Chapter 2

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The next day Eleanor woke up with the biggest smile on her face, and she didn't even mind it was only seven-thirty in the morning.

She got up and put on her brand new Gryffindor robes, her heart overfilling with joy and excitement.

"Have you got everything, have you checked your bag?" said Doris nervously.

Eleanor nodded and the two of them went down to the common room where they met up with the other two Gryffindors.

They made their way over to the Great Hall for breakfast, where Professor McGonagall was handing out their schedules for the term.

"Good morning ladies," she said while handing them their pieces of paper. "I hope you've had a good night's rest, I will so you this afternoon in your first Transfiguration class." she sort of smiled before going over to the rest of the Gryffindors.

They checked their schedule: first, Charms with Hufflepuff, then double Potions with Slytherin, lunch, Transfiguration with Slytherin, and lastly, Defense Against the Dark Arts with Ravenclaw.

"Great!" she said, and the others agreed. She spotted Remus and went over to him, eager to show him her first classes of the year.

"Hey Remy!" she said, apparently too excitedly.

He sighed, probably hoping she wouldn't hear it, but she did nonetheless.

"Well someone's not having it today," she said, raising her eyebrows and taking a seat next to him.

"Morning sis, what have you got there?" sounding fake interested.

She rolled her eyes and showed him her schedule.

"I can't wait for Potions!" she jumped up and down.

"Mhm..." Remus mumbled, feeling very embarrassed.

"Ugh, fine I'll leave you alone," she said before snatching the piece of paper from his hands and getting up to sit with her friends.

She had some breakfast and they then went to their first class, which was Charms.

"Merlin did you see his face when his book exploded!" Amelia said, and they all laughed.

The four of them were making their way over to the dungeons for their Potions class with Professor Slughorn, who turned out to be a very nice professor.

Because she couldn't help herself, Eleanor had been looking through their Potions book during the summer, so she already knew lots of things.

"Now," Professor Slughorn began, "who here can tell me the ingredients in a Wiggenweld Potion?" he clapped his hands together.

Eleanor looked around and saw that everybody was looking down at their books, avoiding Slughorn's gaze. She hesitantly raised her hand and Slughorn smiled.

"Yes, miss...?"

"Lupin, sir, I believe the ingredients in this potion are Asphodel root, shredded Dittany, and Wiggentree bark..." she said, biting her lip.

"Splendid miss Lupin! Ten points to Gryffindor," he smiled.

"Good job El," Kathy whispered, who was sitting next to her.
Eleanor smiled.

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