The Goddess of Emotion

By bffbnj

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This is a story about a young ladies journey into her true life as a Goddess. She goes through many trials t... More

The Goddess of Emotion Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 Goddess of Emotion
Chapter 5 - Goddess of Emtion
Chapter 6- Goddess of Emotion
Chapter 7- GOE - Elder Ruebens entry.
Chapter 8 - A Mystery Date
Chapter 10- The Journal
Chapter 11 - Shopping
Chapter 12 Turmoil
Chapter 13 - Awakening

Chapter 9- Goddess of Emotion

44 1 0
By bffbnj

Hey everyone! I Know it has been a while since I wrote a chapter but I am doing it now.

Just a bit of an explanation so far as to who is a God of what and what powers they have SO FAR. They will be growing and getting more powers as they go.

Ivan is the God of Winter- We know he can move objects with his powers & eventually will be controlling Winter itself.

Isadora is the Goddess of Emotion- What we know about her is that she can read peoples minds and emotions.

Elder Shayde is the God of Night- We dont know much about his powers except that maybe he has an aura about himself that he enchances desire.

Elder Rueben, God of Secrets - We have yet to find out.

Gloria- Goddess of Natures Growth. - We have yet to find out.

©bffbnj- Brenda England

I leaned against the door trying to stop my heart from racing and my breathing to calm. I knew that my life was spinning out of control and I had absolutely no idea how to slow it down or even make it stop without hurting someone. After a few moments I slid down the door and sat there thinking about all the events that have been going on.

There were 3 different men that were interested in me or am I confused. It was obvious that Shayde was interested in me after our adventure at the creek and horseback riding. He was an amazing man . He is so sexy, caring, affectionate, and I truly loved spending time with him. However, was I sure he was one of the guys that gave me the flower? Honestly I wasn't. I had just assumed he had. I made a mental note to ask him next time I seen him.

Then there was Ivan. He told me himself that he had given me a flower. At least I didn't have to question him about it. But did I really like Ivan any other way than a friend. I shook my head and ran my fingers through my hair. I honestly didn't know at this point. I didn't feel the same desires for him as I do Shayde but I thought he was adorably cute and a blast to hang out with.

Lastly, there was the creepy Elder Rueben. I wasn't 100 percent sure that he sent me a flower. It just seemed that since I wore that tulip in my hair he was trying to talk to me more and hang out. Plus he had asked me to join him for breakfast. I know he has been working overly hard to try and figure out who my stalker was. So, I just couldn't be mean to him. Plus he was like in charge here. I knew I needed to talk to him and clear things up but I was just a bit afraid of him. He was being nice to me now but I had seen him get really angry at some of the other student Gods and it was not a very pretty sight.

After a few minutes of stirring on what to do I finally came to the conclusion that I was just going to talk to all of them. Rueben was going to find out that I was not interested in him and that I had no intentions of being in a courtship with him. Id just have to find a way to do it gently so he wouldn't get angry at me.

I was satisfied with my conclusion. I got up and began to get ready for bed. I crawled into my comfy bed and drifted off to sleep. I was having a wonderful dream about my home and horse Gallant when something startled me. I opened my eyes quickly, reaching for my light.

"Who is there?" I looked around and no one was around but could of swore that I heard my bedroom door open and then shut. Maybe I am just being paranoid. I got up and went to the bedroom door, checking to be sure that I had in fact locked the door. I looked around and everything seemed to be in place. I was really starting to get paranoid I thought.

I crawled back under my covers and laid for a while before finally drifting back off to sleep. Only this time I was dreaming a vivid dream of Shayde and Elder Rueben. They were arguing about something. This one was like the others that I had in my bathtub. I couldn't hear exactly what they were saying but I could tell they were angry about something. Shayde was pointing at what looked like a dungeon door. I walked closer to him for a moment trying to make out what he was saying.

Frustrated, I decided I would at least try to peer into the room that separated the dungeon door and this one. I stood on my tippy toes trying to look inside. All I could see was a figure laying on top of a cot. Whoever it was was covered from head to toe by blankets. Well I wasn't going to get any answers this way so I walked back over to where Rueben and Shayde were standing.

This is so weird. I don't remember having dreams like this growing up. They were screaming at each other, I could tell by the veins in their neck that stood out. Shayde's forehead was scrunched up. He plopped down on the chair and ran his hands through his hair. The turmoil and grief of whatever was happening was so sad. I wanted to comfort him but I knew that neither of them could see me.

I woke to my alarm going off. Still exhausted I got up. It was another day at the Castle of the Gods. I really needed to talk to someone about these dreams that I am having. They can't be normal because I couldn't react in them. But I did not want to go see Elder Rueben about them since he was a part of them. I decided that I would visit Elder Sonrae, She had mentored me growing up and helped me deal with my mind reading problems. She was the teacher of my 3rd class of the day.

The morning was pretty normal in the castle. I ate breakfast with Ivan and Gloria. We had a break coming up and we got 2 weeks that we didn't have to attend classes. A lot of the students were going home to visit their families. I on the other hand, had no one to go home to so I would be staying here. Gloria was leaving on Friday and would be gone for the first entire week. Ivan wasn't leaving til the following week so at least I knew he would keep me company while Gloria was gone. Maybe by then I could figure out what my feelings were for Ivan. I hated feeling like I was stringing him along. But I honestly just didn't know.

We finished our first 3 classes and I told them to go ahead without me. I needed to talk to Elder Sonrae. I made sure to wait til all the students were gone before approaching her.

"Elder Sonrae could I have a few minutes of your time. I just don't know who else to talk to or who I can trust to be honest." I pulled a chair up next to her desk so we didn't have to speak loudly.

"Of course Dear, how can I help you?" She asked me. She was so wonderful and warm. She made everyone feel like they were special just by the way she looked at you. It was as if she was able to peer into your heart and warm it from the inside out. "what ever you need to talk about it stays in this classroom. So feel free."

"Thank you Elder Sonrae." I crossed my hands on my lap, nervous of what she would say when I told her what all had been happening. "Well I been having these dreams, but they are different from my original dreams. I am not exactly sure how to explain them to you. " I stood up and paced a bit, "Its like I am part of the dream but only looking from the outside in. I can see what is going on in the dream but I cannot interact with anyone in the dream. " I stopped wanting Elder Sonrae to say something, anything at all to make me more comfortable.

" Isadora, I don't think these are dreams at all dear. I think you are having visions of things to come. I remember when you God Mother and I would talk she would tell me of certain things that were going to happen before they happened. She never exactly told me that she had visions but she always knew when things were going to happen even before they did. " She reached into her desk pulling out a journal.

"I am going to show you something. You see Goddess Xarina and I were very close friends, like you and Gloria have came to be. Before she was taken onto the other world and you were born she gave me her journal. She told me that when you were ready that I was to give it to you. " Her love for my God Mother was shown in the way she was caressing the journal.

I was shocked. And excited and didn't even know what to say, " Really?" I smiled feeling like I had finally a part of my family with me. Part of who and what I was to become.

"Isadora, before I give you this I have to explain some things. Some of which you may find inside may scare you. It may not be what you want to hear. Your God Mother seen things that are happening still. Even after she is gone she has written the future in this book. " She smiled, " are you sure you are ready for this? " she asked me before sliding the book across her desk to me.

I was so nervous, my hands were trembling. " I believe I am Elder Sonrae." I fidgeted in my chair. " Did you know that I was coming to see you today?" This is so amazing.

She smiled at me, warming and comforting me. "Yes, I did sweetie. She knew you would come asking questions and that is why I was to give you the journal." She moved around her desk, bringing the book with her. " There is however, one last thing. You must not speak of this journal to anyone. Xarina guarded her journal with her life. If anyone was to find out the future a lot of bad things could happen. Hide it where no one would look, where no one will find it Issy. "

She leaned forward handing it to me. I reached out taking the journal, holding it in front of me in a state of awe. I could see the future. Shaking my head, "I can see the future?"

"Issy, you are so young and have much to learn. You will have many powers and many will want to take that power from you by any means possible. Be careful and if you need anything, remember I am here for you." She walked towards me with open arms. I walked into her embrace, not sure if I was more afraid or excited of what was to come.

"Thank you Elder Sonrae." I smiled. "this is amazing, I don't know how to repay you."

As she walked to her door she stated, "Just keep your secrets safe and keep the future away from the ugly people and Gods that are around. That is payment enough." She walked out the door leaving me in her classroom to stand and stare at the book that in my hands.

Everything was so jumbled in my head. So that means that Elder Rueben and Shayde are going to have a huge fight and someones going to be locked in a dungeons? I also seen Ivan arguing with the kitchen lady? I wonder what all that is about. Well one this is for sure and that is Rueben is one scary man. It also made me realize that Shayde was in fact in a turmoil about something. And well, Ivan was upset with the kitchen lady about something. I wanted so desperately to figure out the puzzle of my life and the happenings that were going on.

I hugged the journal and decided that I was going to skip the rest of the classes for today. We only had 2 days left before our vacation anyways. Holding the journal close to me I skipped up the stairs, anxious to get into my new reading material. I was so excited I didn't see Elder Rueben around the curve of the spiral staircase. I ran right smack into the front of him, dropping the journal.

I quickly grabbed the journal, not wanting him to see what it was that I had. "Sorry Elder Rueben. " I looked down and tried to continue one when he grabbed my arm.

"Aren't you supposed to be in your 4th period class right now? The entire time he held my arm, not allowing me to move forward. He stared at me and was eying the journal when I responded.

"Yeah I am not feeling well. So, I am just going to go to my room and rest. If that is OK" I was worried he may catch on to my lie.

His eyebrows pinched together before finally letting my arm go and excusing me to carry on. " Carry on then, I hope you feel better Dear." He smiled at me trying to be charming.

I shivered, "Thanks." I hurried up the stairs, trying to get away from Mr king creepy himself.

Once inside my door , I made sure to lock it. I was so anxious to open the journal and see what my life had in store for me. I kicked my shoes off and plopped down in my chair next to the nightstand.

I was totally unaware that I had been holding my breath as I opened the journal. What the first page said was shocking on its own.

Dear Isadora,

If you reading this it is because you have began to have visions. At first when they come it will appear to be a dream of sorts. I'm guessing they have no audio to them at all. Our lives, yours and mine are very important and are intertwined. I have seen into your future and know that you will be a great Goddess. The journey will not be easy. It is however, very important that you believe in yourself and that you stay focused.

Some of the people you love and cherish will push and pull your emotions. Some of the things that happen and you will see will make you question your judgment. But trust your heart Isadora. It will not lead you wrongly.

Now some of the things in this journal will help guide and teach you how to use your skills. It is so very important that you do not speak to anyone about your ability to see the future. Only the Elders know of what I was capable of but they are unsure if you will take on all of my abilities. Only Goddess Sonrae knows now. So, as you turn the page you will see things, so prepare yourself for a bit of your future.

Sincerely, Goddess Xarina

ps. Beware of Elder Rueben. With a single touch he can tell your secrets!

My mouth was wide open and to say I was shocked would be an understatement. I sat staring at the page in front of me. Rereading all of it, over and over and over again. I was going to have to carry this secret. But WAIT.... Elder Rueben grabbed my arm when I was going to my room. SHIT! I wonder if he knew I had Xarina's journal. Or if he could just tell I was lying.

I sat on my bed for what seemed like hours, debating on turning that page. Frustrated I got up and paced my room. A bit later I laid down on my bed, then paced my room and sat in the chair. I just didn't know what the hell to do. Debating, if I should continue on. I knew I needed to read it to learn how to control these visions. I was just scared of what my future held.

Finally after the rest of the day was basically gone and it was time for dinner, I hid my journal in my shoe box and went downstairs to eat. I hadn't ate lunch and I was starving. I finally decided I would read a page a day out of the journal. I was content on having a piece of my past and something to guide me. I just hoped that what my future held, would not hurt me terribly.


Please make sure you vote if you like the story and give any feedback you think I need. Thanks for reading. Stay tuned for more exciting things to come.

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