still active even if I'm dead according to most scientists. I can't believe, I trusted you, Henry! I thought you're different!"-Ally was yelling and shaking.

"You don't even know what I want to say!"-Ray yelled at her which made her almost tear up.-"Ray, Ray don't yell at her. I get you Ally that you're scared but trust me, we really don't want to hurt you."-Henry said with a calm voice slowly walking towards Ally-"Now you should hear what Ray wants to say and everything will be clear to you. Okay?"-"Okay."-Ally responded quickly-"But I still don't believe you that this is the Man cave. I don't see Captain Man or Kid Danger anywhere."-she said and sat on the couch.

"Look girl, we are Captain Man and Kid Danger, but we need you because you have very strong superpowers."-Ray said.-"But if you guys are then why do you need me and my superpowers? I mean you have a lot of very cool stuff and weapons and isn't Captain Man indestructible? Why do you need me?"-"Because you have very strong superpowers and Captain Man won't fight crime anymore."-Henry said.-"Yeah and Kid Danger needs someone to fight crime with and we think you're perfect for that because of your superpowers. Can I maybe see your left arm?"-Ray asked-"Okay"-Ally said and reached out her left arm and rolled up her sleeve.-"Woah!"-Henry said looking at the number shocked-"And it's real?"-he asked-"Yes, I got it when I was three years old or you can say when my dad found out about my powers."-she said and rolled back down her sleeve.-"You don't cover it or something? You're not scared that someone will see it?"-Henry asked.-"Yes, I usually cover it with foundation, but I forgot today because I didn't get much sleep last night. Now what do you actually want about me and my powers?"-"As I was saying, Kid Danger needs someone to fight crime with and we wanted to ask you if you want to be Swellview's new superhero?"-"Hold on, hold on, you don't think that if I become the new superhero and if people will know that I have superpowers, won't they think that maybe I am Dr Dark's lost daughter?"-"No, because it's normal for superheroes to have superpowers. Henry has superpowers, too."-Ray said.-"Well, then I'll help."-"Really!?"-Henry asked excited-"Yes, but only if you keep my secret and don't put me on some tests and things like my dad did."-"Yes, of course, we didn't even think about it."-Ray said.-"Deal."-Ally said and looked at Henry who was very happy about it.

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