The Miraculous Three

By TheRealJMTY

362K 10.7K 19.6K

After centuries of not being able to deem anyone worthy, the Phoenix miraculous is finally gifted to someone... More

Your Miraculous
✨Fanart Musuem✨
1.1 - Stormy Weather
1.2 - The Bubbler
1.3 - The Pharaoh
1.4 - Lady Wifi
1.5 - Timebreaker
1.6 - Mister Pigeon
1.7 - Evillustrator
1.8 - RogerCop
1.9 - CopyCat
1.10 - Dark Cupid
1.11 - Horrificator
1.12 - Darkblade
1.13 - The Mime
1.14 - Kung Food
1.15 - Gamer
1.16 - Animan
Potential Stories
1.17 - Antibug
1.19 - Reflekta
1.20 - Pixelator
1.21 - Guitar Villain
1.22 - Princess Fragrance
1.23 - Simon Says
1.24 - Volpina
1.25 - Origins: Part One
1.26 - Origins: Part Two

1.18 - The Puppeteer

10.3K 372 659
By TheRealJMTY


3rd Person POV:

Hawkmoth being a whole menace for using a child to do his dirty work 👉🏾🚪


"Here I am, M'lady!" Chat Noir appears.

"Glad to see you, Chat Noir." Ladybug smiles at the cat.

"Of course you are, I'm the cat's meow!" Chat responds. "Rawrrrrrr!"

"Chat Noir would not do that!" (Y/N) cackles along with Marinette. The two girls were once again babysitting Manon, the three of them playing with hero dolls that Marinette had made.

"He shouldn't say that." Manon agrees, not understanding why the girls were laughing so hard.

"No?" Marinette questions sassily.

"Nuh uh." Manon shakes her head poutily, snuggling more into (Y/N)'s lap.

Marinette shares a look with (Y/N), before clearing her throat. "This is no time to goof around, Chat Noir! We've gotta capture the baddie's akumas before they... actually what do the baddie's want?" Marinette snaps out of character when she realizes there was no plot to the story.

"Uhh.. we wanna win!" Manon smiles happily.

"Win what?" (Y/N) asks, tickling the giggly little girl.

"I dunno.. what do they usually want?" Manon playfully pretends to bite at (Y/N)'s fingers when she reaches to tickle her.

"Depends." Marinette shrugs, "Lady WiFi wanted to reveal Ladybug's identity, Evillustrator wanted to get revenge on a girl for mocking him, and then there was RogerCop who wanted to get justice after being wrongfully fired. But the evil Hawkmoth who makes these people bad, wants to take Ladybug, Chat Noir, and Phoenix's jewels from them.. their miraculouses." Marinette's tone gets scarier and scarier as if she were telling a horror story about the evil Hawkmoth.

"But.. what will happen if he did take them?" Manon asks, holding her Lady WiFi doll close to her and hugging (Y/N) tightly for comfort.

"The bad guys would win." Marinette frowns.

"I know! I know what the bad guys would want!" Manon snaps out of her original state when she hears the word, 'win.' "We want the miraculouses! Then we'll win, forever and ever! I'm gonna get your miraculous, Ladybug, Chat Noir, and Phoenix! You goody-two-shoeses! Hand them over or you'll be super duper sorry!"

Manon hops out of (Y/N)'s lap as she narrates her own little villainous monologue before she playfully lunges with her villain dolls at Marinette and (Y/N) who had the three hero dolls. They quickly snatch the heroes away making Manon miss. The three of them hits the dolls together making it seem as if they were fighting and they knock the three dolls out of Manon's hands signaling the villains defeat.

"Hey!" Manon pouts, not liking the turn out of their little fight.

"Ladybug, Chat Noir, and Phoenix have won again!" Marinette announces, making Manon more pouty.

"No fair! You two always win!" Manon throws her dolls down and stomps her foot, a small temper tantrum on its way.

"Ladybug, Chat Noir, and Phoenix always win." (Y/N) softly tells Manon, picking the crying girl up and patting her head to calm her down. "And the bad guys always lose."

"But Marinette never lets me play with the heroes!" Manon whines, letting (Y/N) wipe her tears.

"Oh don't cry!" Marinette cringes. "Of course you can play with them! I'll even let you borrow one of them if you want."

Manon immediately snatches the ladybug doll from Marinette.

"I'm back, Manon!" Nadia comes upstairs to pick up Manon. "Have you been a good girl?"

"Mommy!" Manon waves from (Y/N)'s arms, not even attempting to get down. "Marinette didn't let me win! She didn't play fair and square!"

Marinette blinks at (Y/N), the both of them knowing the Manon omitted the fact that (Y/N) didn't let her win either.

"Oh Manon," Nadia giggles, "you can't always expect to win."

"Yes you can! Ladybug, Chat Noir, and Phoenix always win!" Manon argues.

"Well, you're right there, but they're superheroes." Nadia counters Manon's statement.

"You'll win next time, Manon." Marinette promises.

(Y/N) sets Manon down when she notices her mother pulling out her keys to get ready to leave. Plus her arms where getting tired do there's that.

"Alright Manon, give the doll back to Marinette." Her mother says.

"No! I want to keep her!" Manon angrily shouts, snatching the doll from her mom.

"I told her she could borrow the doll." Marinette tells Nadia, trying to deescalate the situation. "I don't mind."

"That's so sweet of you, Marinette." Nadia smiles. "But she already has so many toys at home, I wouldn't even know where to put it."

Nadia gently takes the doll from Manon who immediately snatches it back and rips the arm off of it.

"Give it to me." Nadia firmly states making Manon sadly pout and hand it over. "I'm sorry, Marinette."

"Oh, it's nothing!" Marinette shrugs it off as it was really no big deal for her. "I can just sew it back up again."

"Thank goodness." Nadia breaths a sigh of relief, "Come on, Manon, say goodbye."

"I... want... that... doll!" Manon screeches at her mother, her temper flying out of the window.

"No." Nadia firmly says, not affected by Manon's outburst. "You can play with it here, next time." Nadia picks up Manon and they both say goodbye before they left.

It was only a few minutes before Manon went back upstairs because she forgot her bag.

"Manon, what are you doing?" Marinette asks. She was currently alone because (Y/N) had to use the restroom.

"I forgot my bag." Manon says, as she picks up her things before pausing, "Can I have Ladybug?"

"You heard what your mom said." Marinette says.

"She won't know if I hide it!" Manon retaliates.

"I have to sew her back up." Marinette responds.

"Pretty please!" Manon begs, giving Marinette her famous baby doll eyes that work everytime.

"Please, please, not the babydoll eyes!" Marinette cringes, before sighing out. "Okay, you can have Lady WiFi."

Marinette gives the Lady WiFi doll to Manon and she shoves it in her bag.

"Can I have the Chat Noir doll too. "He's
(Y/N)'s favorite!" Manon begs.

Before Marinette could respond, they were interrupted by approaching footsteps and Marinette's bedroom door opening.

"Manon? I thought you had left already, sweet pea?" (Y/N) questions as she re-enters the room, making Marinette and Manon freeze.

"I forgot my bag." Manon says, but couldn't look (Y/N) in the eyes. The little girl was already going behind her mother's back and was okay with it, but she'd rather give up sweets than see (Y/N) with even a little disappointment in her eyes. And that's saying something.

"Okay, I think your mom's getting impatient, though. Head back down." (Y/N)'s eyebrow twitches unnoticeably as she instructs the little girl. Manon immediately nods and waves goodbye before leaving the bakery with her mom.

"You gave her a doll, didn't you?" (Y/N) whips around to Marinette, a scary aura emitting from her, making the bluenette slouch. The aura was similar to the silent anger that a mother gave off when she knows her child has done something they shouldn't have. And that is top-tier scary.

"She gave me the babydoll eyes!" Marinette defends herself. "I can't say no to those!"

"Just be glad that none of Ladybug's baddies have them, or you'd be rendered powerless." (Y/N) jokingly roles her eyes as Marinette pouts at her.

"I just hope Manon's mom doesn't find out about it." Tikki shakes her head.

"I certainly do." Feu cackles.


"These are one of Marinette's dolls." Nadia snatches the Lady WiFi doll from Manon, anger with her daughter's disobedience surging through her. "You took it after I specifically told you not to."

"But.. but... Marinette wanted me to have it." Manon argues.

"You disobeyed me." Nadia shakes her head. "I told you that the dolls are to stay at her house."

Nadia puts the doll in her purse and begins to walk away, having to run quick errand and leaving Manon in a trusted coworkers care.

"No... mommy... please don't!" Manon whines not wanting her to take the doll, a temper tantrum already taking place.

"I'm not happy about this. Wait for me here." Nadia says disappointed, before walking away.

Manon continues to pout before snatching her wand out of her bag and swings it around, her anger getting the better of her.

"I didn't steal that doll. I.. want... that... doll!" Manon frustratedly sighs.


"What could be more pure than an innocent child's emotions, especially anger? I love it!"

Hawkmoth allows a delicate butterfly to land on his palm to be consumed with darkness, the butterfly turning into a akuma.

"Fly away my little akuma, and commiserate with this frustrated child!"

The Akuma flies all the way to the TV station where Manon was currently sobbing into the couch, still upset with her mother. The moth flies straight to the little girl and lands inside her magic wand.

"Puppeteer, I am Hawkmoth. From now on, you can control anyone."

"Even Ladybug, Chat Noir, and Phoenix?" Manon asks.

"Yes, as long as you possess their dolls."

"And I can win?"

"Yes, you will be able to win. But in return, you must do something for me."

"Bring you their miraculouses." Manon smirks evilly, the akumatization taking over her body. "I know!"

"What a smart little girl you are."

Puppeteer follows in her mother's footsteps and grabs the Lady WiFi doll from her purse while her mother wasn't looking. She smirks as she looks upon the innocent doll, knowing this was the key to get the other dolls that were calling to her.


Marinette, (Y/N), and Alya all rush to the subway station, making it just in time to catch the next subway.

"The movie starts in thirty minutes. Or we could buy your book and go to the next showing?" Marinette reads out, offering a alternative for Alya.

"Either way, girl. (Y/N)'s paying for all this so it's up to her." Alya shrugs.

(Y/N) was scrolling through Alya's official new blog about Phoenix: NixNews, per Alya's request, before looking up at the girls. "As long as we stay under a certain price. Remember it's not my money I'm spending."

The two girls hum their agreements and they continue talking before Alya gasps aloud and goes stiff.

"Marinette, 9 o'clock!" Alya says.

"I don't see a 9 o'clock showing?" Marinette holds the phone up to (Y/N) in confusion.

"No, there is one, but we definitely missed it." (Y/N) points at the 9AM showing on Marinette's phone when it was currently 4PM.

"Not that 9 o'clock!" Alya rolls her eyes at the two. "This 9 o'clock!"

Alya turns Marinette and (Y/N)'s heads to the left (which on the clock would be 9:00) for them to spot a familiar blonde-haired golden boy who just so happened to be getting on the same subway as them.

"Adrien." Marinette swoons, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear shyly, as she watches the boy's hair blow with the wind from the stopping subway, before watching get on.

"Come on!" Alya drags the two girls behind her as she jumps into the nearest cart to Adrien's.

Marinette stares lovingly at the boy through the subway window whom was minding his own business, scrolling through his phone.

"I wonder what station he's getting off at?"
(Y/N) questions aloud, her curiosity getting the best of her.

"Maybe he's going to the same movie! Oh, how cool would that be!" Marinette giggles, before beginning to fall into the worries of her mind, "but wait, what if he thinks we're following him like stalkers? Me? A stalker? Although I would follow him... I mean of course I wouldn't really stalk him...oh who am I kidding?"

Alya and (Y/N) share a horrified look. Her love for Adrien was borderline terrifying sometimes. Especially when Marinette wasn't even looking in their direction as she was rambling.

"Who are you talking to?" Alya asks, wiping the previous look off her face.

Marinette shakes her head and shoves her face against the glass again as she goes back to staring the blonde.

It seemed as if Adrien finally felt eyes on him and he looked in the girl's direction. Marinette immediately hides behind (Y/N). Adrien waves at the girls (giving a more enthusiastic wave toward (Y/N)) making the girls wave back.

"He's waving." Alya says through gritted teeth, as she makes it look like she's still smiling.

(Y/N)'s phone dings with a new text message coming from the same boy who was in the cart right next to hers.

Well don't you look fur-miliar! I think I've claw-sitively seen you around before.🧍🏼 🐈‍⬛

No, I'm just a figment of your imagination.

That's a paw-sibility, you're definitely way too purr-ty to be real🥴

You've gotta be kidding me


And no, I'm quite serious🥴🥰😘 We should definitely get meow-rried someday👉🏼💍👈🏼

Who are you, Chat Noir or something?

You wish🐈‍⬛

The two continue their banter as Alya struggles to get Marinette to wave to the boy, until something strange begins to happen to Alya.

Alya begins to glow and she slowly begins her I turn into Lady WiFi, but when she begins to speak, her voice sounds different, child-like almost.

"Marinette, gimme those Ladybug, Chat Noir, and Phoenix dolls!" Lady WiFi sneers.

"Lady WiFi?" (Y/N) questions in disbelief.

"No..." Alya seems to look away from (Y/N)'s gaze, almost seeming to be guilty before snapping out of it and turning to Marinette, "I'm Puppeteer! And I want those dolls now!"

"Puppeteer? The dolls? I don't have them they're at home." Marinette says, utterly confused. "Why do you want them, Puppeteer?"

"Because you said I can have them!" Lady WiFi pouts, "and then mommy said no! So give them to me now! Or you'll be super-duper sorry!"

"Manon?" (Y/N) questions in realization. This was a new low, even for Hawkmoth. Akumatizing a child?!

"I want those dolls!" As the subway stops, Lady WiFi uses her powers to fly away, the direction being to the bakery.

The two girls rush after her but she was too fast for them. "Manon, this isn't a game!" Marinette calls after her.

"We have to find a place to transform." Marinette tells (Y/N) who nods, before watched a black leather-clad hand clamp down on (Y/N)'s shoulder.

"Hey, that was Lady WiFi. Did that villain say anything to you?" He asked them both.

"I'm not sure but... her voice belonged to a little girl we babysit." Marinette informs.

"It's as if she was controlling our friend, Alya, or Lady WiFi, from a distance." (Y/N) ponders aloud.

"What was all this talk about dolls?" Chat asks.

"I have some dolls at home that she likes to play with." Marinette responds.

"Okay, where do you live?" Chat asks, preparing to take off after Lady WiFi.

"12, rue Gotlib." Marinette tells him her address.

"Got it, I'll take care of it." Chat smiles, before taking (Y/N)'s hand and giving it a chaste kiss, before taking off.

"I don't know how I feel about Chat Noir rummaging through my room." Marinette frowns as he leaves.

"Scared he'll find your not so hidden stash of Adrien?" (Y/N) raises an eyebrow.

"Exactly." Marinette shivers before calling out her transformation phrase.

"Tikki, Spots On!"

"Feu, Fire Up!"


"Puppeteer! Such a shame, it's really not nice to steal from your babysitter." Ladybug mockingly pouts, as the three heroes catch her red-handed as she hastily shoved the dolls in her bag.

"Breaking and entering are grounds for a serious time out." Chat comments.

"Soon I'll get your miraculouses, you goodie-two-shoeses!" Puppeteer speaks through Lady WiFi.

"There's only one goodie-two-shoes around here, and I'm not her." Phoenix jokingly jabs at Ladybug, who in return gives her the stink-eye.

"Freeze!" Lady WiFi begins to throw her pause buttons and the heroes use their weapons to knock them away; Ladybug beginning to notice that her precious pictures of Adrien's face that adorned the walls were too visible, especially when Lady WiFi hits one of them.

She quickly uses her yo-yo to block Chat's view of her house walls and tries to distract him.

"Remember how we defeated Lady WiFi the first time?" Ladybug awkwardly smiles at the cat.

"Take out the WiFi!" Chat says in realization, "Gotcha!" He exits the room much to Ladybug's relief and climbs up the building to get to the nearest cell tower.

Phoenix knocks the dolls out of Puppeteer's bag and they spill to the floor, causing WiFi to retaliate and freeze both heroines in their places with the pause button. Luckily, Ladybug managed to snatch her own doll before Lady WiFi could. As they are stopped in time, Lady WiFi picked the dolls back up and placed them back inside the bag.

WiFi walks up to Ladybug and begins to reach out for her earrings, only to have the connection for buttons to stop and Phoenix quickly knocking her away from Ladybug.

Within that time, Ladybug snatched Lady WiFi's phone from her and dropping it on the floor and crushing it with her heel. She prepares to catch the Akuma only to realize that there was no Akuma inside the phone.

"Where's the Akuma?" Ladybug asked confused. Lady WiFi throws a desk at the girls using this distraction to get away.

The heroines quickly to catch up to her only to realize that she was gone and no where to be seen.

"Did you capture her Akuma?" Chat asks, landing beside the girls.

"She didn't have one." Phoenix frowns.

"How's that possible?!" Chat asks, confused.

"She's controlled by Puppeteer. She must have the Akuma!" Ladybug thinks.

"Right! Lady WiFi's only just a puppet!" Chat agrees, before his ears drop when he realizes something, "please tell me you got all three dolls."

"I'm sorry, I only managed to get the Ladybug one." Ladybug says making Phoenix and Chat Noir groan aloud.

"We gotta find Puppeteer before she takes control of us!" Phoenix urgently says, but stops when she hears Chat's ring being to beep.

"Chat Noir, you're ring! You're gonna transform back!" Ladybug stresses.

"Don't let her make me her puppet. You know I like to be in command."  Chat winks toward the two girls.

"You mean third in command." Ladybug smirks. "Call us when you're back in business."

As Chat Noir went to go recharge, Ladybug and Phoenix rush to the TV station after calling Nadia.


"She's still in the building." Phoenix says as she examines the security cameras, 'she,' says she referring to Puppeteer.

"I need you all to go outside now!" Ladybug instructs.

"No! I want to find my daughter!" Nadia voice breaks as she tries to rush downstairs only to be held back by Ladybug.

"We'll bring her back, Mrs. Chamack." Ladybug  reassures. "But it'll help us more if we know you're safe."

"..Okay." Nadia takes a deep breath and follows her co workers outside the building.

"Ladybug, we need to go.. now!" Phoenix abruptly stands from her chair and snatches Ladybug by the wrist before dragging her downstairs. Ladybug only getting a brief look at the computer screen which showed the Evillustrator and RogerCop dolls being brought to life.

The girls stalk downstairs and look around their surroundings for any stray puppets, Phoenix whipping around and locking someone's hands behind their backs when she feels a hand on her shoulder.

"It's okay, I'm not a puppet yet, but I'd like to stop Puppeteer before that happens." Chat Noir calmly says, as Phoenix lets him go.

"Sorry." Phoenix bashfully says.

The heroes kick open the doors to where Puppeteer was, freezing in their tracks when they see that Puppeteer had her hands on the Phoenix doll.

"No!" Phoenix rushes to the doll, and time slowed down as Puppeteer aside her next phrase:

"Phoenix, come to life!"

Phoenix seems to no longer be able to control her body and her eyes become lifeless, bowing before Puppeteer, like the puppet she now was.

"Phoenix!" The two remaining heroes call out to the girl to no avail, she could no longer hear them.

"Use Phoenix to capture Ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculouses!"  A purple butterfly appears over Puppeteer's face as Hawkmoth gives the girl instructions.

"Gimme that Ladybug doll!" Puppeteer speaks through Phoenix. "I'm gonna get your miraculouses!"

"Not so fast, rug rat!" Ladybug sneers.

Chat Noir and Ladybug dodge all five of the puppets coming against them, before running away and hiding.

"Why hasn't Puppeteer change me into one of her puppets yet... she definitely has my doll." Chat asks as Ladybug and he runs. "She's been holding it and hasn't let go of it."

"Maybe because you're her favorite?" Ladybug jokes before gasping as she stops in her tracks when she remembers something, Chat Noir immediately stopping as well.

"Can I have the Chat Noir doll too? He's
(Y/N)'s favorite!"

"She hasn't touched you're doll because it's special to someone else!" Ladybug realizes, going wide eyed.

"Meaning what?" Chat asked confused.

"I'm pretty sure you know this girl, her name is (Y/N) (L/N)." Ladybug shows him a quick picture of (Y/N) on her yo-yo as if Chat doesn't have billions of them engraved in his mind already. "She's another one of the girls that babysit Manon and she's really taken a liking to (Y/N). I'm starting to think that she won't touch you're doll because she knows that you're (Y/N)'s favorite hero."

"I'm really her favorite?" Chat seems to disregard everything Ladybug said and focuses on that. His face growing a light shade of pink. Unbeknownst to Ladybug, he also burned the fact that (Y/N) is great with kids in his memory, locking it up for future use.

"I don't know why." Ladybug tries to inconspicuously say, but her tone was more suspicious then anything, because she knows exactly why. "I think I have an idea though, we'll use (Y/N) to distract-"

"Absolutely not." Chat growls out. "She is to come nowhere near any danger if I have any say in it."

Ladybug could feel herself shiver at his tone. She's never heard his voice go that low before. The normal tenor of his voice turned into the deepest bass and she swore she felt the chill of it in her soul.

"I meant... to use her name as a distraction..." Ladybug slowly says as she stares as the light returns to Chat's eyes. His ferocious dark eyes returning to their original beautiful shade.

"Right. That I can approve of." Chat chuckles as he begins to charge back to where the Puppeteer was hiding.

Ladybug follows after him, not understanding why Chat reacted the way he did. He's not supposed to know (Y/N), he's supposed only have either heard about her or saved her. Which he did, Ladybug knew that, but why was he so protective over someone he doesn't know? Or... is (Y/N) someone he does know? Ladybug decides to no longer think about it at the moment in favor of catching this akuma.

"Hey Puppeteer, (Y/N) wants to see you!" Ladybug calls out.

Puppeteer immediately freezes and her grip on the Chat Noir doll becomes tighter. Puppeteer almost looks ashamed and stressed when she realized that (Y/N) might be disappointed with her if she saw what happened. Puppeteer seized all of the dolls movements as they were about to attack the remaining heroes.

"She can't be here!" Puppeteer has a tantrum, "I don't want her to be here! She can't see me this way! Phoenix, find (Y/N)!"

Phoenix nods and rushes off, Chat Noir releasing a sharp growl and following after her.

"Chat Noir, wait!" Ladybug calls after the feline, grabbing onto his wrist with her yo-yo and dragging him back.

"What! I can't stand by and let Phoenix find that girl!" Chat tries to break free to no avail.

"No this is perfect, Phoenix will be running in a circle, since the one she's looking for isn't here! Therefore we no longer have to fight her and nor do we have to worry about her being their best fighter."

"You're right." Chat releases a breath, "but let's end this before Puppeteer sends Nix back."

They turn to a stressed out Puppeteer who continued to watch the Phoenix doll run.

"Attack them! Bring their miraculouses to me! I want (Y/N) to see me win!" Puppeteer orders her remaining dolls, the puppets immediately falling into action.

The heroes manage to get the villains to use their powers against each other and detain them for the time being, they stalk toward Puppeteer who simply looks toward them... or rather behind them.

"Phoenix.. bring me their miraculouses!" Puppeteer orders.

The heroes snap their heads to look at an angry and out of breath Phoenix, who had just finished scaling the entire building, looking for someone who technically wasn't there. The cold look in her originally warm eyes made the heroes shiver.

"Phoenix, snap out of it!" Ladybug shouts to her partner.

Phoenix could not respond to them as she was only a puppet. She could only follow the orders of her master, and her master had ordered her to do one thing: get the miraculouses.

Phoenix charged toward Ladybug and engaged in hand to hand, knocking Ladybug away and quickly heading toward Chat Noir. Phoenix knocks Chat's staff away and uses it to trip him, pinning him against the floor with it and using her foot to pin Ladybug down, quickly and easily putting her partners down.

"Excellent, Phoenix." Puppeteer cackles, "Now, bring me my prizes."

Phoenix drags the heroes with their hands behind their back toward Puppeteer, all of them unaware of the Evillustrator doll going limp.

"Phoenix!" A familiar voice calls out.

Phoenix stops in her tracks as she turns to the voice, her eyes widening as she spots Evillustrator walking toward her. Chat Noir looks in confusion as Ladybug looks on with excitement. She knew leaving Nathaniel unbound would come in handy.

"It's time to wake up now, love." Evillustrator walks up to Phoenix and caresses her face, "Let them go."

Phoenix slowly releases the heroes, maintaining eye contact with Evillustrator.

"There you go." Evillustrator praises the girl, bringing her into his embrace telling the other heroes with his eyes to hurry up and break the Akuma before they both go back under.

"This isn't fair!" Puppeteer whines, picking the Phoenix doll back up and beginning to call out to the bird miraculous. "Phoenix, come to li-"

"I'll take that." Ladybug uses her yo-yo to snatch the wand from Puppeteers hand and snapping it in half, the Akuma immediately flying out.

"No more evil-doing for you little Akuma. Time to de-evilize!" Ladybug purifies the Akuma and the puppets freeze momentarily before returning to original states.

"What happened?" Phoenix asks, rubbing her temple, "When did you get here?!"

Nathaniel blushes and lets go of the fiery hero, especially when he noticed the way Chat Noir was looking at him.

"I don't q-quite remember either." Nathaniel puts on the stuttering act, to make sure that he doesn't accidentally give (Y/N)'s secret away. He was dead serious on keeping her secret, a secret.

"You were a puppet, but don't worry. You didn't do anything bad." Ladybug smiles at Phoenix embracing her into a hug.

"Oh, thank goodness." Phoenix sighs out in relief.

"I'm glad you're okay," Chat says, also pulling Phoenix into a hug, making sure to stare Nathaniel directly in his eyes, making Nathaniel look away shyly, clearly intimidated.

"Thanks kitty, and by the way, you can pull my heart strings any day!" Phoenix winks before heading off with Nathaniel, planning to take him home.


"I'm sorry about what happened Mrs. Chamack." Marinette apologizes. "I shouldn't have given her the doll after you said no."

"Manon can be pretty persuasive sometimes." Mrs. Chamack takes no hard feelings.

"Yeah, with her.." (Y/N) signals two finger at her eyes, Nadia immediately knowing what they mean.

"..Babydoll eyes? Yes, I know." Mrs. Chamack huffs out a laugh. "Well I'll see you later then."

"Kiss, Manon." Nadia calls out to her daughter and Manon rushes up to give her mother a kiss on the cheek.

"Bye, mommy!" Manon waves as she leaves and the little girl immediately rushes to pull on (Y/N)'s pants leg, requesting to be picked up, and (Y/N) obliged.

"Can we play with Ladybug, Chat Noir, and Phoenix!" Manon asks her babysitters.

"I have a better idea, why don't we go to the Zoo?" Marinette takes one look at the dolls and makes a different decision.

"But I want to play with the dolls, pretty please!" Manon begs, her babydoll eyes coming in full swing.

"Don't even try it, Manon." (Y/N) raises an eyebrow at the girl in her arms. Manon giggling and complying.


In the end, Marinette was able to overcome Manon's babydoll eyes.

(Y/N) was told of how Nathaniel snapped her out of the Puppeteer's puppetry and she's been spoiling the red head rotten for it.

And Adrien is still unaware of his feelings, but there's one thing for sure he knows. He doesn't like Nathaniel.


It's a good thing Nathaniel knows
(Y/N)'s secret identity, he'll always bend over backwards to help her out.

That doesn't mean Nathaniel doesn't have heart attacks when she disappears, in fact it got worse because he knows what she's doing. He feels like an overwhelmed mother that has a child who always get themselves into trouble.

Adrien is very protective of (Y/N), but it comes out more when he is Chat Noir because that is his real self.

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