Night Light

By EdgyMeow

41.3K 1.1K 560

NIGHT LIGHT | Definition: A light to help you see in the dark. Babies can either be a blessing or a curse: bu... More

Night Light Trailer (Comic Style!)
Episode 1: Perfect Mistake
Episode 2: Bad Bedtime Biz
Episode 3: Shopping Shenanigans
Episode 4: The Jealousy Demon
Episode 5: Mom Off
Episode 6: Race To The First Word
Episode 7: Greatest Grandma Gwen
Episode 8: Boulevard Of Broken Dreams
Episode 9: The Quiet Game
Episode 10: First Birthday Fiesta
Episode 11: Crossing Coven Lines
Episode 12: Time Marches Still
Episode 13: Decision Making Dilemma
Episode 14: Check The Colors
Episode 15: Bileween Fright
Episode 16: Attentively Distracted
Episode 17: Practicing Paranoia
Episode 18: Tooth Troubles
Episode 19: Grimsmas
Episode 20: Blissful Bickering
Episode 21: Little Big Problems
Episode 23: Besides, Who Needs Hexside?
Episode 24: Maybe Not Magic
Episode 25: A Little Conflicted
Episode 26: Friends And Foes
Episode 27: Fell For The Spell
Episode 28: School Plays, delirious days

Episode 22: The Azura Call

509 19 7
By EdgyMeow

"Look at all the cool books, Luz," Lily said, hoisting the toddler on her hip. Luz giggled and pointed to the array of books lining the shelves. The librarian made a shushing sound at the two. "We have to be quiet, okay? Look at these. Oh, this used to be one of my favorites."

Lilith picked out a dusty book with a brown cover. Large black words read "THE TELL-TALE HEART". Luz puckered her bottom lip out and turned to a different book, reaching. "Not that one? Okay, um – oh! I loved this one, too." Another book was pulled out, this time the cover had a woman on the front, her sinister eyes staring back at the reader. "MOMMY'S HOME" is what the cover read.

"Bleh." Luz stuck her tongue out, pushing the book away. She babbled and reached still, confusing the elder woman.

"That was a very good read back then, you know. Okay, um, what about-"

"Excuse me." The librarian said, tapping Lilith on the shoulder. Lilith turned to face the old woman, giving a curt smile.

"Hello. Yes? Can I help you?"

"Why are you here? With the toddler?"

"I'm, um – her mom needed some time to herself, so I thought I'd take her off her hands. Why?"

"Well, I'll tell ya. This is not the area you want to browse in with a child. We have a designated children's area."

"What? These were my entire childhood, these stories were."

"Well, it's looked down upon now. Now shoo, to the children's area."

Lilith rolled her eyes, turning her back to the librarian.

"Come on, Luz. We'll take our business elsewhere." Lilith marched towards the 'kids area' with Luz in grasp. She sighed when she saw the tiny bookshelves. Sitting Luz down, she watched the toddler waddle to the shelf and pull a book off of it. A colorful book titled "The good witch Azura" fell to the ground. Luz smiled widely, picking the book up and holding it close. The bright and colorful pages caught her eye. Lilith gently took the book from Luz and ran her thumb over the cover.

"The good witch Azura? Huh. Never heard of that one," Lilith opened the book and scanned the pages. Luz waited patiently at her feet, holding onto Lilith's ankle length skirt. After a few moments of scanning, Lilith stuck out her tongue and sat the book back on the shelf "Luz, that is way too flowery for your small mind. Let's pick something else, okay?"

Luz made what sounded like a small 'huh?' before she was picked up by Lilith. Lily started to talk about other books, but Luz stopped paying attention. She had her mind focused on that book, and that book only. She needed a plan. She was going to get that book.




Luz stuck her sippy cup in Lilith's mouth, sharing her juice with the woman once more. Lilith sipped it and sighed. "That's a lot of juice. I've gotta use the restroom now, Luz. Wait here and play nicely with the other children, okay?" Lilith sat the toddler down, rushing to the nearby bathroom. Luz giggled and stood up, grabbing hold of the play pen and hoisting herself out of it, falling to the ground with a thud. She clapped as she landed, standing up and readying to leave, when a small voice caught her attention.

"Wait," A little boy said, climbing out of the pen. "Where are you going?" the boy had bright blonde hair and bright maroon colored eyes. He smiled a toothy grin.

Luz glanced in the direction of her book, pointing and trying to pronounce 'book'.

"Oh, I can help." The boy said nonchalantly, catching up to Luz. Luz smiled and glanced to the bathroom, taking a deep breath and heading her own way.




"Luz, where have you gone?!" Lilith yell-whispered, staring at the babies in the pen who isn't Luz. "Eda's going to kill me, she's going to kill me. I'm dead, so dead. I'm such a horrible aunt, oh my titan."

Lilith paced, hands on her head. Ravioli landed on her shoulder and blinked slowly. First his left eye, then his right.

"You're right, Ravioli. You are so right," The chill bird opened his beak and closed it again, once again slowly blinking. "I agree. She couldn't have gone too far, right? Let's search this library up and down, left and right, dark and light, dusty and-"

Raviloi blinked again, first his left eye then his right. Lilith nodded is response. "Okay, let's go. Split up."

Lilith took forward. Ravioli flew off her shoulder and kept in the air, keeping still as if he didn't know what to do. His eyes rolled in his head as if he had no control of them, and finally, he took off, flying into a wall in the process.




"Shh." Luz put a finger to her lip, back against a child-sized sofa. The boy was crouched beside her, eyes glancing for any sight of the adults.

"I don't see anybody..." The boy said, glancing around. Luz nodded and made way for the shelf, looking for her desired book. "What kinda book is it?" he asked curiously.

"Um..." Luz thought, trying to put her thoughts into words. "Azi... Arah..."

The boy perked his head, a bright smile making its way to his features. "Azura." He whispered, earning a happy nod from Luz. "I know where dey are!" The boy took Luz by the hand and gently dragged her forward, stopping abruptly when he spotted Lilith.

"Is dat your mom?" The boy asked quietly. Luz shook her head.

"Auntie." Luz spoke as clearly as she could, still hiding from the elder woman sniffing the air. The boy nodded and thought for a moment. Lilith was blocking the way to the book.

Suddenly, Luz quietly gasped, picking up a book. She tapped the boy and mimicked a throwing pose. The boy made a tiny 'o' with his mouth, understanding what Luz was trying to tell him. He took the book and, using all his strength, threw it across the large and open room. The heavy book hit the librarian in the head, knocking her over. The librarian laid flat and motionless on the ground, groaning with her face in the floor. One of the wheels of the cart full of books that she was pushing fell on top of her, covering her in a pile of books. Finally, the cart fell on top of her, crushing her underneath.

Lilith whipped her head in the direction of the librarian, a mortified expression on her face. "Oh my Titan, let me help you." Lilith said, rushing to her side to help. Luz giggled. She raised her arm but the boy didn't do anything. Luz frowned and grabbed his hand, forcing him to give her a high five. The boy titled his head. "Cool?" Luz asked, smiling widely. The boy stared at her for a few moments before smiling and nodding.

The duo trotted effortlessly towards the shelf that held the book Luz was looking for. The boy – who was an inch or two taller than Luz – reached for the book and pulled it down, falling backwards in the process. He smiled and presented the book to Luz.




"You did this to me, didn't you? You old rusty mop, I oughta call security!"

"I didn't, I swear!"

"I swear when I get up, you're toast!"

Lilith blinked a few times before slowly backing away from the woman, turning her back and whistling nonchalantly.

"Hey! Hey! HEY!"

Lilith hurried away from the scene, still looking for the toddler. Suddenly, she gulped as a coven scout trotted into the library, sighing.

"Hey Lilith..." the scout said sadly.

"Oh, Steve. What's the matter?"

"I was just looking for a kid. I swear, I look away for one second and he's gone!"

"One second? Are you sure?"


"You forget that I used to work with you. Tell me the truth, Steve."

"Okay, so maybe I got distracted and started chasing a cute bunny rabbit... BUT! I had good intensions, I swear. I just wanted to catch it for the kid!"

"You know, weird. I'm looking for a kid, too. What's he look like?"

"Bright blonde hair, super cool eyes..."

"Well, help me look for my child and I'll help look for yours. Deal?"

"Sure! Belos will behead me if I come back empty handed."

"Belos? Are you trying to find the golden brat?"

"Um – yeah? Maybe?"

Lilith scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Let's get this over with."

And so the two searched and searched until they came to the second floor, where, seated in a cozy and quiet area, was Luz and the blonde haired boy. Luz was dozing off on the boy's shoulder as he read the words as best as he can, pointing to the pictures as he did.

Lilith let out an audible 'awe' as the boy looked up at her, smiling and waving to Steve.

"Okay, come on, kid. Gotta get you home." Luz opened her eyes and titled her head at the golden haired boy.

"Um... gotta go. Bye, um..." The boy fell silent, earning a smile from Luz.

"Luz." she stated, hugging the boy. "Tank you." She said, pressing her warm cheek up to his cold one.

"You're welcome," He patted her back, although confused on why she had her arms wrapped around him in this way. "Bye.."

Luz smiled and nodded, waving as Steve picked the child up. The boy smiled back and waved, before turning around to tell the coven scout about his day.

Lilith sighed, turning to the small child and shaking her head playfully.

"What will I do with you?"

Luz giggled, presenting the book she had tried so hard to get. "Azorwa!"

"Azura... fine. I guess I'll read it." Luz giggled again, clapping her tiny hands with a big smile. "Now, where did he leave off?" Lilith asked, opening the book. Luz pointed to a picture and smiled. It was a picture of an ordinary green haired girl with round ears sitting at school. The girl was surrounded by other round eared people. The words at the top of the page read: Little did Azura know, her life was about to change forever.




Luz clapped loudly, laughing as Lilith close the book, ending the first edition in the series.

"More!" Luz said, pointing to the second edition. Lilith groaned, standing up and cracking her back.

"Not right now, Luz. Later. That took... a lot out of me," Luz frowned, putting her head down. Lilith gave a soft smile, picking up the rest of the books in the series. "But I'll buy them and we'll read them together later, okay? Me and you. I promise."

Luz smiled and clapped. Lilith smiled back at the toddler and put some snails on the counter, to pay for the book. The duo walked out the door, not looking back. Luz pointed towards The Owl House and laughed. "Away!" she yelled, mimicking Azura from the story.








Ravioli landed on the librarian's head, tilting his head and blinking slowly. First his left eye, then his right. He watched the woman struggle to free herself.

"Please... I'm hungry..."

At those words, Ravioli began to gag, opening his beak and using his talons to pry the librarian's mouth open.



Ravioli fell to the ground as a book smacked him in the back. He laid there for a few moments before slowly blinking. First his left eye, then his right. He got up and began to fly crookedly home, leaving the woman stuck and with a mouth full of his leftovers.

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