Tiger Stripes (Iida x Chubby...

By Echo4267

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Her life was as normal as it could be until a certain nerdy hunk popped into her life. More



967 21 2
By Echo4267

In homeroom the next morning, you could tell that each pair was slightly more acquainted than before - Iida and y/n being no exception. There was minimal conversation between them, but whenever they were assigned to do something, he always asked if she needed help with anything. Even though everybody was finally getting used to each other, the majority of people sat with their original friends.

"So, y/n... How was your weekend...?"

"Honestly, It wasn't bad," She explained much to Cam's surprise.

"Really? Did you not wind up studying the whole time?"

"Not once, actually."

"Damn, that's... different than what I expected." 

"Me too, but enough about me. What was your weekend like?" 


"As expected."

"I know! I almost exploded!"

"Just talk and maybe he'll answer?"

"I tried!" 

"Well, we just started, so we'll see how it goes?"

Cam agreed, then stopped in thought, "You're oddly optimistic today... are you sick or something?"

"No? I feel fine."

"Weird." Eventually, lunch ended and the class went back to their seats and finished out the day. 

Finally, the day was over, and Ms. Harris stepped in, "I hope all of you had a productive weekend with your partners. Please don't forget, log each interaction along with the emotions and thoughts connected to them. Have a nice rest of your day, you're dismissed."

Anxiously, the class rushed out of their seats and out, basically running through the halls. Like the rule follower he is, Iida called throughout the hallway, "Please, no running in the halls!"

Y/n heard this and found him strolling in the hallway, "Chill dude, people just wanna get home."

"But this could cause a potential danger!"

"I haven't heard of anything happening because somebody was running in the halls?"

"Doesn't mean it cannot happen."

"There's no convincing you, is there?"

"I am a follower of the rules, l/n."

"Doesn't it get boring? Loosen up!"

"School has never been boring to me!"

"We'll work on it..." Y/n walked faster ahead and treaded through the front doors of the school. 

"Miss. L/n!"

She turned around at the call of her name, "Huh?"

Iida caught up to her at the door, "Let me walk you home."

"Why? I can get home on my own."

"It's my duty as your partner to make sure you get home safely."

Y/n stood with a blank face, "My house is only a few blocks away..."

"For the sake of the project, I cannot let you go on your own." 

She stood in disbelief, but let it happen knowing there was no convincing him, "Fine, fine."

"I do not know which way you go to get home, so I will let you take the lead." 

"Alright." She walked home like she normally would, her partner just following her this time. Admittedly, it was awkward just having him silently walk behind, but she tried her best to ignore it. 

"Did you fill out the log for this past weekend?"


"L/n! You have to complete your work, or we'll fail the project."

"It's such a pain in the ass though, I don't feel like it."

"Language, but there is no option here."

"Yeah, I know, I'm just lazy." 

"You aren't lazy, there's just no desire to do it, and it's evident." 

"Damn, alright..."

"Just being honest. If you need assistance, please let me know."

"Alright," She went quiet, "Thanks."

"It's my pleasure."

The short walk to her house finally ended, and she almost rushed in without saying anything - That was until she stopped to think. "Hey, Iida."

"Yes, l/n?"

"Can you uh, help me with some work?"

"Of course," he started towards her, "Is there anything specific you needed help with?"

"Just math for now, I think." 

"Yes, today's lesson can become quite confusing."

"Yeah," She walked inside and went to her room to take off her bag, then grab what she needed out of it - heading to the kitchen table to place it down. Throughout the house, Iida shadowed her, not knowing what else to do. "You can sit, you know?"

"If you say so."

"Want a drink?"

"I'll take a glass of ice water if you don't mind."

"Ok," She grabbed a glass for him and one for herself, filling them up accordingly. 

"Thank you, l/n. Now what was it exactly that you needed help with?"

"Everything. He didn't explain it clearly at all." She took the homework page out along with a pencil, and let Iida take the lead in explaining how to do it while she followed his steps on paper. With careful explanation, he guided her through the homework, allowing her to finally understand it all. "Ohh, so you just- got it." 

Iida smiled in reaction to his teachings paying off. They finished the work page and moved on to another, not needing as much help with this subject. After completing the day's work, y/n could finally relax. "How about we take a break, and pick back up with the project log?"

"Iida...! Come on," she groaned.

"You have to complete it l/n."

"But this project's dumb, so what's the point?"

"To test a theory." 

"You take everything seriously, don't you?" 

"How else am I supposed to take things?"

"You're ridiculous..."

"Is there something wrong with it?"

"No, no. Just interesting to see a different perspective of life."

"How come?"

"Well I, for one, stopped taking things so seriously a while ago. Shit just got so hectic that I just... gave up."

"Language, but care to elaborate?"

She sat in thought, "Maybe another time. There's a lot and I don't feel like going through it again."

"As you wish, but if you ever need to talk, I am here."

She looked up at him, "Thanks, Iida."

He completed the eye contact and smiled, "Any time, l/n." He then checked his watch, "I should probably get home and do my own work now. I wouldn't want to worry my mother."

"Alright. Thanks for the help."

"You're welcome. Please do not be afraid to reach out," he got up and grabbed his bag off the floor.

"Alrighty... Get home easy."

"Thank you, l/n. I will see you tomorrow." He said his goodbyes and headed off toward his own house.

"He really isn't a bad guy... He still has a stick up his ass, but he means well."

She kept in her seat in thought, then connected from Iida, to doing the project. Although she despised doing it, she got up to grab her materials. Luckily, she had an unused binder from last year and some loose-leaf paper, putting it inside. 

Coming back to the table, she started to draft her and Iida's weekend interactions along with that day's so far - including other details Harris mentioned. Throughout her writing, she questioned what this project would boil down to - would they just hand in their log, or would they have to create a slideshow? She wouldn't know until later, but it was interesting to think of.

After writing down as much as she could remember, she went back into her room to change out of her constricting uniform. While taking it off, she happened to be in front of the mirror - out of habit, she observed her body, seeing the red lines her skirt and undergarments had made on her skin. "I really need to slim down. This uniform is getting tight..." She changed into her loose-fitting pajamas and sat on her bed. Her stomach grumbled from not eating after school like she normally does. "I better not eat if I want to get somewhere."

She rolled over on her bed facing the wall, wanting to doze off but was quickly disrupted by the sound of her phone.

It was from Iida, "I have gotten home safely. I hope you did your work."

She sook her head and replied, "I did"

"Wonderful. Have a good rest of your day, l/n."

"u too Iida"

She placed her phone away from her and tried to doze off once more, easily being completed by her exhausted mind. This project had crowded her mind and social life so much already and it's almost been a week - If it was like this so early, how would it go for the next couple months?

1302 words

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