Our Destiny

By mnjlnn

24.4K 2.8K 1.2K

Severus Snape falls hopelessly in love with a girl named Lily but then he later found out that she was murder... More

I. First day at Hogwarts
II. Troll in the Dungeon
III. Fountain of Fair Fortune
IV. Scrivenshaft's Quill
V. Inspection of Umbridge
VI. The Three Broomsticks
VII. Whomping Willow
VIII. Sonnet 130
IX. The Secret Savior
X. Expecto Patronus
XI. The Dreamless Potion
XII. Remus Lupin
XIII. The Marauders
XIV. The Aurora Borealis
XV. Beginning of Together
XVI. Red Chrysanthemum
XVII. Infinity Pendant
XVIII. Yule Ball
XIX. Tom Riddle
XX. Death Eater
XXI. Greatest Phobia
XXII. Avada Kedavra
XXIII. Nagini's Venom
XXIV. The Elder Wand
XXV. The Secret of Horcrux
XXVI. Order of the Phoenix
XXVII. The Battle of Hogwarts
XXVIII. The Great Lake
XXIX. The Counter-Curse
A/N: You are invited!
XXXI. Yellow Person
XXXII. Little Snape
XXXIII. Alexander Colonel
XXXIV. The Boy in the Bubble
XXXV. Back at Hogwarts

XXX. White Gown

368 22 14
By mnjlnn

September 16th


The orchestra began when Cornelius Fudge, the officiant of the wedding, entered the great hall. While walking toward the altar, he noticed the beauty of the aisle.

Slughorn escorted McGonagall, Sprout escorted Hagrid, and Trelawney escorted Flitwick. They sat in the front row together. After a few moments, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley arrived, followed by Mr. And Mrs. Lupin, and Sirius Black. George Weasley and his sister, Ginny Weasley, also arrived, as did Bill and his wife, Fleur Delacour. Neville and Luna, as well as Ron and Hermione, arrived. Finally, Harry Potter arrived as the ring bearer.

After a few moments, the Groom has arrived. He was dressed impeccably in a tuxedo with an embroidered flower on his left chest. He made his way up to the altar, where he waited for the bride. The bride finally arrived after an hour of waiting. As she made her way down the aisle, her beauty was indescribable. She wore a white gown and clutched a bouquet with poise. The guests watch her walk away with tears in their eyes and smiles on their faces.


I was taken aback when I saw her walking through the door in a white gown. As she nears, my heart flutters, and my eyes well up with tears.

She was and will always be the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. I can't believe that the time has come for me to marry the woman I love. She has made me the happiest man in the world today.

She's my dream come true.


Even before the door was opened, I was nervous, but the moment I saw Snape on the altar, my heart began to race and it felt as if time had stood still. I took my time walking down the aisle. My life has come to its happiest point at this very moment.

It's truly romantic and surreal. I can't believe the day has arrived when I'll marry the man I genuinely love. This is the day I've been waiting for, and I'm happy that Snape will be the man with whom I'll spend the rest of my life.

He's my happily ever after.


Snape held Adelia's hand the moment that she has arrive at the altar. The couple went in front of Fudge and all the guests sat down. The orchestra stops as soon as Mr. Cornelius Fudge spoke to begin the welcome ceremony.

"Welcome to all who have gathered here this day to share in this marriage ceremony of Severus and Adelia. We are not here to witness the beginning of their relationship but to acknowledge and celebrate a lasting bond that already exists between them. Severus and Adelia have already joined their hearts together and chosen to walk together on life's journey, and we have come to bear witness to a symbolic union and a public affirmation of the love they share."

"Those of us in attendance today are present to witness a statement of lasting love and commitment between Severus and Adelia. Everyone gathered here today was invited to this ceremony because you have played a special role in Severus and Adelia's lives. You are present at this ceremony to celebrate their marriage and to witness their vows of love to one another. Will all of you, gathered here to witness this union, do all in your power to love and support this couple now, and in the years ahead? If so please respond, we will."

And all the guests respond "we will"

"Severus and Adelia, your love is something that you both cherish. Today, you dedicate your lives to giving one another happiness and support. Your marriage must be based on the heartfelt acceptance of one another, as you are, in each moment. The pledge you make today expresses your devotion to one another and to the love you share, and the words are spoken here will support your marriage if you can sustain your commitment through the inevitable hardships you'll face together. Today, in the presence of your families and friends, you pronounce your love for each other and make a commitment that will define the next phase of your journey. We celebrate it with you and wish you well."

After a few minutes of Fudge's sermon, Snape and Adelia are finally ready to exchange vows. They are holding hands as they were facing one another.

"Severus Snape, do you take Adelia Dumbledore to be your wife, to live together in marriage? Do you promise to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, and forsaking all others, be faithful only to her, for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do." Severus said.

"And Adelia Dumbledore, do you take Severus Snape to be your husband, to live together in marriage? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health, and forsaking all others, be faithful only to him, for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do." Adelia said, smiling.

"May I please have the rings?" Fudge asked and Harry, the ring bearer, approached Mr. Fudge to give the ring.

"May these rings always remind you of the freedom and power of this commitment you make here today."

Severus placed the ring on Adelia's finger and said "Adelia, I give you this ring, as a sign of my vow. With this ring, I give you my promise, to be faithful to you, and to share my love and life with you, in all ways, forever."

And Adelia placed the ring on Severus's finger and said "Severus, I give you this ring, as a sign of my vow. With this ring, I give you my promise, to be faithful to you, and to share my love and life with you, in all ways, forever."

"And now, having entered into the covenant of marriage by the exchanging of vows and the giving and receiving of rings, by the power vested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." Mr. Fudge said.


For the first time, Severus leaned in and kissed me on my forehead and then finally, to my lips. That was the most romantic and sweetest kiss. I hear our hearts beating in sync as my eyes close. He gave me a warm smile.

"It is now my pleasure to introduce you, Mr. and Mrs. Snape."

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