Illicit | ๐˜š๐˜ช๐˜ณ๐˜ช๐˜ถ๐˜ด ๐˜‰๐˜ญ๐˜ข...

By ymkesmischief

80.9K 2.3K 4.6K

"Remus, are you going to introduce us to this young lady?" the boy sitting opposite her said, grinning at her... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 59

Chapter 58

491 17 128
By ymkesmischief

"Sirius ring yeh up yet?" Andrew asked as he turned over on his stomach.

The four of them had been sunbathing almost all afternoon in the Hales' yard, listening to the radio that stood by the open window.

They also had a pool - an inflatable one, but a pool nonetheless. So they of course took advantage of that as well.

Eleanor smiled and sat up, leaning on her elbows. "He did. First thing this morning actually," she said.

That was a lie. He hadn't called her but written to her of course.

Andrew grinned and took off his signature red sunglasses. "Great! So when're they comin' over?"

Her smile grew even wider. "Tomorrow, and they're staying over as well for the night," she blushed a little.

"What?!" Remus suddenly said.

He was sitting behind them in a chair in the cool shade. Remus barely ever went shirtless or wore shorts. He thought it showed too many of his scars and it might scare people.

She rolled her eyes at his shocked expression. "He's staying with you of course, together with James. Dad would murder me," she said.

"Not just dad," Remus huffed.

"Calm yer tits Lupin," Ian chuckled.

"Well, she's only fourteen, just a little surprised," he explained.

Andrew frowned and lowered his glasses again.

"Yer fourteen?"

Eleanor nodded.

"Fifteen on August third," she said proudly.

"Oooh that sounds like a party to me!" Andrew sat up, doing a little dance.

They all laughed and watched him as he got up and twirled around. He danced to Fernando which was playing on the radio and soon grabbed Eleanor by the hands to join him.


Andrew looked up to see his father standing in the doorway, waving a small box in the air. He threw it at him and he quickly caught it one handed.

"Yeh got a light?"

Mr. Hale nodded and checked his pockets. He retrieved a small lighter from it and in turn threw that over as well.

"Cheers dad!" Andrew grinned.

When he turned around he was met with two strange looks coming from Eleanor and Remus.

Andrew took out a cigarette and put it to his mouth. "What? Can't a fag smoke a fag?"

Remus choked out a laugh and shook his head as Andrew grinned at him, cigarette hanging loosely between his teeth.

Eleanor watched in awe as he lit it with his dad's lighter. Not because she thought it was weird, but because she thought it looked rather attractive.

Andrew closed his eyes and took a long drag as he sat down on the ground in between Remus' legs. He puffed out the smoke and looked up at Eleanor.

"What is it luv?" he grinned. "Wanna try?"

Eleanor shot a look at her brother, but Remus just shrugged. Their parents used to smoke, their dad still did sometimes, but there had never been any kind of conversation about the kids smoking as well.

She shook her head and sat down next to him. "No thanks," she smiled politely.

"S'fine, don't wanna ruin those pretty teeth of yours anyways," Andrew said with a wink.

He then lifted the cigarette up over his head. "What 'bout you, pretty boy?"

Ian eyed them as he quickly snatched a cigarette from the box for himself. He lit it and lay back in the grass as he inhaled deeply.

Remus shrugged again. He leaned forward and captured the cigarette between his lips. Andrew chuckled when Remus took a drag and started to cough.

"Atta boy," Andrew grinned.

He pulled away from the cigarette and laughed, still coughing. Eleanor laughed at him and shook her head.

Andrew put the cigarette back to his mouth and continued to smoke. "Does yer boyfriend smoke Ella?"

She shook her head again. "Don't think so, no. Why?"

When Andrew grinned and just leaned back, a look of concern grew on Remus' face.

"Oh lord, here we go..."


Eleanor frowned when she heard the doorbell ring.

She walked into the hallway and turned the key in its lock. Two black-haired, grinning boys were looking down at her.

"What are you guys doing?!" she laughed.

Sirius laughed along and leaned forward to hug her tight.

"It was all Prongs' idea!"

James put up a proud smirk.

"We took 'bout six different busses to get here, and the good thing is, we didn't even have to pay!" he said as he walked into the hallway.

Eleanor and Sirius pulled apart as he too went to hang his coat. She gave James a look of confusion.

"What d'you mean you didn't have to pay? How early did you even leave if you had to come all this way by bus?!"

She followed the boys into the living room as James began to explain that Lily told him all about Muggle transport and so he wanted to try it for himself.

"Had no idea it was free though," he added as he plopped down on the sofa.

Eleanor pinched the bridge of her nose and shook her head.

"It's not, James," she sighed.


James shrugged and looked over at Sirius standing next to her.

"Well as long as they don't find out," Sirius said and shrugged as well.

Eleanor chuckled and shook her head again. She looked over at the clock - just 11 yet.

"Remus!" she yelled into the hall.

No answer.

"Bloody teenage boy," she muttered to herself.

But before she could walk upstairs, a hand was on her shoulder. She turned around to see Sirius grinning at her.

"We'll take care of that," he said with a nod to James.

She laughed as the two boys made their way up the stairs. Feeling a little curious, Eleanor followed them up.

James put his hand on the doorknob and turned it. Eleanor frowned. Their was a soft shuffling sound coming from inside the bedroom. Sirius and James returned the same frown. He opened the door quietly and peeked inside.


James pulled the door closed and backed away further on the landing, covering his eyes.

"What?!" Eleanor asked in shock. Sirius looked to be taken aback as well.

She quickly opened the door again.

"Hullo," Andrew flashed a toothy grin at her, meanwhile pulling up his trousers.

All color was draining from her face, her hand still on the doorknob. Her eyes flashed from the boy getting dressed in front of her, to her brother anxiously sitting on the edge of his bed.

Sirius poked his head in as well, being a lot taller than Eleanor.

"What is- oh."

Remus leaped from his bed. "No no no no it's not what it looks like! He- He just stayed the night!" he rambled, heat rising to his face.

Andrew nodded as he buckled up his belt and straightened his shirt. "All true, real nice cuddler yer brother is-"

Remus nudged him in the ribs and shook his head, telling him to stop. Then he turned to his still-mortified-looking sister.

"Please don't tell mum and dad," he pleaded.

Eleanor gulped. "Yeah... sure," she said slowly, still trying to take in what just happened.

The four of them then just shared awkward glances between each other, and Eleanor could sense Sirius despserately trying not to laugh.

"Anyway," Andrew broke the silence. "I b'lieve I just saw yer friend runnin' away. Better say hi teh him aye?"

"Oh God, Prongs is here as well?" Remus groaned.

Eleanor turned her head to see James softly banging his head on her bedroom door, eyes screwed shut.

"Must - un - see," he mumbled to himself each time his head hit the wood.

Sirius and Eleanor stepped aside as Andrew walked past them. He laughed a little when he caught sight of James.

"S'alright, yeh can open yer eyes again mate," Andrew chuckled.

James' head snapped up. His eyes fell on the tall blonde boy, dressed maybe a little too casual, standing in front of him.

Andrew extended his hand. "Name's Andrew."

James narrowed his eyes. "You right-handed?"

He grinned. "Nah, left."

"James Potter, s'nice to meet you," James said as he quickly shook Andrew's right hand.

Eleanor could hear Remus letting out a little sigh of relief.

"Right, so Peter's the only one left?" Andrew looked back at Remus for confirmation.

Remus nodded. "Yeah he'll be coming over sometime soon," he waved his hand at him.

"Maybe we should stop shaking hands," James laughed.

"Oh sorry," Andrew said with a laugh as well and the boys let go of each other.

Sirius leaned against the doorframe, his hand just above Eleanor's head.

"So Moony, sneaking off with your boyfriend huh?" he said with a grin.

James put a hand in front of his mouth to stifle a laugh as both Remus and Andrew's faces turned bright red. The two boys shared a millisecond of a look with each other, but didn't dare say anything.


Sirius frowned when Eleanor sighed and shook her head a little.

"You're not together yet?!" Sirius blurted out.

"It's not that simple Black!" he said, spreading his arms.

Sirius put his hands up in front of him.

"Okay, okay, sorry," he mumbled.

James looked around as another silence fell upon them. He sighed and walked forward to go downstairs. The other complied silently and headed down the stairs as well.

"Where're your folks anyway?" he asked over his shoulder.

Eleanor looked down as Sirius wrapped an arm around her waist as walked through the kitchen to go outside. She smiled up at him and he in return gave her a wink.

"Dad's at work, mum's in town," she said as Remus unlocked the door for them.

The five of them found a spot just about in the shade at the back of the yard. They pulled up some chairs and dragged the cast-iron table with them as well.

They sat down while Remus volunteered to get some drinks and snacks from the kitchen.

"Have you heard anything from Amelia or the others?" Sirius asked Eleanor.

He insisted on sitting in the sun, so he was a little further away from the others. Leaning back in his chair, he tried to take in every possible ounce of vitamin D.

"I wro- rang her up yesterday," she said, a bit flustered at her mistake. "She was er, alright, we'll meet up as soon as her mum lets her I suppose."

Just then, Remus walked back outside with a tray bearing all kinds of delicious things. He promptly set it down on the table and handed everyone their glass of homemade lemonade.

He sat down next to Andrew and rolled up the sleeves of his shirt, just to get a little bit of sun.

James hummed in delight aftef he took a swig of his lemonade.

"Wish my mum could make lemonade this good," he said, taking off his glasses.

Eleanor moved over a little, sat down in the sun next to Sirius, and closed her eyes. Soon the other boys followed and the five of them were sunbathing yet again.

She loved summer. It was her favorite time of year. If she could do anything the wanted, it would be just to sit outside and let the sun warm her while a subtle breeze kissed her skin. There was just something so soothing about it, like her worries would just be soaked up by the sunlight.

There was some fumbling coming from beside her. Then silence. Then, a strong odour entering her nostrils.

Eleanor opened her eyes to see Andrew and Remus smoking a cigarette together, both having their eyes closed, looking oh so content with everything around them.

James sat up straight, alarmed by the new smell.


Remus' head jerked around. The cigarette was hanging innocently from his lips, pupils blown wide with the high of the moment.

Sirius looked up as well. The three Marauders shared a few unsure looks, both James and Sirius lost for words. Remus cleared his throat and took the cigarette between his fingers.

"Haven't yeh learned teh share, Lupin?" Andrew grinned, hands casually behind his head.

Remus looked at him, then the cigarette he was holding.

Sirius reached forward and grabbed the packet that was laying on the ground in front of them.

"Woodbines," he read out loud.

"The greatest little cigarette," Andrew and James said, almost in sync.

The two boys frowned but did not dare look at each other. Sirius gave both of them strange looks, then shrugged. Eleanor watched as he pulled out two fresh Woodbines.

"D'you mind?" he asked Andrew.

The blonde merely shook his head and handed him the lighter.

"Cheers," said Sirius, and he handed both the lighter and a cigerette to James.

He looked a little overwhelmed, but of course there was nothing James Potter couldn't handle. They all watched intently as James put the cigarette to his mouth and lit it, hand in front of the flame to prevent it from dying. Like he'd done it a million times before.

Sirius' mouth hung slightly open as James took a drag and puffed out the smoke without even the slightest flinch or cough.

James leaned back in his chair and laughed, "Well that's bloody good."

Andrew and Remus laughed and nodded at this statement.

"Let me try!" Sirius said, snatching the lighter from his best friend.

He too took a cigarette and lit it, just like James had done, but then a little clumsier, nearly dropping it from between his lips. He inhaled and instantly coughed up a storm, his eyes red.

The other three boys laughed as Sirius was bent over, grimacing through the tears. Eleanor couldn't help but laugh a little as well and patted him on the back.

They remained like that for a while. Sirius got the hang of it and enjoyed the last part of his cigarette together with James. Soon, seconds were lit and the boys got chattier, so Eleanor was happy to just listen to them, enjoying her own things - biscuits with strawberry filling.

"Where yeh from James?" Andrew asked as he crossed his legs.

The boys had taken off their shirts - except for Remus - and James had turned to his favorite lemonade again.

"Liverpool, you?" he said as he set down his half empty glass.

Andrew shot upright, causing some of the ash of his cigarette to fall on Remus' trousers. He immediately swatted away the black spots, fearing their mum would find out about it somehow.

"No way!" Andrew exclaimed, blue eyes wide in awe.

James tilted his head a little and laughed.

"Well yeah, thought it was rather obvious with the accent," he said before taking another drag.

"Have yeh ever seen them?!"

James just frowned. But Remus caught on, and so let out a heavy sigh.

"Oh bloody hell, I completely forgot," he groaned, screwing his eyes shut.

When he didn't get a normal response, but just confused stares from all the others, he sighed again.

"Andy's a Beatles fan as well," he said, sounding a bit sorry for himself.

Immediately, James' frown turned into the biggest smile Eleanor had ever seen on him. He stood up from his chair and raised his glass.

"Where we goin', fellas?!" he yelled.

Eleanor, Remus and Sirius looked at each other like their friend was going mad. But Andrew shot up from his chair and also raised his glass.

"Teh the top Johnny!" he shouted, cheeks pink with glee.

James' lips turned up into a grin and he stepped onto the chair.

"And where's that, fellas?!" he then shouted, trying to sound as scouse as possible.

Andrew leaped forward and jumped next to him onto the chair, causing them to nearly fall over. Remus shook his head and buried his face in his hands, but Eleanor noticed the small smile on his lips anyway.

"To the toppermost of the poppermost, Johnny!" Andrew replied.

The two boys laughed and clinked their glasses together, then both downed their drinks.

Andrew sat down on the ground in front of Sirius and started a conversation with him about which bands he liked.

Meanwhile, James jumped off his chair and went over to Remus. He sat down next to him and put an arm around him, then took another drag of his cigarette.

"So you're mates now then?" Remus asked, tilting his head a little to look at James.

James chuckled and ruffled up his friends' hair.

"Yeah, he's a good one." Another drag. "You should keep him."

Remus smiled and looked at Andrew, Sirius and Eleanor having a blast over Queen and David Bowie.

"I don't really think I have a choice anymore," he said with a hearty laugh.

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