
Por RuselLAst

17.8K 2K 661

Is Religion Evil as it pits one chosen people against another? What is Evil? Is technology evil as it alters... Más

1 - Episode 1 Orange Man
2 - Episode 1 Dust Demon
3 - Episode 1 Special Ops
4 - Episode 1 Desert Psycho
5 - Episode 2 Midnight Lady
6 - Episode 2 Black Valkyrie
7 - Episode 2 Screw the Bankers
8 - Episode 2 Reinvestment
9 - Episode 3 Flower Petal Girl
10 - Episode 3 White Tigress
11 - Episode 3 Fox Maiden
12 - Episode 4 Five Eyes
13 - Episode 4 Conference Politics
14 - Episode 4 Private Protocols
15 - Episode 4 Slavic Revenge
16 - Episode 5 Captain Jim
17 - Canberra HQ
18 - Sparky
19 - Episode 6 Forest Retreat
20 - Mermaids Kiss
21 - Mermaids Reach
22 - Episode 7 La Matrona
23 - Agent Riles
24 - Air National Guard
25 - Episode 8 Wailing Wall
26 - The Face
27 - Samoom
28 - The Wall
29 - Episode 9 EMP Dust
30 - Dust Wars
31 - None So Blind
32 - Nothing Will Ever Be the Same
33 - Episode 10 Destabilising the Status Quo
34 - Numbers Game
35 - Shut It Down
36 - Episode 11 Time Delay
37 - Secrecy
38 - Scams Up
39 - Episode 12 Peace Art
40 - Serious Science
41 - Breaking the Silence
42 - Episode 13 Afternoon Delight
43 - Give it a Rest
44 - What's Happened To Them
45 - Episode 14 Karen Sanctuary
46 - Professor Des Ball
47 - Jungle Power
48 - Episode 15 Apothecary
49 - Tea Ceremony
50 - Fire Horse
51 - Episode 16 Afghan Herbs
52 - Afghan Redux
53 - Afghan Companion
53b - Afghan Sleeper
54 - Episode 17 Baghdad
55 - Syrian Empire
56 - Syrian Messiah
57 - Syrian Resurrection
58 - Syrian Epiphany
59 - Syrian Rescue
60 - Episode 18 Bohdan and Sirin
61 - Sirins' Spell
62 - It's a Leshy
63 - Episode 19 Enigma Man
64 - Man to Man
65 - Peace Park
66 - Artscape
67 - Fractured
69 - Al Latiff
70 - NATO
71 - Fractals
72 - Team AIME
73 - Episode 21 What a View
74 - The Dust Clears
75 - Episode 22 Phone Call
76 - Line of Sight
77 - Flying Squad
78 - Episode 23 World Wide Web
79 - Fungus
80 - Brain Damage
81 - Prion
82 - Episode 24 North of the Border
83 - Border Party
84 - Border Team
85 - Episode 25: Skylon
86 - Orbital Testing
87 - Orbital Affair
88 - Orbital Docking
89 - Aero Braking
90 - Episode 26: Southerly Buster
91 - Encrypted Link
92 - Orbital Traffic Cop
93 - Episode 27: For Your Ears Only
94 - Point of No Return
95 - Alien Memories
96 - Dust to Dust
97 - From on High

68 - Episode 20 Hanseatic Law

151 19 7
Por RuselLAst

Day 12: Lubeck - North Germany

Florian Berg watched his auto drive console indicate they would shortly be exiting the 200 kph lane and preparing to take the Lubeck exit off the autobahn. His new HyperE Mercedes was a sheer pleasure to commute back and forth from Brussels to his home in the old Hanseatic city of Lubeck. His family had lived there since the establishment of the Hanseatic League itself and he was very proud of his history.

“Jim, I know this is very difficult for you, but slow down and talk me through it again. I’ve been up nearly all night with this and I’ve difficulty with your accent at times!” Florian was trying to be as polite as possible with his new allies. His new assistant from Brussels, Colm Herron was right though, Aussies did things too quickly and took too many risks. Apparently Colm thought that was quite admirable, but then again he was Irish.

“Right then Florian. I’ve one team in Syria with a direct Incarna encounter!” “Yah, I got that and you have video and spectral scans?” “Yep, correct. Once we have these analysed I’ll courier it through to you but at this stage,” and Jim paused, “it is raising more questions that it has answered.” Jim paused and Florian watched as his HyperE exited the autobahn and moved slowly into the flow of traffic heading for Lubeck.

“Jim, I’ll be at my Lubeck office in about 15 minutes. You can send through your preliminary findings via that secure link. If it is as you say, then we can start to locate the launch positions of these penetrator weapons. Now what of our other options?”

Florian wouldn’t have to take control of his vehicle if the traffic was within the HyperE’s systems capacity to recognise and process. It had got better with each trip as the Intelligent Analysis Node of the system learned from each journey and automatically upgraded the response parameters.

“Well, the Korean debacle has actually been more trouble than it was worth. Every religious nutcase in Asia appears to have turned up to preach some form apocalyptic cult message. We’ve teams at each of the impactor sites. The data is phenomenal. We have spectral analysis of dust residues. We’ve estimates now of terminal velocities and Impactor characteristics, including shock wave propagation. My folks here are just standing around with their mouths open drooling as they crunch the numbers!”

Florian allowed himself a chuckle at his friends expense. “Ser gut mein freund! I look forward to the deluge. I’ll be in contact shortly.” Florian closed the link and watched as the screen showed the security link close off any chance of hacking or bugging. Everybody on the planet was trying to break into his systems at present. Even that contrary Harold Parrish had used his new AIME system to have a go.

“Harold,” he’d said firmly when he’d rung him personally. “We may be friends and my family have actual Jaeger traditions, but stay away from my systems!” “My apologies Florian, but you can’t blame me for trying old son! You did let it be known it was the most secure system in existence!” “Point taken Harold, so you won’t mind the little gift I sent AIME. I’m sure Max will find it soon enough!” Florian had chuckled at Harold’s silence and waited for the usual laughter when Harold was challenged in some way. It came and went and they said goodbye.

Florian had only waited 3.5 minutes before Max Parrish had been on the phone chiding him for making it so simple to find, and next time please make it more challenging, and dad doesn’t mind, really!. Max and Florian had met at the Max Planck Institute where they were both studying Applied Quantum Physics. Florian because he was already renowned for his IT developments and Max because Harold had asked him to join the Jaeger International Quantum Computer development program.

Trying to hack each others computers had become a game they had continued after graduation. Florian had gone onto work with German Intelligence and the UN and Max became Chief of IT with Jaeger. Harold had been and still was very proud. Max had developed their game into a complete Jaeger department and upon that the reputation for best security software in the world.

Florian pulled into his driveway and the door to the garage opened with perfect timing. If he could congratulate the system he would but self aware AI was still decades away, if at all. He waited for the garage door to close and the security scan gave the all clear. No-one had ever got passed any his garage door security systems but protocols had to be followed or errors were introduced into the system. The light over the entrance door to his house came on and the car doors opened out allowing complete access to the travel compartment. The cabin was configured only with four pivoting seats for the occasional conference ‘in commute.’ The cabin could be set up with extras but Florian didn’t run a shuttle service. 

Florian unfurled his slim frame from his drivers seat. Sieglinde was always telling him to uncross his legs, it made him him look too effeminate. He’d always been androgenous, in his own slim build, black hair swarthy complexion way. His Mutter always said he was a throw back to some distant Hansa trader ancestor.

Florian picked up his brief case from next to the front door pillar and walked straight across to his entrance door which opened automatically and closed immediately behind him. The system only allowed the same people from the car to enter the house and the door didn’t open if there was anyone else or there were different biometrics presented to the sensors as had been present in the car.

Florian smirked. It was a complete waste of time to have this level of security in Germany, but Florian enjoyed the game he played by continually tinkering with the system then freezing development on one version which he then sold for specific purposes through a company that he didn’t have any possible connection with.

Florian checked the appointment screen next to his coat rack. His wife and assistant were already in the office, plus their observer, then the rest of the morning was clear. Good, he could take his siesta and then have a decent dinner tonight. Maybe down at the harbour and he and Sieglinde could relax from the world for awhile.

“Haus,” he said in his computer control voice, “einer cafe bitter.” He took off his business shoes and socks and squirmed his feet on the carpet giving them some relief from the nearly 20 hours they’d been confined in those Birkenstocks. I might get a massage from Sigi before dinner, he thought as he unbuttoned his shirt and walked to his bathroom. He heard the coffee stop trickling from the expresso machine in the renovated old kitchen and tossed his shirt in the bathroom wash basket. He carefully emptied his pockets then took off his Australian wool trousers and hung them on their rack. His ePhone went into its charger cradle.

“Haus, shower, 42 degrees danke.” The water started immediately and he waited for the steam before entering. He closed his eyes and let the water play across his neck and shoulders. Florian felt the world relax,and wash down the drwon to be recycled as somebodies problems elsewhere. He wished it could stay that way, all these Incarna phenomena was all very interesting and challenging but … Still it allowed he and Sigi to work together, with her running the Lubeck office and project managing all their subcontracts while he traipsed back and forth to Brussels.

“Haus, shower off, air dry, danke.” Florian lifted his arms as the warm air swirled about him and dried him off. He stepped out of the shower stall and towelled himself down and then giving himself a good dry brushing with his favourite long handled back brush.

He grabbed the collarless shirt and draw string trousers Sigi had put out for him and padded out to the kitchen in his barefeet. He picked up his cup of organic fair trade Ethiopian black coffee and breathed deeply of it’s rich aroma, the best in the world! This would give him a boost through to lunch time and be out of his system by the time he took his siesta.

He padded out through the renovated original part of the the house to the connecting door of the new high tech section. Sigi looked up from her station and gave him that big gorgeous bavarian smile of hers. Thorsten waved without looking up from whatever had his full attention or nearly all of it and Florian turned to their observer.

“Abd al-Latif ibn Yusuf al-Baghdadi, salam alaikum!” The tall slender man dressed impeccably in a well cut grey suit turned and smiled. He gave a slight bow and touched a hand to his forehead, his lips then his chest.

“Alaikum salam, Herr Berg!”

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