Me,you and the little one (Al...

By cigarettesmokerkaite

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Lucy Handen was only sixteen when show found out she was pregnant with her best friend More

Schools out for summer
Dares are what caused it
new siblings and awkward moments
It was only a kiss
I never thought not in a million years
lyrics and double dates
Birthdays and first timers
Us against the world
Only ones who know
family news and tears
First scan first gig
Boy or girl?
Mardy bum
Closer and closer
The babys coming
Coming home
Its ya birthday
Deal or no deal
Caught you
Its christmas
A new year
first day of school
family night
it feels like i'm greeting you with a goodbye
phone calls and bubbles
driving home for Christmas
the day after you stole my heart
tattooed memories
Authors announcement (kinda important)
turn on billie
neared heartbreak at the bottom of the bottle
heart of gold
drunkin nights in the city
despair for both of us
why'd you only call me when your high
had a fight with a bottle of whisky last night
weekend forgiving
i love you but its was the right thing to do
rule setting
its serious

School problems

951 21 8
By cigarettesmokerkaite

(Wednesday 3 weeks later) (Lucy's POV)
After The Monkeys first gig they had a few more they did and had more scheduled to do getting payed for them obviously they didn't do it for the money they did it because they can express themselves on stage and they enjoy it

I told a few of my friends about the baby not all of them only the once I close with but not like Courtney or the boys
I told Stacy Courtney's mum she was over the moon and letted polly stay over at mine sometime when Alex was staying over to get some practice

Alex was hesitant at first but i showed him what to do and he quickly got the hang of it
Alex would sing to polly when she cried at night making her fall asleep again which made my heart warm

Alex came to walk me to school with Courtney our usual routine I was in my usual school uniform which I hated
"How's mEh two favourite people"Alex smiled once I got outside walking to school
"The baby's fine I'm not"I groaned
"Yeh Wha'"Alex worried making me chuckle
"Just my body is doing crazy things"i chuckled
"Good crazeh or bad"he smirked I knew exactly what he meant
"You prev"I joked hitting his arm with the back of my hand

I'm only ten weeks pregnant now and I'm bloated no one else notices only me my skin is a mess breaking out is spots and my hair kept getting greasy all the time no matter how much I wash it and don't get me started on the pain in my breast that part Alex definitely noticed they were getting bigger obviously for the milk

"Weh gunna try look for houses the daeh"Alex asked we've been looking for houses but there was none in our price range we were on a low budget for obvious reasons
"Yeah I want to be rear everyone tho"I replied as we neared the school

The second we walked into the school grounds everyone's heads turned to us and started to whispering
"Wha' they all lookin at"Alex asked confused
"I don't even know"I mumbled we decided to brush it off

That was until I was called into the headmasters office'what's going on' I asked myself Alex walked with me to the office and waited outside until I was finished speaking to mr cluchy

"Lucy take a seat"mr cluchy said I obeyed taking a seat opposite from him
"Is everything okay sir" i nervously asked my leg started to bounce with nerves
"There's been a rumour going about"mr cluchy told waving his hand in somewhat form of amusement
"And what is this rumour"I asked trying to sound somewhat professional
"That you Lucy are with child"he amused my eyes went wide my mouth went wide open
"By the expression on your face Lucy the rumours are correct"mr cluchy smirked

"Yes sir the rumours are true"i mumbled god why do people open their mouths yeah I knew everyone is going to find out either way but still it's my business no one else's
"And also their says it was Alexander David Turner that impregnated you"mr cluchy mentioned
"Yes"i sighed I wanted to be out here as fast as possible I wanted to be with Alex I felt Shame wash over me with the way mr cluchy said his words like I'm some dumb girl

"How far on are you"mr cluchy asked that was another question that started to bug me 'how far on are you' there's only so many times you can answer that without rolling your eyes
"10 weeks now I'm due near enough end of may"i mumbled mr cluchy only nodded
"And I assume your keeping it"he said I only nodded
"But what about your education"he asked I rolled my eyes sighing
"The baby's more important than that I'm not getting rid of it just for my education anyway I'm supposed to be leaving at summer"I replied this year was my last
"Well that's settled then after the Christmas holidays you'll be finished for good"he said I got up from my chair and made my way to the door

"Oh Lucy"mr cluchy called I turned facing him
"Congratulations and good luck on the baby I was you and Alexander the best"mr cluchy smiled I gave him a smile back and exited the room To find Alex sitting on one of the chairs outside the room a stray tear that fell down my cheek turned into loads
"Hey hey what's wrong"Alex softly asked hugging me as I sobbed into his chest
"Just everyone knows and I don't hormones"I sobbed
"Who the fooks tellin people"Alex whispered I only shrugged
"Come on we're in English"Alex smiled

In English everything was fine I guess just people looking at me and Alex whispering
I was mumbling a song in my head 'seven wonders by Fleetwood Mac' my favourite band and one of my favourite songs
"Erm Lucy"someone said I looked up to see Britney one of those annoying popular girls who thinks she's better than everyone

"What"I asked in confusion I never spoke to her before and I didn't like her just for the simple fact is that she's too big for her boots
"Are you pregnant"she asked smirking me and Alex scoffed
"What's it teh wif yeh"Alex growled he also doesn't like Britney
"Yes I am now fuck off"I snapped I wasn't in the mood for her bitchyness
"I always knew you were a slag"she laughed I stood up to probably hook her but alex sat me back down
"Sheh ain't worth it"Alex said Britney looked at Alex before she walked away
"You know Alex you could always have someone better you know someone that's on birth control"Britney smirked
"Look yeh get teh fook out of our face"Alex snapped Britney only growled out us then walked away

"God I hate her"i sighed Alex held my hand placing a kiss on my head
"Fook her Shehs a sket" he chuckled making me giggle along
"I love you"I mumbled
"I love yeh more"Alex smirked

After school Me and Alex went to my house to look for houses which I hated I never really understood half of the stuff it said but my mum was helping us to find the perfect home

"What about this Alex"I gasped there was this house it was a two bedroom with a living room attached to the kitchen with a bathroom it was perfect for only starting and it's in our price range
"Perfect it's fookin perfect"Alex smiled Alex immediately called the our housing officer and scheduled an appointment with them
"Right Thursday next week at half 1"Alex said I nodded and told my mum who started to cry because I was moving out but she was happy nonetheless

"I can't believe this is happenin weh gunna beh a proper famileh"Alex chuckled hugging me
"It's so surreal"I giggled standing on my tip-toes to peck his lips
His lips met mine the kiss was short and sweet then there was a knock on the door
"I'll get it"my mum called as me and Alex went to my room

"Oi oi fookers "Jamie beamed Bursting through my room door
"Hola amigos"Nick laughed falling to my bed
"Uncle Matty is here now"Matt chuckled then Andy and Courtney walked throw the door
"But the main event is here so two up the lot of you"Courtney laughed sticking two fingers up to everyone
"I can't believe you lot"I laughed snuggled up to Alex

Courtney went to my record player and played a vinyl in
'Lay all your love on me by abba' now playing mine and Courtney's song I gasped as Courtney plopped beside me on the bed
"I wasn't jealous before we met now every woman I see is a potential threat"me and Courtney sang to each other while the boys looked at us laughing

"Don't go wasting your emotions lay all your love on me"I sang facing Alex who only smirked
"Get a fookin room yeh two"Nick and Jamie shouted "fook off just cause yer no' gettin aneh"Alex chuckled making me blushed
"Aww look yeh made Lucy blush"Andy laughed
"Hey no fair"I laughed

(One week later)
"Come on Alex we're going to be late move your arse"I scolded today is the day we see the house
"I'm comin let mEh get mEh shoes on"Alex chuckled I hand my hand on my now showing bump it was noticeable now
"Right mardy bum I'm readeh"Alex said grabbing his jacket by the door
"I hate when you call me that"I chuckled Alex's been that a lot lately because I always get moody on him I don't mean it obviously it's hormones

Once we viewed the house it was perfect for starting a family the two bedrooms one smaller than the other a bath that was also a shower a spacious kitchen with an island in the middle
The living room was perfect size for a play area In the corner
"I love it"I smiled Alex looked at me smiling aswell
"So it's a yes"Alex asked me I nodded
"Great well send you the keys sometime next week and when your ready it's all yours"the housing officer said

I can't believe it the next big step of our life's a house
Next week we can make a start on our life's together
We already started buying some wallpaper and paint and some pieces of furniture that was getting delivered here in two weeks now

Alex and the boys were going to decorate the house which I was dreading we were just leaving the baby's room until we find out the gender me and Alex is determined it's a girl and the boys think it's a boy Courtney also thinks it's a boy the debate got that serious everyone put a bet in a tenner each so let's hope me and Alex are right

"So Wha' weh doin the night"Alex asked plopping onto the sofa in his mum and dads house
"We've got polly tonight"I giggled I love having polly over I loved seeing Alex with kids it's just adorable

Later that day me and Alex went to pick polly up and stay at my mums house
"Hello Stacy"I smiled when she opened the door
"Hello you two come in I was just making Lilly's bottle"Stacy said letting us in

Polly was in her moseys basket wiggling about I went over to her as well as Alex
"Hello gorgeous"i cooed smiling down at her
I picked her up sitting down on the couch with her

"Can I 'ave a hold"Alex asked I looked at him smiling handing polly to him
"She's so cute I'm excited teh meet our babeh"Alex smiled looking at polly
"Me too"

Back at my house polly was great she cried a few times but she settled down easily
Me and Alex laid in my bed with polly sleeping in her pram at my side of the bed
I was humming the tune to rihannon by Fleetwood Mac
"Wha' yeh humming babeh"Alex asked laying on his side propping himself up on his elbow
"Rhiannon"I mumbled smiling to myself
"I like tha' name"Alex smiled back
"What"I asked
"Rhiannon is unique I like it a lot"Alex smirked
"I always wanted my name to be Rhiannon or Arabella"i hummed
"So Rhiannon or Arabella if it's a girl"Alex asked I nodded

"What if it's a boy"I asked
"It's defo no' a boy but if it is I fink Alexander"Alex chuckled
"I knew you would say that"I giggled
"I like Jackson or chase"I chuckled "or harlo for a girl"I added
"I like them"Alex hummed his eyes closed I could tell he's tired so was I soon enough we drifted to sleep for ten minutes until polly woke up for a feed
"I'll get her just yeh get back teh sleep"Alex yawned
"You sure"I asked
"Yes now get back teh sleep"Alex chuckled I laid back down as Alex grabbed Pollys bottle and lifted her out the pram sitting with her on the bed feeding her
"I could get used to this"I giggled
"Me teh luv"Alex sighed smiling at us

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