A Simple Coincidence // Daryl...

By kaz_van

31.8K 572 132

In which a twist of fate leads her, to a possible future, but will she know it's worth? Or will she let her o... More

Act One
1 | UGH
3 | How We Met
4 | Anger Issues
5 | Locked And Loaded
6 | Know Me To Love Me
7 | Better Off Alone
8 | Sunshine
9 | Tired
10 | Loud Voices
11 | Lucks Turn To Play
12 | Lost Hope
13 | Mary's Lost Little lamb
14 | Save? or Kill?
15 | Dream Dream Dream
16 | Snow Angel
17 | False Hope
18 | Real? Or Fake?
19 | Look At Her
Act Two
20| Nightmare Child
21 | Stay
22 | May The Lord Bless Us
23 | Run For Your Life
24 | Silence My Pain
25 | Dry Sunny Day
26 | Louder Silence
27 | Plates And Cups
28 | A Chat With Friends
29 | No Other Man
31 | Wishes Never Come True
32 | Through Ashes
33 | A Shit Show

2 | Man On The Roof

1.4K 28 1
By kaz_van

DAY 60

My sleep was interrupted when a very loud car alarm went off outside, and considering how quiet everything was, the sound echoed thought the city very clearly. But that's not what caught my attention because any of the dead could've bumped into a car and made the alarm go off. What caught my attention was that the noise was traveling, and since I was on the first floor of the building I could hear tires screeching.

Someone is alive out there.

I stood up and went over to the glass and looking outside to catch a glimpse of whatever the hell was going on out there.

But I could only hear commotion nearby, It was somewhere at the higher levels, either in my building or the next.

I started running towards the closest set of stairs in my sight, there were a couple of dead ones but they were too far to get to me, I climbed up the stairs up a couple of levels but that's where the stairs stopped. I looked around trying to find the source of the sound, then I heard tires screeching somewhere near the back of the building. But the yelling that was coming from above never stopped, I could almost make out what the person was yelling. Something along the lines of ' don't leave me'. 

I kept running, I was determined to get to this person. Soon I found myself on the roof, I followed the noise with my eyes and soon spotted a man on the roof of the building next to mine, he didn't notice me, he was busy pulling something and yelling. But soon he gave up and just sat there and started rambling on.

"Hello" I called out, but he didn't seem to hear me.

"Hello!" I yelled out this time, and that caught his attention.

He was breathing heavily and he started looking around to find the source of my voice, then he spotted me when he turned to his left. I couldn't see his whole body, just enough to know that he was on the ground.

"Hey Hey! darlin' ah man, I was just about loosin' it." He called out laughing like an idiot.

I was silent for a moment before I started talking again. "What happened to you."

I regretted asking that question once he started yelling again

"These sons of bitches left me handcuffed to the damn roof! Assholes!" He yelled and I swear there was ringing in my ears after he finally shut his mouth. Damn, that was loud.

It was clear that he was very mad at whoever left him, I would be too. So out of the kindness of my heart, I had decided to help the man.

"Um, okay, well I'm gonna try to help you. Do you know if the key is somewhere around?" My stupid self asked.

"You think if it was around I would be sittin' here. That damn bitch dropped it in some pipe. Now you gonna help me or what sugar." He spoke slightly calmer this time and with a clear smirk at the end that made me cringe.

"Okay, I'm gonna try and come over there!" I yelled.

I stopped and looked around for a moment, considering my options. I wouldn't go back down let alone make it out of the building and into the next. That left me with either jumping or somehow making it over the roof.

I took off my bags, which I had luckily taken with me. I made sure everything was inside and it was secure, then I threw it as best as I could over to the next roof. During all this, the man didn't take his eyes off me.

There were a couple of pipes connecting the two buildings, and they were conveniently close. I had made up my mind that I was going to walk on the silver pipes over to the building.

I followed that plan praying that my foot didn't slip leading me to fall to my death, and the water on the pipe didn't make that task easy.

I walked very slowly, stretching out my arms to balance as best as I could. I took a couple more slow steps until my foot slipped making me lose balance. I could hear the shuffling of the man as he watched his only hope to get out of here lose balance. But I didn't dare spare him a glance.

I thought quickly and harshly dropped on the pipe with my legs on either side, and arms wrapped tightly around the pipe.

I took a deep breath before looking up and seeing the man frozen as if holding his breath and watching me.

"I'm okay!" I yelled over.

"Alright just slide over, now we don't got all day" the man yelled in response, almost making me regret trying to help him. His attitude wasn't the nicest considering I was risking my life to save his own.

I did as he told me and started sliding pulling myself forward with my arm and pushing with my legs.

Soon enough I got to the building, and I had to stand up and jump over the little distance that was left, in order to reach the low wall of the roof.

As soon as I was on my feet again I released a breath I didn't know I was holding. Looking over to the man I could see the handcuffs now, and I could clearly see his bleeding wrist.

I walked over to him and checked out the cuffs to see how I was going to get him out. The man looked at me almost impressed. As he should be, I almost died for him.

"My name's Elleanore, What's your name?" I asked him while looking through the pile of tools on the floor. I think the heat was getting to the man, he didn't seem very normal.

"Merle, Merle Dixon" He introduced himself.

"Alright, Merle," I said as a walked over to him with a saw in my hand. "I'm gonna try and-" I was cut off by a loud pounding on the door on the roof, and I turned around to see the dead trying to get in, sticking their hand and feet in. Thankfully the door was chained holding them off. But that meant I had to hurry and get us off of this roof.

Without saying another word, I quickly tried to saw the handcuffs, to break the chain, but I failed, the saw was too dull for the cuffs. And I looked at the man, hoping he had some kind of idea to help me.

"Ah!" He started panting and then he looked like a train had hit him, he froze then he looked at me. Uttering the same thing that I had in mind.
"Your gonna have to cut off my hand"

"Okay" I took a deep breath and placed the saw on his wrist where the cuffs stopped, I looked at him to make sure he was still committed to this idea, and he didn't show any signs of hesitation. He outstretched his arm and held it down, he then stuffed the side of his vest in his mouth and looked at me giving me the green light.

I looked down at his hand and took off my belt and tied ot around his arm as tight as I could. Then without warning, I started to saw down his hand, as fast as I could to keep his torture short. He was yelling out of pain at this point and looked like he was going to pass out. Surprisingly he didn't.

I struggled when I got to the bone but soon I was through his wrist and his hand was sitting there while his wrist was beeling. I let go of the saw and took out an extra shirt that I had in my bag and put as much pressure as I could on the wound. I looked at him and I was impressed with his ability to stay awake during all this.

He took the shirt from my hand and placed his hand where mine was. He looked at me slowly standing up and said

"You're good, thanks. Uh, I'm heading out now."

I looked at him in disbelief, also standing up.

"Your hand, how- where are you gonna go, you can't survive on your own like this," I said and he looked at me and laughed.

"Nothing can kill a Dixon but a Dixon" He said and started walking away, he went around the wall, leaving behind a trail of blood. And then disappeared.

"Bye!" I yelled, looking around the roof. And started collecting my belongings.

I checked around trying to figure out my next move, but I was already tired and I had no plan, and looking around the roof it looked secure enough. Leading me to decide I would spend the night up here.

I went to a corner that had shade and sat down, before taking out a protein bar and slowly eating it, to savor the flavor.


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Bye lovelies

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