The Miraculous Three

By TheRealJMTY

362K 10.7K 19.6K

After centuries of not being able to deem anyone worthy, the Phoenix miraculous is finally gifted to someone... More

Your Miraculous
✨Fanart Musuem✨
1.1 - Stormy Weather
1.2 - The Bubbler
1.3 - The Pharaoh
1.4 - Lady Wifi
1.5 - Timebreaker
1.6 - Mister Pigeon
1.7 - Evillustrator
1.8 - RogerCop
1.9 - CopyCat
1.10 - Dark Cupid
1.11 - Horrificator
1.12 - Darkblade
1.13 - The Mime
1.14 - Kung Food
1.15 - Gamer
1.16 - Animan
Potential Stories
1.17 - Antibug
1.18 - The Puppeteer
1.19 - Reflekta
1.20 - Pixelator
1.22 - Princess Fragrance
1.23 - Simon Says
1.24 - Volpina
1.25 - Origins: Part One
1.26 - Origins: Part Two

1.21 - Guitar Villain

9.2K 320 698
By TheRealJMTY

3rd Person POV:

"So, what do you think of the new single for my next album? Can you feel it, Bob? Isn't it killer?" Jagged asks his manager after he played his newly written song for him, "My Miraculous."

"Not bad, Jagged, not bad. But if you really want to make something killer, let's talk about this duet with Mr. XY." Bob proposes to Jagged.

"No way," Jagged immediately shoots the idea down. "He's not a rocker? He's a baby. I bet he doesn't even shave yet." The British man strokes his beard flauntingly.

"Well, this baby just pushed you out of the Number one sales spot." Bob shoves the chart in Jagged's face.

"So? That doesn't make him a true musician like me. Penny thinks everything I do is rockstar material. She thinks I'm killer." Jagged replies.

No one notices when Penny looks away bashfully.

"Penny may be your agent, but I'm your real boss! Bottom line is that Bob Roth Records cannot afford to be Number 2 in sales nor rep a number 2 rockstar!" Bob says, ignoring the nasty look Jagged gave him for calling Penny less than what she was to him. "Get real, Jagged. You have to modernize your music. Change your look, get a whole new style!"

"You wanna talk real? I'm a genuine rock'n roller, Bob! Not some popstar in diapers. I'm an real artist with real talent, even my hair's real. That's what people love about me." Jagged defends himself and his career. "Besides, the artwork you did for my album is a waste of my time. Seriously, Bob, what is this trash, it looks like a perfume ad!"

Jagged points an accusing finger at the posters Bob brought in that were completely different that what he was used to. It genuinely made him look like he was in a boy band and not at all a professional rockstar soloist.

"And that's what people want these days!" Bob snaps.

"Well I don't." Jagged firmly replies. "My album cover is raw to the bone, exuding the smell of sweat and leather."

"You do know that if your album doesn't rank Number one in the charts, it'll be the last one you ever do at Bob Roth Records!" Bob threatens Jagged's career.

"I'd rather put out nothing at all than sing a pathetic duet with some baby-faced nobody." Jagged rolls his eyes at his manager, clearly becoming irritated with the man.

"Bob, Jagged and I had an idea. It's concept is modern but it also respects Jagged's own.. rugged.. style." Penny steps in.

"The school girls who made these glasses has real talent. They totally get my style, one clearly more than the other, of course. But they'll design the cover of my new album." Jagged suggests.

"Schoolgirls?" Bob questions in distaste.

"See, that's just it. Their the same age as the target audience." Penny persuades as she hands Bob a sheet of paper. "Here's the bluenette's address. The other one will most likely be with her."

Originally, Bob was going to refuse but one look at the snarling gator by Jagged's side changed his mind.

"Okay! But think about that duet with Mr. XY!" Bob says as he departs.

"Find those girls, Bob!" Jagged ignores the man.


"So, are you two interested?"

"Wait, wait, wait. Let me get this straight. You want (Y/N)  and I to design the album cover for Jagged Stone?!" Marinette fangirls.

"Our all-time favorite singer?!" (Y/N) excitedly says.

"That's right, requested by Jagged Stone himself." Bob confirms. "I brought a few visuals so you two can get a sense of what we're going for." Bob hands a album disk to (Y/N) who stares at it at strangely.

"This doesn't seem like Jagged Stone material, more like... a perfume ad?" (Y/N) questions the man, immediately Jagged would hate this.

"It's the direction of his new image, more modern." Bob strangely says.

"Really, wow!" Marinette says.

"I was thinking more along the lines of leather and sweat-" (Y/N) before she cuts herself off at the face Bob was giving her.

"Don't think! This is what is selling these days."  Bob clears his throat.

"Sure." (Y/N) raises an eyebrow at the man.

"One last thing Ms. Marinette and Ms. (Y/N), we're in a hurry. We need a proposal before the end of the day. You two up to it?" Bob questions.

Marinette and (Y/N) share a look before Marinette turns to her parents asking for permission. Her parents nod with proud looks on their faces and Marinette gives the answer.

"Yeah, okay!"

"See you later then!" Bob says as he exits the store.

"My daughters! Famous fashion and newly acclaimed album cover designers!" Tom proudly says and Sabine happily nods along, "You two are gonna kill it!"

(Y/N) was taken aback. A... daughter? His.. daughter? Their... daughter? She couldn't believe it.

Tom and Sabine bring the girls into a family hug, which was something (Y/N) couldn't remember her own family giving her.

"Sorry if Tom made you uncomfortable, sweet pea. It's just that we love you so much!" Sabine kisses (Y/N)'s forehead, after she kissed Marinette's.

"O-Of course not! I just don't... I'm not used to having..." (Y/N) couldn't find the right words, beginning to twist the ring on her finger as she grew anxious, "I'm not used to.. this." Was the only thing (Y/N) could get out, refusing to look anyone in the eyes.

Tom and Sabine already knew of (Y/N)'s circumstance. A father that can never be home and a mother she'd never mention. (Y/N) didn't tell them that though. To be blunt, (Y/N) told Marinette, and Marinette told her parents.

"You might not be used to the things you are supposed to be used to, however in this household, we do nothing but love and care for our children. We Dupain-Cheng's look out for each other. That includes, you." Tom pats the teary-eyed girl's head gently.

"Huh, (Y/N) Dupain-Cheng? I always wanted a sister!" Marinette smiles as he tightly hugs her friend.

The family continues their group hug, the love and warmth exuding from them seeping into the heart of the broken and healing the cracks.

(Y/N) may be a (L/N), legally, but now that she knows that there is a family somewhere that loves her like their own, and emotionally, she'll call herself a Dupain-Cheng.


"Turn it off!" (Y/N) groans as she throws a nearby item, which was Feu, at Marinette's radio which was playing garbage, also known as XY.

"Why would Jagged change his style?" Marinette questions, "XY's music is so..."

"Cold? Lifeless? Repetitive? Mundane? A waste of my time? Complete and utter shi-" (Y/N) gets cut off.

"-Shush, we get it, XY's music is an abomination. What else is new?" Feu rolls his eyes as he flies back up from being thrown.

"This is so not our style either!" Marinette groans at the pretty pink mess with Jagged's face slapped on it that the two have created.

"Then why are you doing it?" Tikki asked confused.

"Because that's what we were asked to do."
(Y/N) replies.

"Maybe you should follow with your gut feeling, do something that's really you!" Tikki says.

"You heard what Mr. Roth said." Marinette pouts.

"Don't think! This is what's selling these days!" (Y/N) mocks the man, not exactly happy she was told not to use her brain.

"Yeah but, Jagged wanted you two because of your individual styles." Feu inputs.

"Ugh the pressure! I can't deal." Marinette whines.

"I can't even!" (Y/N) joins in on the whining.

"Marinette and (Y/N), superheroines, defenders of the innocent, and fighters of all rights, can't deal with pressure?" Tikki smartly asks.

(Y/N) and Marinette look at one another and finish the album cover, begrudgingly making the walk to the Bourgeois Hotel (where he was currently staying) and handing in the proposed album cover.


"What happened to the raw, impulsive artistry that made my sunglasses?" Jagged asks after he looks at the cover they handed him, quite frankly just as appalled as the girls were by it.

"Yeah about that... Mr. Roth told us-" (Y/N) tries to speak but Bob pushes her behind and speaks over her.

"Marinette and (Y/N) are young, they're representing the target audience. They've come up with a modern concept that's exactly what you need!" Bob throws Penny's words back at them.

"It looks a lot like the cover that YZ guy. (Y/N), Marinette, don't listen to Bob. Can you do another one? You know... Jagged-style?" Jagged asks the girls.

"Absolutely!" Marinette agrees, before she shrinks when she feels Bob's firm hand land on her shoulder. "But I don't know if.."

(Y/N) slaps Bob's hand away from Marinette, with a look of defiance that dared him to do something about it.

"You're my girls, (Y/N) and Marinette. Remember, raw, impulsive artistry." Jagged holds the girl's hands. "I think we're all done here, Bob."

"No, we are not!" Bob tries to argue, but Fang begins to growl.

Penny takes the distraction as time to lure Marinette and (Y/N) away.

"Don't worry, just do your bests okay!" Penny encourages as she leads them to the exit.

When the girls were alone, (Y/N) couldn't contain herself anymore.

"I think I'm in love with Jagged Stone." The girl says as she holds her hands close to her heart. "He held my hands, I'm never washing them again!"

"He's literally a billion years older than you!" Feu rolls his eyes at the girl who is now resembling Marinette.

"A girl can dream!"

(No bc he is so fine, let's talk about it)


"What makes me number one? Simple, technology."

Jagged watches an interview over XY as he relaxes on his couch, waiting for Penny to come back.

"This computer produces music and lyrics people will like. It's guaranteed success."

Jagged pinches the bridge of his nose, completely disagreeing with XY's value of music and entertainment. Using technology to waltz your up the charts rather than having fun and using pure skill and hard work to earn your way up the charts, what a bunch of baloney.

"You knocked Jagged Stone off the Number One spot, what do you think of him?" Nadia asks.

"Ugh, Jagged Stone? The Hero of Rock'n Roll?Try Ragged Stone. The guy's old-school, a has been..." XY replies snobbishly.

"Me?! Old school? A has been?!" Jagged repeats, thoroughly offended.

"..His career? It's over now. He'll never be number one, not while XY is here. My music is killer."

"Why you little perfume ad! You're even stealing my catchphrases!" Jagged sneers at the screen.

"Mr. XY will be giving a very special one time concert from the top of the Eiffel Tower to celebrate his album's success and thank his awesome fans." Nadia fills in before the camera cuts back to XY.

"Hey Ragged, you wanna know what today's music sounds like? Come to my concert. I'll reserve you a front row seat, old man. You know, just in case your hearing is going." XY insults Jagged.

"You can't insult me like that! This guy's an insult to rock, and me!" Jagged sneers as he accidentally snaps the tablet he was watching the interview on in half from how hard he was holding it.

Jagged rolls his eyes at the piece of technology and feeds it to Fang who happily eats it. He has enough money to buy thousands of them anyway.

Jagged picks up his guitar and begins to play it, hoping to ease his frustration.

"I feel a disharmonious soul, an angry discord. Ideal prey for my evil little akumas." Hawkmoth sends an Akuma into the world with a goal, "Fly away my little akuma, go find that Jagged Stone and rock his world!"

The Akuma flies and flies, heading through the window of the Bourgeois luxury suite and barely missing the mouth of a crocodile before settling inside of a guitar. Jagged's rapid fingers immediately coming to a halt as it does.

"Guitar Villain, I am Hawkmoth. I'm giving you and your crocodile the power to show the whole world that you are the number one rocker. Just make sure you get me Ladybug, Chat Noir, and Phoenix's miraculouses in return."

"Yeah... let's rock." Jagged crazily smiles as he submits himself and his crocodile to Hawkmoth's control.


"Hey (Y/N)! Hey Marinette!" Adrien calls out to the girls as he exits his limousine.

Marinette stiffens as she hears his voice.

"Hey, w-what's going on! I mean... how's up? I mean.." Marinette turns away from Adrien and (Y/N) watches as the girl slaps herself.

"She means, what's up?" (Y/N) fills in for the girl.

"Hi Adrikins!" Chloe pushes the two girls out of her way, as she goes to snuggle up to (an unwilling) Adrien. "Amazing Chloe has a surprise for you! She knows you're a fan of Jagged Stone."

"I am." Adrien awkwardly smiles, his eyes clearly screaming for someone to help.

"So... you get a private meeting with your favorite star!" Chloe says. "He's staying right here in daddy's hotel! Is the Chloe the best? Or is Chloe the best." Chloe leads Adrien into the hotel and they leave the two girls outside.

"Did you hear that?!" Marinette scowls.

"Chloe speaking in the third person? Totally annoying." Tikki says from Marinette's purse, and (Y/N) and Feu completely agree.

"No, the part where Adrien likes Jagged just as me!" Marinette excitedly says. "Now we definitely can't mess up the artwork!"

"So now what?" Feu asks.

"We're going to design Jagged Stone's album our way!" (Y/N) smiles, already having a few ideas.


"Can you believe it, we have the same music tastes." Chloe butters up to Adrien as he scrolls on his phone, spamming (Y/N) to come save him.

"I thought you liked Mr. XY?" Adrien asked confused.

"I do? Don't you?" Chloe questions.

"No, not really, no." Adrien awkwardly says, being as respectful as possible.

If he were with (Y/N) and they were talking about XY, the blonde would have a couple of choice words to say and they aren't exactly nice.

"Oh, I don't either!" Chloe quickly changes her answer. "See don't we have a great taste in music together?"

A sharp clash of thunder interrupted the two and they whip their heads toward the sound.

"From now on, you can call me Guitar Villain!" The akumatized man announces to everyone in the lobby, "I'll never do a duet with Mr. XY! In fact, soon there won't even be a Mr. XY! Rockin' riff, baby!"

Guitar Villain begins to play his guitar and the sound waves coming from it hits his producer and an interviewer. They begin to dance along to the music coming from the villain's guitar, paying no mind to the furniture they began to throw around.

"Soon there will be nothing but Guitar Villain fans, the one and only rocker on Earth!" The villain cackles maliciously.

Adrien and Chloe watch from a nearby elevator, the girl clinging onto the determined boy in fear.

"Hurry, Adrien! Get me out of here!" Chloe fearfully whines. And as of luck was on his side, the elevator beeps, signaling the elevator car had arrived. The male quickly picks up the girl and sets her inside the elevator and rushes off after it closes. He ensures that no one is looking, nor is around before he transforms.

"Plagg, Claws Out!"


"Hey, Jagged! Why don't you see if you can try to rock my world?" Chat Noir gains the man's attention.

"The name's Guitar Villain, pussycat." Guitar Villain sneers before firing at Chat Noir with his musical riffs.

The sound of loud guitar playing and fighting draws two girls attention as they look towards the sky in slight horror.

"Are you guys seeing what I'm seeing?" Marinette asks.

"If you're seeing a dragon, then yes I do." (Y/N) could barely keep her jaw off the ground.

"We've gotta transform!" Marinette calls as the two immediately rush to a hiding spot.

"Tikki, Spots On!"

"Feu, Fire Up!"


The dragon fires a large blast at Chat Noir and before he could dodge it, a large explosion blocks it. Phoenix quickly rushes to Chat Noir and she grabs his hands to help him up.

"Chat Noir, are you okay?" The worried bird checks the cat for any signs of harm.

"Good to see you, lovebird." Chat softly says making the girl's cheeks warm up, but it quickly goes away when he turns to Ladybug and kisses her hand. "And you too, my lovebug."

Phoenix sighs as she rubs the back of her neck, she honestly should have saw that coming.

"You guys are wasting my time, I've got a concert to get to!" Guitar Villain says from atop his dragon and he flies off.

"Come on, we've gotta follow them!" Ladybug instructs her teammates and the three all fly off after him.

"His power comes from his guitar, we've got to figure out how to keep him from performing." Phoenix thinks aloud.

"I won't let you do this solo." Chat cracks a quick pun.


"Answer me! Where's Mr. XY?!" Guitar Villain sneers at the special effects man who was in place of XY.

"On TV! He's at the TV Station!" The man willingly gives XY's location, fearing for his life at the moment.

"To the TV studio, Fang!" Guitar Villain instructs his gator-turned-dragon and they fly off in the direction of the TV station to avoid the incoming heroes.

"He's gonna get there before us!" Chat worriedly tells his teammates.

"Then we'd better make sure he doesn't find what he's looking for." Ladybug quickly dials Nadia's phone number and informs her of the situation.

The heroes swing their way to the TV station, arriving just in time to see Alec escorting XY out of the building.

"..I'm sure this is just a precaution." Alec tries to soothe the seemingly uncaring techno artist.

"We have to get you to safety." Ladybug tries to pull XY along with her only for him to pull away.

"So what's this Guitar Villain gonna do, blow me with his evil guitar solo?" XY snobbishly asks.

"Yeah!" The heroes chime together in disbelief.

"Once we catch Guitar Villain we'll get you to the Eiffel Tower, just in time for your live performance." Phoenix sighs, disliking his attitude.

"Oh my, my, what do we have here?" XY circles a confused Phoenix. "A pretty thing such as yourself shouldn't be in this profession."

"Excuse me?" Chat sneers as his pupils slowly begin to shrink as he approaches the two. "Who're you calling a thing?"

"This pretty thing right in front of me." XY responds, paying almost no attention to the cat as he focuses on Phoenix, kissing her hand and she snatches it away, rubbing the germs off on her costume.

"Don't do that again." Phoenix cringes as she steps a good foot away from the man.

"And why not?" XY gets in the girls space and wraps an arm around her waist. Phoenix stares at him like he was a threat and harshly elbowed him in his stomach, making the man groan and release her.

"That's why not." Phoenix removes herself from around him and stands beside a shocked Ladybug and a ready-to-blow-a-fuse Chat Noir.

"Feisty... it isn't perfect wifey behavior but it's something we could work on." XY smirks as he looks the girl up and down.

"That's it!" Chat completely snaps as he pulls out his staff, fully prepared to beat some sense into the misogynistic pervert.

Ladybug literally had to tie Chat to something in order to avoid any straggling news reporters slandering his name.

"Look, we're wasting too much time here! Let's just hurry up and get you to safety." Ladybug struggles to tame the wildcat as she jerks with his furious movements.

"Who even cares? My roadies can just project my image on stage. Live concerts are so 10-minutes-ago." XY rolls his eyes, but still wiggles his eyebrows at an annoyed Phoenix.

Not even a second after XY finishes his sentence, he gets snatched up by Fang and they fly off in the direction of the Eiffel Tower, Guitar Villain's evil laughter echoing after him.

"Back to square one." Chat says as Ladybug finally releases him from his restraints. "I'd say we leave him for a minute to learn his lesson."

Phoenix let's out a loud hum in agreement.

Ladybug can only sigh at the two. "I've got a feeling we're in for quite a concert. You two ready?"

"To rock'n riff, baby!" Chat says as the three continue to chase after Guitar Villain.


"Hello, Paris!" Guitar Villain calls out to the insanely large crowd below, before turning to a tied up XY on a plank. "You said your music is the only killer music around. Is that right?"

"I d-didn't m-mean it!" XY stutters out in fear as he tries to back away, the room left on the plank he was standing on growing smaller and smaller. "Listen.. Mr. Guitar.... we can do the duet in your style!"

XY backs away until he almost falls, noticing that if he took another step, he'd literally walk himself off the plank and into a sea of his demise.

"Too late. I'm going to show you what killer music really is." Guitar Villain sneers as he begins to play his guitar, "Ultimate Solo!"

The heroes hold on to what they could of the Eiffel Tower, the earth seeming to shake at how loudly the guitar's sound was.

"XY's gonna fall!" Ladybug says, worriedly.

"I can live with that." Chat shoots a dirty look towards the struggling man.

"Chat." Phoenix sighs at the cat, not allowing his show of overprotectiveness to make her flustered. He would've done the same for Ladybug.

Then again, she's just happy he was quick to jump to her defense.

"What? Someone's gonna catch him. It won't be me, but someone will." Chat crosses his arms defiantly.

The girls roll their eyes at him and continue to rush their way up the Eiffel Tower, and unbeknownst to them, a certain crocodile-like dragon had sensed them, and was lurking, waiting to strike.

The trio continues to run up the Eiffel Tower but they get knocked down as Fang hits them away. Chat and Ladybug immediately uses their weapons to catch themselves while Phoenix gets another idea entirely.

She aims her arrow and her moving target and fires, the string attached to the arrow pulling her atop the dragon who tried to buck her to no avail. She pulled her newly made reigns and made the dragon turn around to go back to her partners.

"Need a lift?" Phoenix calls as she swipes them up and returns to the skies.

"Hey wow, the bird mastered the dragon!" Chat excitedly says, as he holds on to her waist to keep himself steady (Ladybug was holding on to Chat's waist).


"So how'd you like the concert?" Guitar Villain taunts XY. "Do you still think your music is the only killer music out there?!"

"N-No, please d-don't!" XY whimpers and grows more weary as the plank he was standing on began to crack.

"Awesome Solo-" Guitar Villain begins, but was interrupted.

"Not so fast!" Ladybug calls out to him, as the trio swoop in on his dragon.

"My dragon!" Guitar Villain sneers.

"Please, hurry!" XY pleads the heroes, fearful of falling to his death.

"You're too late! Nothing can stop Guitar Villain!" The man prepares to play his guitar, "Rockin' Riff, baby!"

"We only rock to the real Jagged Stone!" Ladybug says, as Phoenix continues to dodge his blasts while manning the dragon.

"The akuma has to be in his guitar!" Phoenix tells her teammates, eyeing all of her surroundings as they fly.

"How're we gonna get to that?" Chat Noir asks, his voice vibrating into Phoenix's ear from how close he decided to stay and making her shiver.

"Let's go backstage!" Ladybug says with a determined look, signaling Phoenix to steer the dragon back toward the Eiffel Tower. She steers the dragon into one of the many holes of the tower, getting it stuck (on purpose) and they jump off the dragon, and prepare to head up.

"Where'd they go?" Guitar Villain looks below, but gives up once he could no longer spot them, "No matter, it's just too bad for them, they're going to miss the final song."

Jagged cackles upon hearing Mr. XY's cries of fear.

"Oh, are you scared?" He taunts, "Or is it to awesome for you?"

"Please, Mr. Guitar Villain!" XY pleads.

Using their face off as a distraction, Ladybug summons her lucky charm and gains hair gel.

"Extreme Fixing Gel?" Ladybug questions the spotted spray can she received.

"You plan on doing his hair?" Phoenix asks as she watches Guitar Villain wave his hair back and forth as he played his guitar.

"Actually, yes!" Ladybug grins mischievously, as she shakes up the spray. "Phoenix, you help Mr. XY, Chat Noir, you and I will handle Guitar Villain."

"On it!" Phoenix playfully salutes and continues to climb higher.

Chat distracts Guitar Villain as he plays his guitar, fighting him off as best he could as Ladybug slowly creeps behind him. She sprays his hair and it gets stuck in his face. He drops his guitar in confusion, struggling to get the now greasy hair out of his face.

Ladybug did the famous guitar smash and broke the guitar, the Akuma immediately flying out.

"Hey, don't forget about me!" XY screams as the plank completely snaps and he falls.

A flash of heat and orange fly by the heroes and less than a couple seconds later, XY flies back up with Phoenix carrying him, her flame wings flapping behind her as she lands.

"Sorry, I.... couldn't find an opening to get him," Phoenix awkwardly smiles, further letting the heroes know she let him fall on purpose.

"Music's over, little akuma. Time to de-evilize!" Ladybug catches the Akuma and throws her spray can into the air, allowing everything to be returned to its original state and free everyone from Guitar Villain's control. "Miraculous Ladybug!"

"Pound it!" The trio fist bump over a job well done.

"What's he doing here?" XY snobbishly asks as he points at a confused Jagged Stone.

"He came to tell you that perhaps you've.. uh.. underestimated the power of his music." Ladybug shrugs.

"This guy's crazy." XY points at the man.

"Thank you." Jagged takes it as a compliment.

"How about an autograph, Jagged?" Phoenix and Chat Noir ask Jagged who happily agrees and signs their album disks.

"Which reminds me, Phoenix and I still have work to do!" Ladybug shrieks.

"We do?" Phoenix raises an eyebrow before she releases her own shriek, "Oh crap, we do!"

"Bug and Bird out!" Ladybug calls as she and Phoenix quickly zoom off.


"Done!" (Y/N) and Marinette both say together as they both hold up their project in excitement.

(This is literally straight from the episode, work is not mine)

"Jagged's gonna love it!" Tikki exclaims as Feu nods in approval.

"I hope so, it's 100% (Y/N) and Marinette."
(Y/N) smiles.


"Oh yeah, this is it!" Jagged exclaims excitedly as he receives the album cover, "You did it, girls! I can almost smell the leather and sweat just radiating off this design."

"Uh, you actually are smelling it." Marinette smiles happily, "(Y/N) made a special scented sticker for your album."

Jagged practically lights up, "I want it! I gotta have it! It's authentic, it's original, it's so.. Jagged."

Marinette and (Y/N) leaves as Jagged quits working under Bob Roth Records finally having enough of his overly bossy manager.

The girls enter an empty elevator as they prepare to leave the hotel, and once the door closes, they scream in excitement.


"In today's news, Jagged Stone's new album hit the charts at No. 1, knocking Mr. XY off his throne. Welcome back, King of Rock."

The next day at school, the next day after school, (Y/N) prepares to leave as she packs her things at her locker. She stops in her tracks as she hears a voice call out to her.

"Hey there, (Y/N)!" Adrien calls the girl, while holding up Jagged's new album. "So as you already know, I'm a huge fan of Jagged Stone's and I saw that you designed his album cover."

"Marinette and I both did, yeah! It's crazy!"
(Y/N) ensures to include Marinette because it was a team effort, that and she also wanted Adrien to give her some credit.

"I wanted to ask if I could get it autographed?" Adrien shyly asks as he holds it out to her along with a marker.

"Ok sure? I'll ask him. You can keep the pen though." (Y/N) says taking the album and was about to shove it in her bag before she was stopped by Adrien grabbing her hands.

"I actually meant... you." Adrien hands the pen to the girl.

"Me?" (Y/N) asks confused.

"If you wouldn't mind?" Adrien rubs his neck as his cheeks begin to heat up and he couldn't meet the girls confused gaze.

"Uhm... sure.." (Y/N) signs her signature on the cover and hands it back to him, but keeps it once she notices something. "Where's Marinette's signature?"

"Oh... uhm.. I wanted to get your's first." Adrien answers.

"Oh. Okay." (Y/N) oddly says before handing it back to him. "I'll see you around then?"

(Y/N) closes her locker and walks off, brushing Adrien's awkwardness off and going to meet with Nathaniel so they could walk to his house.

Adrien looks after the girl with a large blush on his face as he strokes the name on the cover, admiring the little heart she drew on it.

To: Adrien

Love, (Y/N) 🤍


In the end, Marinette was excited that she and (Y/N) made a album together.

(Y/N) still has a celebrity crush on Jagged Stone.

And Adrien cherished his newly signed album cover, while keeping it a secret that he only got one of them to sign it.


(Y/N) will simp for Jagged Stone any day.

Chat Noir/ Adrien definitely drinks his respect women juice and whoever doesn't deserves the death penalty. Just saying.

5 chapters left

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You just moved to Paris because you were sent to study Parisians fashion. Marinette was chosen by majority vote to go to America so you basically tra...
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Another Chat Blanc story. Chat Noir is at his final straw. He's done with being heartbroken by Ladybug. Hawk Moth attempts to akumatize him but some...