Chapter 26

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That night Eleanor, James, Sirius, and Peter met up in the boys' dormitory. Eleanor had come up with an excuse that Remus wasn't doing well at all and she wanted to go and visit him before they had to go to bed. But really, all she had done was walk down the stairs leading up to the girls' dorms and walked up another flight to go to the boys.

It was around nine-thirty when they were sitting on the beds and talking about their plan. Eleanor had dark circles under her eyes; it had been a long and eventful day for her already.

"Right, Remus said Pomfrey takes him up there at around nine o'clock, so he should already be there right now," James started to explain. "There isn't really a time when he transforms, he just does at some point. He clearly asked us not to be there during his transformation because it's very unpleasant..."

They all listened eagerly, even though they had discussed it many times before. There was just one thing that wasn't quite clear to Eleanor yet.

"How do we get out of the castle?" she asked. They hadn't been telling her for long enough now and it was starting to get on her nerves.

A grin appeared on James' face, and Sirius and Peter looked amused as well. James bent over the side of his bed and pulled his trunk out from underneath. Eleanor frowned as he opened it and showed her a midnight-blue blanket.

James got up from his bed and held it up proudly. "This here is probably my most prized possession, and you have to promise me you won't tell anyone about it," he told her.

Eleanor was having a hard time taking him seriously, but to get it all over with she just nodded. James then smirked a little and pulled the blanket over his head.

He was gone.

"YOU HAVE AN INVISIBILITY CLOAK?!" she yelled, her eyes wide with excitement. Frustrated 'shhhhs' were coming from Peter and Sirius.

James' head popped out, his black hair was messier than before. It now looked like he was a floating head and Eleanor started to laugh.

"It was my dad's," he said proudly. He took off the Cloak and put it onto his bed.

"But you see, this will get us out unnoticed. And of course, we'll use the passageway behind Gregory the Smarmy to get outside, so we won't have to use the main exit," James explained.

"Brilliant," Eleanor said with a grin.

"I was thinking about that actually," Sirius suddenly said. "Peter, can't you just change into a rat before we even go outside? That way there will be more space underneath the Cloak. No one will notice you anyway, this place is full of rats," he chuckled. Eleanor's nose scrunched up at the thought.

Peter shrugged. "Yeah, I suppose I could do that. Why not," he said.

"Good thinking there Pad- Sirius," said James. His ears turned pink. Eleanor frowned, what was going on with these guys?

James quickly got up from his bed like nothing had happened, "Okay, let's go, I'll walk upfront. Ella, get Peter's wand when he's done will you?"

Peter put his wand against his head and Eleanor watched as he started to shrink and turn into a rat. She found it hilarious. She grabbed his wand from the floor and put it in her pocket.

"Get behind me," Sirius said to her. Eleanor raised her eyebrows at him but he just rolled his eyes.

Merlin, she couldn't stand that guy, but she got behind him anyway because that's what James had asked them to do. James then pulled the Cloak over the three of them; it was just big enough.

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