Chapter 40

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A couple of weeks passed and Eleanor found herself sitting at the Gryffindor table with Amelia one Thursday afternoon.

She had been quite successful in avoiding Regulus. The only time they really talked was when they were paired up during Potions assignments, which was inevitable because both of them were top of the class. He didn't seem to notice her sudden aloofness though, which was good.

Amelia grabbed an apple from the nearest fruit bowl and took a bite out of it. "So, what are you and Sirius gonna do for Valentine's Day?" she asked.

Eleanor frowned. "Oh shoot I completely forgot about that," she said.

The other girl snorted. "The first boyfriend ever and you forget about Valentine's," Amelia chuckled.

"He's not my boyfriend Lia!" Eleanor retorted.

"He might as well be, your lips are basically glued together-"

Eleanor grabbed her book from the table and smacked Amelia on her arm with it. "Shut up!" she said, blushing madly.

Amelia laughed and continued to eat her apple. "Speaking of the devil," she said with her mouth full, pointing in the direction of the entrance to the Great Hall.

She looked up and understood what she was talking about. The Marauders were walking directly towards her.

"Ella we need your help," James said as he sat down next to her.

"Hi, Ella! Hi James! How've you been? Good, you? Yeah great, listen we would like your help with something," Eleanor said mockingly.

The boys just stared blankly at her for a second. "Right, we're gonna prank Snivellus, and we want you to be a part of it," James said with a grin.

Eleanor gave him a skeptic look. "Lia, help me," she mumbled.

"Do it," Amelia said carelessly. Remus sniggered.

"Fine, what do you want to do?" she asked, turning to face him.

James hesitated. "Well I can't tell you right now, but let's meet up after dinner in our dorm," he grinned.

She frowned. "But- Oh fuck it, sure whatever," she said, shaking her head.

The boys sat down with them and decided to revise some Charms homework, something Eleanor had never seen them done before. But their OWLs were coming up, and they had finally started to realize they weren't just going to pass them by sitting in class and doing nothing.

Sirius, who was sitting next to her, rummaged through his bag. "Bugger, I ain't got any parchment left," he said.

Eleanor looked over in his bag. "Yeah you do," she said and pulled out a blank piece of parchment from one of the side compartments.

He quickly snatched it from her. "Er no, no we can't use this," he muttered and put it to the side.

She raised an eyebrow at him. She had to know what was on that parchment. Eleanor's eyes met Amelia's, who then nodded solemnly.

Within a split second, Eleanor grabbed Sirius' arms and pulled him back while Amelia cried "Accio!" and then caught the blank piece of parchment.

"No don't ruin it!" Remus said hysterically as he leaped forward to take it back from her.

Amelia stood up on the bench and held it up high in the air. "Why Lupin? Does it bear all of your darkest secrets?" she grinned down at him.

"W-Well no but-"

She placed the tip of her wand on the parchment. "Reveal your secrets," Amelia said with a triumphant grin on her face.

Eleanor climbed over to the other side of the table and stood next to her. She watched over Amelia's shoulder as a text started to appear out of nowhere.

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