Adopted By Andy Biersack {A B...

By fxckyourprettyfxce

11.8K 340 106

Karissa Smith lived in an adoption centre since a young age. She is surrounded with friends who care about he... More

All Hope Is Gone
Stay The Night
The Negative One
Kill Everbody
The Sky Under The Sea
Band Whore
Bullet Proof Love
Before I Forget
Dont Go
Ring A Ring A Rosey Satanic Circle Homies
Unicorns Are Real!
One Hundred Sleepless Nights
City Lights
Football Season Is Over
Success Is The Best Revenge
Author Note
Death Of Me
Collide With The Sky
In The End)(Epilogue)(In The End


256 7 1
By fxckyourprettyfxce

I don't remember what happened so I'm just gonna time skip a bit.

It was was the last date on the tour and we were walking back stage, well everyone but me, I was on oli's back.

"YONDER MY SEXY FUCK DUCK BOYFRIEND!", I screamed while Oli made weird horse noises and started galloping along.

He came to a halt when we reached the stage door. He opened the door and we went inside, hitting my head off the door frame as well :(

When got to the stage the tour manager was pissed (drunk) and he was high! Great.

"Bruuuuh I don't give a fuck what band goes first just get the fuck on that stage, if your stage fright just imagine them all butt naked", he laughed and walked off with half a bottle of vodka in his hands.


The bands were finished and we decided to go out and celebrate the end of tour. All the bands were going out except niamh and chris cause Thaler had to look after Kyle so they went home early.

"Ok, we're going to go to a night club. And I know that half of you are underage! So the girls that are underage, group up with a male band member that isn't underage, make your boobs bigger and let your inner groupie out!", they tour manager slurred.

Obviously I grouped up with oli, but the problem was that my brother is underage and so is cara. We decided to rock him up and make him look older and make cara a groupie. We went to get changed on the bus. I put on a black dress (the dress in the picture I don't know what groupies wear) I also put on black platform heels.

I teased my hair and did a smokey eye and then I was ready to leave.


We walked to the club which about 5 minutes away from where the bus had parked. We didn't have to wait in line when we got there cause we were going into V. I. P area so we got to skip the que.

We all sat in our booth while the asking guys went to get drinks. They eventually came back with vodka shots, jäger bombs, vodka and coke for girls, gin and come for guys and a bunch of real groupies. Typical.

"Ok guys, on the count of three we all take the vodka shot!", danny shouted over the loud shitty club music. "ONE, TWO, THREE!"

We downed the shouts, some people made weird faces at the taste and some people, gagged.


we all counted down this time and some people gave us stranger looks but we didn't care, we were kinda used to it.

We downed our shots and then I was dragged to the dance floor by claire, Megan and cara. We danced for what felt like forever. Them I went back to the booth and sat beside oli and drank my vodka and coke.


We were in the club for hours and I was totally wasted! Me and oli decided it would be fun to call Niamh and annoy her for a while.

"Ok,ok s-s-shhh. It's ringing!", I slurred and put a finger over olis lip.

Niamh- bold. Karissa- italics. Oli- bold and italics

what the fuck do you want Carrie?! It's like 2 in the morning!

Well no fucking shit s-s-Sherlock!

Me and Carrie wanted to sing you a song... Well mainly Carrie but I'll be d-d-doing back up vocals *hiccup*

Ok, but hurry up I gotta take a shit!

Okok it'll be like, super duper fast!

Just before I got to sing I dropped my phone and it smashed. Fuck!

"Shit! Oli I dropped the phone! And it's broken", I pouted at Oli.

"I'll get you a new one tomorrow", he smiled at me and I smiled back.

We went back into the night club and the last thing I remember was being asked to dance by some guy and I said no and he got angry and punched me, I got back up but I can't remember the rest.


I opened my eyes a tiny bit, but regretted it because it was bright and I'm a vampire. I rolled over onto my stomach and groaned.

"She's awake!", I heard a familiar voice shout

"Fuck off, I'm tired I don't wanna get up!", I shouted back

"Ms. Smith, do you know where you are", a unfamiliar voice asked. Ok no I don't know where I am

"Ummmm. I have no idea", I mumbled

"Your in the hospital, last night you got hit multiple times in the head and you were knocked unconscious. You could have died but your boyfriend umm.. Mr. Sykes stepped in, but he got it worse.." When I heard that rolled over on my back and sat up as quick as I could. When I opened my eyes I saw I was in a hospital room with two beds, I was on one and Oli was in the other opposite me. He looked pale and his eyes were closed.

"Is he dead?", my voice cracked when I said 'dead'

"No, he's just gonna be out for a little longer, he should wake up in another hour or so", I looked beside and saw a tall female with a white lab coat and a blue top on. Her blonde hair was up in a bun.

"What happened", my voice was beardy above a whisper.

"He was stabbed in the side and lost a lot of blood", I started to cry. I looked around the room and saw my dad (andy), my brother, olis mom and dad and Tom. All of them were crying.

Oli's P. O. V

where the fuck am I?

I looked around and all I could see was white, everything was white. I don't like it, it's hurting my eyes. I started to walk around a bit and I saw a woman standing there in a, of course, white dress. I got closer to her and she had long brown hair and blue eyes. When she saw me she smiled at me.

"Ahh, you must be oliver?"

"Ugh, yea but call me Oli", I smiled and shook her hand

"Ok, Oli, I'm Karissa's mother", she smiled and my eyes widened

"HOLY FUCKING SHIT AM I DEAD?!", I screamed, I started to panick, I don't want to die! I'm like way to young! I want to live!

"No, no,no, your just... In a small coma. Don't worry your fine!", she gave me a reassuring smile.

"So what are you doing here?", I asked in the most politest way possible.

"Well, I've been watching you and my daughter..", my smile faded and all the colour from my face drained. She was watching us! Holy shit! I'm sure that there's something's I didn't want her to see! And not to mention that her daughter is under age and I'm older than her! I'm pretty sure by now even the colours on my tattoos had drained!

"Y-y-y-you've been w-watching us?", I stuttered.

"Yep", she said popping the 'p' "and don't get me wrong there are something's a mother doesn't want to see"

Shit! And there it is. She's been watching our sexual acts. I didn't know what to say. I just looked at my feet and gave a nervous chuckle while scratching the back of my neck.

"You have to be very careful, since your over 18 and she isn't and there's some things that are going to happen when you wake up as well", she looked a bit sad when she said this.

"So.. Do you know when I'm going to die?", I asked

"Yes, but I'm not going to tell you when, you just need to wake up for now, I could make it easy and help you wake up, but because I've seen what you do to my daughter I'm gonna let you do it yourself", she gave me a innocent smile and disappeared.

Well fuck. I looked around me and realised that all the white was pealing away like wallpaper, but underneath was a black/grey colour. Eventually everything was black and I couldn't see anything or anyone, but I could here voices, I knew that it was my mum and dad I just couldn't make out what they were saying.


I opened my eyes and gasped for air like I hadn't been breathing for ages. I looked around to see a bunch of worried faces staring right back at me.

"Hey" was all I said and they started laughing, and I laughed along with them. But I couldn't help but think, what was karissa's mum on about when stephe said something was going to happen?


I've been in the hospital for about two days and today I'm being discharged! And to say I'm excited is a understatement! I hate the fucking food here! It tastes like road kill!!

Karissa came in with a bag that had fresh clothes and stuff that I needed. Then the doctor came in and took the IV dripped out of my arm. I signed the papers and I was free to go.

The car drive back home was silent other than the radio playing in the background. We soon arrived at the BVB house and karissa helped inside.

She brought me up the stairs and into her room and I laid down while she out my stuff away. When she was done she came to lie down with me. We both fell asleep for a few hours.

When I woke up karissa was gone. I got up slowly and walked down the stairs. There was no one in the front room or in the kitchen. Did they leave me here on my own? I put my hand in my pocket and checked my phone for messages. None.

I went into the front room and watched TV. Just as I turned it in, Ricky (horror) came running down the stairs.

"Hey, do you know where karissa is?", I asked him, he nodded but before I could ask where he was already walking into the kitchen.

I slowly got up to follow him, but he wasn't in the kitchen, he went out into the back, I could tell cause he left the door slightly open. I looked out to see him talking to karissa. So that where she was!

I decided to be nosey and listen to what they were talking about. It sounded like she was crying, I wonder why.

Karissa's P. O. V

I sat in the back garden waiting for Ricky to come out. When he did he sat down beside and out his arm over my shoulder.

"Ricky I don't know what I'm going to do!", I cried into his shoulder

I looked up at Ricky and he opened his mouth to say something but before he could, the doorbell rang. He jumped up to get it. We walked in side, when I got to the sprint room I could see Oli walking to answer it. I told him to sit down and I went and got it myself.

When I answered it, the cops where at the other side of the door.

"Umm, can I help you?", I asked

"Yes, is oliver Sykes here?", the male officer asked

"Yea, he's in h-" before I even got to finish my sentence they barged past me and ran into the front room. I ran after then and saw that they had put Oli in cuffs. What. The. Fuck?!

"Oliver I'm arresting you for being a pedophile (that's not what I was going for but I don't know what they say but this sounds funny so I'm leaving it😂) you do not have to say anything but anything you do say will be held against you in court do you understand?", the female officer stated

"PEDOPHILE?!", I screamed

"Yes Ms. Smith, it has come to our attention that you are only 16 years old and oliver is in fact 21 years old", I mentally face palmed. Well fuck me this is fucking shitty!


It's been a month since Oli was arrested and he was sentenced to 6 years in prison. I'm going to visit him today.

I arrived at the station and gave them my details they let me go through, a guard showed me were to go. I had to go through metal detectors which obviously went off cause of my piercings but they understood and let me through.

I walked into a room that had other people visiting their loved ones as well. Oli was sitting all the way at the end.

I walked over to him and sat down opposite the table. He looked up and gave me a weak smile.

"Hey", I whispered as I sat down.

"Hey, how have you been?" He asked

"Umm, good I guess.. I miss you, a lot"

"I miss you to" he wiped the tear that had fallen for my eye.

"I have to umm, tell you something..."when I said that he looked nervous


"I-I-I'm... Pregnant", I stuttered and started crying.

He just sat there with no expression, then.. "What?", he sounded a bit annoyed

"I'm pregnant", when I said it a second time he got up and stormed away, I suppose he went back to his cell.

I started to cry and one of the female guards came over and took me to a room. Apparently she heard our whole conversation so she called my dad and he came to pick me up.

I got home and told the, what happened. I'm 2 months pregnant, I only found out when I was in the hospital cause they did check ups and shit and found out I was pregnant.

I was going to tell him but he got arrested and now my life is a mess!


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