Nash Grier's Sister

By Wilkinsonvibes

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Lexi Grier is Nash Grier's twin sister that is also internet famous. Lexi Grier is a famous Youtuber with 2 m... More

Chapter 1 - Lexi Grier
Chapter 2 - Flights
Chapter 3 - #ThanksBart
Chapter 4 - Hugs
Chapter 5 - Payback
Chapter 6 - Seperate
Chapter 7 - Bar fights
Chapter 8 - Our little secret
Chapter 9 - Black
Chapter 10 - Please stay
Chapter 11 - What have I done
Chapter 12 - Awake?
Chapter 13 - Home sweet home
Chapter 14 - Reunited
Chapter 15 - Dare
Chapter 16 - Blackmail
Chapter 18 - The plan
Chapter 19 - Betrayal
Chapter 20 - Safe
Chapter 21 - Fat?
Chapter 22 - Suprises
Chapter 23 - Ferris Wheel
Chapter 24 - Adventures
Chapter 25 - Secrets
Chapter 26 - Caught
Chapter 27 - Love
Authors note
Stranger s.w

Chapter 17 - Lies

520 12 9
By Wilkinsonvibes

Lexi's POV:

Are lips were centimeters away when there was a faint sound of a key sliding in the door. I immediately pulled back while the door opened.

Bart: " Hey, do you know where everyone is?"
Cameron: " They went shopping."
Bart: " It's pretty late. I'm going to get to bed."
Lexi: " Goodnight Bart."
Cameron: " Bye."

*Door closes *

Cameron: " So..."
Lexi: " Well, I'm going to get ready for bed."

Cameron's POV:

Why didn't I kiss her! I probably made it awakard for her. Ugh, I need to fix this. Then Lexi came out of the bathroom in a tee shirt and nike pros.

Cameron: " Wait. Is that my shirt?"
Lexi: " It is? I found it in Nash's bag."
Cameron: " It's fine. I suits you."
Lexi: " Thanks."
Cameron: " Are you going to sleep?"
Lexi: " Yeah, it's about time. I still can't believe everyone isn't back yet."
Cameron: " I know right. I'll go to sleep to then."
Lexi: " Goodnight."
Cameron: " Goodnight."

~ Next morning ~

Nash ( whispering ): " Lexi wake up!"
Lexi: " When did you get here?"
Nash ( whispering ): " Shhh. We're doing a smack cam!"
Lexi ( whispering) : " To who?"
Nash ( whispering ): " Shawn."

I got up and out of my bed to where the crowd was next to Shawn's bed. Everyone had there phones and camcorders out and was recording.

Taylor: " So, who's going to do it?"
Matt: " I volunteer!"

Matt made his way over to where Shawn was sleeping.

Matt: " Ready?"

*Everyone nods *

Then Matt slapped Shawn his left hand and ran away while Shawn immediately woke up and had a red mark on his cheek. In the group of people Jack was next to me ... I wonder where he went after I left. I noticed someone leaned near me suddenly.

Lauren ( whispering ): " Hey, Lexi I know your mad at me but can I talk to you outside... its important?"
Lexi: " Yeah, sure."

We both slid out of the door to not draw any attention to ourselves.

Lexi: " What did you want to tell me? "
Lauren: " Between you and me I know you and Jack like each other -
Lexi: " What's your point?"
Lauren: " Jack didn't come back to the room until 9:00am. I saw him sneak in. Lexi, watch your back. I don't think you can trust him."
Lexi: " Ok..."
Lauren: " And I'm sorry about what happened yesterday I was just pissed off I don't know why I did that. Do you forgive me?"
Lexi: " Sure, but it will take me time for me to trust you again. "

*Lauren and Lexi hug *

Lexi: " We should walk back in before anyone knows we're gone."

We both walked back in I don't think anyone noticed. I decided to ask Jack curios if he would lie to me and then I'll know if I should trust him or not.

Lexi: " Hey, Where were you last night?"
Jack G: " I was at the bar."
Lexi: " Oh ok."
Nash: " Ok Hurry up its time to go to Magcon."
Lexi: " I'm going to change real quick."

I went to my bag and grabbed some clothes and went to the bathroom to change. It's still winter and it's pretty cold in Nashville so when I got in the bathroom I decided to wear my white sweater, ripped jeans, a brown infinity scarf, with my favorite combat boots. Then I plugged in my surfing iron while I applied light makeup and swathed over to curling my hair after I was done with my makeup.

Nash: " Lexi, Hurry up!"
Lexi: " Give me like 3 minutes!"
Nash: " Magcon starts in 5 minutes!"
Lexi: " Fine I'm done."

I unplugged my curling iron, put on deodorant, sprayed some perfume, and walked out of the bathroom.

Nash: " About time."
Lexi: " Oh shush, c'mon lets just go down stairs already."

We all walked out of the room and we all squeezed into the elevator.
Hayes: " Lexi, I want a smoothie."
Lexi: " Hayes, now is not the time."
Hayes ( whispers ): " I guess I can't keep your little secret then."
Lexi: " Fine. Hey, guys Im going to get something for Hayes to eat really quick. "
Matt: " Why can't Hayes do it?"
Hayes: " Because... I have a head ache..."
Matt: " Just don't be late."

The elevator doors separated and I made my way to the bar because the dinning room was closed.

Bartender: " What's up?"
Lexi: " 1 strawberry and banana smoothie."
Bartender: " Sure. Are you ok you seem stressed out?"
Lexi: " Do you remember my friend?"
Bartender: " The one that got in the bar fight?"
Lexi: " Yeah."
Bartender: " Which one?"
Lexi: " Eyebrows."
Bartender: " Oh that one, what about him?"
Lexi: " Was he at the bar last night?"
Bartender: " No, he wasn't here at all. Here's your smoothie. "
Lexi: " Thanks."

I grabbed the cup and took the back way to the auditorium where Magcon is held. I got there right in time before Hayes got called up.

Announcer: " Now welcome Hayes Grier!"
Lexi: " HAYES! "
Hayes: " Wow, I didn't think you would do it."
Lexi: " Here."
Announcer: " Now make some noise for Lexi Grier and Lauren Elizabeth!"

We once again walked past the Magcon backdrop and walked over to a table as the crowd shouted with excitement. Then next up was Jack and Jack. As Jack G walked by he gave me a wink. Until I figure out what's up with him I going act completely normal. After everyone got to their tables for the meet and greet and the fans were almost done getting pictures with the guys I was scrolling thought twitter. Before I knew it the guys were on stage having a dance off. Lauren and I went over to the side of the stage. I ended by standing next to Mahogany and Sammy. Then I noticed Jack walking out and then Hayes behind him.

Sammy: " Why is a panda screwing Nash?"
Lexi: " What?"

I looked over and saw what would scar me for life. Well damn... But, eventually things calmed down and Shawn was singing a country song while Hayes ran back and a few seconds later Jack G came back too. After Shawn's country song umm... this happened.

Shawn: " How many of you want Cameron Dallas to be your boyfriend?"

*entire crowd screams *

And lead to the Cameron Dallas is my boyfriend song... featuring Jack G.

~ Skip to the end of Magcon ~

Once the crowd was out of the auditorium staff took everything down.

Bart: " We should go up stairs so we don't get in their way."

We all walked out of the auditorium and started walking toads the elevator until...
Hayes: " Lexi we need to talk!"
Lexi: " Fine."

*Hayes and Lexi walk away from the group *

Lexi: " If this is about the Blackmailing thing - "
Hayes: " It's not! It's about Jack!"
What do you think Hayes is going to say?
Who do you ship?

And please #Vommit
Vote, comment, and follow for updates!
Decided to post the chapter early for all you lovelies - J💋

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