The Outsiders: Wanted

By outsiders_fanatic

20.6K 432 74

I always get what I want -always- and lately my sights have been set on a certain little Pony. Dally's not th... More

Chapter 1: Desire
Chapter 2: Attraction
Chapter 3: Attraction pt2
Chapter 4: Attraction pt3
Chapter 5: Attraction pt4
Chapter 6: Lanuched Emotions pt1
Chapter 7: Launched Emotions pt2
Chapter 8: Love
Chapter 9: Love pt2
Chapter 10: Love pt3
Chapter 11: Ambivalent
Chapter 12: Ambivalent pt2
Chapter 13: Sentenced
Chapter 14: Sentenced pt2
Chapter 15: Wasting
Chapter 16: Wasting pt2
Chapter 18: Possession pt2
Chapter 20: Onset pt2
Chapter 24: Yours
Chapter 25: Yours pt2
Chapter 26: Burglarproof?
Chapter 27: BurglarProof? pt2
Chapter 28: Out On The Door
Chapter 30: Yielding Relations
Chapter 31: Yielding Relations pt2
Chapter 32: Calm
New Story

Chapter 29: Out In The Door pt2

428 9 1
By outsiders_fanatic

Continues from last chapter. Last sentence of last chapter: "Oh! You're so rough!" Dally cooed, giggling like a little girl, a real chuckle seeping out upon hearing Soda grumbling incoherent curses as he stormed away.

"You had to go there, didn't you?" Ponyboy smirked, biting into his toast.

"Did he have to get his keys this morning?" Dallas asked, dipping his toast into the yolk, taking a satisfying bite with a smirk and a tilted brow.

"He has work." Pony laughed.

"So?" Dally asked, one cheek stuffed with chewed toast. Ponyboy couldn't help the smile that crept across his face. He loved Soda to the ends of the earth, but sometimes it just felt so nice to be around a person who just couldn't give a fuck about other's except for you, which made him love Dally just that little bit more than Soda.

"G'd mornin'." Steve came sauntering into the kitchen, casually taking the jug of orange juice off the table. The two stared at the greaser with distain, Ponyboy shook his head and carried on with his breakfast. "What ya lookin' at?" Steve snipped upon noticing the hood's staring, sucking on his teeth as he eyed the hood back.

Looking the greaser up and down, a twisted snarl of disgust plastered to his face, the hood replied with a scoff, "Pff, not much." Steve's eyes narrowed at the hood's words, having taken great offense, and the bit of laughter from the auburn didn't make him feel any better. Uncertain of what to say back to counter the hood's insult, Steve slammed the jug on the counter, storming out of the room.

"So sensitive." Ponyboy chuckled, loving the small smile that slipped over the blonde's lips. "You finished?" Pony asked as he stood up from the table, offering to take the hood's plate.

"Thanks." Dally said, getting up from the table. "I'm gonna go grab a shirt." the hood said, lacing his fingers in the hair at the back of the boy's head and placing a kiss on his temple, making the boy laugh softly. Ponyboy placed the plates in the sink, collecting the forks from the table and tossing them in the sink, getting a start on the dishes.

"How's it hangin' Pone?" Steve asked from behind the auburn as he gripped at the boy's groin so suddenly.

"Ahh!" Ponyboy gasped in surprise at the older teen's actions. Before Ponyboy could even think of stopping him, Steve pinned the auburn against the counter with his hips like so many times before. "GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME GODDAMMIT!" Ponyboy screamed, shoving the brunette away from him. He wasn't about to let Steve use him like some cheap whore for his own sick amusement.

"Hey, what's going on in here?" Soda asked rushing through the doorway, both greaser's were silent, their eyes averted to the floor.

"You wouldn't believe me even if I told you." Ponyboy gritted lowly, carrying on with his breakfast.

"Pony, what're ya sayin'?" Soda asked in bewilderment. He felt heartbroken that his brother would say such a thing.

"Don't listen to the kid." Steve said as he placed his hand on Soda's shoulder, hoping he could get Soda out of the room before the kid could work up the courage to say anything.

"Wait, I gotta hear this." Soda said as he shrugged Steve's hand off of his shoulder, his eyes set on his timid younger brother. "What happened Pone?" Soda asked as he stepped closer to his brother.

"It's 'probly nothin' Soda, don't worry about it." Steve said as he shoved his hands into his pant pockets. 'The kid better not say anything.' Steve thought as he clenched his jaw in anticipation.

"He's my brother, I'll damn well worry about it." Soda shot back over his shoulder at Steve. "Pony, what's wrong?" Soda asked as he put his hand on the auburn's arm.

"It's nothin'." Ponyboy mumbled as he shied away from his brother's touch, trying to walk out of the kitchen.

"Pony, you can tell me, what's wrong." Soda said as he grabbed a hold of his brother by the shoulders.

"I don't want to." Ponyboy said as he looked at his brother, "Not now." he glanced at Steve with a nervous look. "I don't want you to get hurt." Ponyboy said as he lightly grabbed Soda's forearms.

"Get hurt?" Soda said under his breath confusedly. Soda caught Pony's nervous glance at Steve, intrigued he looked over at his partner. "What is he talking about?" Soda asked with a slight menace to his voice.

"Like hell I should know." Steve said defensively, lying through his teeth.

"Like hell you should." Came Dally's venomous voice from the doorway, snapping everyone's attention to him. "Tell 'im Steve, 'fore I do." Dally threatened, his icy eyes fixed in a frigid glare at the greaser. Steve's palms grew sweaty as his nerves heightened.

"Tell me what?" Soda asked a bit apprehensively as his eyes shifted between Steve and Dally.

"Nothin'." Steve gritted, shifting his stance uneasily.

"Bullshit!" Dallas nearly shouted. "Quit lyin' to him Steve! 'bout time he knew you were a fuckin' low life cheat!" Dallas gritted angrily, wanting nothing more than to tear Steve's throat out.

"What the hell is he talkin' about Steve?" Soda gritted dangerously as he turned towards Steve.

"It's - I…" Steve stammered, unsure of how to answer.

"What? Say it!" Soda demanded, his anger rising with every second Steve didn't answer.

"He's been goin' around behind your back." Ponyboy seeped out, nearly jumping when Soda whipped around to look at him. Soda stared at his brother in disbelief and anger that he would say that.

"With who?" Soda asked, his mind whirling with questions and confusion.

"Nobody, I haven't gone around behind-"

"Shut up!" Soda snapped at Steve, cutting him off abruptly. "I wanna hear my brother." Soda said as he slowly turned back towards Pony. "With who?" Soda asked again with a soft tone, trying to ease his brother.

"I didn't want to, but- he, he forced me to." Ponyboy rasped under his breath. Soda got closer to his brother in hopes that he would hear him better.

"Who forced you? Steve? Forced you to do what?" Soda asked, he noticed his questions were making Pony clam up, "It's alright, ya can tell me." Soda said as he rubbed his brother's arms comfortingly.

"He tried ta tell ya once before and ya didn't believe him then, what's gonna be so different now?" Dallas hissed. The realization struck Soda right in the face his jaw nearly dropped to the floor; Pony had tried to get through to him at the DX and he'd just brushed him off like dirt off his pants leg. Ponyboy's pained secrets flowed out like a reservoir breaking past it's dam; toppling it over with it's force and velocity.

"I cant believe you! I cant believe any of this!" Soda yelled so suddenly, cutting his brother off. Steve smirked triumphantly, folding his arms over his chest as he stared Ponyboy down. "YOU FUCKING LIAR!" Soda snarled dangerously as he shoved Steve against the table, nearly sending the greaser and the table flying into the living room. "You said that there could never be anyone else!" Soda yelled as he clutched at his chest.

"Soda, please, c'mon." Steve said as he tried to caress Soda's shoulders, immediately getting his hands swatted away.

"And with my own brother! Against his will!" Soda gritted in Steve's face; shoving away each and every one of Steve's advancements to stifle him. "I hate you! Fucking hate you!" Soda hissed in Steve's face. He couldn't believe he had let himself be made a fool of; he felt so used, and he couldn't even begin to imagine how Ponyboy must've felt.

"You honestly believe I would dick dip your brother?!" Steve gritted back; Soda shook his head as he stepped away from Steve. His hands clasped to the sides of his head, nearly ripping out his hair. "Dally's the one that's tearing the kid's ass up!" Steve nearly shouted, trying to get the attention off of him.

"You're disgusting!" Soda gritted dangerously as he grabbed a mug from the table, hurling it across the room at Steve.

"Soda!" Steve cried as he dodged the mug, watching as it hit the wall and erupting into shattered pieces before scattering across the floor; as if trying to hide from the enraged greaser.

"You said you fucking loved me!" Soda screeched as he began to throw any objects within range of him at Steve. Steve dodged the projectiles as they were flung at him all the while trying to plead with Soda. "Get OUT! I don't EVER! And I mean EVER! Wanna see yur damn face again!" Soda screeched as he tore after Steve when the greaser didn't take the hint to leave.

"Soda you're bein' ridiculous! I wouldn't do that!" Steve denied his guilt as he stumbled out of the Curtis house, and carrying down the front steps in the same maladroit manner as he tried to evade the relentless attack from his crazed boyfriend.

"Unless you want it bloodied and under my goddamn foot, don't show you're damn face around here no more!" Soda gritted out a snarled shout at the stumbling brunette, continuing to yell obscenities at the greaser even after he peeled out of there. "FUCK!" Soda cried out as he dropped to his knees, his body convulsing with quiet sobs.

"What the hell was that all about?" Darry asked as he came up the walkway, having heard his brother a good two blocks down the road as he made his way home. "You guys get into a fight or somethin'?" Darry asked as he looked at his teary eyed brother as he stood in the doorway, noting how distraught his brother was as he stepped through the doorway.

"Oh god." Soda choked back under his breath as he thrust his palms into his eyes, fighting back his tears as they threatened to slip past his lashes. Soda pulled his hands away from his face with a shake of his head. "Ponyboy!" Soda nearly sniveled as the auburn stepped into the room, clutching his younger brother to him tightly. Ponyboy clung back, relieved and elated that his brother knew now, but couldn't help the bittersweet feeling in him as well.

'I ruined their love; their everything.' Ponyboy thought, his chest heaving slightly as it was weighted with pain and sorrow.

"Ponyboy, I'm so sorry! I- I didn't know, oh god, please, I'm so sorry!" Soda sobbed as he pulled back to look his brother in the face. "I should've known! Oh god why didn't I?" Soda blubbered lowly into his brother's neck.

"How could you've known?" Ponyboy asked.

"I should've listened to you! I should've been there." Soda gritted, almost hating himself.

"What's this all about?" Darry asked with a stern questioning look at his brothers. Soda sighed heavily against Pony's neck, figuring he'd be the first to tell their older brother.

"It's no surprise to anybody that me an' Steve are - were a thing." Soda said, correcting himself; wicking away the moisture from the corner of his eyes, trying to regain his composure the best he could. Darry nodded slightly, he'd known about Steve's and Soda's relations were more than just 'friendly', and he didn't mind as long as the two didn't get into trouble.

"Were?" Darry asked, a bit befuddled that the two would ever have trouble with one another. Soda nodded as he took a large gulp, trying to swallow his emotions that tried to breach the surface and run a muck of his face. The wound still fresh on his heart.

"Yeah." Soda croaked out, sighing heavily as he looked up at the ceiling trying to bat away the tears that pierced the corner's of his eyes. "The fucker was a no good cheat." Soda bit at his lip as he fought back his urge to curse out his ex any further.

"Sorry ta hear that Soda." Darry said with a pained look; he knew how much his brother must be hurting now. "So I guess you're gonna call in then?" Darry asked, figuring his brother would more than likely beat the hell out of Steve if he saw him again.

"The fucker can explain why I'm not in to Joe, I don't give a fuck." Soda hissed, "He's good at fucking lying." Soda's rage was barely containable.

"Do you know who? Maybe you could kick their ass too." Darry offered with a laugh, trying to ease his brother's mood. Not knowing who the 'who' actually was.

"It was me." Ponyboy managed to say just above a whisper. Darry's face was twisted in confusion and disbelief.

"Steve forced himself on Pony." Soda snuffed, choking back his emotions. He couldn't believe he let it happen behind his back.

"Son of a bitch." Darry cussed with a shake of his head. The realization striking him like lightning. He should've listened to his brother; he felt partially at blame for allowing the creep to abuse his brother without his knowing.

"I'm not surprised, I had a hunch." Darry said with a fold of his arms as he leaned against the door frame. The three looked at him with cautious eyes.

"How'd you know?" Soda said, asking what everyone was looking.

"I had my suspicions when Soda picked up more shifts at the DX and when Dally started to come around more often." Darry said with a slight smirk, finding slight amusement in their surprise of his knowledge in their doings. "And I know the marks on your neck aint from no damn poison ivy." Darry said, giving Dallas a look. "I'm not gonna hate ya for your choices in life. I love you 'cause you're my brothers." Darry said, pulling his brothers into a tight hug. "Fuck society, what do they know." Darry gritted, knowing his brothers choices could put them in jeopardy. "And anyone that hurts my brothers is going to go through hell." Darry said with a warning glare at Dallas. "Steve better not show his face around here for a while if he knew what was good for him." Darry growled lowly, clapping a hand on Pony's shoulder, pulling himself out of the hug to look at his brothers. Family is family regardless of the choices made or what society thinks, at the end of the day, it's all you have.

I don't know if I've mentioned this in an another author's note, but, I was considering making a prequel to wanted titled Wanted: On the other side. It would be about Steve and Soda's relationship through the duration of Wanted and how it got started as well as Steve's borderline obsession with Ponyboy and how that got started. So yeah, let me know if you like the idea of that, it'll probably have Dally and Tim sexiness thrown in there too. Pretty much any of the relationships brushed on in Wanted will be explained/delved into more in the prequel.

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