The Love Potion[Spellbound]

Phamous által

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Christina accidentally spills a powerful love potion on Kevin. The real problem is, because of what she did a... Több

The Love Potion.
The Love Potion
The Love Potion
The Love Potion.
The Love Potion
The Love Potion
The Love Potion
The Love Potion - A Broken Heart
The Love Potion - Fighting Back
The Love Potion - The Jinx
The Love Potion - How To Kill A Witch
The Love Potion - Don't Die
The Love Potion - Possession
The Love Potion - The Wiccan Leader
The Love Potion - Decisions Decisions
The Love Potion - Confrontations
The Love Potion - Mom
The Love Potion - The Last Wiccan

The Love Potion - Kevin's Tale

2.2K 39 9
Phamous által

Chapter 18 – Kevin’s Tale

A/N sorry I meant to write Kevin’s POV in the first person narration, I didn’t realize what I had done until it was finished. And I couldn’t rewrite it because that would be too much work, but I hope you guys like it anyways….. 

Kevin’s POV

“Kevin you’ve got a phone call.” Susan called from downstairs.

For a couple of seconds Kevin pretended he had not heard his girlfriend calling him, he didn’t feel like talking to anyone today, and anyway he didn’t want to go downstairs and look at Susan.

“Kevin.” Susan yelled this time.

Kevin winced, the sound of her voice annoyed him, it was like a bee buzzing in his ear, “What.” He shouted back.

“I said you’ve got a phone call.” She called again.

“Who is it?” Kevin asked irritated, why was he mad anyway, he asked himself, for almost a week, everything seemed to piss him off and he just couldn’t explain it because there was no reason for him to be pissed off.

“It’s er….Christina’s dad.”

Even though they were far away from each other Kevin could sense the uneasiness in Susan’s voice, she probably had a deep frown on her face also, he didn’t have to be a mind reader to guess what was going on, Susan loathed Christina with a passion, all she wanted was for them to go far away from anything that had to do with Christina.

After hearing it was Christina’s dad on the line, he got up from his chair and raced downstairs, the dark cloud which had settled over him seemed to have been lifted.

“Hey john.” Kevin greeted happily when he picked up the phone, at the corner of his eye he saw Susan rolling her eyes and leaning forward to eavesdrop on his conversation.

“Oh hi Kevin.” Christina’s dad greeted back.

“Is anything wrong…….. Is Christina okay.” He didn’t think mentioning someone’s name would make his heart pump faster leaving him gasping for air, but Christina’s name did that to him.

“Yes she’s ok, the reason why I’m calling is to remind you that your next doctor appointment is next week and Jade is throwing a party tomorrow and she asked me to invite you.”

A party? Christina would be there, was it a good idea to see her after everything that had happened?

“Kevin?” John asked after he hadn’t spoken for several seconds.

“Er yeah sure I’ll be there.”

“Good we’ll be expecting you and Gloria says hi.” John added.

After Kevin hanged up, he felt a dull ache settle in his heart, what the hell was he doing, every part of him wanted to see Christina again, he missed her so much, yet here he was cooped up with Susan who seemed to annoy him with each passing day.

“What was all that about.” Susan asked.

“Nothing…I’m going out.” He replied stiffly, then went searching for his car keys; he needed sometime away from Susan to sort certain things out.

“Kevin what’s wrong with you? You stay here all day locked in your room doing God knows what and then when you finally come out you act distant and don’t talk to me.” Susan complained bitterly.

“Susan stop nagging me.” It took all his self control not to yell at her.

“I don’t understand anything anymore, I waited three years patiently for you to wake up so we could be together but all you care is about that Christina girl, I don’t even know what you see in her she’s so plain and….”

“SHUT UP.” Kevin yelled, how dare she talk about Christina like that, “You don’t know what you’re talking about, Christina is the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, any man would kill just to be with her” He was so angry at Susan that he felt if he didn’t get out of this house quickly he would snap her neck into two.

Kevin grabbed his keys and stormed out, how dare she insult Christina, anyone who was not blind could tell how beautiful she was, Christina was more woman than Susan a gazillion times.

“So what are you doing with Susan if Christina is so beautiful?” His conscience asked him.

Frankly he didn’t know why he had walked away from Christina, yeah when he had been under the love potion he strongly suspected the feelings that he felt for Christina had been fake, but what was his excuse now.

He would wake up sometimes in the middle of the night praying to see blue eyes staring at him, but all he got was Susan’s dark eyes and red hair, he would then turn away with disgust. Sometimes when he thought about Christina he went hard in certain places but when Susan touched him; he felt cold but all he had to hear was Christina’s name and his body was on fire and then he would start wishing she was close to him so he could devour her.

So why the hell was he staying with Susan when his body, soul and heart yearned desperately to be with Christina.

“Stop thinking and make a move you fool” His conscience screamed at him.

Suddenly it was like a light bulb went on in his head, he knew what to do, a grin spread wide across his face, he couldn’t believe he had been such a big fool, he just prayed it wasn’t too late.

He turned his car around headed back home, before he went to see Christina, he would have to talk to Susan, it wouldn’t be right to talk to Christina until he had tied up all the loose ends.

He found Susan sitting in the kitchen smoking and drinking, he hated it when Susan smoked but before he met Christina he had been okay with, but now it was one of the many things that irritated him.

“Susan we need to talk.” He announced.

She didn’t look at him she just continued to smoke, “Talk then.” She said coldly.

“We have to break up.” He said slowly, he wanted to be gentle so he didn’t cause her more pain than necessary.

She didn’t gasp or stare at him with horror or go down on her knees and start begging for him not to leave her; she just sat there unmoving and continued to smoke.

“Let me guess you’re going back to your precious Christina.” She said Christina name as if it was something disgusting.

“Yes.” Kevin replied, he wasn’t sure what was happening shouldn’t she be screaming, kicking or crying?

“Fine………. 2 million.” She said this time looking at him.

“2 million?” He looked at her confused.

“You don’t think I’m gonna go quietly or that easily do you?” She looked at Kevin with hatred.

“What.” Kevin asked still confused.

“Ok brain dead boy let me say it in plain words since you seem too dumb to understand me, what I’m saying is I’m carrying your child and if you want me to get rid of me and this bastard that I’m carrying then you better give me two million dollars and I’ll leave quietly.” She said her words getting colder with each utterance.

“You’re not pregnant; I haven’t touched you in a long time.” Kevin accused her, he couldn’t believe Susan, he knew she was ambitious but he didn’t think it would be to this extent.

She laughed bitterly, “Don’t I know it, all you want is your Christina….. But it doesn’t matter whether I’m pregnant or not, what matters is that if I tell Christina I’m pregnant miss goody shoes wouldn’t let you leave me for her, she’ll probably insist that you stay with your baby, so you better pay up or I’m going to ruin your life” She said and turned back her back to him.

There must have been some divine force at work because Kevin wasn’t sure what was holding him back from grabbing Susan’s head and smacking it against the wall.

“Fine, but it will take a couple of days; I can’t move this kind of money from my inheritance without going through certain procedures.” Kevin said through his teeth, he knew he didn’t have to succumb to her blackmail, but he just wanted her gone so she wouldn’t come between Christina and him anymore.

“I guess this is goodbye.” She smiled at him sweetly, he just glared at her with venom, but after she packed her things and left, he realized he was free, and so he got in his car and drove to Christina’s house.

Thirty minutes later he had arrived; he jumped out of his car and did a little dance before he rang the doorbell.

“I’m coming.” He heard Christina saying, seconds later the front door swung open and there stood the love of his life, his breath caught in his chest as he stared at her, he couldn’t wait untill they got their issues out of the way so he could drag her back to his house and like a caveman devour every part of her sexy body.

“You.” She said in a bitter tone, she didn’t smile at him, she just stared at him with indifference, he didn’t really blame her, he knew he had screwed up big time.

“I’m so sorry baby.” He cooed at her, stepping forward until they were only inches apart, he could tell the closeness was having an effect on her, because even though she was angry she blushed and looked down suddenly shy.

“I’m so sorry, I know I screwed up and I swear if you give me another chance to love you I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you.” He spoke softly.

“Wh-what about Susan.” She said quietly, her facial expression was now unreadable, he didn’t know if she was mad or happy.

“She’s gone we won’t see her again.” he replied.

She Stared at him for several seconds and then said, “You can’t just walk in here after everything and expect me to forgive you.” She said whiles crying.

He stepped forward and gathered her into my arms, Kevin felt so stupid for hurting her and walking away.

“Wounds of the heart don’t heal easily you know.” She sobbed at his chest.

“I know.” Kevin replied quietly.

“Christina who rang the….oh.” John exclaimed behind them.

Christina stepped away from my arms and started to wipe the tears of her face so her dad wouldn’t see her crying. “Er come in.” she said, because we were still standing by the doorway.

“Kevin the party is tomorrow did I forget to mention that.” John said looking from me to Christina not sure what was going on.

“Er yeah.” Kevin replied sheepishly.

At the corner of my eye I saw Christina climbing the stairs, damn it, I swore quietly we still needed to talk.

“Ok whiles you’re here lets go over your appointment next week, now as you know it’s a miracle what happened to you so we need to continue monitoring so the sickness doesn’t come back.” John rambled on and on for an hour.

I liked Christina’s dad but right now every time I looked into his face I couldn’t help but see a man who was keeping me away from the woman of my life.

“WHO THE HELL IS STEPHAN.” Christina’s step mother screamed suddenly.

The scream had come from the living room, Christina’s dad and I dashed outside to see what the scream was all about, I on the other hand couldn’t help but feel something bad was about to happen.

When we got there Gloria was already at her side, Jade followed.

“Who’s Stephan?” She asked again staring a piece in her hand.

“I think he and Zoë were lovers.” I answered. “Why.” I asked dreading the answer.

“He says he has Christina and we will never see her alive again.” Christina’s stepmother said.

Everyone was quite, our face tuned white, no one spoke we just stared at each other in horror.

“Oh God.” I finally said breaking the silence.

                                           To be continued……………………………

So sorry it took me so long to upload anyway the next chapter is the last one, also please read my new story In Love With An Alien, I promise it’s good. J 

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