Night Light

By EdgyMeow

40.5K 1.1K 556

NIGHT LIGHT | Definition: A light to help you see in the dark. Babies can either be a blessing or a curse: bu... More

Night Light Trailer (Comic Style!)
Episode 1: Perfect Mistake
Episode 2: Bad Bedtime Biz
Episode 3: Shopping Shenanigans
Episode 4: The Jealousy Demon
Episode 5: Mom Off
Episode 6: Race To The First Word
Episode 7: Greatest Grandma Gwen
Episode 8: Boulevard Of Broken Dreams
Episode 9: The Quiet Game
Episode 10: First Birthday Fiesta
Episode 12: Time Marches Still
Episode 13: Decision Making Dilemma
Episode 14: Check The Colors
Episode 15: Bileween Fright
Episode 16: Attentively Distracted
Episode 17: Practicing Paranoia
Episode 18: Tooth Troubles
Episode 19: Grimsmas
Episode 20: Blissful Bickering
Episode 21: Little Big Problems
Episode 22: The Azura Call
Episode 23: Besides, Who Needs Hexside?
Episode 24: Maybe Not Magic
Episode 25: A Little Conflicted
Episode 26: Friends And Foes
Episode 27: Fell For The Spell
Episode 28: School Plays, delirious days

Episode 11: Crossing Coven Lines

1.8K 44 53
By EdgyMeow

She was tired.

And she couldn't sugarcoat it.

No... Tired wasn't the word. She was exhausted.

In her drunken state, she had collapsed in the nest, the thoughts of the previous night bellowing in her mind.

Gosh, was she tired...

No. She needed to get up. She needed to take to Luz. It was already... half past 5?!

Eda forced herself up, no matter how bad she wanted to collapse.

She rushed into the living room, finding the baby cot empty. No King, no Luz.

Laying on the couch was a small piece of paper with numbers written on it. Eda instantly dubbed it as Raine's phone number.

She picked her crowphone up and dialed the number. It only rang a couple of times before Raine picked up.

"Heyyyyy, Eda. Did I sound okay? Did I sound cool?"

"Raine! Was King and Luz sleeping when you left this morning?"

Eda searched around the house as she talked, fear stricken through her body.

"Mhm. And so was Hooty. I promise I didn't wake him. Are you just waking up?"

"Yes! And King and Luz are nowhere to be found!" Eda pulled the phone away from her ear as Raine started panicking. "HOOTY! Did anyone enter or leave the house?" Eda called to the house demon.

"Hoot! Yes!"


"Hoot! I don't know. But they left with Luz and King. They said their name was... Steve."

"Why would you let them take them?!"

"Hoot! He said there was a fly 20 steps to my left, but I don't have feet, so I went a little too far and got distracted. When I came back, he was running away with them! But it's okay because I caught the fly and it was delicious! HOOT HOOT."


"Eda, I'm coming over. We'll figure this out together, okay?"

"Raine, I have... wait..."

Eda went silent as she thought.

"Hooty! Who was Steve?"

"I'm not talking!"


"Fine! It was Belos's guard! He said that he was just gonna have a playdate with them! Jeez. Hoot. I don't see the big deal. Playdates are fun! I would never restrict someone of them."

"Raine, this is a bigger problem then we expected."


"Lilith, do you know why I called you here today?" The emperor asked.

"No, sir."

"Well, seeing as you are so high up in command, respected, and most importantly, trusted, I will land the task on you. Watch the human child for me. I don't have the time, as I prepare for the quickly approaching Day of Unity."

"Permission to speak, sire."


"What human child do we speak of? And, it is to my knowledge that we still have 13 years for the Day of Unity, do we not?"

"Oh, Lilith. This takes preparation. Lots of preparation, as there are many wild witches to be caught," Belos lifted his hand. "This, is the human child. She is an important key to us. She can lead us straight to the Owl Lady. The worst of the wild witches."


Suddenly, a guard pushed a cart out, and pulled back a curtain. Inside was a small, terrified little girl crying. Lilith felt her heart shatter. She knew this child. This was her niece.

"Uh... yes, my liege."

"And if the Owl Lady pays us a visit, be sure to alert Kikimora as soon as you can."

"Ah, yes. We're going to heal her curse and then put her in a coven, correct?"


"Then what will become of the child?"

"She will grow up in the castle and work for us once she's of age. Let's face it, Lilith. I am not young. Hunter will take over my place one day. He will become a respected emperor. And when he does, he will have someone to help him carry on our bloodline. Not like she will have anything to do with ruling. Females shouldn't hold such a role. But the point is, Lilith. The child will not be harmed."

"Yes, sire."

"Good. Now off with you two. I have important business to tend to."

"Yes, sire."

Lilith picked the child up and speed walked out of the room, sighing as the door shut.

"What are you doing here? Where's your mom?" Luz's crying came to a halt as she took in the familiar face. Lilith wiped the tears away and sighed.

Her ears perked when she heard Belos's voice from inside the room she just left.

"That poor, poor, naive, girl. In a way I feel bad for the way she thinks."

"Yes, my liege."

"Kikimora, please have some guards set up a stand for the Owl Lady. Once she is caught and petrified, the Boiling Isles will be a better place."

Lily clasped her hand over her mouth as she listened.

"I agree, sire. But what will become of that human child?"

"Exactly as said. However, I am not sure what to do with her after she continues our bloodline. We will have no use for her then. What do you propose?"

"Why not marry Hunter into the Blight family? They're of upper class. Just petrify the human along with the Owl Lady."

"I do suppose that makes logical sense. We don't want my bloodline having disabilities due to her being human,"

Lilith sprinted away from the door. She couldn't hear any more of this.

She couldn't let anything happen to her sister or her child.

She wouldn't.


"I'm worried, Raine..."

"Don't worry! Mango will get us there in no time," Raine commented, rubbing their bat palisman on the head.

"I sure hope so." Owlbert nuzzled Eda's cheek, hooting quietly.

Slowly, Raine guided the staff down as they landed at the conformatorium.

Eda practically leaped off of Raine's staff, placing Owlbert atop her staff.

Eda and Raine nodded at each other, before traveling down the long corridors of the prison.

"WEH!" Eda's ears perked. She glanced around the cells. A few lone prisoners scowled at the sight of a free-goer.

Eda felt a slight relief as she saw King in a holding cell, trying his hardest to ram into the door.

"King!" Eda whispered.

"I... Eda, I tried to save Luz, but... but she... they... they took her! They took her away and said they were gonna kill her! I tried to save her! They took her to the castle."

"Oh, my Titan..." Eda's heart skipped a beat as she took that in.

"Eda, i'm going to try and find her, okay? Get King out and get out of here."

"What about you?"

"I'm not leaving until I have your girl."

"Raine..." Eda's eyes teared up. Raine knelt down, and Eda turned away from embarrassment. "I'm sorry. I'm just so scared. For you. For... Luz. You can hold you own, but Luz... She's a toddler!" Eda wiped her tears.

"Hey. It'll be okay. It'll be safer for everyone if you're not inside the castle risking to be seen."

"Will you be okay?"

"Anyone's guess!" Raine joked, but, surprisingly, Eda couldn't. Raine sat on their staff, and handed Owlbert to Eda. Owlbert nuzzled Raine's palm.

"The castle isn't too far from here. I thought they'd have just imprisoned King and Luz, but... I was wrong."

"Be safe."

"I will."

And with that, Raine was off, heading in the direction of the castle.

Eda sighed, looking for a way to let King out.

"King, look."


"I'm sorry. I slept in too late and let you guys get took. This is my fault."

"Hey, witchy! Don't be so hard on yourself. It's Hooty's fault!"

Eda laughed a bit. "Yeah... maybe it is. I just don't think I'll feel any better until I know Luz is safe and sound."

"Yeah... me too."

"Come on. Let's get you out."


Lilith bounced the whining baby. She still had to figure out what to do with her. Luz rubbed her eyes.

"Eda! Eda!"

"I know, dear... you want Eda."

"Edaaaaa!" Luz's whines turned into full blown cries now as she screamed for her mother figure.

"Shh," Lilith held Luz close, placing a protective hand over Luz's head. "I won't let them hurt you. I promise."

Something in Lilith's voice calmed Luz, as if she knew Lilith meant only good intentions.

"Wolves asleep admist the trees, bats all a-swaying, in the breeze. Birds are silent for the night, cows turned in as daylight dies. But one soul lies anxious wide awake, fearing all manner of ghouls, hags, and wraiths. For your dolly Polly sleep has flown. Don't dare let her tremble alone. My dear dolly, Polly, shut your eyes. Lie still, lie silent, utter no cries. As the witches, brave and bold, paid in coin of gold. He'll chop and slice you, cut and dice you, eat you whole, take your soul,  so go to sleep, with this lullaby of woe."

Luz calmed as Lilith sang. She kicked her feet, nuzzling her head closer to Lily.

Lily felt... good. She couldn't describe it, but it felt good. How could anyone want to hurt this little thing?

Lilith froze, and her ears perked when she heard doors banging against each other. She was already on high alert, but now, she had to investigate.

Lilith had no clue who this could be, so, albeit hesitant and against it, Lilith tucked Luz away, hidden from eye. Luz started to whine, reaching for Lily.

"Okay, Luz. Let's play a game," Luz stopped whining to listen. "Have you ever played The Quiet Game?"

Luz nervously nodded, putting her index finger in her mouth.

"That's my favorite game! Do you want to play it with me?"


"Thank you! Now, you wait here, okay?"

Just as Lilith got ready to walk away, she heard Luz make a noise.


Lilith's heart cracked.

"Shh... I'll be right back. I promise." Lilith twirled her finger, and made a pacifier and a Griffin stuffed animal appear. Lilith out the pacifier in Luz's mouth and nodded with a reassuring smile.

Luz clenched her eyes shut and hugged her stuffed animal, curling into herself. Lilith wanted to cry seeing the toddler like that.

"There's a good girl, Luz. I'll be right back."

Raine rushed to the castle, lost in their thoughts.

"Eda is going to try and leave. I know how Eda is."

Mango clicked her tongue.

Raine twirled their finger to cast a spell.

Raine finally made it to the castle, sighing in relief. "Thank you, Mango. You're a lifesaver. Literally." Mango flapped her wings in response, clicking her tongue.

Raine took a deep breath, and readied for any impact as they made their way to the door a few feet in front of them.

Raine pulled and tugged, but to no avail. Of course Belos keeps his doors locked...

Raine sighs. They're going to have to find another way in.

Pacing back and forth, Raine counts their options, which are few...

Before they had time to react, the doors creaked open, and Raine could see a figure in the doorway.

"Hey!" Raine yelled in pure anger, grabbing their staff and running towards the figure. Before impact, Raine abruptly stopped in their path to see Lilith.

"Lily? Is that - is that you?"

"Raine! Oh, how good it is to see you."

"Listen. Your sisters kid is someone in here. And I-"


"Yes! Please, Lilith. Please, tell me Belos hasn't hurt her."

"No! She is safe and sound. Follow me."

Raine nodded, but kept Mango on their shoulder in case of emergency.

Lilith led Raine down a long corridor, before finally reaching a room.

Raine looked around. It seemed like a bedroom.

"What is this place?" Raine still managed to ask.

"It's my room."

Raine looked over to Lilith, who went to the corner of the room and pulled a blanket back.

Hidden away from sight was a small toddler. Lilith congratulated her and pulled her out. Lilith propped Luz on her hips, ruffling her hair with her free hand.

Raine instantly felt relieved that the toddler was okay, that they were ready to leave with her right there and then.

But something cut them off, as a voice over an intercom came on.

"Lilith, please report to the throne room. And bring the human child."

Raine lowered their eyes as the recognized that voice. That horrid voice. Kikimora.



"I must."

"No. Don't."

"Raine," Lilith gave her free hand to Raine. "I assure you, I will not let them hurt her. I give you my word."

Raine gulped. Lilith seemed trust worthy enough, but could she really be trusted? A childs life was in Raine's hands. Luz's life depended on whether or not Raine let go.

Raine took a deep breath and exhaled sharply.

"I trust you, Lilith. Don't break it down." Raine let go of Lilith's hands, and she nodded to them.

"Lilith Clawthorne, the emperor is awaiting you."

"Yes, Kikimora."

Raine watched as Lilith walked away. And, scared as to what's next, they were left all alone.


Eda nervously tapped her foot against the ground. It was getting later and later, and still no sign of Raine and Luz.

Although she wouldn't admit it, Eda was starting to get so worried she nearly got sick.

King was worried, too. But something more was bubbling inside of him. Guilt. Maybe if he'd been able to help Luz, the guard wouldn't have took her. Maybe if we was stronger or bigger, he wouldn't have been so helpless, and Luz would be okay-

"King?" King was ripped from his thoughts as he looked up at Eda.


"I know Raine said to wait here, but I'm having doubts."

"Come on, witchy," King stuck his claws into Eda's dress to climb up her, finally landing on her shoulder. "WEH!" King held on tight as Eda flinched, him nearly falling off in the process.

King huffed heavily, wiping his forehead. "Okay, Eda. Raine told us to wait here. So it must be for a reason, right?And not like we can leave anyway. Raine put a bound spell on you. And, like, I mean... this is Raine. They couldn't have gotten hurt. "

"What about Luz?"

King fell silent. He didn't know how to answer that, because he certainly had no idea what came of Luz.

"Yeah. I know." Eda muttered, falling back against the Owl House.


"Well, HOOTY. Nothing much. Just awaiting the news of Luz's death, that's all."

King gasped. "Don't say that, Eda!

"It's true! Let's face it. Luz is gone." Eda slid down the house and hugged her knees.

"Eda... We can't... We can't just give up on her!"

Eda stayed silent, crying into her knees. Of course, Hooty had something to say about that.




"Hooty I am going to commit a crime if you don't-"


Eda's eye twitched as she listened to Hooty. King backed away. Something bad was about to go down...


"Yes, my liege?" Lilith asked as she walked into the throne room, holding Luz at her hip.

"The Owl Lady hasn't showed up," Lilith prevented herself from darting her eyes back towards the door. "We can worry about her another time. Yet again has she escaped our grasp. And also has she proved her un-loyalty to the child."

Lilith gulped.

"Where is this going, sire?"

"You are dismissed of babysitting duties, Lilith. Hand the child over and be on with your day."

"What will you do with her?"

"Broadcast her petrifaction."

"Oh my Titan, my liege, is that not drastic?"

"Hand over the child, Lilith."

Lilith took a good look at the child, and shook her head, putting a protective hand on her head.

"No, Belos."

"Lilith." Belos has venom in his words as he hissed her name.

"I won't let you hurt an innocent kid."

"Hand her over, or I will take her by force."

Lilith backed away. Sure, she could try and fight the most powerful witch on the Boiling Isles all whilst holding a toddler, but she would be a fool to do so. Even more so while holding a baby.


Lilith bolted back towards the door, dodging guards who attempted to grab her. Before she could reach the door, however, some guards cornered her in. Lilith held tight onto the baby, who's screams were echoing in the room.

Raine pushed their way into the room, panting heavily. They watched as guards tried to snatch Luz from Lilith, but Lily kept a tight grip.

"HOLD ON, LILY!" Raine counted their options, looking around. When they saw Belos, a light chuckled came from him.

"Wrong side, Raine..."

Raine's bard sigil started to grow vines, as it spread across their body, making it's way to their neck.


Lilith kicked one of the guards, twirling her finger to stop the spell. "Thank Titan you need to know that spell to be in the emperor's Coven."


Everything froze, but not by will. Belos had stomped his artificial staff onto the ground to freeze everyone.

"You want that child to live?" Lilith, without hesitation, nodded. "Yes."

"Then let's strike a deal, shall we?"

Raine's ears perked as they listened in.

"You and Raine leave the emperors Coven, and the child roams free." Emperor Belos failed to mention, for now.

Raine yelled from across the room. "I'll do it!"

"I know you will," Belos closed his hand, and the magic he used forced Raine's mouth shut. "But, will dear Lilith?"

Lilith was looking at the ground now.

"What will it be Lilith? Time's ticking."

Lilith looked at Luz, who was still crying.

"I... I agree."


Eda picked at the grass, staring at a singular strand.

"And then when Luz is home, we're gonna build a huge pillow fort!"


"It's gonna be huge!"

"King, stop."

"Come on, Eda. Don't be a downer. This is really bumming me out. We have to keep our hopes high!"

Eda leaned her head up towards the sky to look at the moon. Eda stuck her tongue out as she felt a weird feeling on it. It was from the multiple attempts to leave the perimeter. It kinda like, shocked her, if she tried to leave. And then, it would poof her back in place.

"King. It's been 3 hours. I'm done hoping."

"Wow. So you're just gonna give up?"

"It wouldn't be the first time my cursed pushed someone away and gotten them hurt in one way or another."

"You're giving up... After a whole year."

"What do you expect me to do, King?!

"Oh, I don't know! At least try and pretend you think Luz is okay!"


King fell silent.

"Deep down I do. But I don't want it to be true, so I have to have something to ground me."



Eda and King snapped their heads to their sides, seeing Raine, Lilith, and Luz.

Tears instantly formed in Eda's eyes as she saw the girl - her girl - calling for her.

As soon as they landed, Raine handed Luz off to Eda, earning a huge grin in response.

Eda leaped into Raine's arms, holding Luz between them.

"You did it, Raine! You. Actually. Did it!"

"Um... well, actually..."

Raine shifted, giving a side smile to Lilith. Lilith cleared her throat.

"Hello, sister."

"Lily? What are you doing here?"

Lilith put her head down, so Raine spoke up for her.

"She betrayed the emperor for you. She kept Luz safe."

Eda blinked a couple of times, trying to process it all.

Luz reached, cooing loudly. King shook his head, being brought back to reality, and leaped at Luz. Luz, who was obviously happy to see him, giggled and hugged his neck.

"And look! She even got out unscathed!"

"Except for some emotional trauma, yep!"

Lilith smiled, before turning away.

"Where do you think you're going?"

Lilith turned back to look at her sister.

"Come on, sis. You don't have anywhere to go. Stay here with us. It's the least I could do for-" Eda reached her hand out towards Lilith, but Lily placed her hand atop Eda's.

"It's okay. You haven't to repay me. I was just... helping my niece," Lilith smiled at Luz, who smiled back. "But... If you don't mind. I think I will take you up on that offer."

Eda smiled.

"Both of you are welcomed here anytime you want!" Raine and Lilith laughed.

"Well, Mango is really tired. So, do you mind if we camp out here for the night... again?" Raine laughed at theirself.

"Of course not, Rainstorm," Eda snorted. "I mean, I probably won't sleep for a week, but hey! Who cares?"

"Oh," Raine cracked their knuckles. "Don't worry. I have an idea."


Eda nuzzled into her nest, sighing in content. Yes. She felt safe, and yes. She felt like a mama.

Raine and Lilith were cramped in the nest with her, already snoring. Luz was tucked away at the head of the nest, right at face length with everyone else. King was wrapped protectively around her, as if trying to shield her of anymore unwelcomed visitors.

Finally content, Eda sighed and closed her eyes. Things were back to normal at last.


"Hoot! This is a fun game!" Hooty hooted as he sang The Frontdoorigan over and over again. His eyes were left pryed open as he was made to watch for intruders.

Sure, he was threatened big time. And sure, he was scared of Eda.

But in reality, Hooty knew he had to do his job, or else.

Strands of witches wool hung from the ceiling and trees, shielding unwanted visitors.

But Raine had knew that Belos wouldn't be back for a while. All of this would calm down, they had knew it.

Everything would go back to normal.

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