| sbi angst on...

By CloudyCrowxx

218K 4.6K 5.3K

!!UPDATED COVER ART!! ⚠️Warning⚠️ please do not read if you are triggered by: Themes of depression Anxiety... More

Introduction to my book :)
-The void 😟-
-The voices-
-The voices pt. 2-
-Maldaptive daydreaming disorder-
-Ana, friends, and panic-
-Ana, friends, and panic pt. 2-
-Arson... pog?-
-Fundy art from last chapter-
-Memory loss-
-Why do I want to be hurt?-
-Fly like a bird-
-What do you mean it's not normal??-
-Ana, friends and panic pt.3-
-Ayup loves, new book? + Important thing-
-All in my head-
-Clementine (for those 50 of you/srs)-
-Hes back-
-A/n skip if you want but pls read-
-Im sorry I lost it-
-Warm hugs-
-Red looks pretty on me-
-Red looks pretty on me (continued...)-
-Fingers pt.2-
-Scrappy acquaintances-
-To the people I've let down-
-To the people Ive let down pt.2-
-Catbur (100k fluff (:)-
-A Poem to the clouds-
-Sweet dreams!-
-Talk to me-
-Too much-
-Mini golfing is for lonely people-
-Grown ups scare me-
-You're just like me-
-Its my turn to die-
-Empty house empty bed-
-Night out, lights out-
-Eternal life is not a gift its a curse-
-Thats a wrap (A/N)-


1.8K 37 14
By CloudyCrowxx

Art credits to: jester_u2 on instagram (:

Requested: no
Character: Techno again
Setting: Technos house

Trigger warnings for this chapter:
• Greif
• Kind of derealization (idk if i'm using the term correctly so pls tell me but someone like disappears so ?? )

A/N: This is the continuation of two short chapters I wrote in the formatting of letters and I wanted to keep the storyline going but no one seemed interested and no one figured out my morse code (that I know of as of now) so I'm just gonna make this into a full chapter (:

|*~ Techno POV (3rd person)~*|

Another week another note, he didn't even know why he still went. He should have moved on years ago but yet here he was, he moved back here to move on but so far it wasn't working.

He brought the flowers from last week in and threw them on top of the ones from two and three weeks ago, it was easy to just throw them away for a normal person but Techno hated seeing life be discarded so easily.

Sure they were dead, but they still held meaning and importance, and that's why he couldn't move on.

Even though Dream was dead, his spirit was still there, it seemed everyone had forgotten about him, but not Techno.

Dream had always said his worst fear was being forgotten, so as long as he held on, as long as he grieved, he wouldn't move on.

He really was trying to get better but there were too many memories, too many things they hadn't done, swirling in his head. Now sitting down, he rested his head in his hands, blocking out the surroundings. That was until...

*sound of something breaking 😟*

He looked up to see the glass jar that was left on the table had fallen onto the floor and shattered. Techno groaned and went to get something to pick it up with but before he left the room he saw the picture frame wobbling, leaving scratch marks and an annoying sound, he goes up to it and presses it into the wall to stop it.

He began to get both intrigued and worried. He stepped back, taking his hands off the painting, it stayed still for a second before starting to wobble again, it looked like there was a force making it do that but to make sense of it he made himself believe it was just uneven on the nail.

That was until he heard a loud thump closer to the hallway.

He went to go look at what had happened. A book had fallen from the shelf to the floor, this was seeming less and less like a coincidence. Techno's breathing picked up as he slowly picked it up.

But just as he was doing that, he heard creaking from the hallway and a door swinging back and forth. He cautiously followed it, grabbing the door handle and closing it.

It swings back open and this time instead of the picture frame it was the mirror shaking.

"Stop! Whatever you are stop moving things!" He yells desperately

So it stops. But then the mirror starts fogging up, the letter D appears, followed by R E and A, he gasps softly realizing what it was. Just as he guessed the next letter that was written on the mirror was an M.

D R E A M, Dream.

He steps back into the door, realizing he closed it before. He slides down the wall and puts his head under his arms, starting to shake with silenced sobs.

Dream was there, he was actually there, He didn't know why it had taken this long for him to show up but there he was... it had been almost ten years. He began to cry harder, no particular thing it was more like everything at once.

But then he could feel something, it was something warm and welcoming and it was like it was giving him a hug. He looked up from his arms to see a soft glow and the shape of a man.

He recognized him immediately and his eyes grew wide, he looked so different but his presence was all the same.

"I- how are you- i'm so sorry- must have been awful- you-" Techno began speaking quickly, and he kept cutting himself off, Dream put a hand on his shoulder, stopping him.

"It's ok Techno, i'm ok, you're ok." He spoke

Techno calmed down before speaking again.

"How are you here...?"

"I was sent"

"B-by who?"

"I don't know, but what matters is that you aren't getting better. You're the reason I'm still here, because you haven't let go."

"I'm so sorry, I-I've tried I just-"

"But don't blame yourself." Dream cut off


"Don't blame yourself, it's not your fault I died and it's not your fault I haven't left either, yes you were part of it but I also chose to stay."

"Why? You could have moved on and not be stuck here with me..."

"I could see how much it affected you,  I didn't want to leave you either, we both needed to move on."

Techno was silent

"Which is why I have to say goodbye."

"No wait! Don't leave me again!" He plead, as the figure began to disappear

"I'm sorry"

Those were the last words Techno heard.

(I don't know how to describe this with writing but it's like in a video game when noise happens and they're back where they were 2 minutes ago if you know what I mean, if you don't the next part might be a little confusing)

There he sat, head in his arms again, quietly shaking, inhaling and exhaling at an uneven pace, making it harder to breathe than before.

Jar still shattered, painting and book on the floor, as the faucet in the bathroom dripped making sound in the now silent house.

Was it real, or was it just a dream?

992 words

Hope you liked it! And yes i'm back but not for long, i'll be gone wednesday-Sunday so you won't get any more chapters this week after this but next week probably

I still have 2 chapters planned but not written so be excited for those

I don't have too much more to say but I could tell you the norse code from the other chapter if you want? If I end up doing that it'll be in the comments under this paragraph _______>

You are loved and appreciated
I hope you're having a good day/night/whatever time of the day it is for you
Heres a h/h/h if you want it!
And some blue !!: 💙💙💙💙💙

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