Destiny Calling

By flowerydimwit

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A Ghost aka Kate Williams, is the sixteen year old loner. But it was never that way, she used to have friends... More

Destiny Calling
EIGHT- *Belated Tanksgving Chap**
NINE~ T/D w/ G N G
TEN ~T/D w/ G N G {Part ll}
ELEVEN- I hate you all. {Happy Xmas Eve! :3}
EIGHTEEN: Ares and Hades POV
TWENTY SIX: Goddesses in Distress
Notice me!!
THIRTY FIVE: When it Begins
THIRTY SIX: Let's Do This
THIRTY SEVEN: Finally Ever After
Epilogue: Reincarnation
A Poem For the Fans
Thank You.


23 1 0
By flowerydimwit


"Were just friends," I mutter, turning away from Kate. I was lying and we both knew it.

"Hep, I'm not here to critize your mistakes but I'm here to be your friend, which I'm pretty sure you can use right now," Kate says, whistfully.

I turned back to her, "She was a mistake." I whisper thoughtfully.

Kate's eyes widened, and she spreads her hands out, "I- mean. She wasn't the only mistake? I-uh, wait never mind. I should shut up now." A blush spreads across her face, and she twists her hands as she stares at them.

I chuckle lowly, amused at her stuttering. "She may be. I realize that now," I say quietly.

"Uh, um so would you mind if we talked about something?" she says, a faint pink on her cheeks.

I rubbed the back of my neck, "Shoot."

"Would you mind if you come to the main room tonight. We could watch movies or something, and all our friends could come. What do you think?" she says as she looks up and eyes me carefully.

I place a finger on my chin, leaving her in her sweaty suspense state. "Okay."

She smiles, widely and then she locks her arm around my elbow and we skip, she-skipping, and me-walking, down the long hallway.


Kate POV

After leaving Hep in his room, I happily ran to Dite's room, knocking on her door, rapidly and loudly. Muffled voices I heard from my side of the door. And someone opened the door. Ares, finally awake from my err powerful hit.

I mentally shrinked in size as his eyes widened with multiple emotions, shock, anger, confusion, surprise and fear?! I mentally laughed at that, as I nervously glanced over his broad shoulder, being careful not to touch him that close.

Dite who was sporting a very long sweater thing, which strangely, she made look good. "Dite? Plan HETE (Hep Enter Today's Evening)?" I say, careful not to spill anything about Hep, because Ares would go to overkill mode.

She nodded, knowingly as she muttered a 'Let her in,' to Ares. He nodded, still staring at me, making sure I wasn't going to knock him out again. I slid past him hurrying to Dite who sat on her bed.

"Dite, I gotta go. Training, I'll see you tonight," he said, walking over and kissing her on the temple.

"Oh sure. Me and Kate will have some girl time," she said happily. He eyed me carefully, "Be careful."

I mentally frown, I was NOT dangerous. He nods at me and walks out the room, me glaring at his retreating form.

"He's mad, isn't he? He's suspicious of me, right?" I ask, looking at Dite.

Dite shakes her head, "He's honestly not. He's more like awed. But he's too stubborn to admit it. That's Ares for you." I nodded, slightly unconvinced.

"So," she started, getting straight to the point, "what happened?"

"I asked him to come to the main room to watch movies, and everyone's gotta come. Then after a good time into the movie, all of us will go out and you two will be there. Slight problem though..." I state, mentally making a face as I drawled out my words.

"What is it?" she asked blondely. 

"Ares," I say, "He's coming for you tonight, remember?"

She blinked for a few seconds before smacking her head, "Shoot! I forgot. Hmph, being a blonde is awful sometimes." She crossed her arms over her chest.

"I mean something will have to keep him busy," I say out loud.

"I got it!" she shouted, holding a finger up, "Well ask Dad. Dad will tell him to go on a wild goose chase of a mission, to find more information or something. That'll be a good couple of hours."

I nodded, "Alright so you do that. And I have to see if the training schecule is up. Your Dad seems to be a fast worker, though I have a vibe he kinda hates me."

Dite laughs, "He doesn't. Trust me."


"Hey, you looking at the new schecule?" a voice asks besides me. A hand is waved in front of my face, "Huh?"

I swat the hand away and turn to a worried looking Apollo. Strange. 

"You okay?" he asks softly. I nod, clearly my thought. "I'm fine."

His grin replaces his worries expression though I know its still there. "So, you see who you have under weekends?"

I shake my head, "No."

He points to the parchment scroll, and I glance at it, and his name is written there. I face him, "So you can fight?"

He shakes his head, "Look closer. It's not for fighting." He sends me a teasing wink, I punch him in the arm. And once again, I glance at the paper:

Training NEW

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday- 4:30 to 7pm with Artemis [Survival]

Thursday- 2:00 to 5pm with Athena [Strategy]

Friday (Alternate)- 3:00 to 4:30pm with Ares or Hephaestus [Weapons]

Saturday & Sunday- 12:00 to 3:30pm with Apollo [Injury/ Healing]

I look at the paper, "What the heck does that mean? Injury or Healing? Are we gonna kill people?!"

He laughs, a smile on his lips. "No, but it's training for the physical body, how to heal injuries faster, how to use healing types of nature, and everything else."

I groan, "That sounds like a bunch of history and speeches."

He nods, "Most, not all." I roll my eyes, and then a thought comes to me.

"Hey, do you mind if you tell the guys but Ares to come tonight at the main to watch some movies?" I ask.

He nods, "For what?"

"Its to help Dite and Hep, everyone's gonna leave quietly without Hep knowing," I explain, making sure the specific boy was not around. He nods, "Sure. And that's what Dite calls him."

I shoot him a look, "She told me. But I think it's much easier to say." I shrug, "She said it was fine in her way."

He rubs his chin, "Just interesting. So just wondering  what would be my nickname?"

I look at him, and shrug. "I guess Jack."

He eyes me like I was a vampire, "That is an awful nickname! Please do not call me-"

"Calm down Jack."


"Are you good?" I ask Dite as she keeps reapplying her lip gloss five times a minute. She nods, quickly as she uses a oil wipe to wipe her nonexistent grease. "Are you sure?"

"Of course I am," she exclains throwing her hands in the air. Her eyes look at me in remorse, "I'm sorry. It's just... hard."

I go to her and hug here, "It'll be fine. I mean you have Ares and I know he loves you. I've seen the way he looks at you and I know you love him, you just have this guity mind that revolves around Hep."

She laughs darkly, "I can deal with everyone's love life except mine. So messed up."

She goes back to grab her brush to run it through her hair. As we silently wait until her 100 strokes are done, my mind wonders on everything that's happened. It was all so fast. In the feeling of three days, I've already have friends and a new future to deal with and I thought being a lawyer was an experience.

"Kate?" Dite asks, out of the blue, "Do you miss your family?"

I sit up, "Of course, everyday. I was just thinking about it before. Why?"

She shrugs, "It just never occured to me to ask how you felt being here."

I shake my head, "I mean I miss them a lot, but I'll have the memories I guess. Buut I wonder if I could visit them?" 

Dite thinks a bit, but shakes her head. "Maybe after this all blows over but for now you can't."

I nod, "Right."

A knock interrupts our conversation, and Apollo peeps his head in. When his eyes meet mine he sends me a small smile then looks at Dite, "You ready? Everyone's there but Hep, but I think Hep is on his way."

Dite nods and saids, "I'll meet you guys there. Just give me a second." She returns to her vanity which reflects her nervous face she's caking with her natural blush at this momment. I slide off the bed and head to the door, "Get there before Hep."

She only nods and we head into the hallway.

Walking in the hallway was very peaceful, and the time we got to the main room, there was 2 movies laid across the large table in front of the TV. 

"What's going on?" I whisper to Apollo. He shrugs, "Fighting over a movie?" I nod, and I scan the room.

"Hey I just remembered, how'd it get so clean? It was a bloody mess a few hours ago?" I ask, glancing at the room closely.

"I think Aunt Hecate cleaned it with her magic," Apollo answers, shrugging, "I think."

I quirk an eyebrow, "Okay."

"Hey Kate!" a female voice called out and I looked up to find Artemis with Athena beside her. Artemis who was also sending Apollo an accusing glare. Strange.

"Hey," I walked up to them, waving a hi.

Apollo walks up the guys who are here and I smiled brightly at the girls. "So when is she getting here?" Athena asked, making light covnersatin.

"She's coming-" The door opened and an annoyed Hep comes walking in with a slightly flustered Dite, and I knew it was everyone's cue to leave. I grabbed the girl's hands and signaled Apollo, who understood and we all rushed out. Me shutting the door in their faces as they refused to look at one another.

I leaned against the door, "That was not part of the plan." The girls nodded. "But I thought Hephaestus looked funny though," said Artemis. We all looked at her, and she raised her hands up.

"Um guys?" a voice pitched up. We all turned to a teen with wings, "We have a problem."


Another Update, Enjoy! 

No other words needed.

Keep cool. Nites little nerds :3

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