The Outsiders: Wanted

Por outsiders_fanatic

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I always get what I want -always- and lately my sights have been set on a certain little Pony. Dally's not th... Más

Chapter 1: Desire
Chapter 2: Attraction
Chapter 3: Attraction pt2
Chapter 4: Attraction pt3
Chapter 5: Attraction pt4
Chapter 6: Lanuched Emotions pt1
Chapter 7: Launched Emotions pt2
Chapter 8: Love
Chapter 9: Love pt2
Chapter 10: Love pt3
Chapter 12: Ambivalent pt2
Chapter 13: Sentenced
Chapter 14: Sentenced pt2
Chapter 15: Wasting
Chapter 16: Wasting pt2
Chapter 18: Possession pt2
Chapter 20: Onset pt2
Chapter 24: Yours
Chapter 25: Yours pt2
Chapter 26: Burglarproof?
Chapter 27: BurglarProof? pt2
Chapter 28: Out On The Door
Chapter 29: Out In The Door pt2
Chapter 30: Yielding Relations
Chapter 31: Yielding Relations pt2
Chapter 32: Calm
New Story

Chapter 11: Ambivalent

702 15 2
Por outsiders_fanatic

"So, what you guys got this marking period?" Two-Bit asked as he drove Ponyboy, Johnny, Steve and himself to school.

"Me 'n Johnny got health, that's about it," Pony answered for the both of them.

"Eh, not me, I got gym," Two-Bit mumbled, " doin' track - all we do is run; it's so boring! Wouldn't mind if we could toss a football around while runnin' er somethin'," Two-Bit muttered with a sour puss on his face, making Pony chuckle a little.

"The point of track is to run, not much other than that Two-Bit," Pony said with a soft chuckle.

"Well, I still don't like it," Two-Bit huffed.

"He's a foot fairy Two-Bit, 'coarse he likes runnin'," Steve said with a twist of venom on his words as he glared at Ponyboy from the front seat.

"A foot fairy has to do with soccer ya moron," Ponyboy spat back, glaring back at the other greaser.

"Yer still runnin' in either sport," Steve shot back.

"Yeah, but there's a ball and a goal in soccer, not in track," Pony argued.

"Nuh uh, what about that shot put-ter thing? That's a ball," Steve countered, getting Ponyboy flustered. 'This is pissin' him off so much, oh this is great!' Steve thought as he watched as the younger greaser smacked his palm to his forehead.

"Ugh! That's shot put, and you sure as heck wouldn't want to kick that thing around- it weighs at least twelve to eight pounds, and that doesn't even have to do with track, that's field!" Ponyboy scoffed back at the other greaser's comment.

"Whatever, kid. Ya always get so touchy when it comes ta track," Steve said with a bit of edge.

"Only when idiots like you try to bash on it and they don't even know what they're talking about," Pony retorted. Steve's face contorted with anger at the younger greaser's comment.

"You better shut yer dang trap before I-"

"Before you what Steve?" Two-Bit interrupted the other greaser before he could finish what he was about to say. "You just cant take yer own medicine when it's spat right back in yer face," Two-Bit said as he pulled into the school parking lot. Steve settled deeper into his seat, muttering a 'whatever' as he glared out the window. Two-Bit pulled into a space, putting the car in park before turning it off - pulling the key out of the ignition as he got out of the car.

"Catch ya guys later," Steve said as he slung his book-bag over his shoulder, walking towards the front of the school without another word. Two-Bit waited for the two younger greasers as they clambered their way out from the backseat, closing and locking up his car when the two finally made it out. The trio made their way to the school's entrance, scuffling their feet along the cracked and worn out asphalt of the parking lot.

"Don't let 'em get ta ya like that Ponyboy; he only does it ta see ya get all riled up," the rusty haired teen said, slinging his arm across the younger boy's shoulder's. "'Sides, he ain't worth it," Two-Bit grinned, pulling the auburn closer to his body as his arm wound around the boy's neck in a headlock, rubbing his knuckles hard against the boy's scalp, giving the smaller greaser a nuggie.

"Ah! Two-Bit, quit it!" Ponyboy grunted as he clutched his hand onto Two-Bit's thickly muscled arm, struggling and wriggling as he tried to get out of the older greaser's hold. Ponyboy continued to struggle a few moments longer until Two-Bit finally let up, letting the auburn go, chuckling and grinning like a mad man.

"See ya around guys," Two-Bit said before trotting off to his locker down the hall.

"See ya," Pony called after him as he and Johnny walked to their lockers.

The day dragged on as always, agonizingly slowly and boring. Ponyboy sat at his desk in algebra, tapping his pencil absent mindedly as he stared out the window. He had a sub in this class, automatically making it a silent study for the whole period. Feeling an all too familiar jab in his side, making him jump slightly, turning his head to glare at the soc behind him, only to get a smirk in return.

"What, squeak toy broken today?" the soc asked mockingly as he ran the eraser end of his pencil up the auburn's spine, in between his shoulder blades and up the back of his neck, making the young greaser shudder at the unwanted ticklish sensation .

"C'mon, make some noise for us squeak toy," the soc beside the one in back of the auburn said, flicking Ponyboy in the back of the ear, making the greaser hiss in pain. The socs chuckled at the young greaser, watching as he rubbed his sore ear lightly as to ease the pain.

"Ahem!" a loud cough rang from across the room, getting the classes' attention as they looked up from their work, but more importantly getting the socs' attention as well as Pony's. "If there is a problem gentlemen, feel free to see me after class, if not, I don't see why we can't keep our hands to ourselves - now, is there a problem?" the substitute asked, walking slowly down the isle that the boys were seated in, his hands folded behind his back as he eyed each boy; waiting for a response from any of them. "Well is there gentlemen?" the man asked, getting rueful shakes of heads and mumbled no's as a response. "Good, now leave the classroom," just as the man uttered the words, the bell rang, dismissing the students from their classes. Ponyboy let out a sigh of relief as he walked down to his next class, health.

"Pony!" Two-Bit shouted down the hall, getting his friends attention as he ran up to him.

"Hey Two-Bit, need some more help with math?" Pony asked, walking to his class a bit slower with his friend beside him.

"Nah, just felt like walkin' with ya 'sall," Two-Bit shrugged, laying his arm across the younger greaser's shoulders.

"Okay," Ponyboy chuckled a bit, walking along with the rusty haired teen beside him.

"Guess I'll catch ya at lunch," Two-Bit said, waving lazily before walking away, "Hey Johnny Cakes," Two-Bit said as the dark skinned boy walked past him towards Pony.

"Hi," Johnny said, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips at his rusty haired friend.

"C'mon Johnny, before we're late," Ponyboy said, tugging on his friends sleeve lightly. The two greasers made it in just before the bell rang, getting seats right next to one another.

"Alright," the teacher's voice seemed to boom in the chattering classroom, getting the students' attention before he began, "As you all may have figured, this is health," the teacher said, getting a few giggles from some of the immature students in the class.

"I am Mr. Kranderson, I will be teaching this class, whether you part take in this class or not will be up to you and I will grade accordingly," Mr. Kranderson said, leaning up against the desk at the front of the room, scanning the rows of desks with his eyes as he looked at each student. "Seeing where you placed yourselves in the rows of desks, I'm guessing it's near your friends, I have no problem with it as long as there is notrouble or unnecessary talking going on between you when I am talking or teaching," the man said flatly before continuing on, "Now, what you will need for this class is a folder and a notebook, the health books will be distributed to you tomorrow, any questions so far?" the teacher asked, looking for any raised hands, finding none, he continued, "Good, now what we will be learning first is the body- how it works, the different muscles and bones, and the reproduction process. Which brings us to what we will be learning after that, STD'S, Sexually Transmitted Disease's- the best way of preventing them from happening is not having sex at all, but we both know that that isn't going to happen, so please have safe sex, in other words - use a condom," the man said as he looked at the class. The class drawled on as the man continued to explain about the class and what they would be doing. At long last the bell rang, students spilling out of the classrooms and into the halls.

"C'mon Johnny, I gotta stop by my locker ta drop off my books," Ponyboy said to his friend as he headed down the hall. By the time they got to Pony's locker the halls had cleared out, the bell just seconds away from ringing for the next period to start.

"Hay'ya grease," the two boy's heard an all too familiar tone; one that all socs use when they're talking to a greaser. Before either of them realized what was happening, they found themselves pinned up against the lockers roughly.

"Quit dirtying up our hallways trash," the soc pinning Ponyboy snarled, pressing the small auburn harder against the lockers. Pony recognized these socs from his algebra class wincing in pain as the soc pressed him even harder against the metal, the socs smirking at the greaser's pain.

"Sure, we're dirtying up halls, but at least we're not stinking them up with bad smelling shaving cologne," Ponyboy gritted out between clenched teeth without thinking.

"What'd you say you little bitch?" the soc that had Pony pinned growled out, gripping a fistful of the auburn's locks, making the younger boy hiss in pain.

"Is there a problem here?" a familiar voice asked, gaining the group's attention. Two-Bit and Steve stepped towards the group, causing the socs to run off.

"Pussies," Steve spat as he walked over to Pony and Johnny with Two-Bit.

"You guys alright?" Two-bit asked, looking at the younger greasers for any obvious damage that the socs might have caused.

"Yeah," Ponyboy said ruefully, fixing his hair the best he could without seeing it.

"Alrighty then, lets go to lunch," Two-Bit said, slapping Pony on the back lightly.

"'Kay, I just need to put my books away," Ponyboy said as he walked a bit of ways to his locker, doing the combo, putting away what he had to and getting what all he needed.

"So why'd you guys come back inside? Were totally lucky that you came when you did," Ponyboy said to the older greasers.

"We had to make up a test in History," Two-Bit said nonchalantly as they walked through the parking lot.

"Hah, yeah, the day we had ta take it, we skipped 'cause we didn't want to do it," Steve added with a chuckle.

The greasers headed over to their usual spot, grabbing lunch and heading back to the school when they were done. The day seemed to finish up quick; Pony didn't have track practice so he headed home with the rest of the gang. It was a typical night at the Curtis house; Soda, Steve and Darry were all at work, Two-Bit was watching Mickey Mouse on the T.V. with Johnny, Dally and Pony.

"Hey, Did ya hear? Mickey and Minnie broke up." Dallas said, getting everyone's attention in the room.

"Why'd they break up Dal?" Johnny asked the blonde, curious to the news he was just told.

"He heard she was fuckin' 'goofy'." Dallas said, causing the two younger greasers to laugh.

"Sounds like you n' Mickey have a lot in common when it comes ta broads, Dal." Two-Bit seethed, still fed up with the blonde. 'If anyone else had made that joke, I would've found it funny, but seein' as how it's him, it's like nails on a chalk board ta me.' Two-Bit thought bitterly. Just about smirking when he saw that the blonde didn't have a come back besides a life threatening cold glare.

"He's more like Donald Duck when it comes to his temper though." Ponyboy said, not thinking before saying it.

"Oh really now?" Dally asked, looming over the younger greaser. "Mind sayin' that again," Dallas said in a low threatening voice against the auburn's ear, a shiver running up his spine as the blonde shoved him down on the couch, straddling the smaller greaser.

"I don't mind sayin' it again if you couldn't hear him. It's completely understandable that ya couldn't hear him, ya know, having your head up your ass 'n all." Two-Bit offered, earning him a glare and kick from the hood.

"Wasn't askin' you, clown." Dallas snarled, his attention having left the auburn to glare at the greaser.

'When are they goin' ta quit it? This stupid fighting has been going on for the past few weeks. What are they even fighting over? They used to get along, but now, they can't even stand to be in the same room together without bickering!' Ponyboy thought to himself as the two continued to go at it. "I'm goin' to bed, don't kill each other while I'm asleep." Ponyboy grumbled as he got up from under the hood, making his way upstairs. 'Trying to break up one of their fights is like trying to break up a rumble; it's pointless and impossible, they're just going to keep fighting no matter what you say or do.' Ponyboy thought to himself as he got into bed, having already taken a shower and gotten dressed in his pajamas. Pony pulled the covers over his body, protecting himself from the cold of the night. Ponyboy couldn't help himself from thinking about the many things that he and Dallas had done on the exact same bed he was in, causing his mind to wander onto their 'relationship' . 'My lust for Dally is in over drive, I crave him more and more after every time we hook up. But no matter how much I crave and lust after this hood, I still know he's Dallas Winston. The same Dallas Winston that hooks up with different broads every night, has an on again off again girlfriend, cheats, lies, and is the coldest, toughest thing in all of Tulsa - making him numb to any type of feelings it seems like almost,' Ponyboy thought as he rolled over onto his side, letting out a sigh, feeling a bit melancholy and confused as well as numerous other feelings. 'Which only makes it all the more difficult for me to give 'it' up to him. I know he said he loved me, I love him too- its just. . . I don't know. Were not really even in a relationship, and once you give 'it' up there's no gettin' it back, we just hook up, there are feelings between us definitely, it's just... I don't even know if I'm just a one time thing for him - something for him to tease and chase for a while, or I really am something to him, I just don't know. But I do know I love him, right? And I thought girls were confusing.' Ponyboy thought as he tossed over onto his other side. "And now there's even more ta worry about, STD'S, as if I wasn't scared or timid about sex before," Ponyboy sighed in exasperation, he could still hear the two greasers arguing downstairs, not easing his already tattered mood.

"Fuck off clown!" Dallas growled out as Two-Bit stomped out of the house, slamming the door behind him on his way out. "Nice job slammin' the door like a freakin' jackass when the kid's tryin' ta sleep!" Dally shouted after the rusty haired greaser.

"Well at least I ain't the one shoutin' out the goddamn front door!" Two-Bit snarled as he got in his car and sped off without another word.

"Damn clown," Dallas grumbled, knowing that the greaser was right. "Hey Johnny, ya got a weed?" the blonde asked his friend, trying to get his edge off. The young greaser kindly gave him his last one.

"What was that all about, Dal?" Johnny asked the blonde as he lit up the cigarette he'd given him, watching as he puffed on it for a bit.

"Nothin'. Nothin' you should get yourself into," Dallas said, shaking his head as he let out a stream of smoke through his lips.

"'Kay," Johnny said, not pressing for the blonde to tell him even though he did want to know. "I'm gonna head over to the lot; it's not goin' ta rain so I think I'll be good sleepin' there tonight," Johnny mumbled, getting up from his spot on the couch and heading out the door.

"See ya later," Dallas said as he watched the screen door close behind his friend.


I might just finish updating this whole story today.

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