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Dear everyone who has so far stuck with me throughout this story,

I have to confess something, and that is that I have no clue where this is going. I've tried figuring out an ending many times, but just nothing makes sense.

The truth is that I started writing this just for fun, creating Eleanor in my head because she somewhat resembles me.

Another thing is that, although I'm still a huge fan, I'm not as Harry Potter-obsessed anymore as when I started this fanfic back in March.

So, to keep a long monologue in my head short, I've come to the conclusion that I'll not be posting anymore chapters of Illicit in the near future. I thought an ending would come to me some time sooner or later, but I find that lately it has just been bothering me, and I certainly don't want that.

But! There's a giant but here. I am thinking of writing short stories, as that is what I enjoy doing more. Maybe even Imagines, I'll have to look into that.

These short stories/imagines will either be related to Illicit, Harry Potter in general, or - drumroll please - the Beatles! (Yes I'm a huge fan don't shame me okay)

I don't know when I'll start writing these, what they'll be about - you're literally as much in the dark as I am.

I really hope I'm not letting you guys down too much, it just wasn't making me happy at this point.

Please don't forget that I really appreciate all of your support! It made my heart so so happy when suddenly a bunch of people started reading this, so it yet again breaks my heart to make this announcement.

Do let me know what you think of my plans, I'd love to hear it!


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2022 ⏰

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