Me,you and the little one (Al...

Av cigarettesmokerkaite

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Lucy Handen was only sixteen when show found out she was pregnant with her best friend Mer

Schools out for summer
Dares are what caused it
new siblings and awkward moments
It was only a kiss
I never thought not in a million years
lyrics and double dates
Birthdays and first timers
Us against the world
Only ones who know
First scan first gig
School problems
Boy or girl?
Mardy bum
Closer and closer
The babys coming
Coming home
Its ya birthday
Deal or no deal
Caught you
Its christmas
A new year
first day of school
family night
it feels like i'm greeting you with a goodbye
phone calls and bubbles
driving home for Christmas
the day after you stole my heart
tattooed memories
Authors announcement (kinda important)
turn on billie
neared heartbreak at the bottom of the bottle
heart of gold
drunkin nights in the city
despair for both of us
why'd you only call me when your high
had a fight with a bottle of whisky last night
weekend forgiving
i love you but its was the right thing to do
rule setting
its serious

family news and tears

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Av cigarettesmokerkaite

(Saturday) (Lucy's POV)
Today's the day I tell my mum that I'm pregnant I don't even know how to tell her how will she react
The good thing is that Alex is with me to break the news so I don't have to do it alone Which I'm extremely thankful for

"So how weh gunna break the news"Alex asked while we were walking back to my house I ended up staying at Alex's house last night
"I honestly don't know al"i sighed I don't even know how far on I was yet i don't want to make an appointment to find out the now I want to wait until my family knows

We finally made it to my house I felt that sickness come over me again only this definitely was not the baby this was with nerves

Me and Alex entered the living room only expecting my mum and Izzy to be home but just my luck my whole family was here my dad and Charlie my nana and grandad yeah I know not my whole family but they the only family I see now

I looked at Alex with wide eyes and no surprise he was looking at me the same way
"Lucy my dear"my nana beamed instantly engulfing me into a tight hug
I smiled widely hugging my nana back "hi nana"I said

"Oh Alexander it's lovely to see you again"my nana smiled engulfing him into one of her tight bone crushing hugs
"Hello Dorothy"Alex greeted
"Hello son"my grandad Albert nodded
"Hi Albert"Alex replied

My nerves were on edge I was like a ticking time bomb I didn't want to tell my whole family but I have to
My mum was preparing dinner for us all while my dad and Charlie popped to the shops for something Izzy was upstairs fixing her makeup my nana and grandad sat in the living with me and Alex watching tv

Alex had a hand on my knee reassuring me everything is going to be alright
I looked at him he was looking at me smiling with love in his eyes "us against the world"he mouthed making me smile

"Aww Albert look at those two like us when we were their age"my nana beamed making me and Alex blush
"Nana"I whined "what"she asked smiling I rolled my eyes

"Nana"I said hesitantly 'may as well tell them now'I thought
"Yes darling"she said my grandad looked at me with a raised eyebrow
"I need to tell you both something but don't tell mum or dad"I whispered my leg starting to bounce up and down with nerves
"Okay"she said slowly for me to continue
"Well even though I'm 16 and young and me and Alex are together well"i sighed
"I'm pregnant"I cringed as I said those two words my nana and grandads eyes really popped out their heads

"Oh my"my nana gasped
"Everything alright mum"my mum shouted from the kitchen I looked at my nana with begging eyes for her to not say anything
"Oh yeah just something on the telly"my nana shouted back
I mentally thanked her

"Are you keeping it"she asked me and Alex both nodded
"How far on are you"my grandad asked
"We don't even know yet we want to tell everyone in our family first then see"I replied
"And your with her every step of the way"my nana asked Alex
"Of course I'm never leaving Lucy's side this is our babeh"he said with a nervous smile
"I know we should be but we're proud of both of you"my nana said then wrapping me into a hug

"Thank you"I whispered my eyes starting to water
"Don't cry you mum will get worried"my nana whispered kissing the top of my head
"We're here for you both if anything bad happens"my grandad said

After I confessed my pregnancy to my grandparents soon enough it was dinner time and luckily it was a Sunday roast even though it was Saturday
"So Lucy how's school going"Charlie asked while shoving a forkful of chicken in her mouth
"Yeah good"i mumbled
"So Alex I heard you started a band and got a gig next week"my dad said Alex blushed he hated when he was a topic to talk about
"Erm yeah weh buzzin bout it and all"he chuckled

After dinner it was time for dessert which was a cake and ice cream
"So I have something to tell you all please don't get mad"I mumbled nervously
Alex held my hand under the table giving it a squeeze
"What did you do now lulu"my dad chuckled
"Erm I don't know how to tell you"I said
"Just say it it can't be that bad"my mum said smiling
"I'm pregnant"I quickly said
"What"everyone at the table gasped except my nana and grandad and Alex

"I knew it"Izzy beamed I looked at her confused
"How"I questioned how could she know
"You constantly being sick and always on nerves"she shrugged
"What the fuck you can't be"my dad mumbled
"I don't know what to say I'm not happy about this"my mum whispered
"I'm sorry I only found out a few days ago I don't know how far on I am but Me and Alex are keeping it"I sobbed tears starting to fall
'Fuck your hormones'I said in my head

"I fucking pissed off"my dad spat getting off his chair
"I never thought you lulu would be so fucking stupid"my dad disappointingly said
"It's my choice dad I'm sorry I'm choosing to spend it raising a child at least I'm being responsible about it instead of being stupid with it"I snapped
"I don't want to see you for a while you disappointed me"he sighed him and Charlie walking out the house

I broke down infront of everyone
"Oh lu it's okay I'm here I'm not happy about this but I'm here your my baby and I'm always here"my mum whispered wrapping me in her arms Alex had his head down a tear slipping out his eye
"I'm sorreh this is all mEh fault"he mumbled
"No alex is not"my nana said now hugging him
'This night can't get any more worse' I thought

"I'm sorreh babeh I'm so fookin sorreh it mEh fault we're in this mess"Alex sobbed my nana and grandad left and my mum and Izzy are in bed me and Alex sat in my bedroom sobbing like baby's
"No alex it's not your fault we didn't know this was going to happen"i mumbled into him chest
"It is though if I wore a fookin condom on yer birfdaeh if I were more fookin careful"he groaned
"Do you think this is all a mistake keeping the baby"I asked
"I don't kno' but I wanna keep the babeh but it's completeleh up teh yeh if yeh wanna keep it or no'" he said
"I want to keep the baby"I said without a doubt but I keep feeling I'm holding Alex back

(3 days later)
After that night at dinner everything was different in my family I haven't seen my dad and to be honest I'm pissed at him I don't want to see him anymore
My mum and Izzy are super supportive they said it's completely my choice what I do and they'll be there 1000% for me I honestly can't thank them enough

Now I have to deal with school and trust me a pregnant girl in school isn't a good combo
It currently break and me and Alex were at our usual spot outside waiting on everyone getting us
"Oi Oi shaggers"Nick beamed from behind us
"You fuckin idiot gave me a heart attack"I jumped out my skin with fright
"Lucy"Courtney beamed wrapping me into a hug I haven't seen her since Friday and I missed her so much

Matt Jamie and Andy then came up to us and started to make jokes to me and Alex
"So lovers Wha' weh doin then doggin next class or Wha'"Andy asked
"Yeah yeah actualleh mEh and Lucy 'ave summat teh tell yeh"Alex said
"Yeh kno' 'ow I been acting all nervous and all"he started
"Yeah cause the gig dickhead"Matt chuckled
"Yeah tha' but also well we've been wanting teh tell yeh all this for a bit but weh kept it a secret"Alex said
"Spit it out Turner"Jamie groaned
"Lucy's pregnant"Alex blurted out

"Oh my god"the boys gasped
"Fookin he'll never expected tha' how far on"Nick asked
"We don't know yet we have an appointment tomorrow to find out"I answered
"Are yeh keepin it"matt asked me and Alex nodded
"Don't tell anyone else"I warned they all nodded
"I'm happeh for yeh bof"Jamie cheered
"You all gunna be uncles and an auntie"i chuckled
"FOOKIN YASS"Jamie shouted only to be heard by the headmaster mr cluchy

"Jamie cook my office right this instant"mr cluchy shouted
"Yes sir"Jamie sighed
"Fookin plonker"he mumbled under his breath making us all laugh our heads off

"So who yeh told so far"Matt asked while we walked back into the school since we decided to ditch skipping class since Jamie was in mr cluchys office
"Well my mum and Izzy,my dad and Charlie,and my nana and grandad and you lot"I replied Matt nodded
"Wha' about penny and David"nick asked
"Weh gunna tell them the day"Alex mumbled

"What we in"Courtney asked while The rest of us checked our timetable
"Maths"I said we all cheered maths was our favourite because all of us were in that class and to be honest with us it wasn't a class it was more like a fucking circus

In maths we never got the work Done we all took the piss out the teacher mr handy because of his name I know that's sick but it's a buzz
"Miss Lucy handen" mr handy called
"Yes sir"I asked with confusion
"Your homework where is it"he asked I let out a frustrated groan
"I forgot about it sir"I replied
"Not good enough"he replied Making me roll my eyes

After school me and Alex made our way to his house both preparing to tell his parents
'What if they keep Alex away from me what if they kick him out'was the thoughts running around my mind all I cared about right now was Alex

(Alex's POV)
How was I going to tell me mum and dad I mean they'll be pissed at me not Lucy it's not her fault it's mine if I were more careful instead of thinking about what's between me legs I don't regret getting her pregnant of course not but it's unexpected we're still kids but there's bigger problems in the world

"What's on your mind Alex"Lucy asked god this girl knows me like the back of her hand I love that about her
"Joost fookin shiten it tha' knows"I mumbled holding her hand that fitted perfectly with mine as we walked the streets of high green to get to my house
"You and me both"she chuckled I can tell she's stressed out to the max

"So what times the gig next week"Lucy asked obviously trying to take our mind off the situation we were about to encounter
"7:00pm luv I'm mega nervous"I chuckled Lucy stood her tiptoes to peck me cheek
"You'll do amazing like you always do"she reassured me "how the fook did I end up wif the best girl in the fookin world"i smiled
"Because I love you and you love me"she chuckled

We entered me garden making our way up the little steps to the front door
"Mum I'm home"I called while me and Lucy took our jackets off and placed our bags beside the shoe rack
"Oh Alex Hello son Lucy dear hello"penny beamed giving us a bear hug and a peck on the cheek something she did for many years
"Hello penny"Lucy laughed 'god that laugh music to my ears'I though smiling in awe

We're now sat in the living room me dad slumped on "his chair" as he calls it because it's the most comfortable chair in this house
"Lucy luv how are yeh"my dad asked
"I'm good David how are you"she asked
"Yeah joost getting old"he joked
"Hi Alex,hi dad,how's school son,joost the usual shite Fanks for asking dad"I joked
"Alright yeh didn't need teh beh so sulkeh bout it Alex"my dad laughed

My dad was watching top gear as usual I sometimes watched it with him just to see all the fancy cars and how fast they all went
"Should weh tell them the now"I whispered to Lucy as my mum entered the living room and sat on her little chair
Lucy only nodded I turned and cleared my throat
'Fook this is actualleh happenin'i thought

"Mum dad"I said they're heads turned to me and Lucy she held my hand her legs bouncing up and down with her nerves
"Wha' kiddo"my dad said
"Weh, weh have summat teh tell yeh"i mumbled scratching the back of my neck
"Okay"my mum said
"Please don't beh mad at us"I said they nodded
"Well erm"I chuckled "Erm Lucy's pregnant"I said

'God I'm fookin dead'I screamed in my head the look I got from my mum and dad was deadly if looks could kill
"What"my mum said
"Don't beh mad at Lucy it's not her fault it's mine"I said I don't want them to be mad at Lucy it's not her fault and it's not good for the baby for her to be stressed and upset

My mums eyes softened a smile crept on her face 'Wha' the fook'I thought
"I'm not mad just it's very unexpected I mean your still kids"my mum spoke
"Lucy dear are you alright"my mum asked moving out her seat now kneeling in-front of us both
"I'm alright just scared and stressed"she admitted
"Don't stress luv it's not good for the baby"my mum whispered

"What are you both doing with the baby"my mum asked
"Me and Alex want to keep it"Lucy said
"Mum I'm sorreh I disappointed yeh and dad but I'm no' letting Lucy raise my babeh on her own"I whispered
"And I'm proud of you for that so Is you father proud of both of you"my mum said my dad nodded "al son can I speak teh yeh"my dad asked
"Oh fook" I thought

My mum and Lucy went into the kitchen to half a chat
"Look son I'm not going teh say I'm happy about this but I'm proud of yeh for staying with Lucy you better treat her and that baby right she's a good fookin girl"my dad warned
"I promise dad I will I luv her so fookin mooch"i sighed
"I know yeh do son but just don't fook this up"my dad said then went back to watching top gear

(Lucy's POV)
"How you really feeling Lucy"penny asked while making two cups of tea I said at the dinning table in the kitchen
"To be honest I'm petrified I'm only sixteen and I'm pregnant but I don't want to get rid of it but I feel if so I'm holding Alex back"I sighed
"Don't you dare think that Lucy dear"penny softly said

"Your not holding Alex back he's sticking with you he loves you so so much ever since you were kids"penny said smiling
"I love him so much penny if there's anyone I want to have as this baby's dad it's Alex only him"I whispered the hormones kicking in again making my eyes tear up

"When's the doctor appointment"penny asked setting the cup of tea on the table
"Tomorrow at 12:30"i sighed
"Is Alexander going"she asked I nodded
"We're going to see how far on I'm i"i mumbled
Penny smiled and nodded
"I can't believe I'm going to be a gran"she squealed like a child then hugged me
"I'm so happy Alex has you"she whispered to me

Maybe this isn't so bad after all

Fortsett รฅ les

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